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If someone buys you a car and insured it- I don’t care if it’s a yugo, gremlin or even a ford escort- you say “ thank you” and be grateful


This is actually kindof changing my mind. I'm now realizing a car is a car. As much as I'd rather not have an EV, at the end of the day I dont care anymore. Although I am the one who is going to insure it and have to pay to install a new charger in our garage.


Maybe consider a hybrid.


Please consider a hybrid. Charging stations are rare - I get the appeal of electric cars but the infrastructure is just not there yet. They are literally the worst investment you could currently make right now.


Most of them are a perfectly sound investment. And they don’t actually require software updates from the dealership either. “Electric car” is not actually shorthand for “Tesla”. Most of them are made by competent manufacturers and are actually really great.


If it helps any I have an older Prius hybrid. It survived a car crash at a highway interchange- someone rolled through a stop sign- going highway interchange speeds. It still runs. Will cost more than it's worth to put back together to how it was before, but still. I've seen older cars handle much less severe accidents much worse


This depends on where you live. Fast chargers are all over on the West Coast. You pay for the charge, just as you would for gas.


They’re not in enough places yet. I had to be towed several times in my Leaf. I sold it and bought a Prius. Traded in my old Prius on it.


Depends on where you live. In Los Angeles charging stations are rampant. Here in Chicago, a lot of large parking has preferential parking for evs (high rise apartments and city buildings), but you're probably skint elsewhere.


I'm in central Illinois and the closest one I can think of is 45 mins away at a Scheels


This really depends on the car. If it's a Tesla, the charging network is pretty good in the US. Also software updates are free.


If you live in the area, Duke power will reimburse for the charger if you have a licensed electrician install it. You’ll charge overnight now and then and the cost on your electric bill is very low compared to gas. Paying at charging stations on the road is close to gas prices, and you need to map out any road trip so you know where the charging stations are and how often you need to stop and charge so you don’t get stuck somewhere. It’s a learning curve at first but if you’re comfortable googling and running numbers in your head, then it’s pretty great, IMO. Charging usually takes us 20 minutes. There aren’t that many charging stations though, husband and I do road trips in our EV and have never run out of charge or come close, but it does take thought. You don’t want to show up to a station at 5pm Friday and think there won’t be people ahead of you.


I don't live in that area though.


Check with your service provider


If your dad has an EV, how is he currently charging his car? You shouldn't have to pay for installing the charger. That's bs. Others are correct that you can get reimbursed by the energy company, but your dad would have to do the paperwork as the homeowner.


You don't need to install a charger if you don't drive long distance. I didn't have a charge for 7 years and I was fine. You really need to do your homework. Visit some EV subreddits


I have done my homework. If I don't install the 2k charger I have to pay as much as gas prices(from what I've heard people say here) just to get a charge on it


You have to get new tires almost every year with an electric car. They’re way more expensive than regular tires, too. Also, if you move into an apartment later, you may not have access to a charger anymore. 


That's nonsense. You could have to buy new tires every year if you drive like an idiot but I have an EV, my brother has one, and several friends have them. None of us is going through tires the way you claim.


A normal gas car goes through tires every 65k-70k miles. An EV needs new tires every 20k-30k miles. It’s a huge difference, and the tires are way more expensive. If you’re avoiding routine safety maintenance that’s on you


Sorry, none of us is driving 20-30k miles a year.


Read my comment again.  > almost every year


Why do you need to replace tires sooner than with a gas car?


Because the car is extremely heavy and wears through the tires faster. 


Thanks for the info


You should care then. The charger’s going to be $2k and insurance on a Tesla is over $1k a year.


plz don't. get a cheap beater and give it hell! ruining your credit and potential financial stability before you even start your adult life, would be dumb. insurance and upkeep are outrageous on newer cars, gods forbid if it's an EV.


....what part of dad is buying OP a car did you not get?


Dad *isn't* paying for insurance, maintenance, or everything else that comes with a car.


if you don't pay insurance, because it's expensive, it can go against your credit. what part of my explanation did YOU not get?


Im sorry but i wouldnt be able to bring myself to say thank you for a ford 😂 maybe more along the lines of "why do you hate me???" Or "im broke enough without this" (im joking i swear.)


Who is paying for it? How much of this "not liking" is because you care about the opinions of others who don't like them? You don't like that you have to charge them? Do you think you will enjoy paying 5 times as much to gas up a non-electric? As far as "rolling back", that's not just an issue with electrics. From my perspective, you're not a "Bad Apple", but you're not a ripe one yet, either. When you're paying for it yourself, you will have a lot more control over what kind of car you drive. Until then, you just gotta suck it up or do without.


I'm not quite sure. Depending on the car and the scenario I'm helping to pay for it. But I'm also paying for all of the car insurance. And the gas. If I get an electric my dad is going to make me pay him some of the raised electrical bill on our house. My mom is probably also going to pitch in to help with the cost(my parents are divorced)


If you get a gas car, you'd just have to pay for gas instead of electricity. I don't see how it's that different. 


250 miles on an electric car is less than $20 at a charging station. I just put $60 in my gas tank for slightly more miles. The fuel savings in an electric car are substantial.


That's only fuel itself. It's 20% more for insurance rates. As well as for any towing needed if your battery dies. As well as paying to put in a charger to charge it. And I'd be paying half of the electric bill for my house. Plus the mantinence tends to cost more and needs to go to the dealer more to get software updates. I'm also in a colder climate so the battery runs out faster than normal rates during the winter.


I work for an insurance company. There's absolutely not that much of an up-tic in the premium.


That's what multiple sources are telling me. Even if it isn't 20% it's still raised. On top of the beginner driver raises.


Beginner driver is going to suck. There's no getting around it. My concern would be the "launch speed" of an EV. That most can go from zero to 60 in under 5-seconds and will keep going if the driver allows it would be the very reason I don't want a teenager behind that wheel. There's plenty of good and bad with all cars. Me, I'd put him in my first car...a 76 Plymouth Volre. On a good day it would go zero to 35 in 15-seconds. Sure, it looked like a muscle car, but it had no giddy-up in the inline.


Wouldn't you want somewhere in the middle where it doesn't slowdown traffic because it can't get up to speed fast enough but not 60 in 5 second kindof speed?


Of course. With the technology of electric cars, it would be outstanding if drivers could set the acceleration and the maximum speed the car can go. Those are both handled by software. Tesla does it on a limited scale with being able to choose ludecris mode or not.


Your insurance issue isn’t going to be an EV. It’s going to be the fact you are a teenage boy


I work in insurance claims and there is a significant increase in the cost for repairs. For example a Tesla has an aluminum body, not all shops are able to do aluminum body repair so most replace parts. They are typically on back order and take longer to come. For a simple quarter panel dent that would be repairable and done in a couple days for a standard vehicle, it could take weeks for a Tesla. So added rental if their first party coverage oldies that. It also requires them to drain the electrical to do any body work, plus extra pre-and post repair scans due to the electrical components that aren’t standard for cosmetic only work for a standard care. So then charge mechanical rates for that vs standard dent repair. Plus, many are newer so all OEM parts no deal aftermarket or reconditioned available. I can absolutely see 20% increase in premium.


I work in pricing. Yes, the property damage is worse. But the safety features mean the injury claims are less. Injury claims always cost more than pd. I think this is the only reason Tesla decided to venture into the insurance industry.


Not all electric cars are Teslas. Most of them are produced by the usual car companies.


Dude, what??? https://www.fleetnews.co.uk/news/insurance-industry-defends-high-premiums-for-electric-vehicles https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/news/361588/why-electric-car-insurance-so-expensive-ev-vs-ice-cost-analysis https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-24/uk-electric-car-insurance-costs-twice-as-much-as-gasoline-and-diesel-cover https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/consumer/electric-car-insurance-cost https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/electric-cars-insurance-premiums-howden-b2484605.html https://www.ft.com/content/0b4e4deb-10ec-4127-a563-f7791ad16527


Uhhh…are we talking about electric cars in general or one very specific brand here? Because nearly all of your issues are instantly non-existent if you buy an electric car from a brand that makes other cars too. There is only one brand that needs constant software updates. There is only one brand that needs wildly overpriced tires, there is only one brand with hiked insurance rates (because they keep exploding like Pintos) Also very confused why two electric cars means two chargers. None of them need nightly charging unless you’re driving a truly ridiculous amount. You and your dad should be able to take turns with just one charger. Unless he means a new charger at your mom’s house?


My dad has an 2021 Audi Etron


> There is only one brand that needs constant software updates. There is only one brand that needs wildly overpriced tires, there is only one brand with hiked insurance rates (because they keep exploding like Pintos) There's only one brand that people on the internet with no experience with that brand constantly spread BS about.


Food for thought - My spouse has a Tesla - the gas budget for my vehicle is way more than the increase in electricity, plus if you get a car that has a good charging network you don't have to put in a charger at home. We charge the Tesla at my parents by plugging into the 220 line in the garage when we go visit them. We did put a charger into our garage, but that's because it works for us, you can via 220V it just takes longer, but with Tesla's charging network they can go to a super charger and it's done fairly quickly. We are in the northeast US and the battery does run out faster during the cold, but it's not anything life altering. The Tesla gets software updates frequently - as long as it's connected to Wi-Fi - it's good to go - no dealership involved. If you don't want an electric car, ok, I get that (I have a Jeep, they have a Tesla), but be sure to do your own research before deciding.


My dad will never ever buy me a tesla(a. Too expensive b. He hates elon musk c. We had one in like 2019/2020 when they were first beginning to get popular. It was broken and tesla refused to fix it so we gave them back the car and now have an audi etron). The issue with tesla network is only tesla cars can use it. Tesla is over rated and because it is an electric only company the insurance rates are wayyy higher than my dad's audi is. Installing a 220v is so expensive as well.


This is pretty much all wrong and you are misinformed. Because Hertz is flooding the market with their fleet of used Tesla rentals, you can pick one up now for a song. How do I know? I just bought a 2021 M3 for $18k after the point of sale tax rebate, and it was not part of the Hertz fleet, so clean Carfax and in excellent condition. About a week after I bought it, I got the battery error (seems to mostly happen to the 2021 models, I think they had a bad batch of batteries). Tesla gave me a free loaner while they installed a brand new battery in my car and upgraded the suspension to compensate for the added weight, all covered under warranty. It’s now essentially a *brand new* car that I got for $18,000. As far as the charging network, you might want to look into that. Tesla just opened up their chargers to Ford and I think one other company, so the entire system is expanding. Companies are also starting to adapt to Tesla’s charging ports as the industry standard, so that going forward all cars will be able to charge on all networks, no adapter needed. But right now you can get an adapter for a Ford electric vehicle (they’re even offering them free right now, as long as you register, but next year the cost goes up to I think $250?) and charge at Tesla superchargers. As far as insurance, you’ll need to shop around. We actually pay LESS to insure the Tesla *and* our Mini Cooper than we did for *just* the Mini alone. You can get a rebate for the charger if it’s installed by a licensed electrician, so the cost there is pretty much negligible. Charging at home or using the supercharger is *significantly* cheaper than gassing up a car. It comes down to this: if your dad is trying to buy you a car, just happily accept his gift. You can always sell it in a few years if you really hate it. Not sure what your life is like, but most teenagers would be thrilled at the prospect of a free car, regardless of what it is. My first car was a freaking Yugo, and I was more than happy to have it because of the freedom it gave me. Suck it up and show a little grace and gratitude, because otherwise you’ll sound like a spoiled brat.


Ford and GM. Then 3 or 4 more signed on also.


Thank you! I couldn’t remember the second one, and didn’t feel like googling it lol. But I knew there was another besides Ford.


It doesn't have to be a Tesla - I was just sharing from my experience - I'm just saying make sure to look at all the factors. Another option is looking at hybrids. Our youngest will be 16 this year as well so I get you wanting a car that you really like. Our son is really into cars. When he gets his license, he will get to drive a 2011 white minivan - just like his older siblings. It has liability only so if any one of the kids crashes it, none of them will have a car anymore. That being said, my boy wants a nice car - so he's working on making a plan for the future. My point is, it's not the only car you will ever get, it's just the one for now. Happy birthday - enjoy your new car whatever it is.


If you're paying half the bill once you get the car, you're being ripped off 😅


And you’ve made this very sensible economic argument to your old man? If so, have you tried the “really appreciate it, but because of the economics I’ll just buy a petrol car myself”?


Insurance for my Ford MachE is $1,600 @ year, senior driver with clear record. But here in California, they are planning to add a charge for an electric car, to replace the gas tax we do not pay.


In Illinois I'm pretty sure the tax rate for electric is like 600 more or something for this exact reason


My daughter’s friend had an electric that needed a battery. $20,000. !!! No thank you Edit. It was a hybrid car.


He said in an other comment his dad’s just gonna make him split the electric bill, and pay to install a charger. No way is charging 1 car gonna double the bill. He should just get a gas car his dad sounds kind of crazy.


Op is arguing just for the sake of arguing. Typical teenager tantrum.


We have two electric cars and they inly increase our electric bill about $10-$12 per car per month. If we have to fast charge it costs about $17. Insurance can be bit higher depending on the car. But you also have to look at the fact that there is almost zero maintenance. No oil changes, transmission issues, or any of that. For the most part it's just tires and wiper blades.


Get a used Hybrid instead. Maybe he'll compromise.


And adding on to this insurance rates are 20% more expensive as well as how much money it costs of the battery dies on you while driving


Not buying a car because you're worried the battery is going to crap out is a ridiculous reason. It's about as likely as your ICE vehicle suddenly having a cracked engine block. It could happen, so maybe don't get a car at all, right? The 20% insurance thing seems far-fetched. My liability insurance didn't change, although the comprehensive went up compared to the 20-year old car I traded in.


Lol, did you do your homework? I have two electric cars and I saved so much on gas. I would have spent 300 dollars on gas, instead, I only spent about 40 dollars. Zero emission. Good for environment. Electricity is so much cheaper and cleaner than gas. Don't argue just for the sake of arguing. You don't pay for upgrading software and don't tell me you get free gas. You steal gas? Technology is here to stay either you like it or not. Why would insurance be different? None of the reasons are solid. Charger? You can use a regular outlet. You just charge slower. I use a regular outlet for my first EV. Just charge overnight and charge daily.


To be fair it’s going to be cheaper than you paying gas. You’d still be paying for gas.


Op is arguing just for the sake of arguing. Typical teenager tantrum. None of his arguments is sound unless he gets free gas or he steals gas, electric is the way to go. New technology is here to stay either op likes it or not. You don't have to pay for a charger at the beginning. Use a regular 110 volt and charge all night. It will work. Or take the car to a charging place. Again, you need to do your homework.


I have an EV and honestly it's awesome, but if you don't have a charger handy, they are a real pain. The chance that you'll move out (eventually) and find a place that has a charger is small.


Good point. Having your own charger is key IMO.


This too ^


Have you considered suggesting a hybrid? Wouldn't require the additional power source, and idk how pervasive charging stations are by you. Anyway, it *might* be a point of compromise, or at least a point of discussion. And if Dad has already decided, based on all the factors everyone has mentioned, that it's EV or nothing, then it's EV with a thank you dad 🧡


I'll try suggesting a hybrid. Thank you


I have a hybrid. It's great on gas. Not sure about repair costs yet.


I’ve had an excellent run of luck with Priuses reaching 300k+ miles without needing anything beyond the recommended maintenance.


I got the RAV4 hybrid 2 years ago and I love it! I fill my tank once a month and that’s $30 to fill up. And I agree on the maintenance. They’re so reliable. Mine is new so I pay nothing with the extended warranty. You can get a pretty inexpensive new Prius or basic model Rav.


Princesses are also built like tanks. Mine survived an accident at highway interchange speed and a highway interchange and still runs - some moron rolled through a stop sign.


My first Prius was a 2001 I bought in 2010. I traded it in for a 2017 Prius in 2022. We expect it to last us around 20 years.


Mine don’t last nearly that long because I have a 100+ mile daily commute. I still got about a decade and 300k+ miles out of my first one, and my 2nd is at 200k miles and still running like new.


My father-in-law is a retired mechanic in his 70s. He's a pretty old-school guy. He *loves* the reliability of his Prius.


Unless you have a trust fund or an extremely lucrative streaming career take the free car and be grateful.  


To have the ability to even complain about this must be nice. A car is a car mate. Accept it, drive it for a bit, when you get to the point you can afford your own... You sell it and get the car you want. The costs of EV over gas are beneficial. Running a cars petrol tank down to low isn't actually good for the cars. People who run all the time with low tanks tend to clog their engines up with trash, it messes with the fuel injectors and ends up costing you more in fuel. An EV these days gets great mileage. Even a hybrid gets some great mileage vs a traditional gas. Maybe consider a hybrid. Also that roll back your talking about... It's worse in the old crap boxes your thinking about, they are worse on gas mileage then newer gas cars and a lot of their parts are starting to become obsolete and not made anymore, your insurance will also actually be higher in an older car. They are money pits in ways you don't even realise.


"Old crap boxes" are not crap. An old car is an old car. My mom has a 2001 Honda Civic that I've been learning on and it does not roll back.


So do older cars... It's because of the clutch... Not the fact they are gas. Even automatics have a clutch, you just don't engage it via a pedal. I think it's funny you're trying to educate me on cars, even though I've been driving and working on cars longer than you've been alive, hell my last car was older then you by quite a few years lol


I'm not trying to educate you on cars. I was just countering the fact that yoy said that gas cars roll back on electric.


Again, it's NOT about being gas or not. It's quite literally the clutch. It's got zero to do with gas or electric. Automatics tend to do it more. If the car is rolling back your either not using the clutch right/quick enough to engage it or in an auto the ecu isn't catching it before it does.


Ok that makes sense. Although I have been in some automatics that don't roll back. Do you know how new automatic(gas) are when some of them don't roll back


Yeah some don't, the newer ones tend to be a bit better, when the car rolls back and you feel it stop, it's just because the ecu (brain) hasn't quite worked its shit out, the new hybrids I've noticed don't do it, it's why I said maybe look at them Another point to look at is the insurance, throw in some quotes on sites and see the difference in the cost for you, the newer safety features etc do count towards lowering your insurance, if you are male you tend to have a higher premium etc then a female would. I do get the argument about not wanting an EV because they can be a bit iffy when it comes to oh shit I forgot to charge it... But all round costs are going to be a lot lower and you'll not pay through the bloody nose for your insurance, especially as a new driver. I'm Aussie, my ex didn't really believe that female drivers get cheaper insurance until I got him to see how much it would be for me to have both out our V8s under my name and him as secondary lol. I paid the same for both cars as he did just for his own... So it might be worth asking your mum also, if she would help you insure your car for the first little while, you would be the named 2nd driver, will cop a slight cost rise being new, but won't have to pay as much as going it alone. And parts. You need to consider a bit newer even like your mum's car and newer, as parts are getting hard to find as well, they just don't make em and the ones at the pick apart have been... Picked.


I think most automatics don’t roll back. But tbh I drove a standard for over a decade as my first car, and the rolling back wasn’t that big a deal. If your dad is really open to buying you a car right now, maybe you hit Kelly blue book and Edmund’s and take a look at what used cars are available. Chart out some prices with gas mileage, insurance, repair costs, etc, and present it to him.


Idk if it's just his car at this point but it jerks really hard whenever I stop(ik every car does it a little bit) and if I don't come to a complete stop and the auto lock doesn't come on the car will almost fly backwards. I've almost hit so many cars behind me because of this. Some of them were a little too close to me but it still makes me very uncomfortable. And I'm not sure if this is the standard for electric cars or not. Thank you, i will look into it. I've just been looking on Craigslist lmao


Maybe I’ve missed it, but what model does your Dad have? My parents have the Ford C-Max (which isn’t made anymore) and I hate the way it handles! It jerks so much! It’s the worst. But that’s just that car. It sounds like you just need to test drive other models.


I mean if you’re good with the clutch you can drive it without it rolling back at all. That’s one of the first things I learned to do on a manual transmission.


NTBA. everyone has their own personal tastes and inclinations. IF you were letting your father pay for the car completely? yeah, you'd be leaning towards BA. if you're not asking him to pay for it? then it sounds like he's pushing his opinions. yeah, overall, statistically, EV's are somewhat cheaper in the long run. you don't seem to be disputing that, it's just taste. now, just be aware, if your dad says he's only willing to pay for an EV, that is his choice and you'll need to respect that just as your dad should be respecting your taste on vehicles


Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


NTBA at all you have a very practical mindset in regards to what vehicle you want and your dad just refuses to listen to your logic and reason because of his idealistic views and what he wants for you.


When getting your first car personal preferences like looks and sound should not matter. You need to look at upfront costs (sticker price) and long term costs, like fuel, insurance, maintenance. If you’re worried about sounds and appearance your not mature enough for a car.


If OP is going to be putting up any money for the purchase; all his concerns should be addressed. Including sound and look. They should however, as you point out, be considered after the top priorities; upfront cost, cost of fuel, insurance, maintenance, etc.


That's true. Honestly if he gets me an electric car whatever. It's a car. They're more expensive than the other cars I'd be glad to have and I don't like how it drive(I've been learning on my dad's electric and on my mom's gas car), it constantly feels like it's fighting me and they roll back. I'd also definitely forget to charge it and not have transportation which would suck(I can't help it, I have ADHD)


So as someone with ADHD, you need to find ways to force yourself not to forget stuff like this. You absolutely can help it, and your mentality really damages the neurodiverse community and makes it look like we all just use our disability as an excuse. You need different strategies, but you can't 'not help it'.


I do, it just gets exhausting constantly setting alarms about every single thing. I just really don't want to have to deal with remembering things that can be avoided.


oh buddy you are in for it as you grow up


Why don't you think your forget to put gas in an ICE car?


Gas has more leniency than electric. There's gas stations everywhere. There's not that many chargers, let alone fast chargers. Electric cars take time to charge. You can go and get your gas filled even on a low tank.


If he gets you an electric car. I'm assuming that he has a charger at home for his car, is he going to pay for an install a separate charger for your charge or is he going to expect that he charges his first and when his car is charged then you have to go out and switch the charger over to your car. Because you know he won't be doing it. And then your tied into making sure his car is done first because he's the major breadwinner and if he doesn't have a car they'll be a problem But if you don't have a car you'll have to figure out some other way to get to school.


Nope my dad is kind of a lil bit self centered. He'll tell me he's going out of his way to get me a car and then tell me it's my job to get my own charger installed and/or yell at me when I unplug his charger to charge mine.


As I was guessing, so all the more reason that you shouldn't be beholden to his request. Installing a charger is not cheap. And one of the other reasons that a lot of us are turning against the idea of EVs is that as you said if you run out of gas on the highway somebody can bring you a gallon of gas and you can go potentially 30 miles. You run out of electricity on the highway you'll have to be towed to a charger, or a more expensive option is a tow company operating a diesel generator on a flatbed to charge EVs that run out of juice. So in that case you're still using fossil fuels just to get your electric car moving except for in a much worse way than your house charger.


I'm a little upset at how many commenters are ragging on you. Sure you're young, but you've got valid points, and your opinion matters on a large purchase for your benefit. If your dad is set on electric (despite getting stuck himself once) push for the hybrid. It's the best of both worlds. If you forget to charge it, you've got gas. If you run out of gas, flip it to electric and drive to a gas station. Just don't run out of both. Try to be more involved in the decision, go to dealerships with him and take the test drives. Emphasize that this is your car he's buying, not his. You might also bring up statistics on how long a "first car" actually survives a 16yo new driver. Why do you think your insurance is so much? Tell him you should get a low cost first car, he can splash out on your second car in a few months. Then just be good and not crash your first car.


Totally unrelated but is it still a "gas" pedal if it uses no gas? Isnt it just a go pedal? Anyways cant blame you for not wanting electric. That ish is expensive. But to be fair my first car was a 97 dodge stratus i got for 750 on craigslist and named "soy" So honestly what would i know?


Are insurwmce prices different for electric cars?


Insuring an EV costs 20% more than gas cars according to the NAIC. This is on top of the raised rates because I have a new license


Yeah I did a bit of googling. I guess if you buy a car from a manufacturer that sells gas vehicles its not as much of an increase but the increase is still there. Honestly I would worry about my teen (about to start driving) being stuck somewhere if they forgot to charge. Gas stations are everywhere and in my area charging stations are not.


My dad almost got stuck in Wyoming because they haven't built charging stations


Your dad should be better at planning.


I actually pay less to insure my Tesla and Mini Cooper than I did just for the Mini alone. A lot less. You should look into that and get some actual quotes from real insurance companies.


NTA I don't blame you. Especially that you're younger and may not have the money or the time or the availability nearby to maintain and charge an electric car. Even with a hybrid a used hybrid is a risk because when those batteries go, they *really* take a shit and are way pricey to replace. Find yourself an economical , gasoline-powered small car. Bonus points if it's a stick shift (It seems the majority of new drivers these days can't operate a manual transmission).


If you live in a state that gets a lot of snow, mention that if you were stuck in an electric car on the side of the road for days, like we've seen happen in the last few years, that an electric car would not keep you safe. My ex bought a hybrid, which is kinda the best of both worlds. Yes it uses gas, but not nearly as much it's gas mileage is awesome.


>a car is a car But it's not, really, is it? Because you would take an electric.


YTBA. “A cAr iS a cAr” and yet you’re kicking off at your dad for buying you a electric car, which are reasonably pricey and better for the environment, you dont have to spend craploads on gas and YOU’RE GETTING A FREE CAR????


Not free tho. Apart from the car which he insists he'll but cheaper used because they're circulating now. He's making me split his electric bill on the house if he gets me a car, and pay to install a charger. And I'm paying for my own insurance.




No, you have every right to not want an electric car, you should probably start saving for it now.


No, but if you aren't paying for it, and you're using it you say thank you. If you receive it and don't use it, when asked why you relist the reasons you don't like electric vehicles, you've put a lot of thought into this, write an essay on it, run one off, it'll be useful later.


Don’t do electric some places don’t have many charging stations. Do a hybrid instead yes they use gas, but how long does it take you to charge your car if you’re going on a road trip? Also as one person pointed out if you move into an apartment you may not be able to charge your car there. Plus an electric car is not net zero it take a few years for that to happen, by then you need a new battery and it starts all over again.


If he’s buying the car, you take it. I was lucky enough that my Dad bought my first car for me from a friend of his. It was a standard. I didn’t know how to drive stick. I learned. I put off learning, but I learned, and that little car did me well for roughly a decade. Also, standards roll back when you take your foot off the gas. You learn your way around the quirks. As for not liking that you have to charge it…you have to gas up regular cars. I don’t really get the issue here. I mean, hey, if you’re so adamant about it that you want a cheap beater, I guess that’s fine. I don’t think you’d be the bad apple unless he buys it for you and you get pissy about it. But I think you’re being kinda short sighted. ETA: unless he’s trying to get you a Tesla. Do not get a Tesla. A moped is a better investment than a Tesla.


Yeah no. We had a tesla and it was trash. So no tesla


We have one and it does not roll back when you take your foot off the power it has an automatic type safety system in it. Just think of the positives if your parents pay the electricity bill then you never have to pay for gas and it is so much cheaper. My boys think it is great as they hardly have any costs servicing is every 2 years in an ID4 and really cheap once you get used to it they have great safety features and gadgets you really need to go an d test drive a couple weeks have a play around. I didn’t want one either but now I would never go back just make sure you have a home charger


I don't know where you live but where I am none of the electric cars would start when it got really cold unless you could afford a heated garage. My brother is a union mechanic of 40 years and is adamant that he would never want one, he has seen to many problems with them.


how much of the price are you paying? The amount of opinion you get is directly proportional to the amount of money you contribute.


NTBA. It sounds like you'd be happy to pay for your own car. I don't understand why your dad would want to push his preference on you. If it's from a purely environmental pov, I suggest you tell him to look at what lithium and cobalt mining and refining involve.


There's a lot going on here. I think there are some things you're misinformed about, some you're right about but are taking as much bigger problems than they need to be, and some that should be hashed out in further discussion with your dad. You've already gotten feedback about how electric cars aren't all like your dad's current car. Go test drive something and get a feel for it yourself (when you legally can). You can do a side by side comparison of cars that are sold as gas or hybrid (lots of options nowadays) to get a sense of that as well. Generally hybrids are way more responsive than gas only. Range and the inconvenience of charging are legit concerns, but the flip side isn't the complete absence of these concerns. Gas cars are still gonna have the same constraints painted a different color, at least for newer batteries (including in much older cars). Do a side by side comparison of exactly the same situations for both, like running out of gas vs battery, and figure out where the stress points are going to be, and what your contingency plan will be. If anything serious emerges here and you do a fair comparison, you're in a better position to tell your dad as much. Installing a charger is a one time cost you can bundle into the cost of the car for your purposes. Paying half the electricity bill seems weird. Ask about looking at the energy bill over the last 12 months and paying anything over that average or over last year's bill for the same month. Also check out plug in hybrids. Plug in hybrids (PHEVs) can be charged like electric cars and function as electrics for all intents and purposes. And if you keep a full tank of gas, they can run on that when your battery runs out. I think that would address all your concerns and still make your dad happy, BUT they're much more expensive because they literally have both systems in full, so if you really want the flexibility of gas maybe you can pay the difference between a true hybrid and a plug-in hybrid to offset the cost for your dad. (For example, Toyota makes both a regular hybrid and a PHEV version of both the prius and the RAV4; find a different pair in the same range as your car if there's no exact match.) There are fewer of these on the market and there won't be any very old ones because they just weren't around yet, so a used PHEV might still be out of budget. But look into it, you might get lucky!


So dad has an electric car with no home charger. He apparently is thinking he is going to use your charger when you are not using it. Say hey dad, how about I put in the charger and you can use it for free if I don’t have to pay half the electric bill.


I can't fact check your numbers, but I applaud you for looking at them and evaluating your responsibility. I hope your dad sees that your concerns are valid, and you sit down together to do more math. I was gifted a car by my mom once, and while I greatly appreciated it, the increase in costs made it a burden. In the long run, it was nice to have a good vehicle, but it made for a few very hard years


If you have to pay for all the extra stuff then reject the car, get a job, and buy the car you want. If he wants to waste money on a car you refuse to drive, that's on him.


If he does get you the car he wants instead of what you want be reassured ( we have one gas and one ev car) that if you’re putting on normal miles (200-250) miles a week you won’t even notice a rise in the electric bill. Because of the weight it does wear out tires faster but you will probably get 40,000 miles out of them. You can use a regular outlet to charge but it is very slow. Maybe you could get dad to pay for a new outlet installed by an electrician( you don’t need a special charger.)


NTBA. Tell him that you'll only be 16 and don't want the added responsibilities and expenses of an electric vehicle. Make sure you're thankful that he's willing to get you a car, but keep stressing that there's too many additional expenses and maintenance that you'd have to do, and you don't want to go through that as a teenager and want to start with something simple and basic like a used regular car.


A traditional car is easier to fill up if there aren’t chargers near you. Honestly that’s the main difference, aside from the fact that electric cars tend to be more expensive and not a good starter car for a teenager. But if you’re not paying for it, who cares? 


I'm really confused by this roll back you're talking about? My husband has a Tesla and if your foot is off the gas you just stop. I think you can change that in the settings?


Why would YOU need to pay to install a charger if your dad already has an electric car? Just say thank you for WHATEVER car he bought you.


16-year-old boomer just don't get a Tesla


I'm concerned that your dad is taking advantage of you with making you pay for half of the electric bill on the house. Your car shouldn't require that much energy. I think it's worth waiting until you're 18 and buying your own car.


Something you might be missing is that your dad may want you to have a newer car because they are safer. Yes that 20 year old beater is a lot cheaper, but to him, you're priceless.


A car is just a car. Their are some people who see a car as an extension of their Penis. These car nutters only want the best or fastest and can be quite critical of others. But, as you say, a car is just a car.


Why would you have to pay to install a charger if he already has an electric car?


Crab apple 1st off just be thankful for the car in general a lot of others don’t get the privilege, but in your edit your saying you have to pay for everything else at that point just buy yourself a car. Also gas prices are insane are you sure you don’t want electric


OP, I have to agree with you. I'm over four times your age. My husband and I bought a new vehicle a year ago. The way it stands now, the EV marketplace is still in its infancy. For long distance travel, they're not practical unless it's a gas hybrid. The battery packs are quite expensive, as well as the software updates, if not mandated by a government recall. Installation of a charging station is expensive, especially if it requires an electrical panel upgrade. I personally believe you're being very smart in wanting a less expensive cash car. Not only is it a lower upfront cost (which, beware, too cheap and you'll be putting the mechanic's kid through college), but if there's no loan on it, you can get much less expensive liability only coverage (be aware that only covers damage you do to others, not damage done to yours).


Wait wait wait, now is he flat out BUYING you a car? As all paying for the whole car? Or is he going to pay for your down-payment, and you pay the rest off? And fuck these other people, you did your research and know how expensive that shit can get. You should absolutely protest something that will fuck you in the long run. You dont and shouldn't take shit you belive (and orobably will) cause you more problems than they are worth.


NTA I hate EVs as they are HORRIBLE for the environment. I don't blame you for how you feel.. and just because it's free.. doesn't mean you're not allowed to have an opinion, or give input. A hybrid isn't bad. My oldest has one and it's great for commutes.. Or just a regular sedan or mini suv. Not bad on gas. That being said.. If he gets you one.. use it until you're old enough to sell it and get a car you believe in.. put money aside for this because their resell value sucks. I wish ya luck darlin..


A lot of your views on electric cars are skewed and show you don't really know much about them honestly. They don't roll back when you take your foot off the gas... The biggest issue with a lot of electric vehicles right now is that in many places across the United States especially the infrastructure for charging is still not there. So in places like this you absolutely must have a home charger installed. My fiance has an EV, he's got a Hyundai ionic 5 and I absolutely love it as does he, but we live in Eastern Kentucky where they're still building the infrastructure so we paid to have the electric charger installed at home. But we've taken it on road trips and had no problem finding charging stations for very decent prices. We paid $5 yesterday and were able to make it from Columbus OH back home (4hr. Drive) on one $5 charge. You really need to research a lot of things because honestly you don't sound very informed, it sounds like other people's opinions have been molding yours. Insurance doesn't necessarily raise just because it's an EV, my fiance pays $50 less a month then he did. Car maintenance if it's under warranty or even a certified pre-used depending on the manufacturer is free for 5 years or 100,000 miles, not to mention there's no oil changes, no battery changes, no transmission fluid, etc. Software updates are automatic and we've never had to pay for a single one of them, and they're not constant. And our electric bill went up $12 So please do some actual research.


YTA and spoiled, when you get the privilege of having your first car bought and paid for you say thank you. I got a 200 dollar piece of crap that broke down a month later. I was still extremely grateful and excited.


Ntba. Get hybrid


Look into the impact the batteries for the electric vehicles have on our environment. Might change your perspective


I agree with you OP electric cars are an absolute waste of time are and not worth buying in any way shape or form. Friend of mine owned one and said it was the worst decision he has ever made in his life. For a start his electric bill went up 4x what it normally was and when he calculated what would have been cheaper it turned out buying gas would have by a huge margin. Having to install a charger and waiting for it to charge was annoying too because instead of just jumping in the car he’d have to check the battery and make sure it was charged. However by far the worst thing was road trips were a headache his mates would be able to do one long trip and stop maybe once for gas while he had to stop twice and waits hours for his car battery to recharge. (Missed part of his best friends wedding due to this) He told me he sold the things within 6 months of owning it because it did nothing but make his life an utter nightmare…


Perhaps a Hybrid compromise? Gas/electric hybrid like a Prius, or KIA Niro get over 50 mpg without having to plug in. Just pointing out there are option in between.


Your statement is directed at the wrong audience...tell your Dad no, that you have the car thing covered \[end of discussion\]. That said...I would strongly encourage you to do some serious research into electric cars...not just what you 'hear' someone say. Seven or eight of my co-workers drive either all electric or hybrids and I've never heard them complain about the things you are.


Would he be open to you getting a used hybrid? Once he gives you the ev can you trade it in on a good used hybrid like a 2020 Prius? Is he willing to get solar for the house so you can charge your car? Would he be willing to shell out for AAA Gold for all of the towing you’re going to need because you ran out of fuel before you could reach the next closest charger? Happened to me a few times with my Nissan Leaf. I am a much happier Prius owner now, though I miss the heated seats.


Can you compromise and get a hybrid? Don't have to charge those, and the gas mileage is amazing


You've triggered all the bald, four-eyed, middle-aged cyclists with his post lol.


I think you have a point that a beater is a better first car. You’re bound to have a fender bender, it just happens. Maybe learn how to drive a manual transmission while you’re at it - it comes in handy. But - fighting over it isn’t a good way to do this. Buy a used car you can sell for what you bought it for a year later. Check out what cars hold value. Trucks too. Then tell your dad to let you learn on that and that gives you a year to have fun shopping together for your high-tech second car. He wants to have fun buying it with you so give him what he wants long term (you can always back out) get what you want short term.


You have to pay for the electrical upgrade to the house? You are not responsible for his home improvement. Half the electric bill? Is it actually going to double? Ride a bike to a job. Save up for your own car. It’s not eco-friendly to manufacture new all the time. And research those worn out batteries.


My husband and I were keen to have an electric car, but once we were at a point when it was feasible to buy one, we realised it would impractical. One of our journeys that is a fairly regular trip would be difficult, as the distance would require a stop to recharge 2/3 of the way. Due to the dearth of charging points, it is not unknown for people to wait 5 to 6 hours just to access a charging point at service stations. We would also need to have a charging point installed at our home and at our destination.


You of course can express your preference for a gas car. If you want to convince your dad that you ha e rational/financial reasons for your preference, you'll need to do more research. Your dad's EV behaves one way and your mom's gas car behaves another - but that doesn't mean that all EVs or all gas cars behave that way (respectively.) How much are your electric rates? General electric rates are irrelevant. What is the charging infrastructure like where you live? The fact that some places have poor charging infrastructure is relevant only if you regularly drive there. Has your dad explained why you'd have to install a new charger? A fast charger at home does not take all night every night to charge. You two should be able to share easily. How much is gas where you live? Are you regularly driving long distances in the winter? If you want a convincing argument, you have to use fact, not assumption. But I gotta say, if someone wanted to buy me a car, I'd let them do it.


YTBA because you are asking for a new car and then refusing what you are offered. Also, a good chunk of your reasoning makes no sense. You would have to pay half the electric bill? You would have to pay for your gas. So that’s a wash really. Not liking them I get. Being annoyed at charging is understandable. But if you want a car and you want to decide what that car is, you have to save up and buy one for yourself.


I live where it snows, an electric car is strictly no go for me. Nta


Nothing wrong with wanting different vehicles, electric or otherwise.


You're totally in the right! Maybe they'll be good in another 10 years but there are still too many problems, and even then I'd not recommend one for a first car.


NTBA, you're being honest and brought up legitimate concerns that I (a 28 yr old parent) would also have. There's a lot of factors that should be considered for your first car, especially as a teen.


NTA I can see the argument of "You're getting a free cat STFU" but you will still have to pay for the things around the car such as gas, repairs, and other things that go into the car. The teen accident rate is also a great reason not to buy the most expensive car right now. There are great reasons to go electric but if that's not what you want, save up and buy yourself a different car. Maybe look around once you get your license and test drive a few cars to see what you like.


Yes, I’d take the free EV and be happy to combat climate change, not pay huge gas prices or wait in line at the gas station or need to change motor oil regularly. I’d wager you can share the charger your dad has and the electricity bill won’t double, based on what I hear from friends who love their EV, partly cause they just charge it overnight as needed and save tons of money.


Yeah I'm not an EV fan. We are being pushed into this thing. We don't make the batteries or Have enough rights to rare earth's to do so according to what I have read. So we have a supply chain issue, no battery for you.


You are a breath of fresh air. A sensible and NOT entitled teen who has thought through what they want and why. Forget about everyone else and just do you.




You're very prudent and sensible, OP. Tell your Dad you're just starting out driving and you want a beginner car. You don't want to spend all your summer savings on insurance and upkeep for a fancy car. Also you're at a higher risk of accidents for a few years, so a car that you don't mind getting scratched and dented just makes more sense. After you graduate and get a steady job you can look at what's available.


Electric cars are severely hindered due to infrastructure. It’s not like there’s charging stations as much as gas stations. Get a hybrid at least. Best of both worlds. At least ask him to compromise. Idk why some ppl are so hell bent on full EV when it’s really not that convenient yet.


You’ve got to be one of the most intelligent 15 year olds I’ve ever met. I can’t feasibly have one either. No place to charge one at my place. Infrastructure here sucks. Very few places I go to have chargers. The best I can do right now is a hybrid.


Stick to your guns a used hybrid will bankrupt you when the battery dies out and paying for insurance electricity and all that just isn't good enough for a 16 yo. Get a used Honda you'll fuck it up.


> I don't like the fact you have to charge them You have to put gas in any other car > I don't like how they roll back when ever you take the foot off They don't. > If my dad buys me the car I have to pay to install a charger You don't have to. You can use a normal power point. You say you live with him and he already has an e-tron so could use the same charger. > pay for the raised insurance My Model 3 isn't any more expensive to insure than another car of the same value > the constant software updates you have to pay the dealership for You don't. Those that have software updates, they come over the air for free. And with a gas car you have to constantly take it to the dealership for servicing. ("constantly" might be over the top but it's identical to the way you've used it above) > half of the electric bill on the house But you'd have to pay for gas otherwise, and electricity is way cheaper > I am perfectly happy with a cheap used car   > I really don't want to wreck an expensive car so I just want a beater This is a good attitude! But you can get cheap used electric cars as well.


Okay so I don’t like the way people are saying bad apple. BUT I’m not necessarily saying good apple either. I feel that if you have expressed these concerns to your dad why he won’t listen. And people in the comments are saying some of your concerns are wrong and stuff. Why didn’t your dad say that to you why did you have to find out from here? Also if your dad is willing to pay that much in a first car. Why isn’t he willing to pay a cheaper cost? At the end of the day the driver needs to feel safe and comfortable in there own car and it’s not fair to you that your the one driving it and they are trying to control that entirely. Now since they are paying it Ofcourse they get some say in the car. But if you don’t feel comfortable with an electric car then your dad should understand that and try and compromise on what would make you comfortable when driving the car. At the end of the day a car is a car. But also the driver needs to be comfortable. And I do agree with the teen statement. New drivers aren’t as used to driving as ones who have been driving for a while. so they are more likely to wreck the car. I think it’s reasonable that you get a car that you will feel driving in. But also be openminded to what your dad’s reasons are and so should he! 💕💗


Electric cars tend to be expensive. Young people have really bad accident rates, which is why they tend to get a beater as their first car. It's cheaper to buy and insure. Assuming your dad is being logical and isn't emotionally tied to the idea of electric cars for some reason, you might do better backing your arguments with reasons. Have a look at insurance costs online, that may help persuade him. As much as anything, if you're paying for running it then you get a say on what it is. Otherwise there's no point him buying it.


Young people have really bad accident rates because they tend to forget to follow the law because they're not used to it - they don't have the skills and experience to compensate for that when they muck up. Road laws are intended to keep things predictable and safe - because when everyone follows the rules accidents physically can not happen. Source: 27, had my first accident last year.


This is a lesson in independence. You’re about to be an adult. Tell your dad to butt out and save up the money to buy the car of your choice. I don’t know what morons are actually buying electric right now but it is literally the worst investment you could possibly make. The infrastructure is just not there in the US and people are DRASTICALLY underestimating the toll these cars will take on our power grid. Don’t buy in. Sounds like you’re a smart kid with a parent who isn’t so much. It happens.


This is the plan. I've been applying for jobs and am hopefully going to save up 4 or 5k to buy a decent used car somewhere. I honestly have made it very clear I don't want a fancy or ev car. I'm happy with a cheap kind of run down car. As long as it drives. I legit don't want an expensive car. I don't get how people are getting so upset at me for being "picky" and asking him for basically a cheaper car