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NTA Sorry you have such neighbors. Flying multiple flags is NOT illegal. The Flag Code requires that the US flag be flown on federal institutions, including public schools. It does not require you to fly the US flag and **it does not forbid you from displaying a foreign flag**. For example, someone with Irish heritage may proudly fly an Irish flag and is not required to fly the US flag. Hopefully you can get through to your neighbors and explain to them that your country is a NATO ally of the United States and a capitalist country. Sadly though, I am learning that facts will often not make a difference with many people.


Also worth noting that the Flag Code is just that, a code. It is not a law and various US courts have struck down flag-flying laws over the years as an violation of the First Amendment and the right to free expression. But like you said, the facts will not make a difference with some people.


The flag code is a law, it's part of Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the US Code. The language was just written to be non-binding.


So it’s not a law (colloquial), it’s a suggestion or guideline.


No, it's a law. [The United States Code, is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.](https://www.govinfo.gov/help/uscode)


“Colloquial” the common definition of a law doesn’t include things that are non-binding suggestions.


So it’s a binding law, with a penalty. So just a fine or jail, or jail time as well? Seems to fly in the face of the 1st amendment. Now if there was no penalty, that would make it seem to be a suggestion or guideline. Which would be perfectly fine with the 1st amendment.


No, like the person who you responded to tons of flag code laws in states and towns have been struck down because they violate the first amendment. I learned all about while getting my associates in Criminal Justice.


It is worth noting that International Flag Code requires national flags to be flown from separate poles at the *same height* during times of peace. So the Finnish flag should not be *under* the US flag in any peaceful scenario.


Don't mention NATO. These guys obviously vote for Team American First and F the Rest of the World. Get a camera for your front lawn that shows your flagpole. OP - These people are the worst examples of Americans. On behalf of those of us who are not flaming assholes, I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


Made almost the identical comment. You just know they're MAGAts.


I’d have so much fun with these fine folks if they were my neighbors. Did you know it’s PRIDE MONTH??? How many other “offensive” months are out there for these guys. But you could always kill them with kindness and bring them a gift basket of Surströmming and crackers. 👹


Isn't it funny how "MAGAts" is phonetically the same as "maggots" ?


Exactly. Although I still prefer “Trumpanzees.”


I have a neighbor flying a big Canadian flag. I figured it was gentle way of commenting on our country's politics. Fair enough. I agree with the sentiment, but even if I didn't, it is their right of free expression to fly it. These older neighbors you have are having their PTSD triggered by their own ignorance. Call the police if they come to cut down your flag again. Being on your property is totally out of line, and definitely illegal.


Flag code is also not something that can be enforced as it would violate the first amendment


Id recommend OP set a camera facing the flagpole. Maybe those alleged vets need a reminder on freedom of speech as well as private property/trespassing.  ETA: also, not to disparage any vets for their fighting, but “Nam” is probably the worst war to try to back up your point. 


Oh, I'd be careful with that. Trumpists are not fond of NATO and our European allies.


NTA.Tell them you have filed a police report for their harassment and that they should know which flag they are insulting.Americans love to fly flags -let me welcome you OP to this country and our flag flying ways !!!!!


I'm and American that loves flying a flag and I think if I moved to another country I'd still want to fly my homeland flag (in a respectful manner like OP has chosen).


NTA > They said my flag is triggering their PTSD So go home and close your blinds.


I’m sorry you’re such a snow flake that the sight of another flag immediately triggers PTSD. I said good day!


If this story is even true. I doubt anyone with actual PTSD from combat in Nam is this much of a snowflake. They probably flipped burgers on a ship somewhere. Actual combat vets in my experience are typically less ignorant about the world because they have seen and done some shit often with foreign nationals side by side. Fireworks on the 4th might be less than great though.


They are the assholes, they’re very old so maybe they aren’t mentally functioning at regular capacity but they are definitely the ones out of line, you’re in America the whole foundation of America is people from all over the world travelling there to make a better life for themselves, its the most multicultural place in the world, their problem with you doesn’t even make sense.


NTA - Grandpa Moses and Father Time need to get a grip. It's your freedom of speech your expressing, and if they don't like it they can either move or not look at it, and tell them if they do try you will be calling the police on them for destruction of property.


NTA. The irony of two Vietnam vets complaining about the Finnish flag cause "we fought against commies" is hilarious. They clearly need a history lesson.


NTA. Your neighbour is so misinformed about migration. People think “immigrant”, and think it’s people just illegally crossing borders when in reality it could be people spending months/years getting a visa to be able to go to a country. Your neighbour seriously needs to be educated about migration because USA wouldn’t be USA without migration. The US invited people to their country to develop as a country. Your neighbours is uneducated about US history too.


Yet when these dumbos are asked about where they are originally from they'll proudly tell you they are x percent Irish, y percent Italian, z percent portuges or whatever their heritage is. Even if they were born in the USA from parents born in the USA. Hardly anyone here in the USA will claim they are American first, it's most often that "percentage from the Old World" story. But oh those immigrants stealing their jobs!


Yeah, like Alito's wife who lashed out at someone, saying "I'm German, from Germany." OH, honey. No. You're from some holler in Kentucky, and I doubt you know much beyond guten tag and danke schön. If that.


NTA. And wow - the ignorance of these two. It is especially sad to see how misinformed they are about the war they claim to have fought in. You should print out the flag code section on flying two flags and the 1st Amendment, make them into flyer, and put them on everyone's porch. Also, you might want to check the section of the flag code that indicates that the flag should not be used as an article of clothing, etc.


Take my upvote. The flag worshipers are the worst about understanding the actual flag code. With that in mind OP should consider flying the Finnish flag at equal height as USA, as both are sovereign nations, with USA on its own right side.


Flag worshippers tend to be the people who understand American values the least in my experience, especially when it comes to freedom of speech, separation of church and state, or the fact that women and gay people are equal members of society


They are lying. If all the guys who claim to have been in Nam had actually been there, it would have been the world's second-largest country. And any man who just comes right out with "I was in Vietnam" without prompting is a guy who wasn't there. I can't stand those guys. Also, your two neighbors do not understand the basic principles of America-- its governance or foundation culture. You are perfectly free and welcome to fly whatever flag you want to... it's part of that whole "freedom of expression" thing that is in the First Amendment to the Constitution. You might try to get them to read that.


The guys I know who actually DID fight in Vietnam usually don't want to talk about it, even when asked.


My brother was like that. He was a teenage BS artist. He came back from Vietnam a different person. Never spoke of the fighting.


That goes for any war, in my experience.


I remember hearing a former Marine in the Ken Burns documentary talking about having to sleep with a night light well into his 40's because the dark gave him PTSD of being on guard duty at night in the jungle where he could hear Viet Cong whispering mere meters from his position, and that he couldn't explain to his children why they weren't allowed a night light when he had one. Heartbreaking stuff


Yep. Guy we bought our house from is a retired Marine, and he did fight there. Never ever talks about it, and gets a thousand-yard stare if any kind of war talk starts up.


Don't they seem too old for Vietnam? Most vets I know are mid to late 60s to mid 70s. Almost 90? 28 at the start of the war?


First is troops went 1965 so if they were 20 then they’d have been born in 1945 which was 79 years ago but there were absolutely officers who would be closer to 90 now


Plus the age doesn’t really match up. Sure, they would have been in their early 30s and it’s possible, but not likely they saw real nasty shit unless they were mid level officers or high level NCOs


NTA. Maybe you can write them a note explaining that Finland was on the US side, etc, to be nice, but also say that you won’t be taking down the flag and if anything happens to it you will be calling the police and pressing charges.


NTA FWIW, if you flew flags as described in my neighborhood, with very few exceptions, I would immediately consider you a cool person who is worth getting to know better. And then I would show you my flag collection which includes at least a dozen flags that would trigger such ignorant MAGA boomers just as much, France for example. I would even strongly consider getting a Vietnamese flag (post war) and fly it, just to expedite goading them into doing something stupid so I can get that restraining order taken care of as soon as possible. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3653873/us-vietnam-cooperation-growing-maturing-dod-official-says/#:~:text=Ford%20spoke%20at%20the%202024,to%20a%20comprehensive%20strategic%20partnership.


They aren't Boomers. Too old. Boomers are the post-WWII generation. It is not a synonym for "old."


I bet these boomers would see nothing wrong if he flew the Confederate flag.


I’m a vet, I was an infantryman in Iraq. I have combat related PTSD amongst many of my other disabilities. You waving a flag from another country especially your blood isn’t anybody else’s concern but your own. That old man sounds like an entitled asshole. It’s always the ones that say something minimal affects them that didn’t even have combat roles are were support. Fly your flags man, it’s America.




NTA and as far as I'm aware, you can fly the Finnish flag at the same height as the American one if you like. Where I live, I see more flags from other countries than I see American ones. Lots of people have a Canadian flag or a Mexican flag in their front yard, not even an American one too. This is America, a free country where you can fly whatever flag you want, my friend. Your neighbor is just being an ass.


100% I used to work for a German company in the US and our office had 2 flagpoles with German and American flags flying at equal height And every few months someone gets all upset about IKEA flying Swedish flags at same height as American flag and Reddit gets all worked up picking sides


Just send them to Alito’s house instead…


NTA. Ask them if there is freedom there.


Tell them to pack sand. I am in my 60s and these guys to go sit down and stfu. If it persists call the police


NTA. The first amendment gives you the right to fly that flag, and they are not only in the wrong telling you that it’s illegal, but by trying to intimidate you into taking it down and by coming back after you told them to leave (trespassing). If they keep calling Finland a communist country, point out that Finland is a member of NATO.


NTA - let your flags fly


NTA and I'm very sorry you have a neighbor acting so xenophobic. Fly whatever flag you want, it's a free country!


NTA. Your neighbors are delusional. Fly both flags with pride. File a police report for harassment.


If you don't already have a camera that gets the flagpole, get one today. NTA


I have an equal rights flag beneath my American flag on my pole and I live in a red RED area of North Carolina. I have a ring cam on it now after someone messed with it. But no, you're not an asshole. What you have is perfectly legal.


Not the AH. These vets could have a valid trigger with other countries flags, but a Finnish flag?? Come on. Fly the blue and white with no shame. These older people are just looking for a reason to bitch about something. Plus, lots of people fly flags that represent their ethnicity with no problem, it is just not that serious....


NTA. Tell Agent Orange and Private Cancer to get the fuck off your property


>They said my flag is triggering their PTSD  Did they fight the Vikings or something? That doesn't make sense.


NTA - As a Veteran (Afghanistan not Nam but still) Your neighbors sound like boneheads. Finland is an awesome Ally to the US. If they bother you again, you can try to educate them if you would like to try (honestly no one will blame you for not) OR you can call the police.


NTA. The old men are confused, and next time you see them, as crazy as it may seem, apologize for upsetting them Explain that Finland is not a communist country, tell them you hate communism too even if it’s not true Most importantly, thank them for their service to your new home country that you are a legal citizen of. Explain that you are grateful for the sacrifices they made. Again I know it may seem crazy to go this route after they threaten to cut your flag down, which is totally wrong. However, I believe this will help their view of you and the flag and avoid further issues


This is so polite and respectful I had to check and see if I'm on reddit or not.


NTA and this is the first time in history that anyone has been triggered by Finland I can't imagine a less offensive country.


NTA. Also, we love having you in NATO, friend!


Tell them to shut up and stop being p***s. People who wore the uniform, knowingly or not, did so to allow others to express their own values and be heard. You purposely flew the Finnish flag in accordance with proper flag decorum, but nothing prevented you from exclusively flying that in its own - you also had every right to. And no, just because they say it’s illegal doesn’t make it so.


stop being poops? stop being pipes? stop being props? I NEED TO KNOW!


It seems a good bet he doesn’t know what country the flag is for. Maybe if you explained that to him (If a calm conversation is possible?) he would not object so much.


If this is a real post how the hell could you possibly be the asshole?


My neighbors said Im triggering their PTSD. I feel awful about it.


You're not though. They're telling you that to manipulate you and get their way, narcissism is pretty widespread in the US


What PTSD lol, unless they were in the Soviet army during the Winter War I really don't see how seeing a Finnish flag could trigger that. In fact, ask them if they're Soviets, because they sure act like it


NTA. Your elderly neighbors are idiots.


NTA, you can fly whatever flags you want on your property. Hell, you can even fly them upside down if you want (don't actually do that). This is an interesting dynamic. One hand, you have two elderly neighbors who clearly have some amount of mental decline, in that scenario I'd just smile and "yeah, okay buddy." Other hand, you have two older men, trying to tell a young female new homeowner what to do, and in response to being told to go away, return with a tool intended to attempt vandalizing your property. They are likely of the ilk that a young woman *has* to listen to what they say, or else. Trespass both of them, and notify the police of their attempt to cut down your Finnish flag. Their PTSD isn't your problem, and it's obvious - to me at least - that reasonable discourse (explaining to them that Finland is not Communist, not in Southeast Asia, anything else) isn't a viable solution here. Oh, did I mention that you can fly whatever flags you want on your property? I believe *that* is one of the freedoms that our troops actually fight for. Maybe not in Vietnam, but overall.


NTA, and I'm sorry that those guys are bothering you and embarrassing my -- I should say *our!* -- country. Americans often do remain fond of "the old country", wherever that happens to be, and most people don't get salty about it. Thank you for flying Old Glory!


I'm sorry your neighbors are chuckle fucks. I would promptly visit them to do a flag inspection since the flag code is so important to them.


NTA. They're xenophobic pricks.


NTA. Finland rocks!


I think you just stumbled across a couple of fine examples of the results of a sub par education, military brainwashing, and right wing "patriotism". I would assume they wouldn't recognize your flag as Finnish if it jumped up and bit them on the arse. You're NTA, but the ole boys are.


NTA Your new neighbors could use their time and energy better by ridding the land of Confederate flags.


NTA, as a European-American who loves the US myself I really despise how utterly stupid so many Americans seem to be. Finland is a member of NATO and an important US ally, they need to go back to the jungles of 'Nam and find their missing brain cells


Tell them to stop watching Fox News. They have all the ridiculous BS that comes with it…particularly entitlement.


He is very old. Show him how Finland beat the Russian invasion, slowing down Russia's advancement. Europe would have fallen. Very overlooked part of history. Finland stopped communism.


people have too much time on their hands. I have PTSD too, but it doesn't give me a right to dictate what flags people fly on their own property. My choices are: interact with those neighbors, or don't interact with those neighbors, and that is where my powers end. NTA


Absolutely NTA.  Our military has always fought for freedom. That means you are free to fly any flag you want. It was respectful of you to look at the flag code. And respectful of you to fly the US flag on top. But you have every right to be proud of your Finnish heritage as well. Way too many people in this country forget that everyone who isn’t Native American was an immigrant at some point in their family’s history. The whole freaking premise of our country was people could move to our country and be free from tyranny.  These old guys are absolute hypocrites. Claiming they fought for freedom while trying to take away yours. Threatening to trespass and damage your property?!? Hell no. They are bullies who are bored and seriously need to go find something better to do.  If they show up again? Tell them you will call the police if they continue to harass you. Plain and simple. I would also suggest a Ring doorbell camera (if it points towards your flags) or security camera. They sound stupid enough to come back. Also, Ring doorbell would record their conversations of threatening you. Good evidence for the police, if these men persist.  Land of the free… and home of the crazies. I’m sorry those idiots are taking away some of your joy. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Enjoy your new home. 


You are not TAH! If I had a flag pole, I’d probably fly an American flag, my German flag, and my Bavarian flag. I am proud of mine and my husband’s German heritage. In fact, I was close to moving to Germany a year or so before I got married and spent 3 weeks there in high school. There’s nothing wrong with flying flags from other countries as long as the rules of the American flag are followed.


NTA. You might want to mention the Winter War and how many of Stalin's soldiers rest beneath the forests of Finland.


NTA - But I would install some security cameras ASAP.


NTA. let them know that if they damage your property, you will press charges. you're doing nothing wrong.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (24F) am a Finnish-American who loves both countries. I recently moved to a neighborhood with a lot of older gentlemen. My new house has a flagpole with 2 flying flag hooks, and I saw this as a great opportunity to appreciate my home and my new country. So I put an American Flag on the top hook (because flag code says the American flag should be higher than other flags) and a Finland Flag below it. Today my neighbor (88M and his friend 87M) came and knocked on my door and asked me to take my Finnish flag down. When I asked why, they said (and I quote) “Flyin’ two flags is a real illegal thing to do. We fought in ‘Nam to give the ‘Merican flag the right to fly, not a communist country” They meant “illegal” as in immigrant, which I am, but I have papers and came legally. (Also Finland is not communist). They came back a second time after I respectfully asked them to leave and they had a lockcutter looking contraption and threatened to cut my Finland flag down. I feel a bit bad that I’m making them this upset. They said my flag is triggering their PTSD (I have no ideas how, as Finland was on America’s side through Vietnam). Am I the AH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. Sorry that it triggered their PTSD; I have a hunch that there's more than one trigger. The reality is that a lot of places fly two flags. I live in Canada and our city hall in Vancouver flies two flags at the same time for certain things, sometimes another nationality's flag, sometimes a Pride flag. THEY may feel like it's "illegal" but it's not. America is a free country and you're free to fly the flag any way you want unless there's city ordinances against it.


>The reality is that a lot of places fly two flags. Yep. Wondering if part of the OP's neighbor's problem is, at least where I live in America, it's not uncommon to see the American Flag on one flagpole (and highest up) and any other flags (the state flag and usually the POW/MIA flag) on their own flagpoles. While I don't know if that's federal laws instead of the Flag Code or state (I've seen this in both Michigan and Ohio, which is why I'm not sure) if not outright local custom. Some folks put out, as you've noted, a Pride flag, on their own homes.


NTA I am sorry this is the welcome you have received. Thank you for researching and following the flag code. 


Honestly, I don't give two craps about the flag code. It's unenforceable pseudo-law that goes against everything America is about.


Etiquette doesn't go against everything America is about. Etiquette is...trying to be polite and considerate. And no one tries to "enforce" it except assholes like OP's neighbors. It's a code, not a law.


NTA, your house, your flagpole. Fuck em, tell them if they don't like it then don't look at it...


NTA. It's not illegal or against the Flag Code. I recommend a camera pointing at your flagpole because he is definitely going to vandalize your flag.


NTA. Sadly, it is time for you to invest in some good security cameras. Like yesterday.


NTA. They also fought for your right to fly that flag. Not sure I’d say that to them though.


No. You’re NTA. Tell them you will Call the police if they touch your flagpole. Sheesh.


NTA, Finland is great. If they're that old it may legitimately be cognitive decline.


NTA. They are wrong, and they are threatening your property.




NTA. It won't do much good but it's probably worth mentioning that the fins practically made a national pass time of shooting commies.


NTA, i enlisted to protect your right to live how you see fit. Fly your finish flag with pride, theres a lot of history to be proud of. Including the man to set the high water mark for hating communist: Maj Larry Thorne, United States Army. If you aren't aware of his story, look up Lauri Torni (cant figure how to get an umlaut-o on my phone 🤣)


Against communists, but not Nazis.


NTA - call the police


NTA and I'm pretty sure the only thing that's being triggered is their "America first and only" pride. If I were you, I'd point a video camera at your flagpole just in case they decide to pull their threat off. Then the cops can let them know exactly what the laws are when it comes to flag-displays.




NTA, ignore them and if they touch your flag pole call the police. Just because they’re old doesn’t mean they can get away with being ignorant bigots. Not only do you have the right to fly whatever flag you want, they should in no way feel insulted by you doing so.


Well, it's true that the Finnish people are terrifying. /s NTA at all. That said, I'd put up a ring doorbell or some other camera covering your flags and your vehicles.


NTA, it is perfectly legal. However, the flag code states: § 7(g) When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace.


Flag day tomorrow in USA.


NTA - misinformed neighbors. Some people just really have it out for anyone/anything that’s foreign. Don’t let them push you around.


NTA Your neighbors suck. File a police complaint in case it escalates. Document every interaction you have with them


NTA, but your neighbor is an ignorant racist and you're in for a bad time no matter what you do. Sorry, buddy.


Call the cops as many times as you need to. You dont owe these rude strangers any kindness. NTA I live near Chicago, and lots of people fly two flags here.


Maybe he’s just confusing Finland flag with Vietnam flag.




Call the cops and get a restraining order


NTA and those guys are assholes. you could call the cops and ask them to give the cranky old farts a talking-to.


NTA- however, I would move the flag to the inside of your front window (if you have one) so they can’t destroy it. That, or get a camera that points to the flag pole so you have evidence of them destroying it. If they do escalate. Considering they have bolt cutters I’d assume they will.


I hate to say it but they fought for your right to fly whatever flag you want. NTA. You can be proud of your country as well as your adopted country.


NTA. Fly the chinese flag. Stand your ground.


NTA, i see tons of flags flying both american and other countries flags and no-one complains about it. Your house is how you want to be.


NTA and I would be tempted to fly the Pride flag now just to torture these guys more


Oh hell no, get a camera up.  Nta


It's not illegal the American flag must be higher . However removing your Finnish flag might be a sound thing to do. To keep the peace with your neibhors.


Let them cut it down. File a police report for theft and vandalism. "But MuH PtSD" probably weren't even combat MOS..


Hang the gadston flag


NTA. My husband is a vet and he fought for your right to fly any flags, speak any language, practice any religion, and do basically anything that makes you happy as long as it’s not harming anyone. Keep both your flags up and flying, you deserve to take pride both in being an American and in being Finnish. If they do come back, contact the police and have charges pressed for trespassing and (if they do ruin or steal your flag) theft and property damage. And let them know you have no qualms with putting their ancient asses in jail instead of a retirement home if they keep up the harassment and threats.


NTA . Take down the American flag and just fly the Finnish flag.


You're in America. Handle it the American way. Tell those guys to f*cK off. Maybe something else too like "shouldn't you be dead already".


NTA. It’s your flag and property. Do as you feel. If they come back I would tell them since they love America I’ll introduce them to the second amendment.


Technically speaking America lost the Vietnam war - but I think mentioning that might escalate your issues with the neighbours


The law in Canada (I do not know about America, but I am assuming it is the same) is that if you have an international flag, it needs you need a Canadian flag as well. Also, all flags need to be at the same height, as flying a flag above another flag is the same as saying that one country is better than the other.


Call the non-urgent line at the police and make a report of the threat and when you’re vandalized, call the police. NTA


You should light up fireworks if they really want ptsd 🥰😍 /s


NTA - and you sound like a reasonable, considerate person. I’m not making excuses or defending the elderly dudes that are giving you grief, but some of the comments here suggest confrontation as a solution which I think is a horible idea. Hopefully you’ve gained the knowledge you need to defend your position, and can figure a way to have a productive conversation with this old farts. (And I say that as an old fart of 64.) Taking the higher ground, finding common ground, seeking to understand and be understood. That seems to be a better way to solve problems. 🇺🇸 🇫🇮


NTA. Ignore those idiots 


NTA. As long as you're young the US flag higher, you're fine. I'd probably make a police report since they've trespassed (you asked them to leave) and threatened to destroy your property.


NTA. Tell them to check with the American Legion, also, [print this out and give it to them.](https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/story/Article/1892936/dos-and-donts-for-displaying-old-glory/#:~:text=When%20displaying%20the%20U.S.%20flag,would%20be%20the%20same%20height) Technically, the two flags should be at the same height, although I see others doing the same as you. Having another flagpole put up so they could be flown side by side would be a bother and expensive.


Well, maybe remind them that Finland is now a strong ally against Russia now and has been for years in that very critical region. I was in Finland multiple times, Tampere and Joensuu and people don't realize but the Finns fought off Russia in WW2 (yeah, so prior they had a little different thought but it worked out) The Eastern Finns are some of the proudest people that I know and love their Finnish "white wine". Korsenkorva?


I would call the non emergency police and let them know.. Maybe they can pay them a friendly visit and explain why he gets to fly his flags..before something else happens..


Our veterans fought for our rights and freedoms. They don't get to enforce how we decide practice those freedoms. That is the exact opposite of having freedom. Also, tell them to take their bolt cutters to any foreign embassy in the city and try that.


NTA. BTW, have they never walked past a school? Scarlett MS is around the corner from me, and I was testing my flag knowledge by trying to identify each country represented by the many foreign flags flying in front of it. If they really need a project, send them over to the Federal building on Liberty in downtown Ann Arbor—the American flag flying in front of it looks like it’s been through a war; it’s very tattered. I happened to notice it when I was a photo walk this evening. They could protest and demand a replacement, and hold the ceremony to burn the tattered one (I think that’s how you are supposed to dispose of a damaged flag.) Give them something to do and keep them out of your hair.


NTA. You are following the flag code. Guarantee those fucks have all sorts of crap that breaks that same code. Fly your flag. Buy a camera.


As a vet myself, fly them both proudly. I would say YTA if flying just the Finnish while in another country as that's disrespectful to whatever country you're in, but both- go for it!




NTA. Get a camera to point at your flag pole. Let them do something dumb, then let the police explain it to them.


NTA. Just wait it out. Sounds like they don’t have much left, especially if they’re working themselves up over little nothings like this.


NTA tell them not to worry about it they’ll probably be dead by next year anyways 😂


NTA - Flying two flags is absolutely not illegal. It might be disrespectful to Finland being in the subordinate position, but not illegal. Generally speaking, you fly a subordinate flag (a state or city flag) below the US flag if you only have one flag pole. Another soverign country should be on a separate flag pole...out of respect for each country's sovereignty. BUT...being the new girl on the block AND you're never going to convince two old farts they're wrong, the diplomatic thing to do might be to lose the Finnish flag and just completely replace the US flag for the Finnish flag on Midsummer or Finnish Independence Day. If they're going to be sticklers, you should also take the US flag down every night.


NTA You did nothing wrong. You are the best kind of correct: technically. Just like the busybodies in my town of Jacksonville were taken down a peg by IKEA. IKEA also quoted the flag code. https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/7amwlg/ikea_correcting_a_concerned_american_citizen_on/ BTW as a Veteran, those two vets are wrong. Bitter Vietnam war vets, nothing new to see here...keep moving. You are not upsetting them. They've been bitter since 1975.


NTA. Install cameras, swap the Finnish flag for a Pride flag (it IS Pride month, after all!) and watch their heads explode. Then offer to hang your Finnish flag back up again.


Ole timers. Don’t mind them. Old and simple mindset. Keep doing what you’re doing bud! If it gets worse, go to your police station and ask them for their advise.


NTA What utter bs. It is most certainly not illegal to fly the flag of another country under the American flag. What is illegal is going on your neighbors property without permission (trespassing) and cutting their flags down (vandalism, destruction of private property) As for their 'PTSD' being 'triggered', that's just them throwing buzz words around to justify their harassment and vandalism. This is just blatant xenophobia


NTA You can fly what ever flag you want and how ever you want. The flag code only actually applies to government entities, after that it's a suggestion. But you are violating the flag code, 4 U.S. Code § 7 - Position and manner of display (g)When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace.


The flag code specifically says the US flag should NOT be displayed above another country's flag, nor should another country's flag be displayed above it. "No other flag should be placed above it. The flag of the United States is always the first flag raised and the last to be lowered. * When flown with the national banner of other countries, each flag must be displayed from a separate pole of the same height. Each flag should be the same size. They should be raised and lowered simultaneously. The flag of one nation may not be displayed above that of another nation in time of peace. Get your Finnish flag its own pole. We aren't at war with Finland!


You did everything in a more respectful manner than required. They’re just dumb. We have a lot of that. If they touch your property, press charges. Put up a camera in the mean time. These old shitheads HATE communism/socialism (they don’t even know the difference) but they’re proudly living off of socialism right now. The military is a socialist idea. As is fire dept, police, public schools, national parks, highway system… It’s just outrageous stupidity. That’s ok…just give it 6 months, odds are it works itself out.


NTA. Keep your flag flying.




Sounds made up. "We fought in nam". What a cliche.


Call the cops on them lol , those old fart sound super fucking ignorant


[hmmmmmm 🤔](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5f874907e8fd0f281aad5ce9/master/w_960,c_limit/Williams-Flags01.jpg) Illegal to fly 2 flags? Never heard of that, but I bet if you flew something like these two together they'd be impressed with your "intelligence". NTA


Would you like to borrow my Satanic Temple pride flag?


NTA. You have idiots for neighbors. Remind them that Finland is now a member of NATO, sends the best hockey players in the world to the NHL, and made Josef Stalin look like a whiny-ass chump. If that doesn’t work, get mean.. “Nice house you got over there. It’s be a pity if someone smeared lutefisk all over it, during a nice hot summer…” (I’m not sure if lutefisk is a Finnish thing. Substitute the most obnoxious, ethnically appropriate pickled seafood dish of your choice.)


NTA, you have encountered a real life caricature lol


NTA. Even out Supreme Court justices don’t know the flag code. Also, get a camera.


NTA I live in an area with people like this. Be as kind and respectful as you can, and make sure you get a doorbell camera that sees your door and your flag. (Or two if you need.) Next time they come over, simply say, "I thank you for your service, gentlemen. I do. Truly. Without it , we would not enjoy our inalienable rights (to quote our forefathers), one of which is freedom of expression. I am following all American guidelines on how flags should be flown, in part, out of respect and admiration for this country. If you do not like the arrangement of my flags, I suggest you write to a legislator. When the guidelines change on a federal level, I'll change the arrangement. Until then, any further visits about my flag will be considered trespassing and I will treat them as such." The nicer you are and the more compliant with the law/regulations/whatever you are, the madder they'll be, because they don't have a leg to stand on. Just behave in a way that aligns with the law and your values. It is your right to fly whatever flags you like, and you've been respectful enough to do so in a manner that aligns with the country's guidance. If they are "triggered," suggest they seek professional help... because if a flag is causing them emotional distress after *decades*, then they are clearly not healing. But that's a THEM issue. Not a YOU issue.


NTA but inform them that trespassing is illegal and you don’t want them coming back. You


NTA. Your neighbors are dumbass racist boomers. I'd set up cameras and call the cops to press charges if they vandalize your flag or any other property.


Who cares about your immigrant status you followed flag code therefore you're NTA


"The flag code of the 'Free' country" is a real sentence


Call the cops. Fly your flag 🇫🇮


I’m on the fence but going to say NTA .. there are all sort of flags being flown that are seemingly more important than the American flag these days .. Flying the flags of your country and your country of origin seems like a non-issue?


NTA, American troops are supposed to be the symbols of fighting for freedom, not fighting for politics. That’s the whole reason why Vietnam was such a damn shit show. They fought for your freedom to fly your Finnish flag. I’d say it’s disrespectful to not fly your flag. Exercise your rights and notify authorities if they choose to escalate the situation. Unfortunately being nice and a pacifist won’t work on Americans like them. Gotta be stern and show YOU have the power on YOUR property. Also, them talking about communism when your from Finland should let you know they aren’t mentally capable of reason. Sorry this is happening OP


NTA America is a melting pit. you can love 2 countries just like you can love 2 children. Those guys are nuts...post no trespassing signs.


NTA - they are typical shitty xenophobic assholes. If they remove it, press charges. Just because they are old vets doesn’t give them the right to control anything in your life. It certainly doesn’t give them a right to harass and vandalize.


NTA we have 2 flags ,getting a 3rd soon & if anyone was to tell us to take them down we would say no , if they came back a second time we would tell them to F**K off.


NTA. Flying 2 flags is absolutely not illegal. We did not fight in Viet Nam for any such thing. I'd get security cameras pointed at your flag pole and if something happens to it, you'll have evidence of who did it. Though, I expect you'd know regardless. Your neighbor and his friend are assholes.


NTA, you can fly whatever flag you damn well please. It’s a free country.


Hi from an American with roots in Ostrobothnia. NTA. As long as you're flying it below the American flag, you're fine. Plenty of people in my neighborhood fly the Irish flag, particularly on St. Patrick's Day. In the wider community, even more fly the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico flag, especially on the day of the Puerto Rican Day Parade. There's clearly something wrong with him, so be careful. I'd start documenting everything and presenting it to local law enforcement to start establishing a pattern. If you don't have Ring or another camera system, get one up immediately.


I don't take advice or hear opinions from men who aren't paying my bills or getting me off and I don't think you should either. NTA.


One of the most un-American things one can do is try to suppress the freedoms of another. And if it’s really triggering their PTSD they should probably, idk, stay away from it? Easy NTA


NTA. These old men need something to do. They are clearly being assholes. You did what you thought was the right way. However, this is the code: >g. When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title4/chapter1&edition=prelim Even so, no one knows this. And no one should be so bothered by your flags that they threaten you or your property. Tell them to get off your lawn.


NTA Unfortunately amongst the 300 million plus population of America there are a bunch of really ignorant A Hs. Even when they are 88. You have every right to fly that flag just like people fly the Mexican, Italian, Irish, Spanish, Ukrainian etc. etc. flag - I've seen all of them around neighborhoods in S. Cal and my only thought was that it was interesting or just plain nice. Get a security camera and if they come over with tools of destruction again, call the police and get them to explain freedom of expression to them.


Get a security camera that clearly shows the flag pole and flags. Post no trespassing signs in your yard. If they approach you again, tell them to get off your property or you’ll call the police, and make sure to record the interaction, either with your phone or with the security cameras. Tell them if they date to try to damage your property, you’ll sue them for destruction of property. Is they continue to harass you, get a restraining order. Of course, make sure to have as much documentation as possible.


NTA. Fly your flag and if he gives you shit stab him with any of the knives Finns carry.