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Interesting story. Just to clarify, had you purchased the suite you shared with your bsf ? You said she had sold it while you away.


And yet, there's a landlord in the story. Hmmm.


Some places, and I guess I’m thinking of South Korea here, referred to renting as buying.


Except who only gets two months of community service for beating the shit out of someone so bad they ended up in the ICU. That’s what got me. Also, timeline just doesn’t make sense. EF got married at the end of 2023 but still didn’t live together. OP came back from college after (so needs to be May ish timeframe). It’s only June 2024, what country has a court system that moves this quickly?


She said at the start of the year - so Jan/Feb. She came home from college one day and couldn’t get in. Some countries the school year runs from jan to dec.


The forgot to account for that… but… still chances of a court case for assault going that quick? Only getting community service after putting someone in the ICU with a witness? THEN suing after all that and winning the case? Plus it all “went viral”. I don’t know of a single country where both criminal and civil proceedings in under 6 months. It reads like a creative writing prompt.


Oh, it happens. I personally know of someone who assaulted three people, and when it got to court he only got time served and got let out. Which all happened in a few months this year. Granted none went to the icu, and the perp is a manipulative master and narcissist who can put on a fantastic act of remorse. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think I’ve forgotten what my point was… 😂😂


The criminal trials I’ve known of like this have all taken over a year (when someone ends up in the ICU - which usually includes a day or two in non ICU rooms), suing someone even longer. I just doubt this entire story.


Yeah, I get it. Any law student would think long and hard before potentially jeopardising their entire future career like that.


Oh, that makes sense.


Ialways Thought that was North Korea.


They could me Super, or Onsite Management Maintenance Personnel


And I’m wondering how the first reaction of someone studying law is to physically assault someone. Lots of really fake stuff. And how many times can someone say ‘legit’ in one post. You’re the jerk for writing such bad fiction.


What? Lawyers don’t go bat shit crazy?


Bonus points for a law student fucking themselves over.


Come on now. This story is LEGIT. Hence why OP stated LEGIT 50 times.


That was before they moved into their parents place? The apartment, with a basement, one that's twice the size of the living area? Which is an... interesting setup 


Something makes me wonder: how come OP was not sued by EF for the injuries, and all what not??? I'm not sure how much I believe this story, to be honest. That is a glaring plot hole. No way OP wins 300k EF is struggling and does not sue for the injuries and harm. May be it's just me


OP claims it went viral, so she could probably give us some links to prove it's real. I also find it hard to believe that it's real since it sounds like she didn't face any consequences for assaulting EF like that.


Idk. From the sounds of it, if this did happen OP could definitely say they had a mental breakdown. I mean, they came back from a trip homeless, with everything they own being stolen by a pair of spoiled lunatics. That would be too much for a lot of people. Plus, 500k in home work equipment. That would push me over the edge into violence personally.


It's fake as shit. The whole way the apartment situation works is weird and I've never heard of. OP in commends trying to clarify it just makes it sound more confusing. Community service isn't dished out like that. 2 months? What does that mean...is community service now her 9-5? Community service is dished out in hours. You also aren't beating someone into the ICU and getting just community service. A premeditated assault is felonious behavior. A judge also isn't going to award this woman damages bc while what the room mate supposedly did was shitty if it was allowed and legal then it's all good. Idk why people write fake stories like this it's so weird.


yeah, i agree. wouldn't you like..go to jail for assault like that?


sounds like the friend's a broke deadbeat so she probably couldn't afford to sue, and op only got 300k because of her damaged things, and btw just because the ex-friend owes op 300k doesn't mean she necessarily has to pay it all at once.


I don't think this is usd


I suspect the $200k less is for damages to EF


yeah, it does seem weird


How could the landlord be totally unaware of a change of who is on the lease? That makes no sense. The apartment never belonged to EF or you. You were both renting it from someone else. She had no legal standing to just sell it off to her significant other or anyone for that matter. There are a couple details that make no sense that lead me to believe this story is either not true or OP isn't explaining it properly. I'm not going to give this a judgment at this point.


The landlord is in charge of the WHOLE apartment block. People who buy the actual room owns it. If that makes sense?


It really doesn't make much sense. But that's because I have never heard of a "leasing" situation like this. An apartment, at least in my understanding, is a rental unit. Even so, landlord would need to be aware in changes of ownership. And if you owned it together she wouldn't be able to sell without your consent. At least not legally. In which case, police should have been called when you were forcibly and suddenly evicted with no warning. Most areas have a minimum notice period required by law.


I think she means either a Super or Onsite Manager Maintaince Personnel


Fair enough. My point about sudden eviction still stands. Police should have been called. Unless OP wasn't on the paperwork, EF had no legal right to unilaterally sell the place.


I am trying to remember where I read it, but when the inflation hit rentals, people were "selling" leases. People get in a place with a great record, secure the rental price, then "sell" that lease to people who need a place at a set rate. I know in Australia, people secured rentals in my town of Queensland, who lived in Melbourne, they secured a lease with the premise they were moving up, but then advertised "Breaking lease" where they paid the scammer more than the actual price, and the real estates or private landlords, had to deal with tenants they didn't approve. This is the only thing I can think of that may have occurred, but even then..... this post felt like it should have been on one of those reading apps where Werewolf Mob Boss saves an Elf secretary after being drugged by a Gnome Police Commissioner


Omg 🤣 Your last comment had me laughing so hard! But you're not wrong. Who would even be stupid enough to try to "sell" a lease when they have a roommate? I hadn't heard of this scam exactly, but in a way it makes sense that it's happening. I bet the new "tenants" usually have squatters rights or something similar when the landlords start making moves to evict them too.


I know a mate in Florida has seen this happen, and sometimes there are people who moved in and get a surprised flatmate they didn't know about. It is crazy seeing the lengths these scammers go. There are fake rental ads, where they claim to own the property and need tenants and scam people out of money for the false listing, then you get the "legit" lease breaking, scam. And my last paragraph is how I feel about most posts that are like this.


Even so, wouldn't management need a key? There is the possibility that these are apartments that can be bought. Like condominiums.


It states that the guy didn't change the locks, but the other person did. This took a bit to read because it really was difficult not thinking this was the plot for a Werewolf smut story.


My point is Can someone change the locks without providing maintenance a key. Also, please tell me the werewolf story.That would be interesting to look up


Depending on the set-up of the building maintenance process. In many cases, it is assumed that if the Super isn't the owner of the place, it is up to the owner to supply a key for maintenance, or have someone there to allow maintenance to be carried out. This is also relevant if you have a form of apartment building type HOA, like a Body Corporate. In some of those types of buildings, it is considered you are legally obligated to provide a key for emergencies, even if the building has a bad reputation of using the keys at their whim, something I recently encountered here in Australia, when looking to buy a home. The story was on the app. Dreame, I forget the name, but they start reading the same after a few.


It does to me. But then I watch a lot of South Korean drama.


I’m from that area :) not specificly but yeah


How do you sell an apartment that you don't own?


EF “owned” it, yes there’s a landlord that’s in control OF THE BUIDLING, who buys it is in charge so you own it buts it’s in someone else’s hands.


“there’s nothing I can do since EF had signed the leasing“ Why would you have a lease for an apartment you own? Unless there is a language barrier here, I thought leases were for when you are renting property, not ownership.


Where I am Leasing = owning


So you don't actually own it... You just "buy" the right to live there.


Those are usually called Onsite Management Maintenance Personnel, or Superintendent


It would help if you will give us a general location, that way people in North America wouldn't get hung up on the rent\\lease\\own difference s


People from South America (me) are also struggling to understand how it works. I think we don’t have anything similar here in Brazil!


South Korea generally


Thank you I have heard that the housing in South Korea is very different. I can’t judge your actions because I can’t imagine someone betraying/deceiving me the way your ex-roommate did to you. Also I’m sure I would not get off with community service for a violent attack and prisons here suck. I don’t think YTA but my background is very dysfunctional


She got what she deserved


Use your big girl words instead of your fists.


Based on the composition of the post I'm not sure OP even knows any big girl words.


Yeah sure you got 300k for 27.5 thousand dollars worth of stuff. This whole story reeks of bullshit! Stupid unbelievable garbage


Not only that, but how did EF pay her that $300k if EF is broke?


I syes EF & EB. read the full story for context please


Your story makes no sense so it’s useless trying to get anything from it.


I wonder if this a legit for real story?


Nah if you sold the place we were sharing as roommates and didn’t tell me plus damaged majority of my things I kept there and when I ask why your only response is “I’m just a silly girl” yea your 100% getting your ass beat. You don’t sell the place where you are living with someone and don’t even tell them so they literally have to find out by coming back to their own key not working. As a woman myself other women using the “oh I’m just a girl” excuse disgusts me, you have a brain like everyone else, use it. Women aren’t dumb, but if you’re choosing to be dumb to use it as an excuse for your behavior then we got an issue.


Could there be a landlord because it's a condo?


the landlord is in charge of the WHOLE apartment block but people who buy the actual apartment is in charge of that.


She one hundred percent got what was coming to her just imagine leaving for a day and your friend sells your house with all your stuff in it good job shoulda beat her harder


I like the way you set it off, and you are NTJ. Has she given an explanation as to why she did it.


Silly girl fucked around and found out


I’d say that everyone is a jerk here. EF should NOT have sold your apartment, but physically assaulting her was not the right choice either. It would have been better to just immediately go and sort out the issue legally, like you later did.


Probably would've gotten a bigger settlement without the physical assault, too.


It’s just a matter I’d time before you get sued.


If they do I’d represent myself


yeahhhhh, maybe don't beat people up. that's awful that she did that and she seems like a crappy friend, but physically assaulting her probably wasn't the best idea.


What's a BSF?


”Bsf = best friend it’s a more grown up way of saying bff




NTJ. That was what she actually deserved and to be certain she won't ever repeat it on someone else. The rage was understandable since why would someone sell your home without any consent. She just deserved whatever you pinned on her in as much as you were charged with community service and assault.


Thank you sm bc u just explained that they did press charges for assault and etc 😭 so many ppl r saying “ oh fake oh fake they didn’t charge y blah blah” when it says eight there


Ntj. I believe everybody got what they deserved.


Thumbs down for such bad fiction.


So many contradictions, where to start...


Not the Jerk. Play silly games, win silly beatings. And, my favorite, Fukk around and find out.


I think you're somewhat the asshole, but in life that is sometimes completely warranted.


Your in the right here. Would you mind sharing the social media link please?


Your parents are absolutely wonderful. They helped you even though you did injure the bsf (which I don’t blame you for) and I hope you have a nice life


So the locks got changed, your roommate was in the apartment, and she wouldn't let you in? And what happened to all your belongings, was all your stuff thrown in the dump or something or was it still there? Was she not going to let you move your stuff out? Was she intending to just steal everything? Also, you said you came back from college and that's when the locks were changed. What does that mean? Like, were you at class for a day and came back to this situation? How would all this have happened in that kind of time frame? Unless you meant that you went and lived on campus and had been gone for a couple months or something, but then why would you have this apartment to begin with? Why wouldn't you have an apartment near your school?


Stories fake anyway but nice try


I would have moved out but ghost her


She made a mistake and it was an unforgivable mistake, but you sound like an out of control animal


NTJ you just had balls and I’m glad everything needed happily for you


NTA. She basically tried to steal from you.


Damn OP. Maybe stick to your day job and not quit to write bad, fake stories.


YTJ. Huge over reaction to words you didn't like.


Right, because it’s definitely the words that’s the problem, not them literally having their home taken out from under them.


Yes you are the jerk. You should have gotten your stuff and sued them. You now have a criminal record. Good luck moving out of your parents’ basement. A landlord who does a background check will never rent to you now. Plus you might be going to jail, so I guess you won’t have to worry about rent for awhile.


This sll so fake. Even in a high school creative writing course they teach better plot development than this. Nothing is believable.


Wow. Pathetic. You can’t even control your temper? You are just a silly girl, and you proved her correct.


Yeah, we all know how easy it is to control temper when your home is taken away. Hitting was wrong but not “Pathetic”