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YTA. I actually cannot believe how entitled you are that you are describing a STOLEN TV as «nothing til large» and «borrowed». Give it back.


The “nothing that large” wasn’t regarding the TV. It does not identify “stolen”… not in my mind. >!My mind of course is twisted so many ways…!<


I’m confused? Did they want the TV back? Did they say anything to you about it?? Also, you brought your own TV to the hospital?? How does that even work? I wouldn’t think that’s a normal or allowed thing you can do


How do you define that? **Want?** That would have to be voiced, right? I was never approached again or contacted yet regarding the tv or anything else. Communication has been literally zero since moving out. (Well shortly after)


YTA You stole a TV. Give it back or be prepared when they finally realize it and call the police... OR... contact the owner and ask about keeping it. Maybe they will give you a deal on it... maybe even free.


Da fuck writing is this. Make it make sense. Don't try to write cool.


YTA, stop stealing shit. It’s not yours and you’re not entitled to any of it. It’s people with this sort of entitled behavior that make the world such a shit place. Yeah, serial killers are scary and there’s a genocide happening right in front of us. But day to day, it’s people like OP that just make the human experience exhausting. Not to mention how irritating OP’s writing style is.


YTA you stole it lol. From what you describe it seems like if you just asked you probably could have used it.


YTA, doing all kinds of wrong while you know that's wrong, and you seem entitled. In life the best way is to strive to do what's right... You just do whatever you want.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Ok, so I've stolen some stuff from the same party, that's an fyi. (nothing too large) I know that part is NOT ok. (No need to talk about that, that's just to give you an insight that I know my behavior wasn't great.) The main item we're talking about is an "old" (2017 or earlier) Samsung TV that was *rotting away* in a basement and nobody was using it. (Yet I was the only one in the apartment without a personal TV) Shared apartment. I wasn't specifically given permission to take it in the first place and I suppose it was definitely intended for one of the younger adults who move out into their own apartment. I wound up in the hospital and while still there, some day I went back to the apartment and took the TV to the hospital. **The second time when someone from the apartment staff visited me at the hospital, I said "f--k it" (in my head) and gave that person the TV to take back. 10 seconds later I took that TV out of the person's hand and laid it down on the bed. And I said "If you think it's the right thing to do, take it." (Something like that.)** That person did not take it. Aka: I actually offered to give it back once already. How many times are you expected to offer back stolen goods to the owner? LOL. I know this will be a rare and unusual situation. While I've offered some apologies some time later for the way I behaved, I've never re-offered giving back that TV. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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