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She raped a child....this is insane


Nah, according to the media she just "had sex" with him. Would have to swap the genders to make it rape to them.


You’re dead on Media phraseology is frequently (and intentionally) misleading


It's the same media that literally made a movie glorifying a relationship between a 25 year old woman and a 15 year old boy a couple years ago.


News producers and movie producers are totally different. Those are different careers. "Media" is an incredibly broad term.


It's not the same media. One is a news outlet and the other is a fictional film. Different kind of media with a different format and a different purpose made by different people for different audiences. Couldn't be more dissimilar if they tried. I'm not defending or decrying the Paul Thomas Anderson film, but that's just a crazy comment to make.


Agree, and I personally don't think the movie glorified it.


Depends on the state they live in...in NY, anyone who has sex with a person under the age of 17 can be charged with Rape 2nd, due to the age of consent


Sometimes, they're quoting police. Changing those words to "rape" if there's not actually a rape charge can lead to lawsuits if the defendant is found not guilty. The only way for news producers to avoid being sued if false info does slip by is to quote official documentation. There are different implications of rape vs. Sexual assault, etc. I'm not saying the news is totally innocent. I'm saying you also need to look at how investigators and prosecutors word things when they give news producers info.


Are you asking me to appreciate nuance? How dare you!


Well she has been found guilty. So they can use the terminology without making themselves liable. They often use the word rape for male adults. Or older male teens.


I said this in a post for a similar situation and literally people did not understand. It was very sad


I’m so glad to see the world is changing and we’re starting to protect little boys too


Swap genders or even say “ a man raped a 13 year old boy”, you know gays are always pedophile in their eyes.


Pedophiles usually get off easy. I'm surprised they have her 53 months.






I know right? I was playing with Beanie Babies and action figures when I was 13. It's insane to me that so many women find boys at this age attractive, especially considering how few adult men get any attention from women.


She raped a child barely into puberty and filmed it. Then when caught used a firearm to try and at least intimidate his parents or at worst kill them. I really cannot fathom how she got less than 5 years.




Because she has a vagina.


And made child pornography. This sentence is absurdly light


One of the Dutch Olympians raped a 12 year old, served one year and is competing in the next Olympics. She got more time than he did.


Why the fuck would they want a rapist representing their country??


Good question.


TBF the Olympics aren't exactly the shining beacon of worldly unity they're propped up as, either. It's basically the world's biggest human trafficking convention.


Human trafficking is just the side effect. The real purpose is money laundering.


They don't. It's just whether they have the legal power to stop him or not.


And there's a woman who smoked weed that got kicked out of the Olympics


He was sentenced to 4 years in the UK but he ended up only serving 1 year after being transferred back to prison in NL. Mad stuff.


Raped a child, filmed CSAM, assaulted the mother, brandished a firearm, and threatened to murder the mother. All that for less than 5 years. This country doesn't give a fuck about minors.


Not when they're raped, assaulted, murdered in a classroom, abused in the home, hungry at school, hungry all summer .. Children are not a priority. 


Unless they’re unborn!


But keep having them!


Why did she get a plea deal at all? They had video evidence of her sleeping with a minor. They had text messages between her and the minor. They had proof she went to the house and threatened to kill the witness and herself, even firing a bullet in the process. What the fuck are they settling for? She was facing 28 years and could be released as early as 18 months. How sickening.


Possibly to keep from re-traumatizing the victim with the stress of the trail? Thats the only scenario I can see they'd give a deal for. The evidence seems too ironclad for them to be doubtful of their conviction odds


She wasn’t convicted of rape, so the publication can’t call it that.


And filmed it.


This is more than most men get


Exhibit A: Brock Turner






So woman rapes a child and gets 58 months?


I mean this is pretty common with a lot of sex offenders unfortunately. A lot of the time they will get super lenient sentences via plea deal because the parents/judge don't want the victim to go through the trauma of testifying. Once i decided to look into all the child sex offenders in my immediate area and fell into a rabbit hole looking into as many of them in my county as I could and the majority of them got like 6-18 months in county jail. It's appalling how common this is. I only saw a few that had gotten years in actual prison and these were repeat offenders that had continued to rape children several times after getting a slap on the wrist.


So I work investigating child sex abuse for a living on the CPS side now because I left law enforcement for personal reasons. In my state anyone under the age of 14 is not considered a viable candidate to testify, so we have 2 interviews condicted: 1st a minimal interview after initially getting the case, where we get enough to confirm yes, some type of abuse or crime occurred. Then we go for a forensic interview. There is a ton of research that goes into the way FITs go to ensure everything disclosed is in the child's own words/is not brought up/has no leading questions/proves there was no coaching. Thise forensic interviewers are used in lieu of testimony. They're audio and video recorded and submitted as evidence so the relevant parties (just attorneys and judges/juries - not randos) can view them. Anyone over the age of 14 everyone still does their damnedest to make sure the court still uses only the forensic interview. But it really comes down to attorneys and judges. Fortunately a lot of our judges used to be guardians ad litem for children (lawyers who represent a child's best interest) and avoid testimony. Just like with my other criminal cases, it comes down to the prosecution. Some of them don't want to charge anybody for anything ever. Some of them just want a plea deal to ease up the caseload and get a conviction. Some of them truly seek justice but not at the expense of traumatizing a child a 2nd (or 100th...) time by making them testify. A very rare few of them just want to get bad guys at the expense of the victims. In my experience most prosecutors are #3 (justice but don't mess the victim up even more) which is in my view my favorites. They're realists who recognize when we have shoddy evidence and don't bring charges, but when they do have enough will work tirelessly to lock monsters away. We do our investigations at the child's pace. If they're reluctant to talk, we close our cases and don't force it out of them. I usually explain the process to them so they have an idea of how it will bettered, and will be more able to recognize when they're ready. Plus There's no statute of limitation on child sex abuse in my state so we are perfectly content to wait (except when there is other clear evidence and an immediate/ongoing threat. Then we'll use that evidence and at least get the kid safe, and safety > guilty verdict)


>A very rare few of them just want to get bad guys at the expense of the victims. I'm not sure how one could argue that putting a rapist in prison for as long as possible isn't worth a testimony. Forgive me, as I may be simply ignorant, Is it further traumatizing to a quite severe extent?


Depending on the case, you would be pushing a child to relive physical torture and the mental turmoil that went along with it. Rapes of children that involve genital penetration can cause severe tearing and bleeding due to the extensive size difference of an adult and, what's most common, a 4-9 year old What I mean by physical is that children's minds are really fragile so what would mildly break an adult commonly (rape for this purpose), would absolutely fuck up a kids head, so they get put back there and it can cause them physical pain from remembering it This is what I know from my classes


I honestly feel dumb for not considering that the intensity of everything may be amplified by a child's mind. Taking that into consideration with the fact that adults can struggle to testify, I get it now. Thank you for the genuine response.


You're welcome, it's often a misstep in people's brains when they think of things like that and don't see why it would be wrong Iirc my teacher said it happens frequently nowadays due to the exposure of horrible things on a daily basis so our mind makes us numb to it An easy way to get your head into a non desensitized state is to ask yourself the question out loud and it often clicks quickly in the brain but if it doesn't work right away writing out the question has also done the trick for me


As a previous CPS case manager, I approve this message. Thanks for educating the masses 🫡


>is it further traumatizing to a quite severe extent? Basically, yes in many cases. It varies from person to person and also can depend on the level of abuse. Some kids are out for blood and are biting at the champ to testify but thats very rare. The biggest thing is that disclosing the abuse and discussing it makes them relive it. Studies of adults with PTSD show that talking about experiences can give the same psychological/medical reactions as if they are physically experiencing the trauma again. Do we really want to make a kid go through that again - against their will - when they would volunteer to do it, and me more prepared, in another 8 months? For the kid's sake I say let the shithead have sunlight for another 8 months if it makes the rest of the kids life easier. More issues I've seen with kids: Many have delayed disclosures (years and years) because of fear that nobody will believe them, threats from the perpetrator, blocked memories, or (very common) fear about breaking up their family. They don't want to tell Mom what her new boyfriend is doing because they know he pays the bills and makes Mom happy. When they finally tell then suddenly they blame themselves for Mom crying every day, for their little brother asking where Marco went because he misses him, for their family struggling financially, etc. All if that comes right back to the front and feels even more serious in court. Court is a scary place. Even Juvenile court is still court and has all those procedures and strict rules. Courthouses look and feel like very serious places. Then a kid going there and being stressed and then talking about the literal WORST experiences of their LIFE is just a recipe to mess that kid up even more. and a lot still have love for their perpetrators- they hate what their parent did to them but still love their parent and are worried about them going to jail. Coming to court makes it that much more real that they might never see mom/dad/grandparents/aunt/uncle/brother/sister/cousin/family friend/neighbor/etc again I appreciate the question because from an outside perspective you think its totally worth it. In truth, waiting months/years -- or going with pure physical evidence (rape kits with DNA evidence, pretext calls with admissions of guilt, camera footage, videos taken by perpetrators, confessions, witnesses, etc) -- is easier for the kids and end up with the same result. (What sucks is a lot of prosecutors won't go for charges without a victim disclosure)


I really appreciate the response, it helps with perspective a ton. You made many very good points I hadn't considered when asking my initial question. I think a big thing you mentioned that took away from my initial thought is that I've never had to go to court before. I've truly no concept of that stress outside of knowing that it is incredibly stressful. So I hadn't considered the setting at all. Thank you lots for the response.


The average sentence for statutory rape in the US is 43 months. More than 92% of those convicted are men. Whether or not women are arrested and convicted at the same rate as men, I don't know. But in this particular case, this is a longer sentence than usual.


But she didn’t get 57 months for statutory rape. She only got 24 months for statutory rape (much shorter than average). The rest of her sentence was for other crimes.




I sincerely hope we see that gap shrink, because it's abominable the way our culture treats male survivors of sexual assault.


Not just women. We have a serious problem in our legal system with turning ALL sex offenders back out onto the streets in 18-60 months max. It’s very scary.


In an emotional lapse of good judgement, she became physically intimate with him. The court understands this is a tragic, but recoverable incident. If it were a guy, it would be straight up rape and he’d be serving a long harsh sentence.


That's just not true at all unfortunately. There's a serious problem where sex offenders in general get off on insanely lenient sentences. The parents and court system usually want to avoid a trial because it would re-traumatize the kid. They will turn down plea offer after plea offer until they get a crazy lenient one. If you look up your local sex offenders and look up their sentences, you'll see the trend. It's disgusting and definitely has nothing to do with the sex of the offender. Just as an example, [here's](https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/SomsSUBDirectory/search_index.jsp?offenderSubmit=true&LastName=&County=4&Zip=&g-recaptcha-response=03AFcWeA7D4O6_yWUFes2Pbnle3f3HnUHSei3EnRyIEP4eTfgY3ORTFxhPL2nuZUEVfzO-PdaUYDBKbAaKf8QJlp-hfPtoVA6QU9e5FkeJ8q7ADWhtLTVmwZDKB5v189QkEMXxtAH9kER6brgDzAhwtMmLFuZNtvPrBNkFBZTRxuJCn4PU5p3bqB6bEreSaLSg3XrahvjMQrERPJACC6Gw8JUIO64lc9H_-nXOBR3yJLoVixxmrcbCWvxc99tUD7BgKcXsTGS3flBA6S-x4pRQGAEFr6z8kFaDRvpedt6ANps4UAvWI7SwNhmoM6Z_ZqnyB5k2h8SUGh8tAvaMzcmjrkN4vqX5Mm_Zv7shY_s-LdlyaDELploIs_dblIXON8KjBdCTdyLdRejO8yD2JFOqU5sbsEdriTni2RWOuYfWYORdtTAeYNglmlmZyJQ5k1dHEVhigrJ7C7s5g6zkwdWGzFYUBnj5MlzopXqrIcWgxlPC_53lM5FuU51J7bA5tpEDtLtezuscwCUHfrOeNOb4kOYzkgflnlzj5Uh77WKzIe9bi23ukZ_CF5_CocijmzpLbofm1xSzDKzT1vrDmeW3CCDcIszQLayoEX7FyU6bV0TCpxEiusF4omUEja2bb87tm_KA_wuVdZaPKBsgbZOe6sr8U4f4lJTfCa0R44FPOuHkvb1Rny80HPAlacdutlWPAicrqh6-owEa7JY5FmIVhu9FsDL45RSycz-fIJhpIx0WG8h_xjqMdBRcmRSVpKdStX3OuuK8D_JS&Submit=EN) an easy link to follow for the sex offenders in NYS- pick any county, if you click the names it'll give you all the details of their crimes and their sentences. Absolutely insane how so many of them **only** got probation.


To be fair, Brock Turner was literally caught mid rape and got a few months. It happens both ways. Says a lot about these judges more than anything else.


No he wouldn’t.


Look up the Dutch Olympian that raped a child and is still competing. He served a year. Men rarely get life in prison for rape.




The court of public opinion and the actual justice system do not share sentencing guidelines. Sex offenders often plea out or get lighter sentences for other reasons, despite the multitude of disgusting punishments for them busybodies on the internet love to jump at the chance to imagine/describe.


That's incorrect. The average sentence for statutory rape in the US is 43 months. More than 92% of those convicted are men.


Thanks for the stats… crazy how rape is 16 years on average and statutory rape is only 43 months. What would be the reasoning for that?


I mean that's 2 months shy of 5 years, that's not an insignificant amount of time.


All of these sex offenders get these puny sentences it’s disgusting


and this is a social worker for god's sake. She better have to join the registry. 


This world is so broken. Rape, murder, and serious financial / corporate crimes get far too little and theft and drugs get way too much. I’d rather see theft and drugs a lot less and have a community service program for those that people can opt into instead of serving time, and make serious crimes like rape 25 to life, and not 25 to life that’s actually like 6…


Or mental health care and health care. Not condoning what she did one bit but they always blame everything on mental health without having mental health or health care! System is broken. Has been and nothing has changed. We need to do better or at least try.


You must be a drug dealing kleptomaniac


Rape, it’s called rape.


It's also CP as well.


im starting to think there are more females pedophiles than society thinks


The title of this should be, "Local Pedophile and Child Pornographer Attempted to Murder her Underage Rape Victim's Mother".


Good thing she wasnt a black guy with some weed on him. Would have received a 10yr minimum 


You misspelled "shot in the back 20 times!"


Damn the prosecutor in that case gave out a limp plea deal


Imagine the sentence if the genders were reversed.


Imagine the public outrage. 


If there were public outrage about rape, our culture would be very different.


Good point. 


If the genders were reversed it would be like it has been for 95% of human history and still in fact is in many parts of the world.  I’m not saying it’s right. I’m saying human history has been fucked up in so many ways. 


You don't have to imagine. You can look it up. It would be 43 months instead of 57.


She was facing 28 years. You think a black male gets this plea deal with video evidence? Let’s be absolutely honest, he gets no less than half that sentence.


I’m trying to not generalize but why is it every time I hear about a woman sleeping with a young boy it’s never called rape or even assault just ‘sex’….


Legal rape requires penetration of the victim, so women don’t get called rapists in articles. They can call it assault though. No idea why they decided to call it sex. That’s disgusting, I believe it’s rape, but they are allowed to call it assault at minimum.


honestly have never heard that so I appreciate the information! It’s so strange how things are classified but That’s why I hate to make generalized statements bc some of these sites do make sure to call it what it is.


57 months? That's not justice!


The average is 43 months.


That's paltry. She Was In a position of authority, over a 13 year old, then went to his home armed. Thanks for telling me, I didn't know what the average was.


I don’t get why it’s only 57 months. Threatening to commit murder is like 2-3 years in my state alone. Then there’s the um, you know, RAPE? I feel like if this was a man, that sentence would be lookin a lot longer.


The average sentence for statutory rape in the US is 43 months, less than this rapist got. 95% of the convicted offenders are men. So no, if it were a man the sentence would be shorter.


“four counts of unlawful sexual misconduct with a minor, one count of inducing panic with a firearm specification and two counts of intimidation to a victim or witness after striking a deal with prosecutors.” She wasn’t just charged for statutory rape, and they didn’t even charge her for filming the boy, which is often a serious charge in itself. In Ohio it’s “Illegal use of a minor in nudity oriented material” or “Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor” which is like 2-8 years by itself. Also, that’s naive. There have been polls about the sentencing of women, especially in this context- teacher and student statutory rape and women do, on average, get lighter sentences than male teachers. As well as nonviolent crimes. Violent crimes are often the same sentencing, though. She’s also white, and there is evidence that white females receive some of the shortest prison sentencing when compared to other races. https://youtu.be/Xaot1qXB7kM?si=iY_Am60Y2dqDw5Tu There’s nuance there in the statistics, there’s factors that affect the sentencing, but they didn’t even charge her for everything. She got a slap on the wrist- to frame it differently is disingenuous.


Because she’s a woman. Man does this he’s called a pedophile. Woman does it she just made a mistake. Woman unfortunately have a lot going against them in society (it shouldn’t be that way) but in this case of pedophilia they do have an advantage


Lets all give a cheer for equality.


Seems a bit, underwhelming. Maybe she is a pretty white woman with a mental help problem. Rather than, you know, a sexual predator, pedophile committing assault with a deadly weapon. Good thing she is white, pretty woman with a mental Health problem.


Change the sex and guess the difference in sentence.


The fact that the kid’s mom is only suing the org she worked for and her for $25k is surprising. This kid is gonna be dealing with this for the rest of his life and $25k might get him several years of therapy.


So AFTER her initial arrest she went to the victims parents house with a gun and threatens to kill her and actually shot the gun. How is that only 57 months?


Maybe I’m getting old but this doesn’t seem like “equality” to me. Flip the genders and suddenly the man is doing several life sentences (as it should be for such a heinous series of crimes)


For all these people who've decided to go out and do whatever the hell they want regardless of the consequences I hope they all enjoy the consequences. I hope everyone of you mother fuckers gets caught.




“Shires had been facing over 28 years in prison for her offenses, but instead received 24 months for the four counts of unlawful sexual misconduct with a minor, nine months for the two counts of intimidation to a victim or witness, and 12 months for inducing panic, according to the sentencing sheet. The judge added 12 months because Shires armed herself with a gun and even fired a bullet when she confronted the victim’s mother.”


The judge is insane. She raped a kid. 20 to life please.


she has a four year old child according to that link


Why is sentencing so lenient for these types of offenders? Is it because they go on the offender registry and they feel that’s adequate? I don’t get it I understand the plea deal situation and why it happens, but I don’t see why the plea becomes months instead of years.


Think you missed the word ‘pedophile’ in the title.


It should read. “Ohio social worker filmed herself raping a 13 year old boy and then threatening the boys mother with gun gets 57 months”


If that was a man that would be like 15 years


Female sentencing is wild.


bullshit two tiered justice system…..light sentence for raping a child plus additional evil….fuck that judge


Remember kids, if you're going to commit a major felony, or major felons, make sure you have a vagina


Sex offenders, which are usually men, tend to get obscenely short sentences for crimes like this unfortunately.


Change months to years then we'll be good


28 year to 24 months, who are these lawyers constantly getting these pricks off


At least she’s not a drag queen /s


A really big factor tends to be whether there is additional evidence corroborating the accusation. The general mentality is that it’s better to get offenders off the street for some amount of time and into the system than to potentially go to trial with just the child’s word and get no time at all. Plenty get long sentences - they aren’t out to be on the registry. Have to imagine a man accused of the same thing with digital evidence would get more than 57 months.


Pussy pass, happens all the time.


Is she rich also? This seems like a rich person punishment


nice to see that the people prosecuting don't care as they are not giving her the maximum sentence


Why the f do they keep letting these Rapists Plea bargain down, especially if they have such damaging evidence. Prosecutors are scumbags that only care about their records.


You're saying her three crimes don't just immediately three-strike her to life in prison without parole? What has this country come to?


You'd think raping a child and threatening to kill their family would ruin your life, but with good behavior she might be out in a few years with minimal impacts to her livelihood.


Nearly forgot, since she recorded it she should also be charged with creating and possessing child porn. I think both of which can have up to a hundred years in prison. Depending on the state of course.


Who filmed herself RAPING boy, 13* There, fixed the headline for you.


5 years for raping a child. WTF


When women do it they "have sex" instead of "raped"


Sex crimes need to be taken more seriously everywhere.


having sex? you mean raping?


She also created child porn.


This is a nothing burger.....because shes a woman. Had it been a man itd be a Whopper.


And some people say there's no female priviledge.


Every social worker I’ve ever met is a crazy person.


That sentence is WILD when compared to any man in the same position. She threatened his mother with a gun after filming (CP) herself committing statutory rape. To top it all off, her position as a social worker is a presumed position of trust.


Don’t ever tell me “female privilege” isn’t real, like cmon. These female predators are always getting off light


If it was a man it would have been 20 years


And it would be called what it is: rape.


Apparently when a girl does it, the punishment is so much less.


Rape. She raped a child.


Weird way to spell rape


So she was a social worker, raped one of her clients, filmed it, then threatened the mother and apparently even discharged a firearm?! I remember years ago a mother got 10 years in prison for firing a warning shot at her ex husband when he tried taking the kids by force. Meanwhile this lady gets a short visit to jail after all that?!


SHE FIRED THE GUN AT THE VICTIMS MOTHER!! The judge gave Patyton Shires, 25, credit for the 253 days served and said that with good behavior she could be eligible for release in just 18 months.” 👍 “Don’t worry, just 18 of the only 57 months I gave you would even have to be served, that’s like nothing!”


"having sex with"


Eligible for release in 18 months. What a fucking joke.


Funny how journalism works. The earliest stories have her at age 23, then 24, now it's 25, but the boy is always 13. And now suddenly she is 27 [Ex-Ohio youth counselor admits to sexual conduct with teen client (dispatch.com)](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/courts/2024/05/28/ex-ohio-youth-counselor-admits-to-sexual-conduct-with-teen-client-payton-shires-columbus-ohio/73188698007/)


If his age doesn’t make it rape the position she held does.  Why doesn’t the headline say RAPE because she is a RAPIST?!


Is it me or are we starting to see more and more female teachers getting doing this?


You're only hearing about it more now.


Roles reversed the man would be dead (rightly so), but apparently it’s cool when it’s a woman


She deserves prison for life.


I can fix her


And they say we live in a patriarchy.


Pedophile and dangerous offender gets slap on the wrist. Fixed that for you.


We have got to stop calling it "having sex" when it's a woman raping a child. It is so gross how much grace we give these women who exploit their power to prey on children who are, usually, already in a situation where they are turning to the woman for help, and she uses it to rape them. It's rape, it's pedophilia, and we need to start phrasing it as such. Doing any less is a disservice to all victims, even when their perpetrator is male. It opens up the door for doubt, excuses, and justification. It's bad enough this monster felt so emboldened after the fact that she went to his door and threatened his mother. What are we doing here?


Now if it was a Man...


So I see a lot of discussion about whether or not a man would have received a longer/harsher sentence, and that really depends on statistics in specific counties, etc. But one thing I can say. A man would have multiple commenters hoping that he gets penetrated against his will in prison, yet I never see similar wishes for a woman who commits child rape. No one ever talks about hoping she gets random objects inserted into her on a daily basis against her will. Not saying I’d like people to say such things. My stance is less rape is always better than more rape, regardless of whether or not it’s retaliatory for another crime.


4.83 years, for all the folks who suck at math as much as me. Googled that shit...


Wow, I just found out today that both her and Trump raped 13 year olds.


Ahh, it’s good to be a white woman 🤮


Sounds about white




57 months? How about "less than 5 years"


Kid hooked on crazy poon and doesn’t know why


The Supreme Court just ruled that agencies staffed with experts weren't competent to rule on things like the dangers of chemicals that their agencies are specifically set up to monitor and said that judges would be making those calls from now on. Just think about that in the context of judges like this fucking moron and how dangerous this much stupidity in a case involving pollution effecting millions of people will be. Thats our new official regulatory framework and its going to kill people.


Because no one has yet I will go ahead and say that I can fix her 👍🏼


Pedo gets slap on wrist. God bless America.


I have yet to see a news story about a fat, ugly, old female child rapist, and I wonder why that is?


But steal money from the government and get decades


"Having sex". They keep saying it that way, especially when it's a boy. It is not sex, it's rape. Very, very different.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So this is death penalty in Florida ?


Genuinely curious why is it always attractive women raping these kids?


Every time I see an article like this which is fairly often surprisingly. The woman are always really attractive. It makes me wonder how many ugly women want to do this but just can't.


Reverse genders and see the disparity.


Wow, that’s the kind of light sentence you can get for trying to violently storm a government building to overthrow an election.


NOT ENOUGH TIME, FFS she raped and child, not to mention showing up to his house with a gun.


Radical feminism FTW.


Wow. Of course. White woman




Ok, but what the fuck is up with her name? Or did they just spell it wrong?


She isn't a pedophile. She didn't rape him. They had sex. WE ARE FUCKING DOOMED. ![gif](giphy|apyuTBuJcJS6QNzLf6|downsized)


57 months for that? Slap another ten years on there.


Got that “get out of jail free” card


Filmed herself *raping a child Fixed it for you.


A *plea deal?!* So she films herself raping an underaged child, then after her arrest goes to this child’s home and threatens to shoot the mother of her victim? And she gets a *plea deal?!*


Now reverse that and what sentence would the man get?


We can all agree she needs to do some serious time, not this slap on the wrist of a sentence.


57 months is extremely light no?


And I still can’t get a date on tinder. Damn


Of course. Cause she’s a woman. Double standard abound.


Wonder what would happen if the teacher was a male? Would he get the same sentence??






If a man did this? 57 years...


The secret to getting a light sentence is to be a woman or be a rich white male. Lmao