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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for "snitching" on my sister because I was worried about her pregnancy?** Hello, I haven't been on Reddit for a while, that's why this account is new. I'm 35 M. My little sister is 22 F. Last year, she told me she was pregnant with her Boyfriend and I was the first and at the time only person she mentioned it at a very early stage. I promised not to tell anyone else until she was ready. However, time passed and I got no news about her or the pregnancy, I knew she was still alive because of her social media feed, but I saw no signs of the pregnancy progressing, nor anyone else in our family said nothing about the pregnancy. I tried to contact her but she always ghosted me. She should have given birth in May of this year, but still no baby. After so long of not knowing about her or the baby, so in July I called a line here on Texas to ask for a wellness check on her and the baby. I got no response. In the months after the rest of our family stopped talking to me without warning. Before xmas I got a call from her. Right after saying hello she asked me if I called the cops on her. I told her no, I called for a wellness check for her and the baby. She started crying and telling me that the police came to her home, and was charged for being suspected to have an illegal abortion, the baby miscarried on January and she had a rough time, and now was being questioned about it. She told me the charges were dropped, but she was with our mom at her place when the police came and was "traumatizing" to her and had to explain everything to our mom who had no idea that happened. I couldn't even finish to tell her my side of the story when she hanged out. I called our mom to ask her what that was about, and she told me it was for the better if I didn't come for xmas. I feel like I'm being shunned for having reasonable worries and doing what was at my disposal to take care of my sister and my nephew/niece, I don't think is fair but I gotta ask if I was wrong anyway. ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>And I'm not really aware of the Texas Laws on reproductive rights, Then why'd you ring the fucking cops. God I hope OP [redacted]


I also don’t really believe anyone can live in Texas and be unaware of the Texas laws on reproductive rights. I’ve never lived in Texas, no longer live in America, and still have seen plenty of news on Texas abortion laws


yup, i'm not even american and am still horrified about what' going on there.


Right?!? Like I’m Canadian but I had a miscarriage and an ectopic so knowing there are places where that actually might catch you a charge if they think you made yourself miscarry is horrifying. It’s disgusting.


Same. But worried for Texan women all the way from across the bloody pond. His worries may have been legit if he didn’t already know Sister was alive, or else have other people he could have checked through. But he did not check through another means. If he didn’t know, then he wouldn’t have known the police might ever be interested in the first place.


If not a troll, then OOP is a bad liar. He talked like he thought there was a chance she had the baby & they needed to be checked on... As if he wouldn't have heard through the grapevine from SOMEONE with the family all in regular contact before his stunt.


Given he claims he saw the pregnancy wasn’t carried to term, to then call his little Gilead phone line, would mean he was actively seeking to have his sister punished for an abortion. I do hope he is a troll, but his total surprise that his family have long been distancing from him, does actually follow the same pattern we read here all the time. The missing missing reasons to explain his family’s distancing themselves from him, even before this betrayal, are typical of the character. The total lack of self awareness too. And the framing his behaviour as a reasonable act and his family as unreasonable for not appreciating his actions. The belittling of the consequential pain and suffering he caused them. His lack of empathy and refusal to acknowledge his sister’s very real “trauma”. That he compounded. With no remorse. Ugh! Genuinely hoping he is a troll now because he’s gone down the tickboxes of behaviour we see all the time, only punctuated with slight, specific variables. The guy is a wanker even if his tale is total bollocks. But his comments follow the same behavioural patterns too. So yeah absolute and complete wanker.


I'm in Floriduh and aware of Teas's insanity. Because our assholes are trying to do the same.


He also said > Of course is impossible to run away from big headlines, but I never cared to dig deeper on that topic because I didn't think it would be a problem, it's banned in most of the world anyway so why make it a huge deal when is banned here? So like it’s obviously bs that “he didn’t know.”


Dear God, “it’s banned in most of the world anyway so why make it a huge deal when it’s banned here” So untrue first of all about most of the world banning it. Second…how does he think a law is enforced?… I would never ever associate with him again in my life. Yikes.


And it's really not banned in most of the world, so he's either a moron or once again being disingenuous.


He got flamed for that "it's banned in most of the world" comment. Rightly so.


that's what made me think it was a troll the hardest


In general men (like this guy) hide behind ignorance way too much. Usually to weaponize incompetence or to get out of some dumb shit they said/did. It’s been so good to reject it as a valid reason/excuse for their behavior.


> people has lifes to live and not being all day on the internet raging about laws that probably wont ever affect them It directly effects the bodies of 50% of the population, but sure, it’ll never effect anyone’s life 😐


I know this post is probably rage bait but it’s still terrifying and infuriating knowing it’s really happening to women.


That’s honestly the most enraging part is that, while THIS is clearly rage bait, this is a real thing that’s happening. Jesus, the world we live in.




She didn’t just “keep leaving,” she was *sent home.* The doctors refused to treat her in the hospital.




No problem. Just a minor detail that unfortunately makes her situation even worse.


To be fair, quite a few articles were “quoting” nurses saying that “she kept leaving”.


This is honestly the most dehumanising thing I've ever read. I'm so sorry this is happening to you over there. It's horrifying.


Sheep and cattle on the TV show “Yorkshire Vet” receive better medical care during miscarriage than women in Texas.


Texas also had a higher maternal mortality rate than most third world countries BEFORE these laws. Texas is a shithole. No woman should live there, especially if she’s childbearing age. And the rest of us shouldn’t live there out of solidarity. Fuck Texas. Edit: and this particular situation happened in Ohio, so fuck Ohio too


And just to add, the reason she was charged with desecrating a corpse is because she miscarried in her toilet, then attempted to recover the fetus from the toilet and place it in a bucket to take to the hospital. The police then found the actual fetus in the pipes. This poor woman had to comb through her own blood to try to do this miscarriage the “legal” way and they still charged her. It’s horrific


What else was she meant to bloody do? The poor woman is never going to want to be pregnant again. >Watts is being charged under a section of Ohio law that punishes those who treat a human corpse in a “way that the person knows would outrage reasonable family sensibilities Not *my* sensibilities, or even my families. This woman may go to jail over fucking *political sensibilities* The law was never meant for this. They're twisting it into a freaking pretzel for their own means. Edited to add I'm not angry with the person I replied to, just in case it comes across that way.


>outrage reasonable family sensibilities Idk, I’m pretty sensible. The thought of having to…idk, dig out a fetus from the toilet and put it in some kind of coffin or something is pretty more outrageous than just flushing it


The law was *absolutely* meant for this. They *want* women to be digging through their own medical waste to find fetal remains. If they did not want to further humiliate women on one of the worst possible days of their lives, there would be a whole lot more compassion in the legal wording.


Not even political sensibilities, RELIGIOUS sensibilities. And not even very accurate ones! There is a passage that tells how to do an abortion in the bible. People used to not care about abortions up until it became a political talking point and they started using the "helpless baby" angle to try and gain sympathy and attach it to religion in a way it never had been before so evangelicals could have yet another thing to bludgeon other people into doing what they wanted with. It was a method of control, particularly controlling women. Abortion of various kinds has been around for thousands of years and NO ONE CARED. It was only fairly recently in history that people started making a big deal of it - largely the same with LGBT issues. They don't want people focusing on the ACTUAL problems the world faces, so they find things that aren't actually problems and twist them into ones so they can grab people's attention and emotional reactions with pictures of sad babies asking why they weren't born or showing a brown person carrying something they're accused of having stolen. No one gave a crap about abortion until some evangelical politician made a big deal of it to get votes, and now here we are with women being sent to prison for miscarriages they couldn't control and more kids being born into abusive, neglectful, or just too poor to provide homes where they aren't wanted and usually KNOW they weren't wanted.


Even the Catholic Church didn’t care about abortions until they realised back in like the 50s or 60s or 70s that’s they could use them politically. Ugh.


Correction no one cared about abortion until they felt it would effect the white birth rates.


"They don't want people focusing on the ACTUAL problems the world faces, so they find things that aren't actually problems and twist them into ones so they can grab people's attention and emotional reactions with pictures of sad babies asking why they weren't born or showing a brown person carrying something they're accused of having stolen." So.Very.True. There are so many ACTUAL problems that could be solved with this level of effort.


There's not even really a "legal" way to deal with a miscarriage. But I'm sure we're going to see those laws passed soon that require the remains be given to a hospital and dissected to identify cause of death. Make it easier to punish women for "causing"their miscarriages.


Exactly my point. She did everything she could to try to stay on the safe side and they still charged her it’s horrific


What a fucked up country we have become.


I want to point out a couple of things. 1. Women who miscarry being investigated for murder, illegal abortion, or willfully negligent, is not new. It's just more common due to Roe. V. Wade being overturned. 2. The woman cited above is black. I have no doubt this "desecration of a corpse" charge was actually brought up due to her race. 3. The nurse that called the cops allegedly held her hand, stroked her back and assured her everything would be okay. She let that woman trust her to turn around and betray her, knowing full well the consequences for a totally acceptable action. 4. I saw about this on MSNBC, but it's alleged that the woman miscarried while on the toilet and attempted to plunge the toilet after. That's where the charge is coming from. That said, I think it's common to think you're having GI cramps when miscarrying; my mom said the same when she miscarried twice. Here's the MSNBC video. https://youtu.be/3JkZfzVCh0o?si=dYvie_6DO0Gf3Rm7


You’re right, it’s absolutely not new, and it does tend to fall disproportionately on minority women. Way, way back, I wrote an essay for a current events course about a woman who was being charged in Indiana way back in, like, 2013. And in the process of researching, I came across a story (I think from 2011) of a woman who tried to commit suicide and miscarried, and she was charged too. ETA: yep, 2011 in Indiana. She ate rat poison to commit suicide, miscarried, and was charged. It is blatant misogyny.


Which I understand. My heart goes out to these women and it’s actually sick to imagine someone harassing them because some old guy in a thousand year old suit decided she can’t have body autonomy. The whole thing just gets me ready to start swinging in people.


I am shocked to my core. I know things have been going sideways with this, but I did not know this particular issue was an issue. This is horrific and terrible and sad. This is so wrong. I hope they let this woman go and leave her in peace to grieve.


Texan here. It’s very much actually happening. And if it’s rage bait, it worked, because I’m pissed. This is believable. Also did anyone else notice how OOP said they called a “line” for a wellness check and how they said they didn’t call the cops? If this is real, they called one of our fucked up abortion reporting lines — which means they very much knew what they were doing.


I saw that and wondered what he googled to get a new mother & infant wellness check “line”


I’m not advertising, linking, or posting any information for those horrific lines anywhere, but illegal abortion reporting lines exist and they’re well advertised by the AG’s office. They call them “wellness checks” if you don’t have reasonable suspicion of “foul play”. It’s disgusting.


Another added layer of horror to an already horrific situation. My state’s AG wants to persecute anyone that aids a woman traveling out of state for an abortion. Because our liberty means nothing if protecting the unborn.


Ours unfortunately did that already. He also thinks he has jurisdiction over Seattle hospitals now? I really don’t know what’s happening anymore. I don’t know what they need to do exactly, but the federal government needs to get involved. Starting with Supreme Court Justices that selectively enforce the Constitution and have perjured themselves. I’m so sorry this is happening in your state, too. It’s horrible and terrifying.


Sounds like your country is stuffed in that case


You’re not wrong.


Oh my gods, if this is real, you think this guy did it for reward money? Disgusting.


It’s not really “reward money”, it’s money you can get through court if you sue someone for aiding someone in having an abortion, and to the best of my knowledge, those cases haven’t really gone anywhere. So I don’t think he did it for money. I think he’s just an anti woman dickwad who sold out his own sister in the name of “pro-life” and is trying to make himself sound better.


It’s just a matter of time. Wasn’t Texas offering $10k for “tips” on women getting out of state abortions? PLEASE vote, people.


I clocked that, too. Makes him a real liar when he says he doesn't know anything about the laws.


Exactly. If this asshole’s story is for real, they thought their sister had an illegal abortion and reported her. Which is sick enough as is, but they did so without even speaking to their sister first. Their family are Texans too. Do they *really* think their mother and sister are that dumb? It’s not hard to figure out what happened here if you live in Texas. That’s literally adding insult to injury if they expect anyone to believe this story. Also, “traumatizing” in quotes? Come the absolute fuck on. I hope OOP is blacklisted from their family forever.


And he's shaking his head in wonderment that they're upset with him.


No he’s not, or he would’ve told the truth. He’s shaking his head in wonderment that his mother and sister aren’t stupid enough to believe him. That’s what’s confusing him. Which, obviously, pisses me off even more. His mother is a lot kinder than anyone in my family would’ve been. Bless her heart for being cursed with such a son.


Yeah, good point. And the fact that they went silent for months, then only contacted him just before Christmas makes me wonder just how long the poor woman was investigated for. (5 seconds is too long, but I imagine it wasn't short).


Yuuuuup. Willfully ignorant, this one.




I still don't understand how they can punish someone for having a miscarriage....that's like punishing someone for having a stroke.


One of my friends got investigated after a miscarriage because her own husband reported her for taking her thyroid medication “incorrectly” (she was waiting thirty minutes after taking it rather than the hour she waited before she was pregnant because she needed to eat more quickly with her morning sickness, but thirty minutes is still a perfectly appropriate wait time) and “killing his baby”. The charges were dropped (involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment) but she also had an equally traumatizing investigation. You’re right, it’s completely absurd, but it’s happening in Texas. It’s not sensationalized media. It’s extremely real and it’s terrifying.


Please tell me she left him. I know reddit loves to jump to divorce or accuse people of jumping to divorce as the only solution, but if ever there was a justifiable reason for divorce, it's this.


It was super hard, because his behavior was totally out of character for him (I’ve known him for nine years and never would have expected him to behave like this), but she absolutely filed as soon as she got over the initial shock and stress of everything. She wanted to chalk it up to grief at first but eventually came to the (rightful, in my opinion!) conclusion that, grief or not, he’d proven he wasn’t a safe partner. I’m super proud of her.


From a complete stranger, I'm *super* proud of your friend too. What a utter betrayal by the person she trusted the most. It's insane. I'm glad she knows she deserves a *safe* partner and got rid of this trash human.


It was so wild. He really was (we thought) such a great guy, like he was out protesting when SB8 was passed and then when Roe was overturned. He was someone I felt safe walking me home after a party even before he and my friend started dating. It really added a very real layer to pregnant women being in the most danger from their partners and, even though I’ve been in abusive relationships myself, how well someone can hide their true colors. He even got mad at me when he found out I was supportive of her leaving him* and was initially helping her with attorneys. “You’ve known me longer! I’ve always been a great friend to you!” Like, yes bro, you have, which makes this confusing as fuck but we aren’t friends when you’re trying to get my friend (your *wife*) arrested for miscarrying. That’s not how this works. *Edit: Typo


LMAO @ him thinking that the "I knew you longer" card would somehow trump the fact that he tried to ruin an already traumatized woman's life because he's a literal moron.


RIGHT?! Like oh yeah, I’ve known you for nine years and her for eight, I totally should’ve supported you instead of her. Logic totally checks out. We were actually all in Greek life, and she was a sorority sister of mine, so I hit him with “I could’ve known you for my entire life [name], but unlike you, I’m going to take my vows to love and protect her seriously.”


Give your friend a hug from Reddit. God knows, she needs to know some people are behind her, even if her own husband wasn't.


Good for her.


>because his behavior was totally out of character Grief can drive people crazy. But that doesn’t excuse what he did. Glad your friend got out of there and hope she’s doing better now.


I hope she divorced him. That was wildly malicious on his part.


She is. It was very hard for her, because this was actually really out of character for him, but she filed as soon as she got over the initial shock and stress of everything.


I'm sorry that happened to her but I am glad she got away from him.


There’s basically no way to tell if an early miscarriage is pill induced, natural or induced otherwise. So what that logically leads to is miscarriages being investigated as murders as inducing a miscarriage (I.e. having an abortion) is illegal. The scary thing is that anything can be theoretically used as a reason- maybe the woman didn’t take her prenatals. Maybe she was too stressed at work. Maybe she missed a doctor appointment or drank too much coffee.


Basically all of the awful things we say to ourselves after losing a wanted pregnancy are now being parroted by investigators


Prove it was a miscarriage. Are you sure you didn’t take something? You took something, didn’t you. You were trying to get rid of your baby. This wasn’t really a miscarriage was it. Tell us who helped you. We’re keeping you here until you tell us who helped you abort your baby. You’re lying. We know you’re lying. That’s how.


For a lot of human history, an unattended stillbirth from an unwed mother was automatically treated as infanticide - it was up to the woman to prove that she hadn’t given birth alone on purpose to hide the "murder." I once spent an evening reading a 18th century text on forensics medicine, and the ways doctors had of "proving" infanticide were insane and guaranteed to send women to the gallows.


I’m stunned but with “of course it was “, not with surprise


Wow, that's something I hadn't learned about. Since I know some of the ways they tried to prove women were witches, I'm not sure I want to look into this any further. I still will, but I just know I'm going to be sickened by it.


If she dies she was innocent, if she lives she's a witch. Or murderer, or adulteress, or whatever lets us kill her, we're flexible.


Can you recommend any texts to read (preferably something a little simpler for someone ignorant!)?


"After only 8 hours of non-stop interrogation, implied punishment and actual threats we have a confession!"


That’s *exactly* how.


If you aren't healthy, you didn't pray/believe hard enough! I'm only kind of joking.


Because there is absolutely zero medical difference between an elective abortion and a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). They cannot tell. There is NO WAY TO TELL. They probably know this, but they don't care. Women are made to be mothers or martyrs and they will force you into one box or the other.


I'm glad I don't live in America because the "logical" next step would be hysterectomies before women go into menopause. Because you "might" have had a child. God, I'm hoping with all my might that this stays a hypothetical, slightly sarcastic comment.


I live in a state that currently has restrictive abortion laws and is trying to follow Texas. I'd be asking for a hysterectomy for terrible pain/ bleeding (like call out of work because I can barely crawl to the bathroom from my bed pain) since I was 18/19. I was told by multiple doctors that this was normal and my future husband might want kids, so I couldn't get the procedure. Met my husband, who not only doesn't want kids, but is infertile, told my doctor. Her response was, "Your next husband might want them." My current OBGYN heard what I dealt with every month, what I wanted, that I was tired of missing work (and potentially risking my financial stability, promotions, etc), and my partner of almost a decade can't get me pregnant, so on the off chance we change our minds we'll adopt. She scheduled the hysterectomy, no fight. I'm still fighting against the bans because they're dehumanizing and abhorrent. What Texas and other states are doing is terrible.


Clarifying without editing that I'm NOT in the US. It is, and I was told the same things for the same reason in the beginning. Ifinally got the green light for a hysterectomy 12 years later and had it 2 years after that, so my heart goes out to you. But, it was the best thing I ever did, hands down. I just had to suffer 14 years of pain (including before I was diagnosed). However in the end, at least I didn't need a fricking *husband to do it. It makes me so furious for you and everyone who has had the same rules flung at them. I can't describe it in any other way. The fact that the laws have gone THAT far in the US makes me something far beyond that, as well as sick and scared. I don't think it will go that far in Australia, but I bet a lot of women thought that about America, too. I'm so sorry.


I mean. I live in Tennessee. There are no exceptions in our abortion ban. A rapist can freely choose the mother of his child. I'm planning to get sterilized as soon as possible because I refuse to be a broodmare, should the worst happen.


If you hadn't already told me where you live, I would assume it's a third world country where women are treated as second class citizens. Sadly, I would be only wrong in only one of my assumptions.


I dunno, apparently some experts are calling the US a 3rd world country now too. Well, a "developing" nation.


The US is a third-world country in a Gucci belt.


Damn, I really didn't want to be right twice.


Even if (and likely is, since his comments make it clear OOP does know about the laws and has no issue with them) it’s a troll, OOP deserves a month long, pain-filled, septic end to his life. You know, the exact fate he wants for women.


I live in Texas and unfortunately I can absolutely see this happening. It’s pretty horrific.


Yup! As fake as this probably is… it could easily happen in real life and that is so god damn depressing


it’s weird that his phone can only call cops and not…you know…his sister


Also calling a "special line in Texas" but editing to add that he has no idea what Texas laws are like.


He has no idea what Texas laws look like? Is he stupid? It’s all over the news, social media, its in tv shows, it’s everywhere because Texas laws are insane


I’m in Australia, never been to the US, and *I* know Texas Law regarding the unborn


Ha, me too


Exactly - and he says "here in Texas," so it's not like he lives out of state!


From OOP > Usually just follow the 10 commandmends and won't get in any trouble anywhere. He knew what he was doing. Or it's a troll drip feeding the conservative Christian stuff in bit by bit to draw out the outrage.


Oh, yeah. 100%. He thought his sister got an abortion and was hiding that from him. He wasn't calling for a welfare check, he specifically called the abortion tipline. Not the cops, not CPS, not 911. He did it out of malice This seems like a troll, but I definitely have known people like this. All that stuff about not being on the Internet and not knowing about laws and stuff is such shit. It's like when guys on Tinder describe themselves as "not political." They just don't want to get called out on the stuff they support. It's because so many socially conservative men don't want any blowback on their cruel, archaic beliefs.


I'm an Irish woman, so this shit hits me in ways you guys haven't had to face yet. Its coming, though, and women are going to die. You **will** have a Savita Halappanarva. Never forget their names.


Sadly, we have had many Savitas. They fall through the cracks, often blamed for not being perfect humans.




Bloody hell, I'm in *Australia and I know this law affects Texas


He uses the excuse she avoided his calls.. like text doesn't exist


Or just knocking on a door. If I was truly concerned I’d be over there to see my sister in a heartbeat. Never would I call for a special wellness check done by the police. Or you know, mind my own business since apparently she was still posting on social media… I want to hug this young woman. Good lord. Good on the family too, for sticking by her.


Or he couldn't have just called his mother.


The absolute worst asshole to ever asshole on this planet of assholes . Yes we all know it's probably rage bait but let me have my fun


Slipping in under the wire for asshole of the year. This person is an asshole even if it’s fake bc we know this is all happening.


>This person is an asshole even if it’s fake bc we know this is all happening. This. Everyone knows this is a legit thing that could happen, and to invent a story about it just for engagement is pretty sick.


Ah yes! Because stalking your sister’s social media and waiting a *whole year* to text or call your sister is totally reasonable! /s It’s totally reasonable to not ask your family if they’ve heard from her *in a year*. /s Totally reasonable to call some hotline to check in a baby that 1. Might never have existed (false positive on the pregnancy test) might have been miscarried, still born or adopted out. /s I’m 99.99% sure this is some sort of rage bait/fiction. But if it’s not, OOP needs to be in some sort of care home to learn social norms.


The fact that social media was the only reason he knew she was alive ... yeah, the sister already couldn't stand him.


Her ghosting him is proof she didn't feel like she could trust him.


No doubt she regretted telling him about the pregnancy. Even if it's ragebait, this shit is happening regularly in Texas. I'll never set foot in that state ever again.


Also if they aren’t that close why would she even till him about the pregnancy first


Excitement, worry, wanting or needing to confide etc. He’s supposed to be a true blood brother, so I can see why she told him in the moment. At least now she knows he’s someone you can never turn to or leave your back open for.


With everything going on in the Southern United States, this is one of the few incidents that was reported to Reddit. For those of you who don’t know, Texas has a “registry” for women who had miscarriages. Yes, that’s a thing. OP knew this and didn’t give a damn about the consequences. The sister was either going to get arrested or “documented” in her state.


They also have a fucking $10,000 BOUNTY.


What op was really after.




What do they do with the registry? If they concede it was a miscarriage, why do they need phi. How are they protecting that data? This idea is super insane ( the registry I mean).


That’ll be in case a woman who’s trying to conceive, but having a series of miscarriages instead, can be used against her too. It’s fucking sick.


I also kinda wonder if they're maybe planning to expand the violence further eventually to encompasses all pregnancies that don't result in babies, regardless of cause.


Many miscarriages have no known cause. They will accuse women of causing them through unknown means and the woman has very little proof she didn't terminate by choice.


I was told there are no known tests for the cohosh family (herbalist remedy from before modern medicine), so they use that as an excuse. We've really slid into guilty until proven innocent


Just FYI for anyone interested: cohosh is a horrible herb to take and it can cause deadly health conditions. They're probably really on the alert for people searching for cohosh as well, and web searches are not safe.


I don’t know and I’m afraid to know the answer to your question.


Me too. This really is the handmaids tale


I’m not from the US. I can’t believe we live in a world where these things are happening. It’s disgusting. Those poor women.


Took the time to trawl through his sisters social media, but couldn't call her to see how she actually was?


Yes, but that might somehow involve the author of this ragebait having experience of the world outside his basement.


"I have a brother who has to rely on watching my social media feed to find out if I happen to die young, while I visit my mother in person and occasionally stay with her. Also, in case of a major conflict, my family would choose my presence on Christmas over this brother. Naturally, this brother is the only person I'd contact and tell about a pregnancy that I don't want to announce to my family and friends yet." - no pregnant sister ever.


A forced-birther trying to pretend he gives a shit about his sister🤮🤮🤮


"having reasonable worries" - Well, OOP cannot accurately self assess.


I literally am having trouble saying this guy is an asshole within the scope of AITA. Because what he did is so, so much worse than 99 percent of the shit on that sub. Calling him an asshole feels too nice.


You got me in the first half ngl


Of course he isn't aware of reproductive rights in Texas. Shit, my bad. LACK OF REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS IN TEXAS. It doesn't effect him, why should he follow all the fuckery they are doing.


Don’t know if this is real or not because the laws in the US don’t make reasonable sense. #abortionrightsarehumanrights.


I'm from Ireland. We legalised abortion in 2018 after a long hard fight. This type of shit from the "concerned" absolutely happened. I'm so sorry for people living in places stepping backwards instead of progressing. It breaks my heart to read about women's rights being taken away when I was part of the campaign here to secure ours. It's a sombre reminder that progress isn't permanent and the cruel cunts who would take our rights away are never fully defeated. This little shite should have, I dunno, just CALLED THE SISTER?! Or minded his own fucking business. He has no right. If I were her, I would consider him dead to me at that point. He's not worth trying to have a relationship with.


No one is this oblivious right?


No, but they are that evil and cruel. While this is likely just a rage bait post, it is flat out *evil* to report women for having a miscarriage. Or an abortion. There's also a special place in hell for people who misuse welfare checks as well.


Oh, they are. I have the unfortunate privilege to be related to some.


Lmao I do not believe for one second that a) he didnt know that when you call a wellness check the cops are the ones who show up and b) that he's not aware of the Texas laws around reproduction and abortions. He 100% wanted to rat his sister out to the authorities.


This is fake but it's exactly why abortions need to not be banned. Reproductive rights means random people can't call the cops on you for not updating them on your pregnancy. This is probably something that is happening right now; likely happening to women fleeing domestic abuse for example.


"AITAH for snitching..." Yes.


We need a TNR program for men. I'm not even joking anymore.


Get rid of the R and I’ll agree


We can change the R to "Restrict". As in: restrict their freedom to travel, restrict their access to life-saving medical care, restrict their access to other people, etc.


Had to google but I agree in my bitterest moments.


The fact that OOP wrote this rage bait makes them the devil forever. What an asshole.


He said the abortion stuff never really came up in his life (in Texas!) because it never impacted anyone he knew. Well guess what? Seriously, f*ck this guy.


**And I'm not really aware of the Texas Laws on reproductive rights, I'm not on the business of knowing every law that comes up, is not something that get's talked a lot in my circle, people has lifes to live and not being all day on the internet raging about laws that probably wont ever affect them, I'm clearing this for people who think that I wanted to intentionally get my sister arrested.** Right, right there hasn't been a high-profile case all over the news about a woman seeking an abortion in Texas. And the general vibe of Texas is a real fuckin' secret. I live in California so it's not like this directly affects me but you'd have to be willfully ignorant not to know what's going on. For that reason I call anti-choice troll.


This is obvious rage bait.


Men, when you don’t let them control you, often feign caring about your “safety” and involve others to pressure their way back into your life. Ive had to undergo more than one behavioral health eval for ghosting someone.


I once made out with a guy at a club. Later that night my phone was pickpocketed and used his phone to text my mother and let her know since I was solo traveling and didn’t want to worry her. Once I sobered up, I wasn’t that into him and ignored his texts. This fucking stranger texted my mother claiming he was worried about me because I didn’t answer his texts.


This has to be rage bait but god it worked on me lmaooo. On the off chance this is real, this person called specifically because they suspected sister for an abortion, it was not out of concern.


Yeah, this whole post reeks of “missing missing reasons” if it’s not ragebait. Younger sister tells OOP she’s pregnant, but to not say anything until she’s ready… then she completely cuts contact, and it’s implied the rest of the family does as well, since OOP never says anything about calling their parents or other family members to ask first.


yeah if this is real I suspect sister and family didn’t contact OP because they knew his stance on what women can do with their own bodies 🙃


If real, he probably wanted the bounty for illegal abortion.


Seriously, you just immediately call the cops? You don't visit? You don't call? Just immediately call the cops. Yeah, OOP you better not show your face unless you want a real-life reenactment of an angry woman testing how sharp her kitchen knives are.


America is becoming a truly terrifying place to be anything other than a dumb, white man.


It is becoming “the land of the free white men” and “home of the brave powers that be who terrorize everyone else”.


I bet he happily collected the $10,000 though


Daily reminder the US is a dystopian hellhole.


If this is true, he knew what he was doing and knee the possible outcomes


“*rough patches because of differences of opinion*” If this is real, I can only imagine.


It is a good fake id it is a fake. It has that glimmer of nastiness and bitter hate slopped over with fake compassion and ignorance that feels like the bad parts about Texas. Why I cant watch real housewives of Dallas.


I tried to get my sister jailed for a Miscarriage and I was disinvited to Christmas and being away from my family is clearly worse. Also I live by the 10 Commandments so I can’t spend Christmas with a Jewish or Muslim or Hindu person.


He 1000% thought she got rid of it and wanted her in jail


Doesn’t matter whether this is real or not, it’s evil because someone either doesn’t know what they did wrong or they were evil enough to post this and laugh.


When you're an absolute FUCKFACE douchebag asswipe.


I know this is rage bait but consider me fucking baited. Putting “traumatizing” in quotes when you almost got your sister fucking arrested?!? You don’t know the abortion laws in Texas?!? The place making the biggest fucking headlines (besides Ohio) about these harmful laws?!?


I think that OOP is clearly most upset that he didn't get the Texas 10K bounty for turning his sister in for an abortion. I hope no one in his family ever talks to him again.


If she is real she’s nuts who calls a wellness check on a baby that clearly doesn’t exist unless they want to get someone in Trouble


What a stupid, evil fucking piece of trash.


Hopefully this is rage bait. But, let's not forget that individuals like this exist. I refuse to call them people.


I'm so angry right now!! As soon as I got to "Texas" I put my phone down and walked away to count to 10. I knew what was coming. You don't have to live in Texas to know about the archaic abortion laws there. I'm in Canada and have heard and read all about them ffs. I honestly hope his sister is doing okay.


I've known people who have gotten shot by cops on "wellness checks", this mfer even writing bullshit stories pisses me off.


either OOP is the dumbest man on the planet or is a liar who really hates his sister, he called the real-life Texas gestapo whose main purpose is making the lives of women of childbearing years miserable, OOP should have to go through childbirth through his penis without meds.


Assuming this is real, OOP is a raging C-U-Next-Tuesday.


I've never in my life wanted to fill someone's inbox with hate before in my life. Until this asshole. I won't but I also wouldn't hate on someone who did. My God. The only thing I could think until he got to the word Texas was, "Please don't let her be in Texas! Please don't let her be in Texas!" If there's anywhere worse than r/amithedevil, this guy needs to be their lead story. My God! I just cannot believe what the world has come to. I truly fear for my nieces.


I hope this is a fake post to highlight the Watts case in Trumbull County, Ohio. At any rate, fuck OOP. I hope her sister cuts her off forever and moves out of Texas. Edit: oh, I'm sorry. HiM. FUCK HIM.


Now I have to look up the Watts case in Trumbull County, Ohio......I live in the state and have been infuriated by the laws being passed that restrict women's bodily autonomy. Thankfully they changed some of those laws this past November, but I'm still terrified for my daughter and all young women.


To the best of my knowledge, Brittany Watts (I think that's her name) is being prosecuted for "abuse of a corpse" because she miscarried. She had seen ER physicians at Bon Secours Mercy St. Joseph Hospital in Warren, OH. Apparently, the pregnancy was not viable, and it was expected of her to miscarry. She was sent home twice after seeking medical care. ETA: a nurse in the ER called the police to inform them she came in after the miscarriage, but there was no baby.


I just looked it up and that makes my heart heavy. I am simultaneously enraged and heartbroken at what women have to go through. I am, thankfully, losing my reproductive abilities due to age, but I'm still so scared for my daughter and all women that still have them. We shouldn't have to live in fear of getting, sometimes life saving, medical care because some medical professional decided to call the cops. 1 in 3 cases that are reported are instigated by a medical professional, according to the article I read. That is just....so unacceptable.


Ragebait troll based on what's actually happening in states like Texas. This comment >now my question is, why are people obssesed with laws of places they don't live in? Yes I hear some news but that's that, if I get in a legal trouble I'll read what's necesary and that's it. Usually just follow the 10 commandmends and won't get in any trouble anywhere. was a nice touch. Throw in some references to being religious to really get the commenters whipped up. 10/10


I too would think that but I live in Texas and I have def heard people talk like this


I think the troll part to me is why is he posting on AITA? Why brag about this if you know you're going to get shit on from every single commenter? Just post on r/Catholicism or r/Conservative and not a sub that's pretty obviously liberal if you took three seconds to browse through it. And then playing dumb and framing it as "Teehee, I didn't know you could get arrested in Texas for this!" seems designed to get people mad. I suppose it could be that he really did report his sister to the police for a miscarriage and now he's bragging about it, but I think he's trying to "trigger the libs" by making up a story.


Jesus. That first post the bot posted for a sub preview makes me sad religion ever became a root in humanity. Holy shit. Fake or not, some people do think like OP, and they make me sad that their brain dead behavior holds us back from real social progress


Ah I didn’t even know those existed but I totally get what you’re saying now


OOP, are you stupid? You don't need to be up to date on reproductive laws to realize that it is dangerous for women, especially if they get a miscarriage! And you don't even apologize? Instead you double down? YTA.


Well, assuming this isn't rage bait, now you know that the Texas government is a bunch of fascists who've written laws outlawing women having any privacy in their health care and what kind of havoc that can wreak on the average family without them even intending harm. These laws ABSOLUTELY affect everyone, whether you want to believe that or not. Pay attention to the politics that govern your rights. And for fuck's sake, don't vote Republican.


Another man who has no idea what women are going through in the US now.


100% bait This guy (Liz) was all over his sister's social media, uses reddit, somehow didn't know anything about abortion in Texas, never called anyone else in the family to ask about the pregnancy, isn't even close enough to his sister to talk to her more often than when one has a life-changing announcement, but for some reason felt inclined enough to call a Texas hotline for "wellness checks"?


Douchebag McGee thought he was gonna cash in.


Texas is a complete and utter shithole.