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This wasn’t just a “[carjacking](https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/death_row/dr_info/johnsondexter.html)”…. “The subject and four co-defendants approached a vehicle parked at a dead end street which was occupied by an Asian male and female. The victims were forced into the back seat and taken to a secluded location where the female was sexually assaulted and both victims were fatally shot one time. The victims were robbed of $25 in cash and a credit card.”


Carjacking, rape, and murder


Actually several robberies and murders... With his so called friends. They were older teens when sentenced to death. Smh.


>they were older teens when sentenced to death And nothing of value was lost


Well, besides for $25


Ummm the people's lives were lost


You left out theft ($25)


Wait, he stole too??!!


> The victims were robbed of $25 in cash and a credit card.”


Kidnapping, possession of unregistered firearms


This whole incident sounds absolutely brutal. They forced the boyfriend to watch her get raped while they taunted him. Then they marched them into the woods and executed them both with a shotgun. The group’s crime spree included three other murders. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Night-of-rape-taunts-and-killings-described-in-1571485.php


Well then I’m glad he’s fucking dead


He isn’t dead, he is on death row. He got a stay of execution in 2019. https://www.texastribune.org/2019/08/14/dexter-johnson-texas-execution-stay/


Within 24 hours of the scheduled time. What a fucking shame. Really hope Texas does what it does best with this waste of life..


Ngl I think he probably got more punishment getting within 24 hours of the date, just to have it looming over his head all over again. Subjective as hell, obviously. But that sounds potentially miserable.


I prefer my killers alive and confined in a cell, spending every day waking up knowing they will never, ever, be free. edit: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna29552692 it's more cost effective to keep them alive then pay for all their appeals


I like the Japanese way of not telling them until the day of execution so everyday they get to think is this the day. Wish we did that over here; most of our psychos end up gaming the system so long they die of old age.




I vote for the giant hamster wheels to produce energy loll


yeah better than using monkeys or rabbits


They are not normal like you and me. They don't care. Someone that brutal and evil will enjoy free meals, hot showers, free medical and a warm place to sleep, all paid for. They get to breath the air, read books, take enjoyment from activities, write to loved ones and friends. While the victims don't ever get to do any of this. They don't deserve to live.


Why? It's a complete waste of money, his victims are dead and their families are paying this animal's rent through taxes. Meanwhile lots of transplant lists are just getting longer and longer, why not turn a problem into a solution?


This is a great idea. His life ruined and ended lives. Let his death save lives. Give all his internal organs for transplants.


Your killers also prefer this, that is precisely why the subject of this video has done everything in his power to delay his execution. There's no greater punishment than death.


That doesn’t pan out. They adapt and meanwhile they get to talk to their families, eat food, go outside, whatever else. The families don’t have to feel the same loss that the other family felt.


They still get to live, adapt, make some other guy their “girlfriend”, learn to make decent food, talk to family, play sports, work out, read books, watch tv/sports, tv shows, make friends, join a gang. Some prisons now even have gaming consoles. All on tax payer money. The victims just cease to exist. But hey, it keeps my job going.


Whoa whoa whoa....it's not like he had an abortion or something.


The whole story


Which was the tail end of a murder spree that killed 3 others. Last update he was got a stay of execution because he's saying he's intellectually disabled.


Catch 22 vibe “Catch-22 originated as the title of a 1961 novel by Joseph Heller. (Heller had originally planned to title his novel Catch-18, but the publication of Leon Uris's Mila 18 persuaded him to change the number.) The novel's catch-22 was as follows: a combat pilot was crazy by definition (he would have to be crazy to fly combat missions) and since army regulations stipulated that insanity was justification for grounding, a pilot could avoid flight duty by simply asking, but if he asked, he was demonstrating his sanity (anyone who wanted to get out of combat must be sane) and had to keep flying. Catch-22 soon entered the language as the label for any irrational, circular, and impossible situation.”


Great book. I need to read it again.


After reading that, not a single tear shed for the punishment given. As soon as I heard guilty of capital murder, I knew capital punishment was coming


Even not reading that, why shed a tear. He killed two which started as carjacking. Dont need to hear any more, but it does help to solidify that he isn’t useful to society


Its one of those things. I'm personally opposed to capital punishment, but no way in hell am I gonna waste a single breath defending pieces of shit like this.


It is one of the big drawbacks to doing awful things like this guy did, even the kindest hearts would have trouble finding much issue with this specific case.


It's healthy and normal to be able to differentiate your rational and emotional sides. Rationally I am against the death penalty. Emotionally I am not going to be shedding tears over someone like this being killed. The thing is, laws and such should usually be done with the rational side in mind


$25 turned to 25 to life quick


Now that’s putting things in context. Thanks Hope this trash rotting in prison right now


He was sentenced to death nearly 20 years ago so hopefully he’s just dead Edit: according to various sources in this thread, he is not dead because he claimed mental disability right before his execution? Not sure why you’re allowed to do it within days of said execution but lovely /s


He weaseled his way out of it.


Am I the only one that wants to see this despicable prick in agony and pain for the rest of his life in a shared jail cell? Death is too easy of an out. Make him burn…everyday…for the rest of his life.




>well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


*Well, well, well, if it* *Isn't the consequences* *Of my own actions* \- read\_eng\_lift --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


~~good~~ weird bot


It’s my favorite bot by far… So selflessly pointing out pretty poems.


I still remember when I got my haiku bot reply like it was yesterday. Absolutely the highlight of my Reddit experience.


Now if we could just get Ken Paxton and Greg Abbot to say these things


I am so hoping their time will come.


and Donald Trump


How hard is it to not murder someone


Even harder not to rape someone


It’s almost like when you show indifference to human life you could be met with the same treatment.


However, I always wondered. if you get the Death Penalty or Life without parole. What is in it for you to ever do good by anyone again! No rehab, so might as well become as HARD AF considering you will be in the prison as long as humanly possible anyways.


Who cares, you aren’t rejoining society


Society doesn't want you at that point. I think there should be a jury trial and then if found guilty they get access to everything and review it by 100s of people. They don't to hear about your life, your dreams or anything. Just thr info of the act, without bias. If they confirm sentence it meted out immediately in the quickest way possible.


>quickest And cheapest


Rope is cheap


Prison is a society too, and I don't see why they should have to deal with it either. Some guy slung some shrooms once and now has to deal with these people.


Death row inmates are housed separately and indivually for this exact reason


Also lifers usually don’t get crazy like some people think. They have to spend their life in there and want to make it as comfortable as possible for themselves. I met a couple in kids prison and only saw one go crazy and that’s because he was crazy, he beat a homeless guy to death with a hammer.


Sorry, mate, but you don't get a second chance if your victim doesn't get one either. In this instance, victims.


"What's in it for me?" is the kind of mentality that gets these people into these situations in the first place. You don't get to rejoin society, that part is done with. The punishment is that you get to lose your life, and I'm against the death penalty for the sole fact that death is too easy. Sitting. Waiting. Rotting.


If you rape and kill you can’t be rehabilitated


Who cares hope he had a painful and long death and suffering


The ultimate FAFO. "I didn't care about their life, but what about mine?" Too bad.


Just the sheer idiocy and lack of *any* self awareness when he gets angry for being sentenced to death for raping and murdering multiple people through multiple, separate events baffles me. Vile scum is the only words that come to mind. “I said I was sorry for raping, torturing and murdering multiple people! HOW DARE THEY?!”


My thoughts exactly. How you can do those horrible things to other people and then throw a big fat tantrum when something 10,000% less terrible happens to you as a result is just baffling.


Yup. And it’s weird, like after you do something like that, do you just go back to normal life? You don’t expect ANYTHING to come of the heinous crime you just committed? Killers turn real pussy in front of a judge




You’re advocating for something that would increase the number of innocent people out to death even further. You’re calling for innocent people to die whether you realize it or not. And you completely ignore the right to appeal which is the main thing that saves wrongfully convicted people. Why do you want to do away with this process…? In every one of these cases it was supposedly decided the defendant was guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt” and many times that turned out not to be true. So how do you decide when it, like, totally for real though, was really *really* the case for sure? And how do you justify stripping them of their right to appeal? This comment is madness.


Marcellus Williams, for instance. https://innocenceproject.org/who-is-marcellus-williams-man-facing-execution-in-missouri-despite-dna-evidence-supporting-innocence/


We used to do that but we have evolved.


Who is wailing? His mom?




Lol to the people freaking out about your vernacular. Meanwhile, I'm just here though dump on his shitty family. If any of the family of the victims were in the room they should have told her to shut the f*ck up and focus on the kids that she has if they exist


He is still alive [https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/death\_row/dr\_info/johnsondexter.html](https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/death_row/dr_info/johnsondexter.html)


Jesus it's been 17 years. If your gonna kill the man at least do it.


Oh no no no..people forget how torturous it is to be locked in a tiny cell watching the world pass by as you rot..everything they loved and all their dreams gone and everyday is just static and nothing changes except you get a bit older, and for the ones who only love themselves it’s good to since they don’t get any of the things they believe they deserve and get to watch their youth drain away..it’s the long game and it breaks everyone down slowly relentlessly grinding them away psychologically to the point death is a release.which is just as good and sometimes even better than physical suffering.


Agreed. If freedom is worth something then taking it away means something. And I’d argue that the better and healthier a society, the more of a threat taking it away will be. It’s when the loss of freedom means nothing that the problems lie within as much as on the offender.


This is why I'm against capital punishment.


...this and a bigger burden on the taxpayers. $60-70k a year iirc. Just kill them if they're sentenced to death.


It costs taxpayers more to put an inmate to death than to incarcerate them for life. This is due in part to the extensive appeals process that death row inmates go through.


Sounds like we need to make it cheaper to kill them then


According to news reports Johnson also raped Ms. Aparece before shooting her and Ngo. He was part of a 26-week crime spree along with several other upstanding citizens. He is claiming intellectual disability and his execution was halted in 2019 just 24 hours before the scheduled execution. It appears that he’s still filing appeals.


[dun dun]


26 weeks? that's six months, half a year.


Sorry just looked at The Texas Tribune article of Aug. 14 2019 and it was actually a 25-day crime spree. Should never rely on memory.


Oh Godammit!


The lady at 00:24 ducking under her desk. Scary day at work


The lady next to her motioned for her to do that


Had to rewatch it but yes, it’s obvious she told her to get down then was calling for security to guard the prosecutor before she just walked back and started guarding her by herself. Lady is a beast. All I noticed the first time was when she walked back and patted the prosecutor’s head and I couldn’t stop laughing


He doesn't have anyone to blame but himself


He can blame his mother for not aborting him.


Piece of shit got exactly what he deserved.


Still hasn't got it, his run through appeals courts continues, after 17 years.


The best part is the pure impotence. He has no power over the situation at all. He desperately wants to, but he has absolutely none.


love that for him


Lol sorry buddy can't murder your way out of this one. Just another day in the office for that judge.


Can dish out death easily but not man enough to accept the sentence when it comes to his


"I know I raped a woman and then murdered her and her boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I deserve to die!" - This dumb fuck (probably)


Black on Asian violent hate crimes is not discussed enough in this country.


[Recently a black San Francisco firefighter tried to beat his Asian co-worker to death with a wrench. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK8PSht4pL0) Not only does the black man still work there, the Asian man was persecuted and forced out because he refused to lie about the incident. The violent felon and would-be murderer is still walking around a free man.


I tend to agree. Even without actual crimes committed I've witnessed a ton of very casual black vs Asian hate. In work settings and in public places I've seen blatant racism towards Asians with this attitude like it's fine because they're black and they deserve to dish out some racism because they also receive racist remarks from others. I really don't get it, it's just so easy to NOT say shitty things to people.


its just an excuse, its all about power


Actually they tried to make everyone believe the t was white people remember stop asian hate? Turns out if it isnt white people its a-okay


In these scenarios that a defendant acts out, they should not be ushered out. They should be put back and held in place and made to hear every bit of their sentencing as well as any words the victims loved ones may have for him.


He didn't just carjack her. Iirc he and some other people RAPED her and then killed her and her bf. And I don't think they got much money out of it (iirc) They should have cut off his 🍆 before sending him to death row


For those wondering, the death penalty was rescinded 24 hours before he was set to executed after arguing he was intellectually disabled.


I remember this case. The girl he raped and murdered was related to a person I knew from the community (Filipino).


He’s believed to actually have murdered 4-5 people during that crime spree: https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/I-can-t-forgive-till-you-re-dead-May-execution-13447381.php


I hope that's not his mom screaming in anguish. Common theme. Raise shit kids, and then pretend they're the sweetest most innocent.


It is


Doesn’t he understand this behavior could get him jailed for contempt of court? /s


They’re all gangster till they’re not


Exactly!! Now they’ll be behind bars, thinking about how this gangsta shit isn’t worth it.






That fact that this piece of human shit still draws breath is a failure on our entire society


hearing the family all upset like “he’s a good boy” “oh my boyyy” Like wtf do you expect


Car-jacking is a light way of saying he raped and murdered a women then killed her boyfriend. But I don't understand what happens in the clip after the sentence is read?


Good riddance to bad garbage … rape and murder should always be dealt with like this


There's a quote by Jayz "Gangstas act hard when the 5th come out step before the Judge then the bitch come out ".


And in 2019 a federal appellate court halted the execution of Texas inmate Dexter Johnson less than 24 hours before he was set to die. In recent appeals, Johnson has argued that he is intellectually disabled and therefore ineligible for the death penalty under U.S. Supreme Court precedent. [Article from 2019](https://www.texastribune.org/2019/04/30/dexter-johnson-execution-delayed-harris-county-carjacking-rape-murder/)


Wouldn\`t him arguing that he\`s intellectually disabled prove that he is? ![gif](giphy|l0HlOqrRaehu4Iqly|downsized)




Death is too easy for these humans. Do you think the punishment should be along the same lines as the crime? Like he should be raped and skinned alive, given adrenaline just before he passes out? Would these sick humans think twice?


I heard a satisfying response to this kind of question regarding the death sentence. Someone who works on death row says he prefers this punishment for these people because it's far worse than Gen Pop. He will be utterly alone for years. No interactions, no one to ever talk to. Sure, there's danger in prison, but as humans, we need others to talk to. He will be miserable until the day he dies.


Or how the Japanese deal with the death penalty, where they don't give you an execution date and you find out the day of. Imagine the mental stress that would put you under every time someone comes to your cell.


Appreciate the insight


I guarantee you there'd be at lot less men raping women


Yeah but apparently he got a stay of execution.


oof i bet that sentencing hit like a bullet in the head


This man was already extremely dangerous and then he lost the last thing he had left to lose. I wouldn't be near someone when they get the death sentence in court.


Is he dead yet or still on the death row?


The woman hiding in front and then the other woman patting her on the head. 😂


I'm curious, is there a reason for her to hide? Because it seems like the woman patting her head is encouraging her to hide.


I would assume she is the main prosecutor, so basically the gov representative. So since she actually argued the case there is a good chance he'd go for her or another member may.


I looked it up because I had the same though. Looks like Kim Ogg, and she is the DA currently and was likely the main prosecutor. So yeah. She probably assumed she would be a likely target.


Don’t murder people 🤷‍♂️


seems like they gave the right sentence based on his reaction


All that tax payer money just to warehouse this animal and others alike for the sake of trying to appear “civilized”


Has he been executed yet?


"The court stayed his execution and sent the case back to the district court to look into newly raised claims of intellectual disability." https://www.texastribune.org/2019/08/14/dexter-johnson-texas-execution-stay/ Bullshit. Just bullshit.


Good. Bastard deserved it.


Flushing the turd.


Knowing our justice system he’s probably out on parole Edit: he’s actually still in custody. in his appeals he’s saying he’s intellectually disabled and can’t be executed.


lol he thought he was going to get probation.


lol he thought he was going to get probation.


Actions have consequences


Ron White explains the Texas capital punishment policy: https://youtu.be/KuqZCvxBbUU


Meh who cares if he dies he's a waste of fucking space and oxygen. Didn't show them any mercy so why the fuck should we show him any


Should have just shot him there in court. Wasting money and time


Fuck him. Simple as. Kidnapping Rape Murder and he wants what? A life sentence? 3 squares and a cot...nah he got the right sentence.


Seeing people who don’t value human life get what’s coming to them is a special type of joy


Just One bullet needed for this trash


This looks my kids after I take his tablet. I told him if he doesn’t behave I’m taking that tablet. Then I took that tablet. Fuck this guy. You can’t kill somebody and then be surprised about the outcome.


Awww poor lil man


Good riddance!


Where's the accomplices? Entire bloodline needs to be eliminated


Fuck him and his family!


I do stand on the side of the road where I'm not for the death penalty even if a life has been taken however I certainly do understand and see why others are for it.


My ultimate issue is that it’s impossible to say that an innocent person won’t be killed. It has happened before, there are currently people on death row who may be exonerated in the future. I’m all for punishment but not out of the outside chance that we murder people who don’t deserve it.


That's definitely a great reason to apply to this too with overturned convictions, thanks for bringing that in.


A guy upset about getting sentenced to death? That IS interesting!


Just a waste of carbon.




Is this fucker dead yet?




Our society needs capital punishment for situations like this.


Good riddance


Rest in piss!!!


I hope he suffers every second until the end


Certain types of people you can NEVER trust! hope he has a cell mate named BUBBA


Fuck these animals.




He got a stay of execution 5 years ago. He’s appealing based on his claims that he has an intellectual disability. That’s all I’ll say about that.




Just carry out the sentence right there. Let the victims relatives do it.


Why was 2007 filmed in 1961? Clearer footage of Oswald.


I don’t understand the preference for life in prison over death


So, it looks like he was 18 when he did this crime and he's still [alive](https://mycrimelibrary.com/dexter-johnson-texas-death-row/)? Also, it seems like he had pretty close calls for execution, but was halted due to his mental disability.


They look so smug these homeys as if being cool will somehow make it right. This person should not even have been born.


Go to jail forever now loser


Oh was he upset because he didn’t think that was fair? I mean really


He attacked his lawyer right?


Aww poor baby😭


Is this murderer dead yet? And it's other friends?


I hope his execution will come just as painful as his actions were. I applaud states that keep the death penalty on the table: such parasites deserve nothing but death. Although, if I could choose, I would have them work to death. It's a waste to keep such scum alive while my tax money is being used for their comfort.


What else would you expect for these crimes?


Sometimes I think the Russians have a point when they wheel the defendant into the courtroom in a cage.


How do you kill somebody and then think that you deserve clemency? 


Because some criminals never accept they did wrong. It’s always someone else’s fault.


They should drop him into the general prison population. It’ll sort itself out pretty quickly.


Oh boohoo. He deserves to go through what him and his predator, criminal, waste of life friends put both of those innocent people through. This is too light of a sentence