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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A couple days ago I (20F)made a bacon egg and cheese sandwich on a roll, and I wasn't able to finish it . So I left it in the fridge to eat it later. Later that day, we made tamales and they went top to my priority list for being eaten. They run out fast and I'd be damned if I didn't get to eat any. So my sandwich was pretty much on the back burner until the Tamales ran out. Well today they ran out, didn't get to eat any. :( It was upsetting but understandable. Like I said, the Tamales run out fast. The only reason I was upset was because I had already started making atole to go with it. Besides, I still had my sandwich in the fridge, I just had to heat it up. My delicious sandwich, with crispy bacon. Besides the sandwich has roll hero bread, roll hero goes well with atole. Breakfast is saved. I open up the fridge and nothing. My sandwich is GONE. WTF. WHERE IS MY SANDWICH? I keep looking around, hoping that it just got moved around. No, no sandwich. Breakfast was in peril. So I called my mom(45F), who I live with and has a habit of moving stuff around, and asked her if she knows what happened to my sandwich. This woman looks me and the eyes and tells me that she threw it away. I'm shocked. My sandwich, mind you was fine. It wasn't gross and moldy or anything. It was still good, I had checked it the day before and even made a comment about how I would eat it today. I asked her why and she just shrugged. She said, "It got hard". Now, for context, this woman has a bad habit of never throwing shit that needs to get thrown out. She has kept spoiled milk, moldy bread, moldy cheese, and moldy vegetables. But all of a sudden my sandwich is hard from the cold and it deserves to be trashed. Without me being asked first?! And there's no more bread rolls! I can't even make another sandwich. So obviously I'm pissed and I leave the room. And she just starts going on that I can just go out and buy more. And I could. But I don't want to! Why should I have to buy it? I'm not the one throwing other people's food out and if I do buy she's just going to take it all for herself, just like all the other groceries and cooking utensils I buy. She's out here crying to my father(46M)that I'm being mean and lazy. And now they're both on my ass about how I'm being a jerk for not forgiving my mom. Which frankly just pisses me off more, because I've yet to hear an apology and she's always going and on about how she hates my father but now's shes running of to snitch on me for being upset. I feel ridiculous but I can't stop being angry. Aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*