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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **WIBTA not wanting my friend to bring big girls home** Me and a friend of mine Ive known since middle school share an apartment. He likes his women a bit curvier, i didn’t mind at all, but theres a pattern of the furniture getting fucked up because of this. I have a computer chair that was a few hundreds, one of the girls broke it when she sat on it so now its wobbly and tilts to the side. The couch cushions are no longer fluffy, they are flat, and one of our kitchen stools got stuck the same problem where one of the legs broke and it’s lopsided. I tried to lay it on him easy when i asked him next time if he can just go to the girls’ homes instead, he got defensive and told me he paid rent too, I started pushing it more because we literally do not have money for new furniture and its to the point where im begging him to please stop bringing girls home, i dont want to bring up their size because its rude, but hes refusing and keeps on bringing girls over weekly. Idk if i should just tell him straight out that they are literally fucking up our furniture because of their size, i really feel fucked up about it but thats why our furniture is now lopsided and hes not getting the hint, i also can’t afford to move out because we live in california. WIBTA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


how fucking big are these girls that they're breaking furniture? "a bit curvier" wouldn't break furniture unless it's garbage. the only furniture i've ever managed to break was a decade-old children's bed from ikea, and i'm more than a bit curvier


Bro I’m currently 320 pounds morbidly obese and even I don’t break furniture is his roommate John McAfee??


I was going to say, my husband is over 300 lbs. and has a tendency to sit down HARD on things, and only once has he ever broken a chair. (It was like a 20-year-old lawn chair, those white plastic ones.)


Wait, is this yet another fascinating detail about John McAfee?


Looked it up cuz I was confused, here’s the Tweet: “Enough of the "Whale Fucking is non-consensual" bullshit. A Humpback Whale weighs 70,000 pounds, is fifty feet long, can dive more than a quarter mile and can crush ships with a single swipe of its tail. If a human manages to fuck one, you damn well better believe it's consensual”


He tweeted about fucking actual whales


I wonder if roommate and said women are having sex on this furniture. 🤣 J/k


This has to be it I’m very srs


It's the only way I can see it breaking, unless these women flop down like kids.


I’ve seen some BIG mfs, I’m talking 400lbs+, flop down on some wayfair and Amazon fast furniture and shit didn’t fold!!


That’s how I took it!


Makes no sense. I have a co-worker who is quite large, I obviously don’t know his weight but definitely well over 400lbs. Big enough that he’s considered disabled and has a placard on his car. And you know what? He sits in the same shitty old chairs as the rest of us and hasn’t broken one yet.


Someone asked where it was from and he said IKEA. I’m looking across my room at a dresser from IKEA that I have had since 2007 and the only way it’s messed up is some veneer strips have come off in a few moves. I know a lot of IKEA furniture can fall apart, but it’s not usually “perfectly fine and then a fat woman sat on it and it disintegrated”


Yeah I’m a big person and used an ikea loft bed for over 10 years with no issues.


I just moved house and the half of my furniture that wasn't inherited second hand from various old housemates or family members is all IKEA, it's decent quality if you can't afford better.


It's all that extra weight up around the boobs. It creates a top heavy situation that makes chairs break out of protest. Source: am a chair


Also the women men like OOP think are fat usually weight about as much as average sized men...


The furniture can hold 200 pounds when a Normal Man sits on it, but when it's a curvy feemale it explodes


That's to be expected, happens to me every time why would a chair be any different?




yeah, exactly. mine didn't fall apart until a decade of wear and outgrowing it. this whole post is so fake. and reminds me of a post i saw a long time ago that claimed that somebody's fat roommate walking around was literally cracking their floortiles...


My boyfriend and I bought ikea chairs for our table and we have had people over who are well in the 350 lb range and our chairs are fine. I literally do not understand. I am also a bigger girl and work from home a lot, my $100 office chair from target is surviving just fine...


I mean a piece we bought for my daughter basically disintegrated but it was fairly cheap and poorly put together.


Little known fact: sometimes, IKEA uses leftover meatballs to fill their cushions. That explains it!


I'm glad your furniture lasted. My teenager is the destroyer of things. My husband is also hard on furniture. Broken beds, couches, doors, couch cushions collapsed. They both have ADHD.


When IKEA furniture collapses easily, it's not gonna manage normal wear and tear away all Like that shit dies to gravity lol, no need for house guests you hate I've definitely seen people put together a bookshelf that couldn't really stand up and hold books. I've seen someone sit on a chair on a host completed chair and had it collapse. Maaaaaaaybe a "curvier woman" had the misfortune to be in sneezing distance of furniture with the durability of a toothpick, but that is not her fault To be clear - this isn't normal. In every scenario there was serious manufacturer issues (wood pieces being wrong sizes, etc), and one of them was a case of major user error (why ask me for my help if you refuse to listen???)


What if they were fu*king on the chair. Like he sat and then she did the thing. That could do it.


Not unless they did it straight for months and even then i wouldn't be so sure. I had this cheap 50euros desk (like computer) chair for years. I mean over 10yo . Broke after 18months of trying to lay it flat to watch netflix with my heels on the desk. It took 18 months of abuse for that cheaply made soring to break. I can't fathom how hard they had to f*ck and for how long, to break it. Even if she was morbidly obese, wich couldn't happen if she managed to "ride" him.


I would honestly say it is possible though. Because the thing is the furniture like everything now is made so cheaply. One little sit down at the wrong angle can mess it up.


At my highest, I was 425. My partner is 220. We never broke anything having sex.


I'm telling you I am barely 150 at 5'7 and couches and the mattress and chairs start to form beneath me. So I'm sorry to say with my experience from getting a Casper mattress and that happening. A titan chair and basic ikea furniture and Amazon items. And they all have at least an imprint. As much as if like to believe you. I don't.


Yeah that's why it's an obvious bait. I'm fat and never broke anything at all, except one time where I actually jumped on a bed (which was really dumb lmao)


I broke more furniture when I was young and overly skinny (110lbs) simply bc I didn't pay a lot of attention to its state of repair before plopping down. Now that I'm older and heavier (morbidly obese, if you're an incel, at 185lbs) I pay slightly more attention to where I'm sitting and haven't busted a chair in over a decade. This was obviously written by someone with an underdeveloped brain (young or dumb.. or both!)


Yeah, I've never weighed more than 160ish (and at 5'10", that's firmly in the "healthy weight" category), and I've broken several items of furniture over the years. It's usually been me not paying attention and plopping down into obviously broken or nearly broken items. I have a tendency to kind of fling myself down (which I've worked on over the years), which doesn't help. The exceptions were still the result of unmaintained furniture, too. Like I had a patio chair that appeared to be in good repair fall out from under me earlier this year, because the wooden seat platform was dry-rotted, lol. Who checks their furniture for dry rot? Not me, apparently. But of course, when I have broken furniture, everyone just laughs it off because I'm skinny. If a fat person does it, it's an indictment on their character.


I've always been bang-average weight, and I've broken four toilet seats in my lifetime, just by sitting on them. I've also broken a deck chair, a three-legged stool, and a little garden bench-thing (tbf, the last one wasn't nailed properly). I figure it isn't what you do; it's the way that you do it.


you're just a very violent sitter


My arse is indeed an enthusiastic respondent to gravity's call. I should have been born a weeble. But yeah, something tells me that OOP watched Shallow Hal and thought Gwyneth Paltrow breaking chairs in a fat suit was * j u s t h i l a r i o u s*


>My arse is indeed an enthusiastic respondent to gravity's call. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My ex-husband and I went through this era of constantly breaking toilet seats. Neither of us were any sort of remarkable weight. We went through 4 or 5 in about 18 months and it became a family joke. We never figured out what we were doing or why they kept breaking. It was super weird.


Oooh, I have the answer to this! Are you or your ex-husband fidgeters?




Ah ha! Avoid the hip wiggle when sitting, and I *guarantee* there will be no more broken seats, toilet or otherwise. Ta-daaa!


Haha! My ex is a leg-bouncer, too. I'm sure that didn't help. Thank you!


I can't decide if you're very lucky or unlucky. On the one hand, you keep breaking chairs. On the other hand, you're still with us and presumably not brain damaged from frequent tumbles off of busted furniture.


Yes but one butt cheek is flatter than the other! Now I walk funny!


I've never once broken furniture and that includes the garden chair at my sister's that I could barely fit my hips into because the arms are too close together for me, so like, if ever there were a chair I'd break, I'd expect it to be the one I was physically too big for. And like my chairs and pillows are all still fluffy or whatever his other complaint was Edit: actually I have broken one chair by sitting in it: the 30 year computer chair at my old work place which had the dodgy wheel before I got there, I did sit on that and the wheel was flung off, so yes maybe if the furniture was already damaged or faulty, but that ain't the girls fault


I’ll be honest. I used to have a Mini Cooper. And I once gave this girl a ride. She was morbidly obese. Could barely get the door shut. It was probably an hours worth of driving with her in the car and when I got back home, the tire on her side was low. The light was literally blinking on my dash that I needed to add air to the tire. After that experience, I’m less shocked about things like this.


Yup, that’s why truck tires go flat every time you take a load to the dump. Oh, wait, they don’t.


All the comments are like “how big are these girls? How cheap is your furniture” they’re this 🤏 close to figuring out it’s fake.


My theory is that they have figured it out but stop just short of calling it fake because that is a ban worthy offence.


Do they actually ban people for calling out fake posts ?


Yes, it happened to me and other people here said it happened to them as well. It doesn't seem to be automatic ban for the first time, though.


I think they figured it out, but would rather dunk on fat people.


Well, it got removed for being fake lmao


The commenter that’s like “where did you buy your furniture, Barbie’s playhouse?”


Is he…unaware that couches eventually flatten no matter how big you are? Because I don’t think he is.


Gravity only exists with bad fat people.


Apparently he is a she


Omg that changes the tone so much 😂


OOP mentioned she was 105. This changes my opinion a lot.


I think the list of things the OOP isn't aware of is very lengthy.


Shots fired!!!! This also reminds me of a *top-tier* zinger I read back when I was super into Harry Potter. I believe it was from Alastor Moody, one of the books' most underrated characters IMO. The zinger is below. >**I expect what you're not aware of would fill several books, Dursley.**


I can’t tell if this is anti fat people or a weird crushing fetish and tbh idk what’s worse


Omg it's definitely crushing fetish


I think it’s the latter.


Yeah, I definitely believe the latter (hence the flair). There’s a very weird movie from the early nineties called The Dark Backward where the main character (Judd Nelson) has a roommate (Bill Paxton) is very into extremely large women - I keep thinking of that. Nelson’s character grows a third arm out of his back in that movie, so only slightly less plausible than this story.


Thats a lot of words to say "fat chicks are bad, amirite??" Worse is all the commenters taking this at face value. Do they honestly imagine they are offering insightful solutions to legitimate life problems? Or is it just fun to jump on the bandwagon to hate these imaginary "girls" who have the audacity to be unappealing to their personal preferences?


I liked how many were calling the OP out.


Does this person not know you can fluff couch cushions? I mean, just watch Downton Abbey a few times, the maids have their couch fluffing skills on point and you can pick up pointers.


Omg they removed for not being truthful. It's truly a Christmas miracle! ![gif](giphy|XTDcb00oMRMhjrhrK6|downsized)


Lmao OOP was "formerly overweight" at 180 and now weighs 105. Definitely a fat person hater


So an 180 pound woman can break furniture but the average man (who is also around 180) does not? Is woman 180 more than man 180?


It’s the titties.


Ooooh, oddly specific. The girl who mocked her friend for falling at the park was scandalized that a 180lb obese woman had a hot boyfriend.


I was thinking it might be some pro-ana/ed or thin validation type of post. I've dealt with restrictive eating and dipped a bit into the pro-ana forums, and this sounds just like something one of them come up with to just talk about how skinny and small they were.


Fat person bad?? Fat person bad!!


one stool now wobbles and OP’s crying about not being able to afford new furniture? maybe I’m just white trash but isn’t that still a perfectly usable stool!? I wouldn’t toss it til a leg was missing LOL What a weirdo. my take is: if this is real at all, OOP is just jealous the roommate is banging girls that aren’t her 😂


This post is how I know AITA commenters are all brain dead. "Nta! Tell bro to pack up the slop trough and herd these hogs back to their apartment. You deserve to be comfortable in your own home, bro!!" These people genuinely think fat people sit down and immediately obliterate furniture. It's hard to think up funny shit to describe this level of stupidity because it's genuinely just disheartening to see these lobotomized thoughts written out.


Yup, us fat gals are constantly sitting on furniture and it immediately breaking, that’s when we’re not squeezing into our skinny sister/friends’ wedding dresses cos we’re too thick to understand clothes sizes. So glad we have AITA to keep us right.


Sm that always entertains me about the fat people bad posts is that they refuse to say the word "fat" ever 😭 I think they want to avoid being seen as mean by outright calling these people fat, but then they end up saying that sb "a bit curvier" is destroying the very fabric of reality


The one story where people won't run out of the room crying because big girls don't cry (sorry....).


More fat shaming and misogynistic rage bait from a basement dwelling incel who doesn’t have a roommate, much less any friends


Lol rage bait


Fat girls bad….


Is this person's furniture like from a doll house or something? I see aita is on a rampant fatphobic trend right now. Maybe next month we'll go back to autistic people


I heard this like Derek Zoolander - “Is this furniture for ants?!?!”


I was reminded of this story: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/vbet8q/all\_i\_wanted\_in\_life\_was\_a\_swing\_that\_fat\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/vbet8q/all_i_wanted_in_life_was_a_swing_that_fat_people/) The fictional OOP knows their SIL's exact weight and SIL sat in and broke a hammock swing. A hammock swing OOP got from their fictional sixteen year old son, because they only ever get soaps and Tupperware as gifts. lmfao.


Where is OOP's roommate finding an endless supply of large girls every week? ...asking for a friend.


Shallow Hal! I love when I can name the movie the AITA is based on!


Weekly? Same girls? So big they break furniture? Is this shallow hal


Good god these stories are getting faker and faker - what happened to the good old days where people put effort into their fake stories!


what is this new “poo mode” flair??


suddenly I’m hallucinating “Big Girls You Are Beautiful” song in the background


I can not be the only one who thinks the "we live in California" bit was tossed in there to push really hard on the "Fatness is woke. CA is woke. Everything woke is bad." bullshit. Don't get me wrong, California is expensive as hell to live in, but I feel like "we live in NY" or "we live in HI" wouldn't be enough for a troll to really top off a post like this.


My 6'1" 200lbs son has broken four sofas now. When he sits down on them, instead of bending his knees and lowering his body down, he kinda relaxes and flops onto them. About ten years ago a friend stopped over for a few weeks on my futon sofa bed. She must have been in the region of 230lbs or so. She flopped backwards onto the sofa and snapped one of the wooden slats in half. It seems to be the flopping that does the damage, rather than just the sitting, but that's just my personal experience and opinion.


Jesus how big were they? I have a friend who’s 350lbs and she’s never broken furniture.


Sounds like your furniture is just shit, love.


Okay so he’s either buying furniture made of tinfoil (and getting a horrible deal on it) or these girls aren’t “a bit curvy”, they’re 500lbs.


Honestly. I'd bill the bitches. Like you break you buy. How fat are they???


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Plot-twist: the friend is deliberately breaking all the furniture because that's his fetish.


This is so old.