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Button nose my ass lol


“is this a desirable nose shape??” no babe no its not


forehead looks like a big landing strip 🤣🤣


Is she getting jowls or is that from residual filler?


I’m pretty sure she just has muscle atrophy from too much Botox in her masseters.


Big question guys for real, if I have this appearing in my face am I doing something wrong 😬 I’m the same age as her and no surgery or anything


You’re doing nothing wrong! Faces change constantly and it can be a wide range of things from something as simple as water retention to excessive fatigue which is decreasing muscle strength and there’s nothing wrong with that. Alyssa’s face is purely migrated filler, if she didn’t have excessive filler there would be nothing wrong with her face either. Sorry I know it’s mentally weird when you see something criticised online and feel as though you have a similar physical attribute but I promise you would be doing nothing wrong 🩵


If it's not from filler, maybe it's just baby fat that has melted away causing the skin to fall a bit? I'm not sure, I'm just guessing. Or maybe the muscle under the skin needs to be tightened. You can try facial muscle exercises. 


She’s always had jowls (source: she has them in pics from her in middle/high school). Although, I do think filler has accentuated them.


“you have to be this tall to ride” ahh lips because why they slope like a rollercoaster


Eyes lopsided lol


Why her lips so uneven?