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So instead of I don't know going to visit your sister or calling family you called the cops? On a woman? In Texas? Honestly I think there's a huge chance the women in your family not talk to you again. Cause this was beyond reckless. Also how dumb is this....obviously if someone mentions a pregnancy and there's no baby....good chance they had a miscarriage. Are you sure you're 35? YTA




YTA - this did not happen.


YTA. You’re too old to be playing dumb. And you’re the worst kind of person to act like just because the laws don’t effect you personally that it doesn’t matter/exist.


You don’t pay attention to laws but you know how to call for a wellness check, lmao


No. There’s absolutely no way you, a grown man, is this oblivious. 1. Everyone knows what a “wellness check” is. Everyone. You called the cops on her. Period. 2. Miscarriages are extremely common, especially in that early stage when she told you about the pregnancy. If you didn’t hear a happy announcement, or she didn’t answer when you reached out to her, it’s a reasonable assumption to make and she’ll talk about it when she’s ready. 3. You must have been living under a rock to not know how women have been stripped of their reproductive rights - I don’t buy that for a second. You thought she had “done something to the baby!!” and called the cops on her. And you call that responsible. No, you’re vile. YTA, and if you want a relationship with your sister and the rest of your family, your apology letter better be sincere and thoughtful. Holy crap. You HAVE to be better than this as a human being. Make an effort.


YTA YTA YTA If you were that genuinely concerned then you should have personally gone and done a wellness check.


The account is new because the story is **fake**. The Texas abortion law does not create a criminal cause of action against the mother. Only the doctor could be charged.


YTA. You went from zero to nuclear without attempting to find out what was really happening.


YTA.. you weren’t doing a “wellness check” on your sister and “the baby”. You don’t think someone would have mentioned if she gave birth ffs?! Lets be honest, you’re a pro-lifer and you suspected she had an abortion and to assert your male dominance over your sister you reported your “cOnCErnS foR tHe BabY” that you know wasn’t born to the police. You’re an asshole, and you’re the reason women need safe spaces. I hope no-one in your family ever forgives you, it’s obvious this wasn’t a welfare check, it was a suspicion on your part that she had a termination and you wanted to assert dominance.


>>And I'm not really aware of the Texas Laws on reproductive rights, I'm not on the business of knowing every law that comes up, is not something that get's talked a lot in my circle, **people has lifes to live and not being all day on the internet raging about laws that probably wont ever affect them**, I'm clearing this for people who think that I wanted to intentionally get my sister arrested. Well you just got a feet to the fire moment to show that these laws aren’t abstract things that don’t impact people. This has impacted you and your family in a big way. Actions meet consequences. YTA. If you were my relative and did this, I would never speak to you again.


That bit made me absolutely enraged. Must be nice, asshole! You must be living under a fucking rock not to know how those laws impact women, and if you didn’t know, you should not have gotten involved.


Guess he just learned that these laws ***do*** affect him ::sad trombone noise::


I just want to know how he didn't know about it. The whole world knows about the law changes! Even here in New Zealand, we know.


He did know about it, he’s lying. Everyone knows about it, especially in the states where abortion was criminalized.


The good news is this is almost certainly a rage-baiting troll. There's no sister. No pregnancy. No welfare check. There's just a sad, bored troll farming for karma.


Seriously, that comment about not being all day on the internet as reason for not knowing about the law! Dude only has to turn on the evening news and it’s all over that because of the Kate Cox case! His circle doesn’t talk about such things? Obviously not friends with any women. I’m highly inclined to believe this is rage bait.


I mean in no world are you close enough to be the first person told about a pregnancy but then not close enough to any family members to know about pregnancy loss.


"I feel like is not fair." Oh but you feel it's a fair that a woman who suffered a miscarriage got the police called on her by some busy body relative? Accept that your family is right to distance themselves from you.


You are not an AH, you are THE AH. You called to get your sister in trouble. You know it, we know it, and most importantly, SHE knows it. Why not just ask your mom? You wanted her to suffer. I hope they never speak to you again, because that’s what you deserve. You live in TEXAS, ffs. I don’t care if you live under a rock, you know about what’s going on in Texas as far as women’s rights.


YTA and no matter what lies you tell people to justify what you did, you’re an asshole. You weren’t concerned about your sister or you would have talked to your sister. Or your mother.


YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA Texass is a misogynistic shithole. No one in the US gets the “oh, I didn’t know” cop out. Leave her alone. You’ve done enough damage.


If this is real, you are the asshole of the year. First of all, you SHOULD keep up with the abortion laws in your state. Half the people that live in Texas are women and if you think this doesn’t impact ALL of them you have your head in the sand. Shame on you for thinking this “probably won’t ever effect them.” How childish. Even if the reproductive laws were not a concern, you are still an asshole. Pregnancy is incredibly personal. It’s your sisters business if she wanted to post anything or tell you anything. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would figure out that no information about the pregnancy either means something happened, or she is simply extremely private. Miscarriage is incredibly common. If your sister wanted you to know she would have called you. You knew she was “alive” from her social media posts. You were just being nosy about the pregnancy which you had zero right to be. You’ll be lucky if your sister ever speaks to you again. Shame on you. YTA


YTA She was posting so she was clearly well. Also..I live in Greece and know about the Texas Laws in reproductive rights. And it's not my job either but that is something major. She could literally end up in jail for anything other than a healthy birth. How can you ignore something so major happening in a place that one of your closest relatives lives?


>And I'm not really aware of the Texas Laws on reproductive rights, I'm not on the business of knowing every law that comes up, is not something that get's talked a lot in my circle, people has lifes to live and not being all day on the internet raging about laws that probably wont ever affect them, I'm clearing this for people who think that I wanted to intentionally get my sister arrested. The fuck you didn't. Anti-choice zealots are the literal worst. You should never contact your family again, much less on holidays. YTA


Wow. Shame on you. Your sister was enduring something extremely traumatizing in a state where it’s very dangerous to be a pregnant woman - and instead of simply inquiring with family or minding your business.. you alert the authorities!? You deserve whatever shunning you receive from your family; you put your sister at a huge legal risk here. YTA. Mind your goddamn business for once.


Rough patches ..aka..total Ahole of a fantasy brother


YTA. Massively. You could have been responsible for your little sister going to jail because of a miscarriage. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. No wonder they don't want to talk to you.


YTA You wanted your sister to be punished by the law. You saw her pregnancy hadn't progressed, that there was no baby in May when she was due, you talked to your mom about her, you saw she was active on social media, and called the cops 3 months after the due date about a baby that doesn't exist. There is no reason that your family needs to hear anymore of your side of things.


YTA - there is no “your side”. You did exactly what she accused you of, and you had no right or business. You are not safe and you are not to be trusted.


YTA. Unquestionably, unmitigated, raging YTA. You are NOT entitled to ANY information about your sister or her body. I don't know why you think you are. And the fact that you shroud your interfering assholery in this veil of "being worried" about her pregnancy MONTHS after any birth should have happened is just icing. Stop pretending that you did this because you were worried. You did it to punish her for not telling you the details of her situation. Details you do NOT deserve and are NOT entitled to. Before you open your fool mouth again, you need to spend a full week reading up on the reality of pregnancy, miscarriage rates, and criminalization of reproductive health care in this country. Congratulations, you have ensured she never tells you anything ever again for the rest of her life. YTA.


> I'm not on the business of knowing every law that comes up Riiiight. Just a law that's been the focus of nationwide furor and politics for months now. YTA--even IF you weren't deliberately fucking with your sister, which is pretty hard to imagine, you went nuclear on your options when you could have spent more time talking to, you know, your actual *family*.


YTA, your sister owed you 9 updates. Why not reach out to your mom with your concerns? Or other family. Wjat you did was insanely stupid




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WTF is wrong with you? This has to be some kind of troll post right? Please tell me it's not real. If you were able to see her social media it was obvious that she didn't have a baby. 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage . . . One in Five.


LOL... people are actually falling for this BS story? Just an anti-abortion rage baiter. Nothing more.


May you have the day you deserve OP


I’m in the UK and even I know that “wellness” check out her in danger. You knew what you were doing. You wanted to punish her for not giving you more info. There are multiple ways to find out she’s ok, you were meant to be coming for Christmas, you could have asked then, but no, you decided to throw a wrench in her life in the shape of the police so she can go over her miscarriage again. VILE and completely calculated on your part. YTA


YTA. Are you truly unaware of any other way you might have found out about the wellbeing of your sister? Could you really think of no reason a woman might stop mentioning a pregnancy? Fortunately you’re probably a troll.


YTA. you knew. stop all this because you knew exactly what you were doing. it’s fair to be shunned after what you did.


"And I'm not really aware of the Texas Laws on reproductive rights, I'm not on the business of knowing every law that comes up, is not something that get's talked a lot in my circle..." You have to have been living under a rock for the past year to not know this is going on in Texas, it's not like it's been a secret. "people has lifes to live and not being all day on the internet raging about laws that probably wont ever affect them, I'm clearing this for people who think that I wanted to intentionally get my sister arrested." Um... this law DID affect your sister since the police showed up asking questions about her miscarriage. Educate yourself, clown.


I'm in Australia and I know how screwed up the laws are in Texas! YTA - there were multiple other options at your disposal instead of calling the police.


Yeah, this is exactly why laws like this are able to exist... Because people don't care "about laws that probably won't ever affect them". I like how OP thinks it's *still* not "affecting" him. Good luck ever talking to your sister again. 😂 YTA


YTA she was clearly okay as you could see she was active on social media. You could have called mum and asked if she was okay but you went for the most drastic action possible


Holy shit. Your sister could have been prosecuted for procuring an abortion and you want to know if you’re the asshole? Of course YTA and your updates only make it worse. Why don’t you know about the assault on women’s health and reproductive rights in Texas? I don’t even live in the US and I know about it.


YTA and I wouldn’t be surprised if your sister never speaks to you again. You sicced the damn law on her in a state that has clearly and horrifically draconian laws policing women’s bodies. You admitted that you heard and saw nothing about the pregnancy. You didn’t know if she gave birth, lost the baby, or had a termination. You had NO information, and you sent the cops after her and Schrödinger’s infant, in a place where they are ARRESTING WOMEN WHO HAVE MISCARRIED. You very literally set your sister up for state-enacted violence, and your defense is that “the law doesn’t matter because these laws don’t affect you.” Congratulations for appearing to be an abject narcissist, I guess? Good to know legislation that affects half the country’s population is irrelevant to you, and god save all the poor women in your life that you clearly do not care about, because you put your sister through trauma and you haven’t even got the good sense to apologize.






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YTA. IT WAS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. She could’ve gone to prison because of your BS nosiness. If you were truly worried about HER then you could’ve had the police do a well check on HER not her and a nonexistent baby. JFC, YTA


Yta. I wish I was so privileged that i didn't know my state's reproductive laws 💀


YTA I sincerely believe that you knew *exactly* what you were doing. You were pissed that you felt like your mom was "leaving you out" of the loop about what was going on with your sister (and it's pretty clear now as to why she did) so you decided to punish them. You had *NUMEROUS* ways to have gone about finding out what was going on with them, you *chose* the only option that could/would lead to the most cruel, devastating outcome for your sister because you're a childish, petty, (guessing here but I have learned to trust my gut) misogynist who wanted to punish these women for "disobeying" you by not involving you in the decision making process or at least keeping you informed about what was happening in *HER PERSONAL LIFE* so you could make sure she was doing everything *you* felt she needed to be doing. There's a reason it's difficult for you to get ahold of her. She's made it that way for a reason. ***TAKE THE HINT BUDDY, LEAVE HER, HER (and your, although it sounds like she regrets this tremendously) MOTHER AND ANYONE ELSE WHO HATES YOU TF ALONE***


YTA I'm assuming this is bait, but regardless, YTA.


YTA and massively so. This was never your business, especially if she didn’t contact you. Who TF do you think you are calling the cops on her like that? Did you want her to be punished for not talking to you? In the future, mind your damn business.


YTA you completely overstepped here. Why would you ask for a wellness check just because she didn't want to talk to you. Her social media told you she was alive. The fact that you specifically mentioned a baby in your wellness on an unborn baby in TX is tantamount to snitching. It was none of your business.


YTA Willful ignorance is one of the biggest issues this country. I cannot believe you only called for a wellness check. Your responses make me believe you called to get your sister in trouble. And it worked. I need you to use that brain if yours and think in the future.


YTA for lying to us. You thought she had an abortion and you wanted revenge. You wanted her to suffer for it. Your own sister.


YTA and an idiot. She had a social media presence, so you knew she was alive and you could have contacted other family just to ask if there was a reason she stopped respondingto you, there was no need for a wellness check, especially one that implied she might have a baby.


Get bent. Yta. No wonder your family doesn’t like you


YTA! I'd fucking disown your ass for this shit. What you did was unforgivable. Mom was correct in telling you to not come for Christmas. You evil, evil man. I also call bs on not knowing what has been happening in Texas regarding reproductive rights. There was a lady who had to flee your ass backward state to have a life saving procedure. P.S. in case it wasn't clear. You're a giant gaping AH!


Info Why didn't you ask your mom about it?


In his edits, he said he talked to his mom but felt like he was being left out. So, instead, he called the cops.


YTA and f*ck you. It was none of your business. Calling for a “welfare check” is BS. There were other ways to find out about your sister. Like your mom, for instance. And putting your head in the sand about reproductive rights is also BS, since it has now directly and traumatically impacted your sister. Again, Y T A. Be better.


YTA - You had no reasonable need to do a welfare check on her just because she stopped contacting you. If you were that concerned you could have called your mother or other family to find out her status without mentioning the pregnancy. Just to go off and call the cops for a welfare check was bad move on your part with the scant information you had. Do your penance from the family and maybe you can repair the damage eventually.




You are an awful person. Holy shit.


YTA. And a whole bunch of other things I can’t say without getting the ban hammer here. Least I’ll get to see you in hell.


YTA good luck in hell.


If you simply wanted to check on your sister, you would have called your MOTHER. You know, the person your sister was physically with at the time, who clearly lives close enough to not only pop over but to have all the details you wanted. But you didn't. You wanted to punish your sister for ghosting her, so you called the cops and deliberately inflicted trauma. YTA. But let's be honest here about what you really did. You saw the situation and thought to yourself... 'Hmm, I might be able to get an easy 10,000 dollars at my sister's expense'. So you called the cops. You are a monster. I hope every woman in your life now knows you cannot be trusted.


YTA and a massive one at that. You brought up a traumatic subject for your sister and sent the police. She could have gone to prison for the rest of her life under the laws Texas has! She probably ghosted you for a reason, nobody just stops talking to a family member like she did to you without a reason. Your family has every right to go no contact with you. You disrupted their lives, likely ruined their reputation in the community (as it’s Texas), and traumatized your sister. Pregnancy loss is a very sensitive topic for people, and to be outed like that makes the pain worse. It is traumatizing to lose a pregnancy and the fact that you don’t seem to think that what you did was adding to the trauma is concerning. You owe your entire family an apology, but don’t expect them to just start talking to you like nothing happened. Let them communicate with you on their terms. Send an email or letter with a well thought-out apology and then don’t engage further. If they are ready to talk to you (if ever), they will contact you. Seek therapy as well.


YTA and easily right now the biggest one to come up on this subreddit. If you were actually concerned then you could have gone to see her yourself. Instead you fucking called the cops on her, in a state where even a fucking miscarriage or any medical condition is dismissed as an abortion. For fucks sake do you not read the news? A women was just forced out of Texas to get an abortion because the fetus was not going to live and neither was the mother. You live in a state where women have no reproductive rights and thought it was smart to call the cops on her. You are fucking sick. I hope your whole family cuts you off permanently. Again YTA


YTA!! You honestly thought that calling the cops rather than pickup up a phone to call her and check in was a good idea?? You’re either a giant AH or a giant idiot


YTA. You wanted to get your sister in trouble and you know it. You wanted the cops to arrest your sister.


I guess now you realise that those laws can and do affect you too. YTA.


You weren't worried about apologizing. You literally said you didn't do anything wrong YTA for PURPOSELY causing trouble. Miscarriages are extremely horrible to go through. yta again




YTA 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you were as concerned as you say you were, which is quite doubtful, you would have tried to contact someone who may know what was going on. Maybe several someones. And then, if you couldn’t find out, JUST BUTT OUT! You are not owed any information from your sister about her life and what she does. It’s quite apparent from this post and your comments that you are a religious nut and wanted to get your sister in trouble because you thought she had an abortion. I hope your whole family goes no contact with you. You don’t deserve a loving family.


I'm really curious to know in what way you're making the argument that you didn't want to get your sister in trouble. Did you think her bf/partner was somehow abusive or a threat to her? You never mention that or anything else. She appears to have had a pretty lively social media presence throughout what would normally been her pregnancy/postnatal period Because what this looks like to all of us is that you thought she did something really bad to her baby and then had concealed it from everyone, and then you called the cops on her. It turned out you were wrong as hell, and now you're claiming ignorance of how the law works. Cause that's what you did. YTA. There were so many better ways to have handled this.


YTA. A MASSIVE ONE. What on freaking earth were you thinking? At this point, I hope you have the life you deserve.


YTA. As everyone else has made VERY good points, I just wanted to add this: calling a welfare check on someone in this manner, is not usually helpful and is not a way to gather information from people. What you did is waste police resources and damage a relationship further because you didn’t think about the person on the other end. If you saw photos of her and knew she was alive and seemingly well, then you didn’t need a welfare check. Clearly you saw she was alive and well. If you hadn’t seen photos of the baby and she wasn’t returning your calls, but you knew that she was ok because of her social media, then really what you should’ve done is realise she didn’t want to talk to you and left her alone. What you did instead, is decide that you wanted more information about her life than she was willing to give you, and so you involved the police under the pretence of a welfare check. Maybe you’ve justified this to yourself by saying you wanted to know that the baby was ok. But honestly it was not your business or your place to know. She would’ve spoken to you when or if she wanted to.


I know Texas is a big state but why didn't you go check on her yourself? Or ask a friend or relative who lives closer? YTA


YTA. You controlling little incel, sick sicced the fucking cops on your sister? It’s none of your goddamn business if she had an abortion. ETA: read the rest of your post and you’re even more pathetic, ignorant and stupid than I thought. The fact that you’re a part of this electorate is why we can’t have nice things in this country like bodily autonomy. You should be ashamed and shunned


YTA. What do you think a 'wellness check' is??? Yes you DID call the police on her!! You were way out of line! If you were really worried about her, you would've called your mother and asked HER about your sister, in a generalized way without specifics. You could also have left your sister a 'call me back, or else I'm calling the cops' message too. Bottom Line: there was no NEED for a wellness check. You knew your sister was alive, you just didn't know what was going on - so this was really about satisfying your CURIOSITY. You can tell yourself whatever story your want to, to make it sound better in your own mind, but at the end of the day, you did a lot of damage that was *never about helping your sister*.


YTA and a horrible brother. You should feel horrible but you don't so that tells me what kind of person you are. I'd leave your sister alone and let her contact you if she ever chooses to.


Wow...how could you not know about the abortion laws change?! Everyone knows about it ( i am not in US or US citizen and I know how bad things are). YTA 100% Even if you genuinely were worried you could have went about it in so many different ways without putting your sister at risk. YTA


How in the world could you not know about these laws!?! I live in Australia and know about it! The whole world does! And we look on with nothing but pitty and disgust that this is happening to women in your country. YTA. I don’t buy for a second you didn’t know how dangerous it is to be a woman in those states. Even if that wasn’t the case, there are a million other avenues you could take before calling police!


YTA and congrats on being an epic one at that. You live in a state that you KNOW is psychotic when it comes to women's healthcare (or lack thereof), and yet you still chose to put your sister in danger by calling the police like that.


YTA. If you can't figure out why, then your character is more lacking than you've already made it seem. It's an impressive feat, to be sure, but I sincerely hope you leave your family alone. They've suffered enough.


YTA If the only way you can get info on her is from social media and you were too estranged from your family to call someone and ask, you should have just kept your nose out of her business.


"yes we had some rough patches because of diferences of opinions" I'd like to hear more about these differences. I have my guesses, though.


Yta. You're the sort of asshole who gives assholes a bad name. I hope you don't vote, because anyone who even pretends to be so ill informed on what happens in their state's legal system is to I'll informed to check any boxes in the ballot.


You may be one of the worst humans I’ve seen on this thread. YTA isn’t strong enough of a verdict.


YTA OP was just tryin to collect that $10,000 bounty


YTA. Why wouldn't you speak to your sister or your mom before going to the authorities. It's no wonder she's mad.


YTA to such a level that people should be allowed to punch you in the gut, then place “wellness check” calls about you on an hourly basis. Better yet, everyone should just avoid you, because your karma is so ultra-bad now that something terrible is going to happen to you and nobody wants to be caught in the collateral damage.


I can’t tell whether you’re evil or just priviliged enough for your ignorance to cause evil, but definitely YTA


>And I'm not really aware of the Texas Laws on reproductive rights, I'm not on the business of knowing every law that comes up, is not something that get's talked a lot in my circle I literally live in South Africa and even I know about these laws and the attacks on reproductive rights in the US. EVERYONE does. You're either incredibly dense or did this on purpose. YTA!


You’re disgusting. You could have asked your mom if your sister had a baby.


YTA. You stirred up trouble on purpose and then played woe is me, I'm the victim here. You're heartless.


YTA. Who the fuck calls for a wellness check (aka THE POLICE) instead of asking family to check up on your sister?


YYA - with all the political shit going on you called the POLICE ON YOUR SISTER KNOWING SHE WOULD GET IN TROUBLE!! You deserve to be shunned.


You are an absolute moron


Omg. YTA. Your update didn't make things better. Now you are claiming that you just don't pay attention to laws because "they don't affect you". Wtf? Now I'm just disgusted. The entire country knows that Texas is persecuting women, but apparently you just blithely skip through life. How is it even possible that you have never gone online and seen an article or had someone you know bring it up? I call bs. Now to your sister. If you truly believed she had a baby, then she obviously wasn't hiding it from your parents anymore. If you were so worried, you would have called them. I mean, you could have even gotten in your car and driven to check on your sister. But instead you decide that because your sister, who you rarely talk to, is ignoring you, then your precious nibling is in danger. I really don't understand your train of thought here. Besides, omg, even if somehow you didn't know that women can be arrested for miscarriages now, you did know that calling the police for a welfare check can end very badly.


I'm in Australia and I seem to be better informed about Abbott's agenda regarding pregnancies than OP. There is ignorance, and then there is OP.


YTA If my son did this, I would know I have failed as a mother. You're not only an AH, you're a bad person.


YTA. Women have gone to jail for miscarriages. If you don't know what is going on re: women's reproductive right in conservative states, that is on you. The reality is, your sister was incredibly lucky she wasn't brought in for questioning or held overnight. You knew your sister had been pregnant. You saw social media posts of her not looking pregnant but being fine. So that leaves 3 options. She had an abortion, she had a miscarriage, she lied. She had no reason to lie and she wouldn't have told you if she was planning an abortion. So that peqve miscarriage. It is perfectly understandable that someone who experiences a miscarriage isn't going to put it on social media or even want to talk about it. Occam's razor. You completely ignored Occam's razor. Yet you were worried? You saw your sister was on social media, so you knew she was basically OK. You weren't worried enough to call her or your mother or any other relative or reach out on social media? You called a government agency instead? Nope. You didn't do any of the normal things someone does when they are ACTUALLY worried about someone. Calling for a wellness check is usually the last straw when there is no one else to reach out to. Strangely enough, wellness checks are often used by people in a manipulative way to send a message that the think they can justify by saying "I was worried" - it is a very dramatic move and always backfires. In any event, if I were your sister, there is absolutely no way I would believe you were "just worried". Your receipts just don't add up. So even on the slim chance it is true, you were genuinely worriednand just too dumb to use all the normal chamnels of contact, you screwed up SO BAD that it would be surprising that anyone truly believes your story, unless you have a long history of being this obtuse. Even then it is hard to believe.




YTA. You knew what you were doing. You wanted your sister arrested. You wanted her to suffer. If you didn’t you would have a fucking called her rather than this “wellness check” which is a loose disguise for the police. You could have called your mom before calling the police. You wanted her to suffer and be punished because you believed she had an abortion. You are a fucking asshole and I’m so happy your entire family is shunning you.




YTA big time. You’re in Texas where abortion is illegal. You wrongly assumed that she had aborted the pregnancy and tried to “seek justice”. You obviously knew that there wasn’t a baby since there was as no baby shower or birth announcement in the family. The same goes for your sister’s overall health because someone would have told you if she had passed. This is absolutely disgusting to read. Miscarriages are agony mentally and physically and you forced her to relive that several times over. Adding on top of that if she lost the baby in January and it was due in May, then she was possibly far enough along to have a stillbirth which adds a whole new level of trauma. Leave your sister and mother alone at this point and allow them to heal.


YTA Lets say for the sake of argument that you ARE living under a rock regarding Texas. Your sister told you in confidence that she was pregnant. You saw no further news of the pregnancy or baby. If you wanted to do a wellness check, why wouldn’t you just do it through relatives or friends? If NO ONE had seen or heard from her and there was no social media presence and you decided to call the authorities for a wellness check…why on earth would you bring the pregnancy into it? Are you completely dense?


Outrage troll


YTA what the fuck is wrong with you?


YTA. You know your sister was alive, you damn well know the laws, and you absolutely knew what you were doing when you called the cops on your sister. You're not even convincing with your fake ignorance. You thought your sister had an abortion, and wanted to punish her for it, and you didn't care one bit whether it was true or not, or whether you traumatized her to do so. You're an absolutely vile person.


YTA Jesus, if someone tells you they're pregnant early, and then they stop mentioning tue baby ; you really couldn't fathom it might be a miscarriage?


YTA, my goodness, you need to think about why on earth you’d do such a thing to a young woman.


YTA! You deserve it!


Holy fuck YTA. There's no way I believe you called for a "wellness check." You wanted the police to arrest her because you thought she had an abortion, so you called them and asked for a "wellness check" on the baby. Your family should absolutely shun you. You are a dangerous person.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times.


In what scenario are you not TA? Why didn't you ask your family if she was okay? You knew from social media she was okay BTW. She's not obligated to talk to you if she doesn't want to. And a wellness check...uh huh. And you're on Reddit and in America but don't know about Texas's extreme laws. Uh huh. Really hope this is fake. You're nailing unreliable narrator. Miscarriage is so sad, scary, and lonely. Now you've made it ten times worse that what she was already dealing with. Being shunned for traumatizing your already suffering sister isn't unfair, it's appropriate. YTA.


Biggest asshole of the year here. YTA


YTA it's literally none of your business. If she should have given birth in March that would have been a pretty good indication that she either decided not to keep the baby or miscarried any further information about that other than they're being no baby is none of your business at all brother or not. What a horrible thing to do to a woman call the cops on her because you didn't see that she produced a baby.


If you really felt it was necessary to call the police for a wellness check, why did you have to mention the baby at all? It seems you’re either obtuse or tying to cause trouble. YTA


You did this deliberately, it’s obvious. You’ve already stated she was active on social media so you knew she was ok. There was no mention of a baby, so it was obvious there wasn’t one. All you had to do was call your parents to check she was ok. I bet she regretted telling you immediately which was why she ghosted you. That was her mistake she should have just told you she miscarried, though would you have asked for a ‘wellness’ check if she’d done that? I don’t believe you’re not aware of the awful laws in Texas, how could you not be? I’m in the UK and our news was full of it at the time?It’s got to have been a talking point in every social circle in the US both then and even now. I bet you’re a red neck conservative Trump supporter who suspected what had probably happened and wanted to ‘punish’ your sister. Now you’ve been called out, you’re trying to be disingenuous and your family aren’t buying it. Shame on you. YTA


YTA (You’re The Actual dumbest person I’ve ever seen on here and that’s saying a lot).


No one should ever speak to this man again.


YTA - so hope this is rage bate and no one would be so terrified to sister
