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Patrolling the Alamo almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter. -B.O.S Initiate


We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that. -B.O.S. Paladin


Lore: In OTL, Bethesda promised Obsidian Entertainment that if Fallout: New Vegas got at least an 85 score on Metacritic, they would be allowed to take over development of the franchise. In this timeline, this ends up happening, and Obsidian becomes the sole producer of the Fallout games. A few years after the release of New Vegas, Obsidian announced the release of Fallout 4, the next game in the trilogy, this time being set in the region of Texas from the eyes of "The Ranger" stuck in the middle of a war between Caesar's Legion and the Texas Brotherhood. Fallout 4 does phenomenal amongst the fans and Fallout community; most agree that it's the best in the series so far. After this, however, Obsidian takes a break from the Fallout franchise to focus on their other games instead, eventually circling back around to the series in 2024, announcing early in the year the planned release of another spin-off game similar to New Vegas centered around the NCR, titled "Fallout: For the Republic". At the end of the day, because of Obsidian's takeover in development, Fallout becomes a much more well-done series, with the games revered for its excellent story and effort, and its fandom well-known for its overall unity. Although the games take much longer to release now, the fans don't mind, as long as they're done well. If y'all want me to keep on going with this timeline, let me know; I'd be more than happy to. Edit: So, I made a bit of a mistake with my research here; turns out in OTL, Bethesda just promised Obsidian a better pay grade, not full control of the franchise, but for the sake of the scenario, I'm just going to pretend that they did in this timeline. Part 2 for the timeline is out now; find it [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1du6v29/what_if_obsidian_had_taken_over_development_of/)


> Games take longer to release now Not much of a change there


Exactly. Skyrim released in 2011, and we might not see ES6 till at the earliest 2027. That's a 16 year gap between main entries. Fallout 5 probably won't be here till probably 2030, unless they're pulling a Fallout 4 and not announcing it till it's months from release. But after Starfield, do I even WANT either of those games? I'm not looking forward to ES6 being on the same 27 year old engine and exploring 3-house "cities".


God this timeline would be much more toxic


100%. Just look at r/fnv or r/NewVegasMemes


Love this scenario but it isn’t true they promised the franchise, they promised a pay bonus


Do you have a source on Bethesda promising Obsidian that they would take control of the franchise if NV scored an 85? Iirc they only promised a bonus


Can you make one on what it obsidian made Skyrim?


A fully in depth Texan Brotherhood would honestly be the most interesting thing for me here.


Same, especially since I'm actually a Texan


The only thing that I can think of when related to Texas in Fallout is the Old World Blues mod.


Sameee, for Hoi4?




Hey don't forget fallout: brotherhood of steel, which is where owb got the content for texas from


I’m pretty sure no one wants to remember that accursed piece of media. Let’s move on


Game it's self is bad as a fallout game, but I'd say owb did it justice


You can just go to Lubbock or really anywhere in West Texas to get the apocalypse feel.


The irony here is that fans would still find ways to complain...


I am fallout Fan, and yep, I can confirm, we are soo divided community that no matter what, there will always be a loud group of people hating new game


Spitting facts right there, you could have a game that has everything every fan ever wanted in a fallout game and someone would still cry about it.


No one hates fallout more than the fallout fans


the legion wouldn't be in it


Legion aesthetic go hard af


the most original scenario


Ah, the blessed timeline




Who would've thought that obsidian taking over fallout would lead to Ukraine being a Russian puppet


Obviously Bethesda was the only thing keeping the Ukrainian government stable and alive. Todd Howard himself is the defender of kiew


Eyyy I love The Omega Initiative!


This timeline’s fallout 4 is so good that zelensky’s bodyguards are playing it instead of doing their jobs, which leads to the coup attempt (it fails because the plotters were also too busy playing fallout 4).


Bitching about the story, bitching about the story never changes.


Are they still using Bethesda software like the Creation Engine and GECK? I’m confused, Obsidian takes over development but do they still have access to Bethesda stuff or don’t? Because if not then I’m wondering if this version of 4 is different only in terms of writing and art style and stuff like the leveling system, or also the level design and world and stuff like if it’s first person or a isometric.


Obsidian develops their own engine, and Fallout 4 ends up having better graphics than FNV but not as realistic as OTL's Fallout 4, so somewhere in the middle.


Um....based??? this post was fact checked by real NCR patriots


Please don’t show me something that cannot be obtained. This is the best timeline


guess you won't like Part 2 then




also happy cake day!!


Might be good but it would require them to keep the same crew together for it and i don’t know if the old crew would keep the price low enough to hire them all


Pls Pls Pls Pls i want obsidian to make another Fallout game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Prestigious-Bat-2269: *Pls Pls Pls Pls i* *Want obsidian to make* *Another Fallout game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot




Its a Sokka Haiku bot


Outer Worlds is as close as you can get.


its not nearly as good as new vegas


Nope, it is not. They didn't have resources, that they got for NV. With good resources they can (or could have done - not sure who is left there now) do a great story telling and world building job.


Its not only that ,i didnt have a problem with the world building or the story overall ,it was just easy to beat the game and the dialouge was not very serious most of the time


That's what i mean, when talking about resources. When they had to develop everything from the scratch - good world building takes time, good story and good dialogues as well (I still remember Dog/God, and i don't think i remember any single NPC from Outer worlds... Maybe "Kelly"... don't remember her name, but that female mechanic was clearly based off Kelly from firefly). It didn't look that they really had the time nor desire to invest in it. Maybe also couldn't afford some of the story writers full time.


> what if obsidian had taken over development of the fallout franchise? World peace




and it only gets better from here; part 2 drops in a few hours


Would have killed the franchise


yo i love the subtle world-building in the background of this timeline, always great when i see people do that


literally good ending