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Oh no! Anyways...


*insert Jeremy Clarkson GIF*


I've been watching Top Gear so I love seeing this!


And on that bombshell…


Fun fact, if you have a Samsung tv from this millennia it should have Samsung tv plus. They play the entire catalog of top gear continuously round the clock, then when you have an itch you can switch over to Amazon and watch The Grand Tour and the new long form content is really good. even if you don’t like cars or British people it’s pretty funny


I have a Samsung, but I have the Pluto app in it and they have a 24 hour channel dedicated to top gear


The Pluto app and Samsung TV app are pretty much identical. I have both.


People hate to see men show a backbone and self respect.


seems like pretty much everyone is happy for him here


Right lol. Literally no one is mad at the husband.


Why would they be mad at the husband?


Careful, you'll shatter his pretense of victimhood.


A brief stroll through your comment history says all I need to know about you. You're just here to stir the pot.


That's like 50% of posts here. Hell half the cheating posts are fake from what I can tell. Though my favorites might be the porno plots people post about.


I saw that porno.


I think it’s dumb as hell when people do this shit and encourage others to do this shit on Reddit without actually talking to a lawyer first. Not their buddy or a Google search, an actual lawyer. By this shit I don’t mean showing backbone, or even taking revenge. That’s all good. What I mean is deliberately impoverishing someone right before divorcing them. Even if he’s right and there’s no financial repercussions for him in the settlement; what about her lawyer? She’s now broke and that means he may end up covering some or all of her attorneys fees. She’s not pissed yet, but when she realizes reconciliation is off the table she will be. He now has nothing to hold over her to force a quick and favorable settlement. She can make this long and painful. Revenge is a dish best served cold, after the divorce is 100% complete. People please run anything you do by your lawyer *first,* Thank me later.


Finally a man on Reddit with some self respect! Congratulations 🍾🎉🎊🎈


*"My wife murdered my entire family and crucified my dog on the backyard fence. I told her this made me uncomfortable. Am I overreacting?"*


Yes, you are. Your mysogynistic views of a tradwife that you tried to force on her coupled with the constant gaslighting when she was only trying to find herself while having that affair showed what type of narcissist you really are. You drove her to this.


Gaslighting has to be one of the most overused pop psychology term.


No it's not. You're just crazy.


Well played....


We need awards back for moments like this


Bruh, I guffawed


Idk the origins of the word "guffawed," but the person who started it was a genius because it's exactly what I do any time I read the word.


Onomatopoeia works!


Cuz, I straight up chortled


There's no such thing as gaslighting. Whoever told you that is making shit up and you are a terrible person for spreading that misinformation. It's all your fault!!! >!gaslighting people into believing gaslighting doesn't exist is a stupid joke but I enjoy it anyway!<


When gaslighting is used daily by most humans its not shocking.


Gaslighting and narcissist are the two most common phrases I hear on social media some days.


You forgot "triggered". It's my favorite one because most people have no idea what it actually means


You’re right. Good catch.


I’m offended


Dammit! Now you've triggered my memory of my narcissist wife who loved to gaslight me.😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


It really sucks for people that have actually had to deal with it. You can't just say the thing, you have to go into graphic detail about the kind of shit you put up with. I don't speak from experience, but I've been in relationships with people dealing with the aftermath of various forms of abuse from exes.


It’s a common response




When I was a kid we used to call it "bluedarts".


r/twohottakes in a nutshell


Its a brand new account posting legally unbelievable rage bait to get incels and redpills frothing at the mouth. That's all. Why are you buying into some idiot's MRA revenge fantasy?


Because MRAs are not very smart.


Except its probably fake. He's acting like they aren't gonna split assets. Also weird about the alimony... She worked full time... Why is alimony a question 


NAL. In some states, alimony is figured from a disparity in income. It doesn't matter if both spouses are employed, only if one makes more than the other.


A guy I know got divorced here in Massachusetts. He makes quite a lot -- I would guess upward of 500K. His ex-wife Is a nurse who only works I think part time. He needs to pay 1/4 of the difference between their salaries. So, say she makes 100K. He then needs to pay her 1/4 of the difference- that's one fourth of 400K-- In other words $100,000 -- to her. He's a bit cheesed off about this.


For how long?


For Massachusetts: >5–10 years: Alimony cannot exceed 60% of the length of the marriage >10–15 years: Alimony cannot exceed 70% of the length of the marriage >15–20 years: Alimony cannot exceed 80% of the length of the marriage >20 or more years: The court can award alimony for as long as the judge thinks is fair. Usually there are stipulations that can be included that render alimony no longer needed to be paid, such as the ex getting married, or the ex getting a job that pays them enough that there's no longer a disparity between their wages without alimony. The length of time and the amount needed also varies from place to place, so what applies to Mass., won't necessarily apply to people in NC, for example, or in CA.


I’m a lawyer in MA and was a divorce attorney for a hot second (literally only two divorces), but this is accurate.


I should hope so, I got it off Google from a Mass. family law site.


They make it so easy. 😂


Wow, that's utter bullshit. I can totally understand splitting assets, but having to fork over cash perpetually just because one spouse makes more than the other is just dumb.


Alimony made sense way more in a nuclear family. Why should Dad get to divorce mom at 45 after the kids are gone and she's spent 20+ years caring for them without payment? She put aside her career prospects to take care of kids/household and she deserves some restitution.


I totally agree. There are definitely circumstances where it makes sense, but if both spouses are capable of earning after divorce, no one should be subsiding the other.


Like many women of my mother's generation, her career took a back seat to my dad's. She stayed home until we were in school. Then she started working part time. Over the years, she increased her hours to full time. However, the kinds of jobs that let you work part time are pretty limited. Higher earning careers don't offer part time work. Even though she worked, she was never going to earn as much as my dad. She had to have the job that would let her leave at a moment's notice if we got sick, that would let her be flexible to take us to appointments and meet with teachers. By the time we were in middle school and didn't need that kind of unpaid labor, she went full time. She was 43. She didn't have nearly the career I had at 43 because she had spent the last 15 years putting it second to everyone in the family. My parents made the choice together to put his career first and for her to be the primary carer. Why should that only cost her if they split?


Those guidelines are for mutually uncontested divorce. In cases of marital infidelity, or spousal abuse, Massachusetts judges have discretion.




This is why men and women need to come together and fight to update divorce laws. Alimony, child support, custody, etc.


When maybe 90% of the time it works in your favor, there’s less motivation to change status quo.


alimony doesn't last forever, and there are definitely cases where alimony makes sense.


Personally I feel like if the man or woman cheats the one who cheated should automatically no longer get anything out of the divorce it should forfeit anything they would gain for being unfaithful that’s just my opinion though I don’t think bottom feeders should be rewarded for being a pile of shit honestly I’m with the dude I’d be okay leaving my woman in the dirt begging for scraps if she cheated and I’d laugh the entire time


What if they cheated after their spouse cheated first, or after their spouse beat them to a pulp for 20 years? It’s impossible for statutes to arrive at complex moral judgments like this with any kind of consistency or fairness. The law has to be simple and straightforward in cases like this.


If she's good enough for another man to fuck her while he knows she's married then she's good enough to find another man to take care of her and freeload off of them. Agreed she should get nothing from the divorce


Jesus Christ! We need a list of those states under the following headline: DON’T BE AN IDIOT AND GET MARRIED IN THE FOLLIWING STATES


It doesn't matter where you get married, it matters where you get divorced.


I remember seeing the story where a wife insisted on moving to like Idaho or something from California. A couple of months (maybe a year? I can’t remember) later, she filed for divorce and the husband caught on to why she insisted on moving… because of alimony. They ended up moving the divorce proceedings back to California because of that.


I swear on my life I have seen these exact 2 comments on a post about 3 or do weeks aho🫣


Also doubt he would be able to get CEO fired. Most likely a false story. Don’t know what motivates people to do this. Does Reddit pay for content creators like TikTok?


Also, getting the CEO fired is just unlikely.


He's also posting this on a bunch of subs


It's a karma farm. Easy story to get upvotes. Makes sense 


I think a lot of guys assume that every woman gets alimony in a divorce until they hear otherwise from their lawyer. You only hear the divorce horror stories--the vast majority of divorces are negotiations rather than knock-down drag-out fights. It's likely, though, that she will still walk away with half of the marital assets, and I'm not sure if he's considering that part of things at all. Not having to pay alimony does not mean that she gets absolutely nothing. There are 17 states (plus DC) where the only type of divorce you can file is a no-fault divorce, meaning that filing for divorce under grounds of adultery isn't actually something he can do in those states, and adultery will not have any effect on asset distribution.. If he lives in a state that allows for a fault divorce, he would have to be able to provide clear and convincing evidence that the affair happened in the first place. And even in the states that allow for fault, the distribution of assets generally won't allow for giving the cheating spouse nothing at all like he's hoping for. Frequently a change in asset distribution happens when the aggrieved party can prove (again, by clear and convincing evidence) that marital assets were used in furtherance of the affair. The fact that he is the one who chose to get her fired might even hurt him in this case, because he is the one who put her in a worse financial position by reporting it to her workplace.


Not a lawyer, so there may be stuff I don't know. But I'll share knowledge from research and personal experience. Also not defending the wife in this situation, merely providing what I know. Alimony is a question probably because it isn't based off the employment status of either spouse during the marriage. The courts look at the financial status of the spouse claiming alimony during the divorce proceedings, and go from there. Therefore, in this case, if the wife remains jobless during the divorce, and can provide enough evidence of financial hardship after the divorce is finalized, the courts could require the husband to pay her alimony. edit: typo


No, what you are saying isn't really true. The court can and will apply imputed income. She SHOULD have a job, and DID have a job, and has the skills to have a job. She doesn't because she fucked the CEO, which is why this guy is divorcing her. She can go get another job, and if she doesn't, they will apply the income she was making to any alimony calculations.


The entire description of this guy as a CEO reads like a 5th grader typed it up.


It reads fake. It’s “woman bad” fanfiction. So many run-on sentences.


New account ✔️ Posting incel rage bait ✔️


Yup some bored 16 year old who think adult marriages work like this lmao. Also points for writing himself as the hero who leaves cheating dirtbags.


Save the applause. This is obviously fake. An attorney would have clearly told him that marital property and assets are evenly split in a divorce in nearly every state. She’s not walking away with nothing nor can she be forced out of the marital home into homelessness by his whim.


This must be satire. For someone to seriously think there is a dearth of spaces on reddit (or any social media) for a man to have "self-respect." This site alone has "lady bad amirite" fan fiction as its chief export.


Bullshit story... HR would care less if an outsider reported this to them


I think you mean couldn't care less but... "would care less" is correct because it's would be in the company's interest to protect itself from a law suit that alleges that a high ranking employee used company resources to have sex with a married subordinate.


Harsh results for the Affair Pardners ... deserved >I went to HR and reported her relationship with the CEO of the company. I showed proof of the affairs through text messages, receipts, and photos. I got them both fired. Thank god for morality clauses >My wife is mad because she lost her job and her BF lost his job too.


I’d say that’s a perfect use of an eye for an eye. They messed your life up. It’s only fair that they also face consequences


ceos don’t get fired. a board would need to vote them out. this story is faker than my sex life


Exactly. And if that company isn’t publicly traded there is a good chance the board may not even have that ability


Plenty of private companies do not have any board at all. A CEO is hired directly by the founders/owner to run day-to-day ops. The owners or founders can hire and fire their CEOs on a whim. Morality clauses are normal as well. I know it's crazy to think, but there are many companies that are smaller, privately held, and do not operate on the publicly traded leadership model. 


They absolutely can get fired. Most ceo contracts these days have morality clauses. The board might have to execute on the clause, but it would typically be a pretty automatic thing.


Dude John got fired from Papa John’s, it 100% can happen


Yeah, and that was a whole process. They did a whole investigation, they interviewed The Papa, they interviewed witnesses, put it through legal teams, then the Board voted him out. This wasn’t just some meeting with Rachel from HR after lunch, where the accuser shows some cell phone screen shots and Rachel says, “By god we must fire this man.” Come on guys.


Right but we’re reading this on Reddit after the fact. So of course it’s going to seem a lot snappier then it may have actually happened.  Also could be a case of them sitting the dude down and saying “we can go through these motions, or you can resign.” And the dude chose to resign. Who knows.


This is almost definitely a fake story but you also just made up an even faker part of an already fake story. Congratulations


My wife work at the company and she have sex with da boss of the company so I went to the company and told on her and then they fired her from the company. 


Plenty of owners call whoever they hire to run the company the “ceo” to make them feel better when in reality they’re more of a “general manager.” Plenty of people also say “ceo” when they really mean “random dude that appears to be in charge of things.” This doesn’t seem unlikely to me at all.


Maybe he used ceo but means something else. The president of our company just got let go…


CEOs get fired all the time 🤦🏻‍♀️




Yeah I don’t believe this one bit.


Do you guys really have nothing better to do but write cheater gets owned fantasy stories 


Yeah the CEO was fired no big deal - lol I know these fake ass stories. It’s like fantasy porn for them


Lmao right, as though HR has any control over firing their own boss.


Well they would recommend removal to the board


Sure, but CEO's typically don't just get *fired.* HR and the board are there to protect the company, and loudly and harshly firing a CEO is damaging. CEOs tend to "exit" the company in seemingly mutual ways (even if this isn't the case) because it minimizes backlash and disruption. Is it largely semantics for appearance? Yes, but in this case that matters a *lot.*


But this person would never know that lol


If the CEO was making money for the company, he could be a serial murderer and the company wouldn't fire him. Also--the severance packages for the ex wife would be substantial since she could accuse the CEO of harassment. Probably a year of compensation.


Dude he told the other CEO about it though. He was actually the ECEO. I think everyone is lucky he didn't take it to the PoECEO. They would've shuttered the whole business if the President of the Executive Chief Executive Officers got wind of this.


No you don’t get it. It was the “morality” clause. lol wtf is that shit? They aren’t an actor working Disney. I’ve done blow on the bathroom counter with a ceo. No one gives a fuck what they do as long as they make money


Right? And he never asks whether he’s overreacting. At best this is in the wrong sub.


Redditors have a ragebait boner for cheaters getting what's coming to them lol.


Half these stories are fake. When you write stories about relationships and social situations to the NEET community of reddit, they can't even relate or disprove these things


Nope, they don't. Easiest karma farm ever. Attracts all manner of bitter weirdos, incels and therapy-needing dudebros to that upvote button like moths to a flame.


Thank you!


CEO cream-pied my wife (sad trombone)


Things that never happened for $1000!


I love when cheaters get what they deserve, and you've given them just that!


Not the most creative writing I’ve seen. People sure do get off on this “cheater gets owned” fantasy.


Nice work!


This sub is so fucking stupid and cringe just fuck off with your karma farming bs.


The future is bitter for the person posting. Better to just move forward.


I don't understand revenge. I've divorced two husband's and they are dead to me now, as important as a stranger. Like, why waste a nano second on the asshole who did me dirty. Leave them to themselves and step far away & fast, get their stank off you.


I don’t know why most of these stories lately read like they’ve been written by AI….


Yep, and the lack of responses from OP too. My feeling is they’re farming karma for bot accounts.


Check their parallel phony post. They have a bunch of responses, [including this gem.](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/NOfavMkQUX)


Lmfao every post in here and in AITA is just fake posts about men making cheaters pay


TROLL ALERT: Wise man once said - It's a FAKE!


This whole subreddit is officially destroyed by bot stories


A little late to be asking if you overreacted; your wife is already fired. No...you didn't overreact. Sucks for her that she has to face the consequences of her actions.


So all of this happened and you thought "i'm going to make an account on reddit so I can post about this"? How many bullshit posts are made on a daily basis on this subreddit? I'll continue to eat up the downvotes by you morons that continue to believe in dumbass stories like this


lol if you’re going to write a fake story, at least do some homework on the topic. Aside from the fact that companies can’t just fire people on a whim over these things…no way do they fire the person in the subordinate role, ever. That opens the door for massive law suit(s) easily won in this example by your made up wife




This isn’t real and you’re dumb if you believe this . 🤦‍♂️


OP if this is real, you sure sound enraged. I get how betrayal sucks. Rage and resentment can be very unhealthy.


Trolls never understand alimony. They just like to throw that word around


I think its funny when people do these extravagant things that are very volatile and toxic and then ask if they are overreacting to try and get consensus they did the right thing. You sir are extremely toxic and i hope you never have another relationship. This sub is for people to try and gauge if they need to be more cool about things that upset them not to assuage your ego for being extremely juvenile about your serious relationship. You should be ashamed not asking if you are overreacting. I hope she puts your nuts in a vice and sues you for everything you have.


Sounds fake. Mostly because when does HR do anything. Especially when the CEO is involved. Nor does HR have the ability to fire a CEO I'm fairly confident. Pretry sure in most corporate structures the only personal CEO is held to the fire by is shareholders.


CEOs answer to boards, and boards vote to remove or hire CEOs. HR cannot fire a board member. HR can’t fire anyone, in fact. They only supply the tools and process to do so.


Yeah at any company I've ever worked at they'd be calling security. HR isn't going to invite you in to show them photo evidence of your wife's affair lmao




Have to be honest, folks: I would never report this personal matter to HR if I didn't also work there, and maybe not then. The penalty is losing me and the relationship. Isn't that enough?




What state is this in? 10 years? Wow.


In most places, this is a stupid move. Not the divorce, but getting your spouse fired. Chance of increased alimony, child support, more contentious property division, etc. Your spouse is less likely to cause you trouble if he/she is fat & happy when you bug out.


Now how will you pay bills?


So the reason this is taboo in the work environment is she could argue she was forced into it by someone of a higher power and that's a potential lawsuit (Think Ned Fulmer - Try Guys). She would be asked to resign, proabaly with a decent 'please dont sue us' package. but im pretty sure firing her would open them up to potential lawsuits and definitely not be the thing that happens.


And you felt the need to talk to complete strangers about your skank ass wife? I didn’t read not 1 question in your post


Just leave the bitch, don’t sabotage her life. That’s a little fucked


And everyone clapped and Obama came


This story sounds almost exactly like what happened with the Try Guys a year and a half ago 👀


No CEO is getting fired over an affair, you silly goose. Stop making shit up. You really think that HR went over the CEOs head to the board of directors and the board decided that an affair was enough to fire their highest paid employee? Holy moley, you people are just bad at creative writing. You have no idea how many layers of general council you'd have to go through and how many affidavits you'd have to sign in order for this to actually have happened. Stick to writing about stuff you know, and it's clear you've never been in the corporate world before, at least to any degree that you matter to anyone. Stop lying to people.


Honestly, she'll probably be happier. I can see why she would have been cheating on you.




If I was HR,I would’ve been like.Look at this sucka


So everything in this sub is brand new Ragebate karma farmers today?


Karma farming fake ass whooore


Is it just me, or are there a lot of “my spouse was cheating and…” posts showing up?


If you were going to leave her then just leave her , but to go and take revenge is just stooping to her level ......


This sounds… familiar..


He got the CEO fired…right…


Bro did your wife work at BP?


If this is real, I would assume half his retirement/taxable brokerage is up for grabs, and even with a prenup, I don’t think the capital gains accrued during the marriage are 100% safe. Imagine having to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for the crime of being cheated on.


You’re not overreacting because this is completely fake.


So fake. This sub is a joke.


Petty snitching .


Lol fake news. Youll be paying the alimony for years if shes not working. The only way to maybe get a lighter sentence is to pay her off.


Seems fair. I'd not take it any further, you've made your point, no sense in getting carried away and become liable for something.


I hope karma does a number on you son. What you've done is far worse than you think.


This isn’t real for sure. If it were your wife is in for a big payday it’s not against company policy for her- it’s against policy for that in the higher position. If she’s fired for it she can absolutely sue for wrongful termination.


Why are there so many fake revenge porn stories?! Who the fuck writes this all day?! Yinz are weirdos!


Can’t wait for the movie version of this.


This seems like very twisted logic. Cheating is abhorrent behavior, I agree with that, but does it really need to be all this? Bring on the trolls to crucify me for my opinion.


Yah they just fired the CEO, fake as fuck.


Who the FUCK is getting alimony for life??????????? Have any of these OPs ever known anyone who got divorced? At MOST spouses get 1/2 of the years they were married.


You know what's sad? The people upvoting this think it's real.


Getting her fired isn’t going to make you feel any better in the long run. Get over it and move on.


What a vindictive asshole. She fucked up, but fucking take the high road.


People lie on Reddit like they're getting commission for it


She made a big girl decision...now needs to pay big girl consequences


Fuck yes brother, this is justice. Fuck anyone that says you’re going too far, those people are just scared and weak. My ex wife hit me, now she lives with her parents, and I gave her the bare fucking minimum in a lump sum payout - total financial separation. She’s utterly destitute and I hope it teaches her to respect the people that allow her to continue to live comfortably (she never worked, I made ALL the money)


These subreddits are effectively dead to me because they are karma farms with the same stories from 1 day old accounts


My justice boner is out of control with this story.


She was caught, she has her tail between her legs. The ceo's 's wife is staying with him as he made the $$$ and its cheaper to keep her.


Depending on the state you live in you may be able to sue the Man for Alienation of affection.


Nice work. Woman cheat too.


Well played OP, actions have consequences and your exwife is realizing that now


Revenge is sweet and tasty.


Oh no, consequences!!!


Alimony should not exist


Oh no, the consequences of her actions! 😱 Good on you OP


Careful that posts like this have no way of making it into her divorce lawyers hands. Kick her to the curb!!


Very well played, my brother! You are an example to all red blooded men on this Earth. Best of luck in the future.


FA/FO champion


That's a fafo right there. Glad you ditched the coochie vamp


Play stupid games with your boss, win stupid prizes.


I love happy ending like this


You could've just left dude. 


Yes, you overreacted in terms of reporting it and all the talk about her being left with nothing. It sounds like you are hurt. Leaving her seems like the right thing to do. The rest of that sounds like vengeance and I always think that’s odd for someone you did or do love.


Good job! You get a thumbs up from me!


Nope … you did it 100% by the book … leave that dirtbag trash can eating raccoon by the road… she needs to learn that your not a fall back plan


Nice work man. Kick that skank to the curb. Give her some cardboard and a sharpie to make a sign


You do right bro . Congrats. You will find another wife