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NAH If there's something in there you're not comfortable with anyone seeing then it's understandable. It sucks for him because now he'll probably have to pay a hotel, but he can't expect you to be available anyways. For the future; if I were you I would somehow hide whatever it is you don't want anybody to see whenever you leave the apartment for extended periods of time. Or move it into a room and tell visitors to not enter it/lock it up. What if there is water damage or a fire or any other emergency where someone has to enter your apartment without you present?


Everyone should have a friend who will dispose of costumes or adult toys or delete the porn in the event that you end up in hospital or die unexpectedly. Like a really well trusted friend should always have a set of keys and where you keep an emergency list of your current passwords, hidden in a safe place in your apartment. I know from experience, after a family member found a rather unusual toy in my closet.


Lesson learned!


INFO : What's the huge secret, my guy?


Can’t say that even here, but he would look down at me if he found out. And possibly tell other family members..? That’s why I said I couldn’t risk it.


A dead body?


Guys, I said they would look down at me. I didn’t say i’d go to prison lmao!


A extensive buttplug collection?




What’s UwU?




Impressive fleshlight collection, complete with an extensive variety of lubes? Dominatrix? Sub sex slave? Complete wardrobe of clothing intended for the opposite biological gender, including lingerie? Furry handcuff collection? Auto erotic setup with generous video collection?


Real Doll of Princess Celestia?


Sex dungeon?


Sex doll, I’m thinking. Or drag stuff. 


NAH. Your reasons are valid but your uncle being upset is also valid too. From his pov, your reason is vague and not reason at all Your reason is to prevent him from seeing something he isn’t suppose to


Hey, it’s your business if you have a Robot Girlfriend. Everybody’s doing it. You’re going to have to introduce her to your family someday.


Remembering the good old days where you could hide them easier by just letting the air out of them.


NTA And: Since there is something you don'T want your family to know about, you SHOULD change the locks.


Gentle AH for not changing the locks or getting his keys back. 


NAH but I imagine that he and any of your family that he’s complained to will think you are. So hopefully your excuse was good enough and that he believed you


I don’t think he’ll mention it to anyone. I hope not. He still has a key so I told him that I changed the locks on the front door.


Better get those locks changed, then!


No, It is perfectly understandable.


You're allowed to say no, but your uncle and whichever family he tells is probably going to think that you are if your excuse isn't convincing. NAH


“No” is a complete sentence. You have every right to not want someone in your space regardless of the reason or relationship & previous cohabitation. I lived with my brother for about 6 months, but i can’t really be mad if he told me I couldn’t just pop in bc I wanted last minute accommodation to save a little money. I don’t know what’s going on in his life or who/what else might be occupying the space currently and it’s none of my business.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I work in a city that’s 4 hours away from my hometown and I go back home for weekends and holidays. My uncle and I were roommates before he retired a few months ago and moved to another city and now I live alone. He’s kind and I liked living with him. A few days ago, I was on a vacation when he texted me and asked if he can stay in the apartment for a night because he’d be attending a wedding. I freaked out and said No! I had something in there that I didn’t want anybody to know about. You can say it’s a huge secret and I didn’t want to risk it. So, I made up an excuse for why he couldn’t stay the night there. Am I the asshole for doing this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*