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Jesus! You should have asked if your son was TA because that would have been so in the nose is not even funny. He fucked everything up something fierce but somehow it is always somebody else's fault... I know the type. There is no changing their delusion but you are not obligated to participate in it, so NTA. If he feels obligated to speak his (delusional) truth to you it is only fair that you speak your own truth to him.




According to OP's son, a mother is something easily replaced and quickly forgotten, so he can just pretend someone other than OP is his mother and get support for his idiotic and sadistic behaviour from them.


I kinda facepalmed at this part “as a mother you are supposed to support him no matter what” while kicking the memory of his children mother out the door as soon as she was stiff and underground. What a vile piece of meat that son is.


Absolutely this. He really lacked all empathy to not see how it might be distressing to *his mother* to see him disrespect the memory of his own children's mother.  Glad the grandparents have their shit together and are ensuring these poor kids know they are still loved and wanted.


He basically showed his late wife's parents that Sadie meant nothing to him and he didn't love their daughter at all.


Yep.  Then turned around after he made them piss away money on attorneys to demand they give his new kids with the "replacement mother" free shit.  Can't believe he doesn't understand the problem. 


Omg! What egregiously entitled ***ASSHOLE-O!*** Those poor kids are going to be all kinds of fucked up. :( ^I'm ^so ^sorry, ^please ^excuse ^my ^french. Wholeheartedly agreed, OP is **NTA!**


Agreed. The worst part is that OPs son is a dog chasing his own tail and doesn't even realize it. He keeps digging himself deeper and deeper. If he doesn't get the self awareness to realize that he's pushing everyone away. He will be left alone.




NTA at all but your son sure is. There are thousands of posts here written by children of parents who do this kind of thing to them. Repeat: thou shalt not try to erase a deceased parent with a "new" one. Find some of those posts and have your son read them. He has effectively ruined his relationship with the older children and they will likely go no contact with him as soon as they are able. And trying to get his former in-laws to pay for the younger children is ridiculous. They have no relation, why should they?


Yeah no kidding. What is with people thinking they can assemble blended families together as easily as a bunch of lego blocks?


The Brady Bunch fallacy


Or like joining the military!


Because they're not trying to form a blended family they're trying to force the idealized nuclear family idea of mother, father, and *their* children. There's no others in their history. That's why these types of couples try to erase the deceased parent so hard.


Brady bunch is still on reruns


What do you think the psychology behind this is? It seems to be a common bit of idiocy when one parent dies. Remarry and try to pretend the dead parent never existed. Did these people not like their dead partner are they trying to pretend that bad things don't happen? It seems so odd, but it is quite common.


"Hey, kids! Since your mom is dead, I found us a mother for you! From this moment on, you are to love and acknowledge Hailey as your ***new mom***. You are to accept these kids as your new brothers and sisters. Your mom is gone now. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." *gag*


Because he wants the 'grandparent' experience from them... love, affection, days out...(aka babysitting/kid free day) And also the monetary gifts they give their grandchildren.


The audacity of demanding even just expecting that after he tried to deny them any contact with their actual grandchildren. They had to go to court as he made it clear they wouldn’t be part of their life as their daughter would no longer exist to him and his kids. Yet here he is expecting them to welcome his new family who he tried to exclude them for. The delusions of some people . They lost their daughter and only showed him support yet he then needlessly tried to make them lose their grandchildren as well.


I wonder what colour his lifted, dually truck with a punisher sticker on it is? You see guys like that at the store all the time.


Well. I just spit water all over my poor foster dog. Thank you for making me terrify all the animals in my house with my cackling


Make sure you give that good doggo a treat to make up for it. Poor soggy doggo


Oh they got their favorite garbage food this morning. I have three dogs, three cats and two Foster dogs -- technically three Foster dogs but one of them will be with me until she dies because she has a lot of medical issues and the Rescue doesn't feel it would be ethical to put her up for adoption and I agree. So I call her both my dog and a foster dog... But the important thing to note is that every single dog in this house is also part raccoon and the more disgusting the wet food is: the happier they are


Awesome, just good ol dogs being good ol gross dogs in their gross food. All is right with the world :)


It was a rhetorical question. The in laws owe nothing to his new children.


I think it was a rhetorical answer too.....adorable was being a little snarky....but no harm intended, I don't think.


I wonder if he demands that Haley's parents take the older kids out too and gift all of them money?


Where’s Haley’s parents at? Also I need to understand how someone can have a 3 and 8 month old baby at the same time, like scientifically how can that happen.


A 3 yr old and an 8 month old.


Come on, now. Three years old and eight months old.


When my ex-husband and I divorced, we had 3 kids 8, 12, 14, and we both remarried. I didn't have kids with my 2nd husband but he had 2 kids with his new wife. Every holiday was a big deal and if we made gift bags for my 3 kids, we always made one for their half siblings. It was the same for Christmas and birthdays...I always included their half siblings in things like that because 1) it was their siblings and 2) they were all kids and what little kid understands the different parent concept, all they would have seen was sister got a Valentines/Easter/whatever-goodie bag but I didn't or brothers came home with all these presents and we didn't get anything. Kids are innocent and don't understand when adults act like jerks. I imagine if this guy was actually respectful and decent with his former in-laws, they most likely would have included the 2 new kids with their grandkids but he had to go and mess up any future relationship with his delusions.


I agree... but he wasn't and now this is the situation. Yes, the kids are innocent but he is delusional in his expectation. Also this was not a divorce with amenable coparenting... he tried to erase the kids' mom after she passed, a very different story. Glad you were able to make it work in your family. An amenable separation with good coparenting is probably the reason your older kids are okay with their younger siblings.


If the son had a thinking brain, he could have brought his 'new' family around gradually and the in-laws might have accepted them as bonus grand kids. Going nuclear should never be the first and only option. NTA, OP


Yes. Slow, steady, and naturally wins the game. You can't just force people (especially people suffering a terrible loss) to do something under that kind of duress.




Doesn’t sound like he wanted to “blend” the family at all — he wanted to retcon the whole story.


Yeah the only way he could have been more ostentatious would have been if he asked them up front to be the new kids grandparents while erasing the dead daughter.


Like many single parents or widowers (thankfully not universally) he forgot one thing, that children have minds and emotions of their own which are still developing ones. Very often to them the parent they lost has been the only mother or father in their lives and they they can remember and have a connection to. People like OP’s son who remarry to slot in a new parental figure tend to ignore this and how it makes the process so much more delicate, resulting in damage when rushing it.


Regular parents can also forget their kids have emotions, ideas, and experiences of their own too. That alone can be traumatic, without compounding it with grief, or a tricky blended family situation. Comboing the whole trio of issues is terrible.


The ironic part is if he had just been nice to the grandparents he would have gotten most of his fantasy.


Nta everything that happened after Sadie's death was his fault, I wouldn't be surprised if those kids went low contact with him later in life. He basically assured his kids will be closer to his inlaws than him and he still doesn't understand thats his fault


NTA " I told him he was wrong there. They owe him nothing after the things he said to them and he needs to accept this is what we warned him about." You're exactly right. He's F A & F O. He needs to listen & wise up before he does any more damage to those children. They lost their mom & of course their grandparents will give them all the love they can. You seem a wise & balanced person. It's a shame your son is such an A H.


He’s trying to enforce his in-laws to not talk about their daughter to their daughter‘s children. That is messed up and not his call to make.


He fucked around, now he’s finding out.


NTA. Wow your son seems utterly unable to see anything from another's point of view here. Sorry for his children (all of them). And even if he hadn't soured the relationship with Sadie's family, they would still not have owed his new children anything.


NTA. You’re watching a train wreck. As the mom, you want to stop it. He needs some therapy to sort through some stuff.


Unfortunately, I can see this guy being one of those people who will seek out a therapist that only agrees with him 100% and leaving any that don't. For, you know, 'reasons.'


Excellent point. Feel bad for mom on the sidelines.


NTA but your son is stupid. He had a great relationship with his ILs. Then he completely screwed it up before he even remarried. Then he ruined his relationship with his older kids. Left alone they probably would have come to accept and consider the younger kids as siblings. No chance in hell of that now. He sounds immature.


NTA. He fucked up his relationship with his late wife's parents, and he has to accept the consequences of that - they don't feel like he's family any more and only want contact with their daughter's children. Also, this is hilarious: >He snapped at me saying I was not seeing things clearly and was not supporting him as any mother should. You are seeing matters a lot more clearly than he is, and you don't owe him unconditional support for bad behaviour. As his mother, you owe him support to be the best person he can be - and that means calling him out when he's making mistakes/being an idiot.


It's so weird that he wants unconditional support from his parents when he isn't giving it to his kids.


On point!


The OP is literally trying to save her son's relationship with his kids. The way things are going odds are the older kids will go LC or NC.


> He fucked up his relationship with his late wife's parents AND with his kids!


Info: what is wrong with your son? This can’t be the first time he’s treated people this cruelly.


Yep, telling grueving parents that he is going to erase their daughter's memory, make her children someone else's and forbidding them from talking about her has to be evil level. OP's son doesn't tespect or care about any of his wives if he thinks there is no difference between them as long as they are married to him. He doesn't notice, so he thought the children wouldn't too.


NTA, he shot his mouth off and now is suffering the consequences. It seems that his motivation was not what is best for the kids kind of attitude. Poor kids, even the half siblings. He is stuck because he caused all this drama. Poor guy, bless his heart. . . .a southern expression meant with as much snark as possible!


NTA. Your son threatened to cut off his former in-laws from his older kids, and is now whining that they don't care about his younger kids - who could ever have seen that coming. And then he goes further and threatens to tell the courts to fuck off - what is up with your son, what is happening.  Your son is a little too old to be so immature. Something tells me his older kids are more mature than him, and it reflects *very* poorly on him.


He gave them an ultimatum as a dominance move, and so clearly didn't think they'd take him up on it. Don't give anyone an ultimatum that hurts you more than it hurts them. He also clearly never looked into the law. His arrogance is kind of impressive.


He really is very arrogant. He can do and say and threaten *anything* and people are supposed to bow to him and absolutely never call him out on it all. *He's 46* and has 5 kids. This man, *this*.


Nta. Your son sounds like an extremely selfish and altogether unpleasant person. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt given he lost his wife, but God damn. You have my condolences.


It sounds like he doesn’t see women as actual humans but just wants them for their utility. His first wife was just someone to make babies and take care of them for him. Because she’s just doing a job he wanted done he just needed to hire a new employee to replace her. Since he doesn’t see them as real partners it’s easy for him to replace them and doesn’t understand why everyone else is upset with him.


NTA I can literally see where your son’s life is going and he’s not going to be happy with the results. He’s crapped all over his relationship with his previous in laws, his children will likely grow up hating him (and to some degree their extra siblings and step mom) because his head is stuck up his arse, he’s being dense and refuses to acknowledge that he has very badly messed this up and he will likely never have a bonded family at this point, frankly I’ll be surprised if his kids speak to or care about him in the future. You tried to warn him, you can do nothing more but be there for the children who desperately need people on their side.


NTA. Fuck around and find out.


NTA. You can't sideline and verbally abuse people, try to change legal family relationships (WTF) and then ask for gigantic favors and special treatment.


NTA...next summer my. sister is marrying a widower. He has 2 children with his wife. In planning the wedding his first wife's family a re being included in everything and honored as the grooms in-laws. They are included in all ways with the. sons he shares with their daughter. These wonderful. loving people have accepted my sister and her 3 girls from her first marriage as part of their family. also. My sister and I have no. living. parents. We lost Dad in 98 and Mom 2021. These wonderful loving. people suggested to my little sister that they honor my Mom and Dad at the wedding and. treat my husband and I as "parents of the bride" as ours are gone. So at the wedding with be 2. empty chairs on bride's side and the groom's sons have asked for an empty chair to honor their mother. This to me is how you honor the love that was lost too soon by a parent passing away! We may be wrong but everyone. is happy and feels included. and that's really all that matters.


that is really beautiful. There are so many Reddit stories of people screwing this up, it is sweet to read about people being that thoughtful.


This is super sweet.


This is amazing.


And that's how you do it


Just commenting to say that this is it should be. Everyone involved in this is so kind and considerate. This is a beautiful blending of family.


NTA. Does your son care about any opinion other than his own? Only a crazy person would threaten to withhold grandkids from parents who lost their daughter and expect them to be okay with their daughter being erased. And only a dumb person would do that to grandparents that were loaded. I'm sorry but your son isn't the brightest bulb.


WTF? Why was your son so nasty and aggressive? They were supportive of him moving on and he brought a gun to a picnic for no reason and straight up told them he wanted to erase their daughter from her kids lives.  Even if he hadn’t been cruel to them, I don’t get why he expects any relationship between them and his younger kids. That’s literally the role Haley’s parents are supposed to play. You’re absolutely NTA. 


Wait til is older kids turn 18 and go NC with him


The younger kids are sure to be having a horrible childhood with him as their father, so I don't think his relationship with them will end up any better.


He’s going to have to vent his frustration at his dream being a nightmare, and the older kids will be the one to take the heat at least until they’re gone.


Nta. Profanity isn't great, but I can't say it any better or more succinctly that your son is a dick


Hey, don’t insult dicks. I don’t have one, but they can be enjoyable to have around, which doesn’t seem to be the case for her son.


NTA - your son must really not be the sharpest tool in the shed if he actually believed  ex in laws would financially help him with the kids from his second marriage.   Even if he hadn’t threatened to erase them from their grandchildren’s lives.          Keep standing by your grandchildren, they’re going to need you guys when they’re old enough to escape their father .


NTA. He really thought this would work? And that it’s morally ok? Because the cruelty and mental gymnastics involved in his plans is breathtaking. I mean, JFC, did he *really* think three grieving kids would just be like “cool, we’re not individuals and don’t have any valid needs. So sure, we’ll all three instantaneously and permanently stop all our grieving, be totally cool with erasing our mom and grandparents from our lives forever, and just be totally and instantly smitten with whatever stranger Daddy likes and can hype up enough to marry and go along with the proclamation of “here’s your new mommy!” And he actually thought the grandparents would be like “yeah, cool, we’re also totally fine with being asked to irrevocably abandon our deceased child’s children because their cruel, thoughtless father would find that convenient, and his cold-blooded convenience is surely everyone’s most important priority!” And now, “oh, sure thing, all that immense pain and cruelty and those steep attorney costs we needlessly incurred were really our pleasure. We would LOVE to do you frequent, large favors, like showering you with money and providing free babysitting on demand for kids we don’t know and aren’t related to!” Like, holy narcissism Batman. Please keep a close eye on these kids, they desperately need as many people on their side as possible to advocate for them and protect them from their terrible father.


Sorry to say it but your son sounds like a really unpleasant person. NTA


NTA. Your son is delusional. He needs to take accountability for his actions rather than raging at you. It has nothing to do with you. You’re just the target of his rage at the moment


It's funny how some men think that just because we are interchangeable and replaceable for them, it must be the same for the kids.


NTA... has your son ever been diagnosed because this sounds a wee bit like a personality disorder.


NTA. Your son however sounds like a world class AH


NTA but your son is. Sidenote: How does your son have 2 kids 5 months apart with 1 woman?


3 years old and 8 months old. 


Holy fuck I'm dumb, thank you 😂


😂 If it makes you feel better? I looked back and double checked before I commented. All of the abbreviation and slang is easily misread. 


I misread it the first time, too.


I see this again and again. You'll never win replacing dead mom with new mom. The smart move is to embrace the kid's love of dead mom. I had a friend who adored his step mother as she for years took him get flowers to place on his mother's tombstone. He asked her once if she was ever jealous and she said sure, but she wasn't stupid and insecure enough to compete with a dead woman.


This should belong on on the entitled people subreddits because wow. Your son is an AH. His poor kids.


What is your son going to do when Sadie’s family set up college and trust funds for just their grandchildren and nothing for the two half siblings? This is a common practice played out on Reddit all the time. And NO, he can’t give or force the kids into giving money to their half siblings.


I can't imagine what it must feel like to be a parent and watch your child grow and turn into something unrecognizable and hideous.


NTA Don’t be surprised if his older children eventually go no contact with him. To keep a relationship with them, you’ll need to show them that you won’t share things about them with their father/stepmother.


He told the grandparents Sadie's name must never be mentioned after he remarried, now he is demanding they do what he wants as Sadie's husband?


NTA he brought this upon his self. His older kids are leaving as soon as they get the chance UpdateMe


Do you think it will take him that long to loose custody of his kids? Given the amount of emotional abuse he is probably subjecting them too to accept their new family and push them to have the grandparents accept his new kids I figure it won’t be long before a judge decides his home is no longer a safe environment. Given the kids grandparents seem wealthy and are probably a Read documenting his out bust and his blackmail. I give it another 3/4 years before the kids live with the grandparents.


Hopefully ! The kids can be with their grandparents who truly care about their feelings


I agree. The grandparents sound smart and dad sounds like a hot head that doesn’t think or care about anyone else. So I hope they don’t have to endure this to long.


NTA, but I'd be sure your grandkids know you don't support your son on this. Otherwise you'll end up iced out when they leave home.


NTA, but your son sure is. Karma is so sweet, and he's getting what he deserves.


NTA but your son is off his rocker and needs big time help! How dare he speak to Sadie's family or you or anyone in the manner he did. His "my way or the highway" is going to get him exactly what he deserves and that is nothing. What a bozo. I feel really sorry for all of his children.


NTA. Wtf...they owe it to him because he was Sadie's husband, yet at the same time he's tried repeatedly to erase her existence entirely from his and his kids lives?! What a hypocritical AH.


NTA. Good on you for not blowing smoke up his delusional ass. 


NTA. It's very difficult when your adult children do things you don't agree with. I'm glad you've been honest with your view of the situation from the start. He's prioritizing what he wants, not what is best for his and Sadie's children.


NTA-I’m sorry but not only is your son a big time major league asshole,but he’s profoundly stupid.


I don't get why he felt he had to dictate to his deceased wife's family? He could have simply let things happen naturally and maintained good relations with them. And why would they consider his more recent children as their grandchildren? NTA but your son sabotaged himself for...what exactly? Don't let him try to lay the blame for any of it at your feet. NTA


Okay, so to clarify: your son told his IL's(former) that essentially his dead first wife(their daughter) would no longer exist in ANY capacity outside of DNA inside the kids she birthed, so that any woman he married after that wouldn't be anything less than 'mom'. Meaning his IL's would no longer have any real meaning in their grandchildren's lives. And your son wondered why they fought him on it????? WTF? On top of that, now he thinks these same IL's that should no longer have anything to do with his family should treat his younger two(who not actually related to them in any capacity) the same as they would treat the oldest three??????? WTDF??? That is some next level shit. Next next level. NTA. You should have you know what up the you know where of his head. Several times.


OP - does your kid actually parent? Not said as a judgement, said out of shear confusion. Does he leave it all to his new wife? Are his familial decisions all pronouncements from on high? Because the out of touch is staggering. It's all "me, me, me" - his prior in-laws have to do things *his* way, his new wife has to follow *his* vision (as in he sought out one that would agree with him), his kids have to have the relationship *he* wants for them. Are they just automatons to him? Is there no recognition that his control ends when they hit 18? (sooner if they decide to flee because of his antics). NTA - sadly, with the shocking lack of awareness about anyone but himself... I dont think things are going to improve anytime soon.


NTA I hope when his oldest 3 children turn 18 and go NC with him, that you continue to be supportive of your grandchildren.


NTA. You've got a 46 year old son there with the emotional intelligence of a five or six year old. I feel sorry for everyone here - even your son because this can't be fixed. He doesn't have the mental capacity. Edit. Following my post I thought back to when my kids were 5 or 6. They were streets ahead of this guy in their ability to see the world from another persons perspective. Make that 2 years old. Apologies to any 5 year olds reading this.


He’s an AH and in the process of ruining the lives of all 5 kids


NTA x1000 but your son is. I’m just glad as his mother you’re not an enabler and are smart enough to call him on his bullshit.


Your son pooped in his Easter basket when he was so cruel and shortsighted to his former in laws. As for what your son said to you about being unsupportive, giving support does not mean providing carte blanche to agree with everything he says or does or wants. You warned your son, but he did not listen. Not as an attempt to change his in laws minds, but he owes them a sincere, heartfelt apology. I wish for kinder, gentler days for you. your son, his wife, the children, and his former in laws. \~WaldenWould


NTA- just expect another round of venting when the older kids move out and go no contact. No one owes him anything- although as a supporting mother, I'd be tempted to slap some sense into him. His younger kids are strangers to them. He tried to erase their daughter from the older kids life. He chose his karma- suck it up.


He wants to remove all memory of his dead wife and mother of 3 of his children? What sized gasket would be blow for these kids to grow up and look like their mother? Edit: NTA! This is 10000% your son. My god. And the second wife for going along with it. How is she so blind as not to realise he would do the same to her??


NTA your son is a huge TA and needs serious parenting counseling ASAP


NTA. But what about Haley's parents? Don't the younger 2 have her parents for Grandparents? Do they take the older 3, provide for and give gifts to? I don't understand parents trying to force what should come naturally.


NTA Your son suffers from a bad case of Open Mouth Insert Foot.


He made his bed now he must lay in it. You did nothing wrong.


NTA. He's a living example of the phrase, "Cutting off his nose to spite his face."


Your son found out.  It was good of you to try to keep your son from ruining his relationship with his children and their other grandparents.  NTA 


NTA. Just because he doesn’t want to hear the truth doesn’t make you the AH.


NTA - and please show your son this comment. So your first wife dies, you think that you are in full authority to tell her PARENTS how life is going to go INCLUDING BASICALLY ERASING SADIE FROM ANY FORM OF EXSISTENCE. And then you expect the kids to go with it too like they didn't just lose their mom? And now you're trying to force everyone to get along because your disgusting plan failed? You need to humble yourself so fast and be crawling back to them with your tail between your legs because your behaviour is deplorable. Put yourself in Sadie's parents situation. Imagine one of your kids gets married, your kid passes away and then their spouse tells you all of the shit that you said? How would you feel or react? It's so out of friggin touch and so insensitive and selfish. Grow the eff up and take care of your kids, all of them, and remind them that just because their mom is gone doesn't mean she wasn't ever there and that she needs to be erased. Shit imagine you died, Haley remarried and then tried to completely erase the memory of you. Not so great is it? Go apologize, like yesterday.


NTA Explain to him that he's on his own, and that includes when the kids go no contact on him. Such a touch situation to handle. Be there for his kids cause they are gonna need all the familiar support they can get.


I hate grandparents visitation a lot of the times, because it gets abused frequently... But this, this is why it exists. Kudos to Sadie's family for standing up to him, getting a lawyer, and fighting for these kids, because their father clearly didn't give two shits about them. God. NTA, at all. The same cannot be said for your son, unfortunately. You've been incredibly gracious and patient with him, while he screwed over every single one of his kids, and I'm so sorry that he can't get his head out of his ass long enough to see that, and see how badly he's fucked up.


YTA for not slapping him upside the damn head./s But seriously you warned him and he still dug his own grave, unfortunately it sounds like everyone in his nucleus also sank a leg in because of it. NTA PS Make sure you stay close to your grandkids, they'll likely want nothing to do with him once they can get away.


Everything about this is so messed up. The glaring thing for me is that he wanted to erase the mother of three children absolutely old enough to remember their mother. Did he ever love her or did he just think of her as an incubator and live in nanny? Because it doesn't sound like he loved her.


Bravo you for recognizing your son fucked up. Too often I see parents who refuse to see when their child is making poor decisions. You are absolutely NTA. Be there for your grandbabies as much as you can. Sounds like ALL of them will need a level headed and loving presence in their lives.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My son Aaron (46m) has been married twice. His first wife Sadie passed away 7 years ago. They shared three children together who were 5, 7 and 8 at the time of Sadie's death. His second wife is Haley (42f) and he shares two children with Haley who are 3 and 8 months old. Sadie's family were very supportive after Sadie died and they were very understanding more than a year later when Aaron started dating again. But my son fucked up the good dynamic and told Sadie's family he was going to find a wife who would adopt the children and he would stop Sadie's family from seeing them if they were anything less than supportive. He told them once he found the right woman Sadie was not to be mentioned around the kids and whoever didn't like that could fuck off. My son had brought this up to my husband and I before he spoke to Sadie's family. We tried to make him see that he didn't need to give the kids a mom and he shouldn't seek out a wife for that purpose alone. We warned him he was risking the relationship with Sadie's family and with his children who missed their mom very much and still do. We tried reassuring him that he was enough. But he dismissed us and said these things to Sadie's family. And then he found Haley and she wanted to adopt the children but it did not happen. Nothing happened like Aaron planned. Sadie's parents were awarded grandparents visitation and the adoption failed because the children weren't okay with it and the judge said he would not force an adoption on grieving children. Now Aaron has two more children and he's not okay with those children not having the same love and affection from Sadie's family or the same monetary gifts that they can afford to give their grandchildren. He told them he would defy the court order if they didn't take the other two children into their family and got a lawyer responding in place of the grandparents with the steps they would take if he defied the court ruling. He attempted to get the kids to ask their grandparents but he ruined his relationship with them by trying to force the adoption. The relationship between his older three and younger two does not exist really. They have shown no signs of caring for their half siblings and I fully blame my son for that, and Haley for going along with it. He vented/ranted to me the other day about Sadie's family not thinking of his two younger children and being unreasonable in refusing to play a part in the lives of his younger kids. He said they were even spoiling family days he and Haley planned by taking the kids before they could go with them. He told me they owe it to him as Sadie's husband to work with him. I told him he was wrong there. They owe him nothing after the things he said to them and he needs to accept this is what we warned him about. He snapped at me saying I was not seeing things clearly and was not supporting him as any mother should. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is a truly sad situation and you are not the ah here. Your son needs a reality check and I feel bad for the kiddos that he would even think denying them their grandparents would remotely be the right thing to do. I wonder if Sadie’s parents would feel differently about his younger children had he not given them that awful ultimatum


NTA. He came to you so your comments were not unsolicited. They were just not what he wanted to hear, though correct.






NTA. Your son is an Asshole. Period the end. I feel so sorry for those poor children. He is really messed up in the head.


NTA. There's really no defending Aaron's attitude. They say "women grieve, men replace" but he seems to have taken this to an extreme. He doesn't get to control everyone's relationships. His younger children have no relation to Sadie's parents. They are 100% right to keep visitation with Sadie's children and have no obligation to Aaron's other kids. The grandparents aren't ruining special days for his family. I'm sure his older children will be glad to revisit whatever attractions he hasn't yet taken his kids to.


he doesn't deserve support. he did what everyone is always saying not to do as a widow and as a step parent in his wife's case, and now he wants to cry because it predictability blew up in his face? fuck. that. everything wrong with your sons family is of his own doing. NTA. do not let him play victim


NTA but your son certainly is


NTA. Tell your son to stop acting like an entitled prick. He needs to live in the real world. He tried to stop their visitation of blood relatives. Let him know, again, he can’t force them to see or pay for non blood relatives and that the dumbass decisions he made against the advice given, led him to where he is today. He should have been there for his kids, not trying to replace their mom and grandparents and anyone who didn’t agree with him.


NTA. Your son however ISTA.


WOW unfortunately your son is an idiot and is reaping the consequences of his FAFO actions. This is all his doing. Not sure how it can be fixed either since he was so rude and disrespectful to Sadie's memory and her family. Now, the kids are getting older and they too will likely go NC with him. I'm truly sorry he lost his wife.... but he also lost his mind in his thinking and ruined what could have been a healthy dynamic.


NTA and I 100% agree with you. He decimated his relationship with his in-laws. Who the hell says his late wife isn't to be mentioned around her kids. I think the Grandparents behaved as reasonably as they could have, and Aaron gets to reap what he has sown. I'd bet whatever you want to wager, that as soon as Sadie's kids are 18 they're going to go LC or NC with him and his do-over family. Also if my math is right, those kids are 15, 14, and 12, so they're definitely not going to forgive this at this point.


I think that you are writing a story to be the other side of all the crazy " my stepmother wants to adopt me/my new husband needs a bang wife " I can't in my wildest imagination belive that this is true. If it is, your son is incredible stupid, and you should have shut it down long time ago!


NTA, but wow is your son TA.


Nta but your son is. Why he thinks the grandparents owe anything to his new kids, who aren't their family, is beyond me. 


Wow. NTA, but your son is a huge one. I feel bad for your grandkids, cuz he’s gonna do a number on them


Wow he really screwed the pooch! NTA, it is awesome that you aren’t having any of his BS. The older 3 kids definitely need that from you!


NTA you are the children's grandparents, it's natural for you to empathize with their other grandparents. But for the grace of God, are you not in their same situation.


Your sons entitlement is staggering. NTA.


NTA > He snapped at me saying I was not seeing things clearly and was not supporting him as any mother should. If he wants unwavering support over every stupid choice he makes in life, he should get an emotional support teddy bear to talk to. As a parent, as a mother, you should continue to provide critical feedback.


Your son sure is...something. Something not good. I'm beyond glad that things didn't work out the way he wanted them to. Those kiddos deserve better than their crappy father. One by one, as they turn 18, the dominos will fall and none of them will talk to him. And he'll deserve it. You're NTA for what you said, but reflect a little on how your and your husband's parenting created this unholy mess.


NTA. I'm glad the judge saw reason and that their mother's memory can live one through their visitations with their grandparents. I'm also glad that you are not siding with him just because you are his mother. As a mother should, you are holding him accountable and showing him that actions have consequences. Where the hell did this entitlement come from? HE is the reason the grandparents don't have a relationship with the younger ones. If he didn't try to erase Sadie, I'm sure they would have been open to getting to know them but he shot that out of the water. I hope the children and Sadie's parents know how much you are in their corner.




NTA. Your son is delusional.


Nta. I do hope you are just as invested in his two new children that you are with the other kids. None of this is the kids faults.


Your son is an asshole.


Nta but your son sure is


Is your son a narcissist? Genuine question: How is he so obtuse? He lacks empathy. He has 0 understanding of psychology. The level to which these go is actually concerning. How long has he been this selfish? Was he always this person who bulldozes others? It's so sad that he can't see that he is the cause of his own problems. His poor children. NTA. He needed to hear what you said.


NTA! Your son is a selfish AH. He wanted to erase Sadie’s memory and force his former ILs to obey him and he FAFO. I’m so glad they got GP rights and visitation. That’s not easy to get. Now he wants these same people to lavish money and gifts on his other two kids?! Where are her parents? Why isn’t he demanding that his wife’s parents do that? You told him the harsh truth and he didn’t like it. Good for you for not entertaining his delusional ideas. His kids will want nothing to do with him when they’re 18 and can decide where they want to live.


NTA sometimes the best thing a parent can do for their kids is be honest


NTA.  Your son was shitty towards Sadie's family by telling them that had to erase their daughter. I think it is to their credit that they responded not by getting into the gutter work your son, but by vigorously defending their own rights.   There are times when you need to support your son without reservation.  There are also times when you need to smack him upside the head with reality. This is one of the latter times.  


Your son is a MASSIVE AH, I cannot wrap my head about what the hell he is thinking. You are NTA, and poor kids.


NTA. He has cost these people so much hurt on top of the grief that they already had of losing their daughter. Let’s not get into the financial side of things from legal fees. Winning grandparent visitation is not easy and gross that they had to do that because him. (Gross on your son. Not them) You have tried to steer this imbecile of a “man” correctly and he has ignored you the whole time. He’s a selfish punk.


Wow, your son drank some bad kool aid. Wow. NTA


NTA. The fact is that your son's two youngest children with his second wife are not related to his first wife's family in any way, shape, or form. Honestly, I don't blame your son's former in-laws for only wanting to be around their grandchildren and not their former son-in-law, his new wife or their children who are essentially strangers to them. His youngest kids already have grandparents through you and your husband and presumably their mother's parents as well so they don't need another set of grandparents. And this is actually the first time I've read about grandparents going to court to fight for the right to see their grandchildren and actually felt relieved because they're doing it for the right reasons.


NTA- your son is behaving like a selfish asshole, and his current wife sounds no better. You sound like a good person OP.


Your son is an asshole who is damaging his children and sabotaging any hope of a respectful relationship between the two sets of children and them and their stepmother. And the older children and himself. His behaviour is horrible. His first wife would be horrified. NTA


You are NTA and you are 100000% correct. What was he thinking anyhow starting a hostile relationship with these people when it didn't appear that they were anything but supportive of him after their daughter (his wife) died? Then, after things didn't go according to his plans for them to pretend that their daughter didn't exist to the children and never mention her again to them, he now wants them to ignore all that and give to his children with his new wife as if nothing happened. Ridiculous.


NTA your son is clearly delusional.


NTA. Boy it's going to be a huge wake up call for him when they all turn 18 and leave him in the dust.


NTA. Aaron has f**ked up in so many ways with his children, it’s difficult to see how he’ll ever put it right. Therapy for the kids, for sure. I feel so sorry for all the kids and for Sadie’s family, and for OP.


NTA your sons a narcissist. It’s all his way or the high way and he’s the only one with feelings clearly. You will never make him see his mistakes so I would quite frankly stop trying. With people like that you won’t win.


I'm sorry. As a parent it must be hard to look at the son you raised who turned into this man. Clearly you didn't raise him to be like this. But he's 46 now and the person he turned into has been out of your hands for a long time. Sometimes the apple rolls very far from the tree. And this apple appears to have rolled into a cow patty swarming with flies where the apple is now rotting -- which is what he's turned his relationship with his late wife's parents into. There's no coming back from what he did. And there's no moving forward into a better spot. Your son and his current wife may have to face the fact that the three older kids will go no contact as soon as they can. NTA


> My son had brought this up to my husband and I before he spoke to Sadie's family Not kicking his ass then and there was a mistake, in retrospect. NTA


NTA When someone wants unrelated elders to "play a part in the lives of the younger kids" like your son wants, it's usually because they want free babysitting, money (college savings, add the kids to the will, pay for the kids' extracurricular activities, etc...) and/or for their kids to get more "stuff" (gifts at holidays, vacations...).  In other words, your son is just being selfish. He screwed this up by alienating his former ILs.  There's no way they're going to do your son any favors. If your son behaves as selfishly when dealing with you, you might want to take that into consideration when deciding how to write your will and how much to spend on gifts and such.


NTA. Your son has lost his 3 oldest children and he is too stupid to see what he has done. Kindest thing to say is he is misguided, reality is he sounds like a selfish ass who had a vision and dames the consequences.


Does your son think life is a TV show where he can swap out the actress playing the Mom and everyone pretends not to notice? Oh wait, that rarely works well on TV shows, either.


I think you need to explicitly tell your son you are deeply ashamed of the way he's treated his late wife's family. And you're shocked him and his wife expect Sadie's family to acknowledge their kids after they repeatedly attempted to erase them from their Grandkids lives. The best he can hope for is if he spends the next few years apologising to his kids and getting therapy to understand his mistakes, his eldest 3 might still include him in their lives as adults. But everyday he continues down this path makes that option impossible. NTA


NTA What a sad story and one that we hear versions of frequently. You did your best.  All you can do is to continue being there for your grandchildren as well as you are able.


NTA So the kids are 12-15? That is great because at some point soon, they will all be old enough to choose where they live. Your son's thoughts regarding his ex-inlaws are really weird. Kids need love. More grandparents = more love. There was no need for him to make a huge fight out of it.


You are Not the AH. But your son is.


Wow. You’re NTA. Aaron needs a lot of therapy before he goes and f$&@$ up yet more in this family. Aaron is horrible to everyone and short sighted. It sounds like Haley is just caught up where he put her and he’s trying to manipulate you too. Have you reached out to the other grandparents with empathy? Are Haley’s parents treating Sadie’s kids as if they were their own?




NTA He tried to orchestrate and control the lives close to a dozen people against their will and with only his own agenda in mind. He's definitely the AH here.


You are NTA; but your son is such a dick I wouldn't be surprised if his children go NC with him as soon as they are able to. I hope they stay in contact with you though. Please respect their wishes when they go NC with him and don't try to force a reunion (though I don't get that you would from the post)


NTA. Funny that he thinks you can’t see clearly when he’s the one with his head up his own ass. He’s always been thinking about what he wants and what he wants others to want to align with his wants. He wants 1 family and his old life to disappear. He doesn’t care about what his older 3 kids want or what is best for them. It’s just all about him. And if people don’t agree with him, THEY must be the ones who are wrong. He’s gonna push his older 3 kids away. 


Your son is the problem. He shouldn't even be allowed to be a parent for what he told 1st wife's family.


NTA. Your son however, is a chucklefuck.


NTA I'm sorry you raised an entitled, deluded, jerk.