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It's gotten worse since the fatbikes and kids found each other. But honestly amsterdam is worse


Er moet eerst een kalf goed, flink verdrinken voordat men deze put gaat dempen. Dit geldt net zo goed voor het landelijk beleid.


The introduction of fatbikes (no lisence required) has made things worse. Most of them will do 45km/h whithout peddaling. Police has their hands full..


I saw a 5-6 yr old girl blast past me outside where I live (5 min from centrum) on a motorbike (small dirt bike, not electric). Wtf are these parents thinking. She wasnt even wearing a helmet. Almost got hit by a van, not even exagerating when I say that if I hadnt waved like crazy to the van he would’ve hit her because she came blasting through between buildings


Almost every day kids and teenagers on high speed with either 2 people or watching their phone…


Noticing lately a lot of young kids gather with fat bikes in the evening mostly everyday in muziekwijk. There are a couple of teenagers who also drive fast doing wheelie on moped too it's getting worse day by day


I have always wondered, these fat bikes kids riding these days don't seem to have the 25 km/h speed cap like regular e-bikes. Does this make them illegal or is there a loophole?


Above 25 km/h means the bike is illegal. (To be more precise, the electric support needs to stop at 25km/h, the bike is allowed to go faster by human assisted pedaling) Moving forward without pedaling means the bike is illegal.


Nahhh, Bij lange na niet zoveel als in Amsterdam of Gouda


it's antisocial but I'll take it over these people being in cars endangering the public even more


? These are children, they do not have a driving license


There's only so much damage one can do with a bike.


Falling at 35km/hr, or hitting someone will kill a person. Children shouldn’t be on fat bikes.


I swear lobotomised adults want to bitch about everything. It’s an issue but not something crazy. People seem to forget what they were like when they were kids. A few hooligans don’t define every other kid. And badly parented kids will somehow someway manage to be a nuisance to society, fat bikes or no fat bikes.


I don’t understand the problem. Almere has dedicated bike and low speed moped lanes. Also dedicated sidewalks for pedestrians and dogs. In a well planned city like ours, everyone has their place. I just don’t see any problem.


The problem are people (mostly kids) that drive like idiots, which you could blame on their parents and the educational system.


Kids have always been idiots