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the way she was her own biggest downfall. i doubt ppl would have jumped on this snark train so heavy if she didn’t so obviously feed into all the shade


That's exactly it. She makes it all so much worse. Most would have forgotten her. But now we are rooting for the whole situation to burn down.


I found out about the snark page because of her complaining about it lol


Welcome to the dark side baby😏


Alyssa is in fact one of the most bothered influencers I’ve ever seen. At least once a day (big emphasis on the AT LEAST) she is spending her valuable minutes on earth rambling into her phone defending herself. That’s the definition of bothered. She’s mentally handicapped; not even just ill. There’s truly no way she’s not. A sound processing brain would never do or say, let alone post, the content she does. That’s why she has a following. People love watching a fire burn


This makes alot of sense 👏🏽I agree.


https://preview.redd.it/p0hvo1xcb6vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16021e386dff4366c76f95410a768867960aef17 when i saw this i could not believe the audacity of her like wdym 😭 if anything she'd be the one trying to sabotage her friends like zoe has said NOTHING about her since they fell out yet this one has beeeen posting indirects like maybe grow up and stop or say it with your chest idk


she needs to be in yellow grippy socks


I agree with everything you mentioned that's why I will forever say she's a disgusting person


Wouldn’t be here if Alyssa had just posted about Zoe’s first ever gig 🫡🫡


Jealousy makes your nose fat and bulbous!!




Do you guys remember the other day when Zoe was napping on the couch and Bowie started barking at this person coming to the door? Zoe said they knocked but wouldn't use the ring camera to talk. She said they were wearing a baseball hat and had a clipboard. Imagine if that was Alyssa 😂 trying to get into her house so she could "wear Zoe's skin." Lol. I can't stop laughing. I literally laugh out randomly at work thinking about this scenario and comment.  On another note, do you guys think pissys hair is always greasy because she waits for Brian to come wash it for her? The fact that pervert daddy Brian had to be the one to detangle and wash her hair after her botched eye surgery is just crazy! And he also puts her shoes on for her too! How many times did she show us him putting her shoes on for her? Like that time when she "twisted" her ankle and she was laying there like a 2 year old baby whimpering as he comforted her and helped put her shoes on. 


He put *her shoes on for her and washed her hair?!?!* Welp, it's been a good run world. Time to walk into the ocean and rejoin my fishy brethren.


Brian is equally as sad. The old washed fish lipped 60 year old that can’t wait to take pictures of her ass or wash her hair. Yikes!! I just keep thinking of what Levi said. Brian got her over to NJ away from her family and friends. That the first thing a predator does. Isolating. Just saying


🤣🤣yeah definitely remember those times smh


he’s also just straight up put on her shoes when she wasn’t fake injured:)) she has posted him putting her heels on for her while she laughs at him! the only funny part was that brian was scared to touch pissy’s stinky stompers since they were barefoot