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when her grandpa passed she was posting the day of the funeral and took no breaks. she’s always been tone deaf and self centered in these situations. if it’s true, i hope that family is holding up well and i hope they see right through alyssa now


Maybe the foster mom was just dishing it back to Alyssa since Alyssa said everyone is dead to her. The brother might not be actually dead, just dead to Alyssa.




And yet, and **YET**, she manages to make his death all about her. "My reaction", "funeral without me". Without mentioning she wrote off everyone in Portland. Her sadness, her reaction. No "my little brother was x" or "guys, in going to be less active for a bit, my little brother, who meant y to me. Has passed." Everything has to be focused on her. Death is a prop.


And then IMMEDIATELY was still posting regularly on snap unaffected.


She's a fucking sociopath.


i’m sick to my stomach


Dude that's crazy if she is lying about this to gain views and sympathy...you don't joke about death....whew!!!


Let’s please confirm the validity of these claims , this is a sociopathic compulsive liar who we are talking about. The only person being disrespectful about her brothers alleged passing is her.


Nothing on Instagram unless I missed it soooo hmm🤔


Pretty sure she’s using it for tiktok views on her second account. It’s the only video to reach over 11k


Is this even true? It seems like such a long shot to me. How do you not know that someone’s died? Especially a family member? From my own experience it’s usually plastered on socials and people reach out to you. Edit/ she’s a liar for sure


I don't see the post. She must have taken it down. My guess is it's.obviously not true and the foster mom said that because of how bad Alyssa has been bashing her foster family saying they made her get the implants and everyone was dead to her. What does Alyssa expect if she texts her to ask about the brother when she has pretty much cut them out of her life completely.


She replied to a comment and said that it was a foster family she was with from age 12-14, not the foster family she always talks about


Of course, another lie since she originally claimed that the last foster family, she had was from age 12 until after college. 🤥🤥🤥😣


She never was with a different foster family. Her sister and ex bf confirmed that was a lie.


It’s not on her main


i think maybe snarking when someone has literally died isn’t very cool and probably shouldn’t be allowed. idk like have an ounce of natural human empathy. we have no idea if it’s the same brother because i’m pretty sure she has multiple siblings and even if it was, then arguing doesn’t mean that she wanted him to die. edit: yall lose your minds any time someone even remotely disagrees with you. you hate alyssa for being the way that she is but some of you are displaying the same traits that she does right now. take a look inside yourself too.


Why are you always in here trying to play devils advocate. Maybe don’t be in a snark group if you aren’t interested in seeing snark. making a TikTok when someone died and immediately making about yourself shouldn’t be allowed. Idk like have an ounce of natural human empathy.


i’m not playing devils advocate. i’m disagreeing. this isn’t a hive mind and disagreeing is actually allowed, even in a snark page. there is a difference between snarking and belittling someone’s death to snark worthy content. i hate alyssa for how she treats her animals, i hate yall for having no empathy. 2 things can exist.


Literally every single comment you’ve made in this subreddit is disagreeing and arguing and essentially defending her. And my comment was not belittling anyone’s death but criticism to how she reacted narcissistically to this so called death.


no every single comment isn’t. i disagree when i want to, cry about it. your comment absolutely is belittling someone’s death. you are turning their death and someone’s reaction to it into snark content. once again two things can coexist. alyssa can be fake as fuck and selfish, you can also be devoid of normal empathy from spending so much of your time in here. at the end of the day, i’m allowed to disagree and think bringing a death and someone’s reaction to it is too far even for a snark page. that’s really all there is to it.


Um did I make the post about his death? I didn’t think so. I just said her response to the supposed death is narcissistic and guess what?? It was. She posted it on social media for nothing but views and monetary value. People pointing that out does not make them void of empathy, in fact I’d say we have a lot of empathy. we share the same feelings her foster parents probably feel that she’s a whack job. who the hell would post something like that.


No one has belittled the death. Maybe if Alyssa didn’t BELITTLE her family, she’d be involved.


Where is her human empathy? Her brother died and she’s making it all abt her 🤣


2 people can have no empathy. she can, just like yall can at the same time. you’re no better.




you literally cannot stand someone disagreeing with your opinion. grow up fr.


She does have multiple siblings. She only had one foster family confirmed by her sister and ex boyfriend. She posts it on her tiktok that has no followers and hardly any views and now it’s blown up. Not to mention she literally hasn’t posted about it anywhere else. She’s the type of person to talk about it immediately, just like she did when her grandfather passed. You must not have any idea how much of a liar she is.


no i know how much she lies and i still don’t think it’s fair to immediately jump to calling someone a liar over something this serious. ultimately we don’t know if she’s lying or not, i still think it’s weird to take someone’s potential death here.


Why has it not been spoken about anywhere else then?


girl idk i didn’t say she ISNT lying. i just said it’s weird to speculate when someone could literally be dead. i’m so over defending a harmless opinion to yall because you cannot deal with people disagreeing.


What was I speculating though? All I said is why would they tell her.


Hi Alyssa or Mia or Brian


no i just disagree. it’s allowed.


I agree with you, just because Alyssa isn’t having empathy and is making tik toks doesn’t give us the right to stoop to her level. Especially if he did pass away then that’s her way of dealing with grief. Grief comes in All shapes, sizes, moods, colors. As us being randoms and never met him or know him we should not speak ill about this because we have absolutely no factual evidence besides her TikTok. If you guys really wanna find out look for an obituary. Other than that let the those who passed rest in peace. Just because she’s choosing to deal with it badly doesn’t mean we do too.


No one isn’t letting him rest in peace though? No one is snarking on the fact that a human has passed. It’s not about being empathetic towards him. It’s about calling pissy out for being a piece of shit as per usual. Making the death of a family member all about herself. This sub isnt just about calling out her horrible photoshopping, it’s about discussing her character and what she just tastelessly done shows her true colors. We are not speaking ill about anything other than pissy being a selfish twat.


the death of her brother quite literally impacts her. i don’t like her at all but you are disgusting if the first place your mind goes after finding out someone died is to come online and pick apart her way of dealing with that. that is more than snarking, it’s insane.


Yes. We are the disgusting ones here. Not pissy who is legitimately making money by victimizing herself..I mean..grieving. It’s funny though, for someone who “doesn’t like her at all” you’re always up in here riding hard as fuck for her. Have an awesome day ✌️💗


“riding hard as fuck” ≠ disagreeing with some snark. i dislike her for how she treats her animals and the fact that she photoshops her photos so heavily for a young girl audience. i also have human empathy. crazy concept.


Is it everyday start an argument on the snark please just chill out and get off Reddit I don’t want to have to lock the comments this is a great discussion we are having g but not when y’all are at each others necks . <3


No I get that, I just don’t think we should comment on it. It’s death so it’s a sensitive topic. everyone has their own opinions though. I respect what everyone has to say here too. I just have a different view point and that’s okay.


You missed the point unfortunately


I’m glad I did, reflects character


also, not defending her because there’s a high percent chance she’s lying due to her being a compulsive liar. I would just hope not during a situation like this because it’s a potential life that was taken away. Just not appropriate for a snark page if we’re not sending our grievances. Whether it’s true or not, it reflects what type of people we are, and what type of person she is.