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Yeah, YTA. I agree with you about Hobby Lobby (haven’t bought anything from them in years) and it would have been great if your sister took your color preferences into account a bit more, but unless you paid her for this, it’s a gift. Keep it, sell it, ship it off (ask your cousin first!!) but 1. thank your sister for the gift, that takes a lot of time and effort and 2. Stop updating her on your quest to dispose of it. Your asshole behavior isn’t not liking the gift, it’s repeatedly telling your sister that you don’t like it and neither does anyone else.


Well said. The sister's suggestion to just throw it away probably came from a super exasperated, insulted place. Like "geez, stop telling me how much you and the world hate this fucking blanket I spent dozens of hours making. Throw it out and get off my back already"  I feel really bad for the sister. I would be so hurt in her position. Blankets take so much work, and she was probably really excited to give that gift 


OP would never get another thing from me ever. I love the needle arts and this behavior is the fastest way to end up on the no-gift list.


The size of it too, that's time and effort and she just wants to fob it off on someone else like it's nothing... Yeah hard agree.


I don't know if I could keep knitting after that.


100% stop updating the sister. but maybe we’re just up in each others business too much but if anyone in my family found out my sibling had *knitted me a blanket by hand* and i was getting rid of it even silently i’d be catching shit for the rest of my damn life. especially giving it away to someone who also knows my sibling. idk just chalk it up to a bad gift and stick it in a closet until someone gets pregnant or has a new baby or has a housewarming and it can be an appropriate regift


I mean personally the only yarn store we have in my town IS hobby lobby. I can't really go anywhere else and I hate buying online. Sometimes it's the only option for some people.


Plus it wasn't the sister who went to Hobby Lobby but the older lady who helps her out.  Hobby Lobby sucks but sometimes you just need to choose your battles.  


YTA. As someone who crochets if the colors and place they bought it from were that big of a deal to you, why didn’t you buy the yarn you wanted and give it to them? Blankets like this take a LOT of time and effort. This isn’t even something you paid money for, and I won’t be surprised if your sister never makes you anything again.


YES!!! Also if he was picky on where the yarn was bought he should have went with them and bought the yarn too.


YTA. As someone who makes and appreciates handmade things, I would be very grateful for an ugly blanket that had so much time and effort put into it. Kinda want to see how bad it is though…


[copied this link](https://imgur.com/a/hand-knitted-blanket-10-ft-by-5-ft-3cvp3Ez) from one of OP's comments. I don't think it's that bad. As a Minnesotan, I never say no to blankets.


That's not ugly at all! And holy hell, that yarn is the good stuff. OP is super ungrateful. Next time, if she wants something specific, she should buy the f'ing yarn herself so she knows how much money she's throwing away. OP, YTA. I hope your sister never makes you so much as a coaster again.


I legitimately want to cry, that blanket is so pretty!!! It would match the rest of my house so well too


It wouldn’t match my house, it’s not colors I like, but I think it’s such a pretty blanket. I think OP should show this post to the sister so she can give us her info so we can all order blankets from her.


Forget just buying the yarn, which can get expensive especially if it's a big item you're making, OP should just get their lazy self to YouTube and learn to knit their own damn self. It can take days upon days of tedious work to crochet or knit a blanket and here's OP being so dismissive of people's labor that she got for free. If you want something done to your specifications it's better to do it yourself unless you're actually paying for it.


I crochet and working with this yarn is a workout because it's so heavy. Getting a blanket made of that size in about a month is insanely quick and it looks so well made too.


Kind of impressed that OP considers it ugly, given how much more ugly the dirty-looking stretchy couch cover under it is.


It’s cute! Reminds me of a sweater I had as a kid in the 90s. Very nostalgic!


I was gonna say it feels like a 90s sitcom in all the good ways.


who cares about the color i’d take it in a second it looks SO COZY. op should just store it out of sight if it offends their delicate sensibilities so much


I’d cover the blanket with another and appreciate the feel of the homemade one and sight of a store bought one more my taste.


What the hell that's not ugly at ALL! I dont have 200 to spend on a blanket, but damn if you're just gonna give it away hit me up. I'm all r/choosingbeggars up in here lmao.


That’s not ugly.


That’s a great blanket!


That’s cute AF!


Omg… i love the colours in the blanket. From what op wrote it sounded worse. Op is an ungrateful b&tch


Wish we could see it open, but from what I can see, the stitches look nice and even, and at least I like that green. I live in a warm climate (for most of the year), and I wouldn't say no to it. It's a blanket, at least to me, functionality is what matters most.


Cute blanket. So OP mostly hates it because it wasn’t the colors she wanted and the materials were acquired at Hobby Lobby.


I do think it's ugly, but not that bad. I knit and make my kids' teachers blankets each year. I let each kid pick from my ravelry library and my acrylic stash and make them over the course of the year


After living in New England and Virginia mountain areas for many winters, I follow the mantra of “When it’s effing freezing, it doesn’t matter what color your handknits are.”


My initial impression is a giant meadow with flower patches, kinda soothing and calm. I wouldn't call it ugly at all.


Its literally so cute wtf and because its handmade it gets even cuter anyways...


Excuse me?? that's gorgeous!


I had to send this to my mom who crafts as well and we both concur it’s pretty fuckin ugly. Why anyone would put those two color ways together is beyond me. Not my style at ALL.


Ooooof. OP is annoying and ungrateful and should stop telling their sister how hard her blanket is to get rid of, but this was a mistake on the sister’s part. That’s chenille. As soon as that blanket gets any use at all it will more than likely [worm out](https://lifesastitch.typepad.com/_/2006/09/the_worms_crawl.html). I’d be trying to offload it too. I mean, I wouldn’t tell my sister, that’s a dick move, but, yeah.


I have a hot pink blanket that my grandmother crocheted for me. I'm not a pink fan and it doesn't match anything else I own, but you're damn right it's displayed in my living room because *my grandmother took the time to make it for me*.


It's not. It has some difficult to match color choices for the accents, but overall it's just a green blanket.


Honestly, that blanket would go great with my sofa - that dark Brazilian emerald green matches my sofa perfectly, and the accent panels balances against my dark gray curtains and light stone wall paint.


I have an incredibly ugly and oversized jumper that I never wear, but I treasure it because my mother made it for me. If it's made with love, it's beautiful. 


THIS. my sister made me a clay Duskull from Pokémon when she was just getting into clay stuff. It’s by no means professional, it’s quite far from it, but to me it’s the fuckin cutest and most gorgeous thing on my shelf.


I’m gonna need a pic to determine how cute it is :)


https://imgur.com/a/Kj83iiY The gravestone is a stand because it won’t stand on its own!!!


Aww it is kinda adorable! Little clay pokemon would be so cute


She got the body pretty nice, considering how awkward and floaty the shape looks in-game. I love it!


I cannot fathom asking someone for a handmade gift, criticizing where they purchased the materials to make it for me (Hobby Lobby is terrible though), telling them that it’s ugly, then to turn around and try to sell it for my own profit and when I couldn’t, tell them that it’s ugly again. Wild. Of course you hurt her feelings, and YTA, big time.


Right? I'm an avid crafter, and i haven't VIDITED a hobby lobby in ecades... but the solution as i found it with my mom was "so that apron you wanted to make my kid? She loves the idea- let me buy the fabric. How many yards and what type? " And then we sent her pictures from the joannes site. She got fabric, the kid got to pick the colors, and nobody made the effin Green family any money. Op, YTA. Dunno what you do for a living, but I'm amazed anyone with a job thinks selling something for less than the cost of MATERIALS without even considering time spent is appropriate.


(Also, i would totally consider that blanket cuter than the one currently in my couch. But i wouldn't trade because my mom made this one as one of her last writing projects and the image of her cutting up the fabric- fabric i didn't like when she bought it fur another project) - for me is always heartwarming. Also, i went to college with a hand made Afghan in burnt orange and green. It was hideous. But 3 years in, some friends rented a house with me and i got dibs in the big bedroom because i had a bedspread to match the hideous wallpaper. )


YTA, Not only are you TA but you are extremely ungrateful. Those blankets take forever to make. Time alone would be more than $250. Sounds like you are more upset at the fact she bought the supplies from a store you don’t support. Be grateful.


YTA Do you know how much time a piece like that normally takes? And they popped it out in a month? Dye it or something


For me it takes well over a month to make a lap blanket, but my husband says I rip out more than I stitch 😂. Usually I will get to the end and look at it and find that I missed a stitch or done the wrong stitch and have to start the row over because it’s never right at the end of the row.


Based on the picture they used really large yarn, which would cut the time required substantially. And other than weaving the other colors in, it’s a very basic pattern.


Idk I am a sentimental fuck so it could literally be 3 strands of poop green stuck together with hot glue and I’d hang it up


I’m not saying OP isn’t an asshole. It’s more that I’m saying OP was delusional to price it at $250.


I think think the Muli colored yarn was a skein that had multiple colors this one looks similar https://www.hobbylobby.com/Yarn-Needle-Art/Yarn-Tools/Yarn/Yarn-Bee-Eternal-Bliss-Yarn/p/81150926?queryId=2d534678c7ba75dc70e35c7658e45e9d


Ah, okay, so it’s just strips of that and stripes of solid green. And the yarn is not that expensive. Okay yeah, then in that case I don’t think this blanket was nearly as much work as people think, and getting it done in a month shouldn’t have been too hard for an experienced knitter. I’ve seen stuff like this at Goodwill for under $10; I’m not surprised no one’s paying $100+ for it. Honestly given that the sister doesn’t seem fussed about OP’s response, I bet OP has been bugging her sister for a blanket for forever, and the sister finally whipped something up as quickly and cheaply as possible and is equally happy if OP likes it or OP hates it and won’t bug her again. Edit: to be clear, I’m not knocking OP’s sister. If it was made in good faith then that’s sweet; if she whipped it up to get OP off her back then that’s clever. Either way it’s a perfectly nice blanket that looks cute and comfy. Just that I can see why it isn’t going to fetch $250 on FB market, where you’re mostly competing with what people can get at thrift stores.


I hope that’s the case, idk it seems lovely and I’m a sucker for home made gifts


Yeah, regardless of what the sister was or wasn’t putting into it, it’s a cute blanket and OP is an AH.


Here’s the solid green: https://www.hobbylobby.com/Yarn-Needle-Art/Yarn-Tools/Yarn/Yarn-Bee-Eternal-Bliss-Yarn/p/EB57014 Edit: not sure why I can’t make it go to the green, but in any case, it’s the skein labeled “Teal”.


Still at 6.00 a skein for a blanket that size you are probably looking at least 20-30 skeins (I’m going off bulky and super bulky yarns.) That gets expensive. https://www.handylittleme.com/crochet-blanket-sizes-and-how-much-yarn/ The estimate I used is here it takes some scrolling but the chart is there. I used the king sized blanket because that was the closest to the size he said it was. Idk if I’m spending 180.00 on materials I would want to use colors that the person I’m giving it too would like.


Yeah to be clear I’m not saying OP *isn’t* an AH. Rather, I *hope* I’m right that the sister just whipped it up to get OP off her back. Maybe she used that yarn because the little old lady she mentioned was giving it away. We can hope!


Yeah I hope she didn’t pay full price and have him act the way he did. If so he would never get anything else from me ever again.


Crocheter here. The last time I made a full sized back-of-sofa blanket, it took me approximately ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX HOURS. I put all my free time, my heart, soul, sweat and tears into that blanket as a Christmas gift for my sister. I don’t know. Maybe people who don’t handcraft don’t understand how much of ourselves we put into these things. But from my perspective, you’re an ungrateful AH.


I crochet, too. Mostly for Christmas gifts and omg yeah it takes so much time and energy and focus. This girl absolutely sucks.


I think it’s also amazing that two people worked on it and it looked like only one person did it. I don’t know much about knitting, but with my crotchet it’s actually easier for me to work on a project with just me instead of passing something back and forth.


Well there’s that, but also from the picture it looks like the knitting version of intarsia crochet. The color changes make that an even more complicated project.


If you don’t like the blanket, why not donate it to Project Linus, which gives blankets to seriously ill or traumatized kids ages 0-18 for comfort? They have chapters all over the US. There are a number of other charities that want blankets. Very rude to criticize a handmade gift and say you were trying to sell it! YTA


Well, next time you can knit your own blanket if it bothers you that much!


YTA. Did you pay your sister for her time, effort and materials? Somehow, I doubt it. And yet you expect to profit from it.


YTA and you are just annoying in general 👶🏼


YTA You didn't buy supplies. You didn't pay for the effort that went into it. You got something that would have taken literally hundreds of hours in a timeframe that was frankly unreasonable in the first. When you take into account two people were working it, it was probably actually over a thousand hours, and that's a very kind estimate. You're just demanding and entitled.


YTA. not because you don't like the gift it happens, but who in their right mind tells the gifter how much they and everyone else dislikes it and walks them through every step of their resale and regifting process? That was just hella rude. It was also hella rude to try and resell her blanket and tell her about it. That blanket likely cost over 200$ in materials and much more in time....are you gonna look us all in the virtual face and claim that you wouldn't be extremely hurt if you spent your time and money on a gift that someone REQUESTED and then they just straight up said "ew it's ugly ima sell it and make a profit off your labor" I think you need to go back to the basics of manners....American Girl puts out some really digestible etiquette books for kids I recommend those


I looked at the picture. Blanket isn't my style either, but it appears well made and it's a pretty common style. I'd recommend in the future purchasing the yarn if you want someone to make you a blanket. Not only is it a lot kinder, since it's expensive, but then you'll be sure to get what you want. I will say I find it odd that you day you told them the colors you wanted. I've never known a fiber artist to freeball it when they have clear guidelines to follow - who would want to spend that much money and work for the receiver to hate it? That was a bad call and hopefully they learn some lessons here too


If you didn't want her to buy from a specific shop, and you're particular about the colours, why didn't you buy the wool yourself?




Are you asking if you’re the asshole for getting rid of it? No, you’re not the asshole for that. But just donate it to a thrift store or something. Are you asking if you’re the asshole for not liking this free hand-made blanket that your sister and her coworker made for you because the colors are kind of awful? I mean, kinda, a little, because this post shows that you don’t really value their time and have no idea the cost of the supplies that goes into a project this size. That’s like $200 of yarn, if they used cheap yarn. You want to be picky about the colors? You buy the supplies.


From the picture, that's not the cheap yarn.


Eh, if the one I found is the same it’s not too cheap but also not the most expensive. About 6.00 per skein (28 yards). I checked on a rough estimate on how many skeins were probably used with that weight of yarn. The rough estimate was about 25-30 skeins for a blanket close to that size. Even if you used one of the cheapest yarns you are still looking at a lot of money.


you're an ungrateful asshole. YTA I hope your feet are always uncovered




aww thanks


Or if he prefers it that way (yeah, some people strangely do), that they may always be hot. And itchy!


I'm tending towards very much YTA, as it's clearly a gift made with lots of care, time, effort and attention, by hand. I really do think we need to see a photo to assess the alleged fugliness of the blanket, especially as it is so nice and soft.


That they explicitly ASKED FOR.


YTA a lot of time and material would have gone into that blanket. It would have been politer to just use it for a while and quietly regift it after a period of time. I’d really love to see the blanket.


If you truly hate it, give it back.  She can undo the blanket and re-use the yarn.


I am absolutely laughing my ass over this pile of madlibs craft baloney. Your sister spent *hundreds of dollars* and *hundreds of hours* hand knitting a *10x5’* blanket in the course of a *month,* in a tag team knitting marathon with a wizened old lady (because word association knitting+old lady) using homophobic yarn 😂🤣😂🤣 YTA, but this is also very funny


YTA Just say 'thanks' and keep it, this is VERY bad manners and hurtful behaviour towards people who busted their asses to make you something out of love. You really need to apologise.


Well, yeah. I mean that’s a lot of work went into making that for you. I get it’s not what you wanted, but it was a gift, given freely. Sending it to someone you think would like to have it is a good idea. You could contact the cousin who commented first tho, and ask her if she’d like it. You don’t want to send it to someone who won’t use it either, and it becomes something for *them* to get rid of. Failing that there’s always goodwill or the Salvation Army etc.


You wear glasses n your complaining about the looks of something? I have 20/20 n That blanket looks sick af for like a yurt or glamping, fr you CANT be upset about them getting yarn from hobby lobby but then give a pass to all the tech companies u support mining the earth of REM who are prolly homophobic as well. All that to say, YTA. Thank your sis for the blanket, try n appreciate it. If you can’t then donate it to someone who needs it. You don’t ask for gifts n then sell em for profit at other expense cuz it doesn’t fancy you. Grow up


Why don’t you knit your own blanket? Do you know how much work that is? And you told the gift giver that you were going to sell a very time consuming gift you demanded? You’re tacky as fuck. YTA


This is how you never get anything made for you ever again. YTA


INFO: You say it's hand knitted but then say it's made using fabric and thread, which isn't how knit is made. So is it a quilt or do you just don't know what you're talking about ?


It isn't my cup of tea, but it appears to be well made. Donate it to a senior center?


YTAH 1. You do not get to dictate where someone buys the yarn if you do not pay for it. 2. Yarn isn’t cheap, and because it came out of someone else’s pocket they probably went to hobby lobby because they had the best sell at the time. When doing a big project like that people tend to buy all the yarn at the same time and place because sometimes dyes can differ slightly from batch number. 3. It takes a fucking long ass time and money to make a blanket that big! If you have never knitted or crocheted before you will never understand. 4. You got a huge blanket for free and just decided to profit from their hard work buy selling it and not offering a dime. Personally as someone that has crocheted a blanket I would rather a person give my project away than to profit off my hard work.


Donate the blanket to a homeless shelter. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.


Or a nursing home


Yta. That blanket is freaking gorgeous, I'm not even a big fan of the color scheme but all together it looks beautiful and soft. The fact that you considered selling it even if your sister said go ahead, is so horrible. Do you have any idea how long it would take to make that?? I don't even think $250 would cut it. Not to mention the fact that she made it because you asked her for one, and she loves you. And you just disrespected her gift like that?? Damn. I also see from your comment history that you like to give advice on this sub a lot. I would be taking it with a grain of salt given the decision you made regarding something that was made with love for you from a family member.


YTA It’s a thoughtful gift and it will keep your cold heart warm just fine. 


Well aren’t you rude and ungrateful? You just guaranteed no one will make a blanket for you ever again. Yta.


Personally I probably wouldn’t give him anything as a gift, and if I did I would buy something I know they would really love from Hobby Lobby and not tell them laugh in my head every time every time I saw in in their house or use it.


YTA. If you truly hate it that much, why not graciously thank your sister for her time and then quietly donate the blanket to charity? Especially if you feel gross about the yarn being from Hobby Lobby, why not try to mitigate some of that instead of browbeating your poor sister?


You are an ungrateful AH. If your sister goes NC/LC, I wouldn't be surprised.


Yta and ungrateful


I thought I was still in old people Facebook


The blanket is so cute and would be great to cover up that ugly ass couch


I have a really ugly knitted blanket, I’ve had it about 30 years. Very good condition, but awful looking. My family would not function without that blanket, if you are sick, sad, broke up with boyfriend, want to hide while watching a horror, just want to cuddle up. Then ugly blanket it is. He lives in the cupboard, until we need him.


YTA! Yarn is expensive!! You should have bought the yarn colors you wanted.  I love crocheting and in my opinion the "uglier" the better LMAO I have a blanket called the ugly blanket it's a granny square blanket made of all my scrap yarns. It's like a memory blanket of my past projects.  I feel bad for your sister and her friend/client who made it.


YTA And an ungrateful one at that. Idk how you thought you'd be correct in acting like this.


YTA. I’m a knitter, and just thinking about how long it would take to knit something of that size makes my hands ache. Given the size, cost of materials, and cost of her time this would probably be a $700 blanket. And she made it and gave it to you for free. Next time make your own shit


YTA - your entitled reaction is exactly why I don’t make blankets for people.


How much did you pay her for it?


Ungrateful asshole - YTA


What an ungrateful AH. If I were your sister I wouldn’t even talk to you anymore.


YTA. As a knitter, I can promise you that if you ever ask her for anything again, she will laugh in your face. And you earned that.


YTA. You’re not knit-worthy.


Holy sh*t. I thought this post had to be fake… until I checked out your profile and realized you’re exactly the type of turd who goes around thinking like this.


132 comments and only TWO agree with you lmao


I knitted a blanket that size on my own, and it took me two and a half years to complete with life (and summer heat) getting in the way. It is also very very ugly. It lives on our basement couch. I am SO proud of my ugly blanket.  Finishing it made me very happy! It's the kind you can wrap up in with someone else, and it doesn't matter if it gets spilled on or has stains, because it's our home's very special ugly blanket <3    YTA.   You should cherish and embrace life's ugly blankets, and the people willing to put in the effort to make them.    Ps: my blanket is way uglier than your blanket. I win.  ************************  Edit: The hobby lobby thing sucks, but your sister didn't choose there, the old lady did. She might have *no clue the business has deeply antisocial leanings   Hobby lobby in this case is a non-issue, and you're just trying to further justify your willful ignorance toward the joys of owning a giant ugly blanket, and so that you can feel justified in how badly... And frequently you've rejected your sister and her efforts. (*People like that GENUINELY exist! My own Mum only just learned this year about the witch trials run by the churches! I don't know how she missed learning it, but... Here we are...)


YTA Give the blanket back to her so she can reuse the yarn you ungrateful brat


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** About a month ago I asked my sister to make me a hand knitted blanket I always wanted one just to have to go in the back of the sofa or on my bed. So she said she'd love to make one so after a while the the blanket was complete. Her and the elderly lady she works for made this blanket. And the colors were going to be a surprise to me. I literally had showed my sister a picture on the internet of colors that I wanted to see in the blanket. So the day finally comes where I get to open the the box that she had wrapped and it was supposed to be a surprise so I opened it and my first reaction was I loved it it was super soft and it was extremely heavy because the blanket is 10 ft 7 in long and 5 ft wide. But it's extremely ugly it's got a dark hunter green fabric and yellow red white and green threads. She told me that her little old lady picked out the colors from hobby lobby. Which my sister knows I #ucking hate when she supports those homophobic companies. After seeing how big the blanket was I told her I could probably sell it for $250 it's so huge I didn't know what to do with it. So she said yeah go ahead and sell it if you want so I posted it on Facebook marketplace. For 2 weeks not a single person message me to buy this blanket. I marked it down to $100 for one week not a single person message me to buy this blanket. It is ugly and I am not exaggerating. I will attach a picture in the comment section below. So I told my sister the other day not a single person has messaged me to buy this blanket off of Facebook and so I was going to package it up and mail it off to my cousin. My sister suggested that I should just throw it away. And I said what are you crazy. And because my cousin lives in Louisiana she went off and said will she literally lives in the hottest f****** place why would she need a blanket? And I said did you not see the comment she posted on Facebook when I posted the blanket she said well I'm glad you have one made for you. And since I'm not going to use it I thought I would just pass it along to somebody who would use it. So AITA ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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YTA. The blanket looks really nice!


It’s so cute!


YTA. You seem very ungrateful. Why are you so upset at your sister when she made you a gift?! Grow up.


YTA First off, agree with the HL comment. But, it was a gift. Say thank you, shove it in a closet, and then STFU.


Yea YTA… it’s a blanket…


YTA. You asked for the blanket and then have spent a lot of time complaining about it. Stop telling your sister about how much you hate the thing she spent hours on (at your request) and on your efforts to get rid of it. Handmade goods often do not sell for what they are worth in time and materials. Also, it isn't ugly. It just isn't to your taste. I saw the picture.


YTA. As someone who crochets and knits you are literally the reason I refuse to make blankets for anyone. You’re horrible and should feel bad, that blanket is actually really cute and so much love and effort went into to making it.


OP tried to sell a well made blanket in the worst online marketplace ever where people literally look to spend the littlest possible. Then complains it's because the blanket is ugly. RIP Etsy and shit.


YTA YTA YTA YTA She paid for the materials and took her time to make this for you. You are so ungrateful that you are selling what should be a family heirloom on fucking fb marketplace. You are disgusting and I hope she never makes anything for you ever again.


YTA probably weeks if not months of work went into that and your response was 'i can probably sell it? So ungrateful


YTA. She spent LOTS of time on that blanket and you instantly tell her it is crap. THEN you try to sell it and blame it on her that you can't get some money for yourself for this gift. You owe your sister an apology, a HUGE thank you for the time she spent, and you need to learn how to be a better person.


I like it , but posting it here to Australia would cost much too much


"Make me something, pleeease?" "Made it! See, here it is!" "Hate it" Yeah, YTA


YTA. And next time you want something "handmade" make it yourself. People don't have to waste third time for your ungrateful person. Plus, if you make it yourself you can be sure that is pretty enough for you and you can control where your material came from.  


YTA it's just a blanket man say thanks and move on


YTA Imagine… asking for a handmade gift and then just trashing it. You made it seem like you only wanted the blanket to sell. Your sister took TIME and MONEY to give you this, and money is replaceable, but time isn’t. You are literally saying that her time is for your monetary gain. It don’t matter what you wanted in the first place, your actions are blinding with Asshole energy.


You asked your sis for a blanket n she delivered! You’re just f’ing rude n disrespectful!!! You dont like it fine, you bring it out when she comes n put it away when she leaves. You dont try to sell it or palm it off!!! Not only did you disrespect her work but you hurt her feelings!!! Id be fuming at you n wouldnt talk to you again! Ungrateful b$tch


I’ll buy it


YTA, and an ungrateful AH at that.


What is your problem? You come off as someone who lacks any empathy or common sense. You need to take a step back and take a long hard look at yourself in a mirror. Humble yourself and give your sister a genuine apology. Do you know how long it takes to make something from scratch? You are so unbelievably tone-deaf that I feel bad for you


YTA. As a knitter this really irritates me. People really don’t realize how much time and effort goes into making something this large and depending on the pattern and stitches it can take absolutely forever. Let alone the cost of the materials. Yarn isn’t cheap. Should she have taken your preference of colors in mind? Sure, but if I got such an ungrateful response I would never ever make anything for you again.


This would be a super cute Christmas blanket. Just save it to put out until December.


This is a super cute Christmas blanket. Just wait until December to put it out.


Wow. You're an ungrateful asshole. That blanket is beautiful.


i genuinely love the colors of the blanket. i’m so sad it doesn’t have a home. :(


As someone who knits, I know how much work goes into making blankets. You don't know the money, time and effort your sister put into making that for you. You are such an asshole. You know she's never going to do anything like that for you again.


YTA. It's a warm blanket for your bed. Put it on your bed and then cover it with another blanket. You're being super ungrateful. And you made her feel awful. Your sister should take it back at this point and try to recoup some of the money she spent on making this blanket by selling it herself.


Congratulations, you might be the most ungrateful person I’ve ever encountered. You owe your sister a huge apology. YTA big time! That blanket is beautiful and looks so cozy. I’ll gladly take it off your undeserving hands and pay for shipping!


You have the self awareness of a sea urchin. Yes YTA.


Everyone has already dogpilled but I will say it's expensive and time consuming. I crochet baby blankets with thick yarn and a double crochet so it's holey and even with that it costs $35-40 and takes about 3-4 hours...for a BABY blanket. I made one for my sister, she picked out the color online and everything and guess where it is? The guest room at my parents house. I'm taking it back and saving it for someone who deserves it.


ESH - those taken f* hours to make she should have used colours you like. You could use it under a bed spread so it it hidden in winter and hide it away in summer. Although if crochet it could be undone and turned into something else.


NTA if it's not the colors you requested.  You can't help where they bought the yarn if you didn't requested not to by at HL. But if you don't like it and won't use it, and no one will take it, donate it. As a knitter, yeah, it kinda sucks when someone doesn't appreciate the effort. But if someone asked me to make them a blue blanket, but I made them a purple one, who cares how much effort I put into it?  And I agree with you about the accent colors. It's not pretty.


https://imgur.com/a/3cvp3Ez Here's the blanket 🤢


It looks like a very traditional colored knitted blanket. The yarn for that blanket was expensive as well. Plus the size. That is easily a $700 blanket given the cost of materials and the time it took to knit it. Selling it on Facebook was never going to net the proper amount of money because no one on Facebook is going to want to pay the correct price for it.


I was watching a video a few weeks ago. Someone had marked things down to very low prices. Like $5 and people were still trying to get it for free. They showed up at her house to buy the items knowing the price. You are right, people on there are ridiculous


Is *that* the picture you used to try to sell it? No wonder you had no takers even when lowballing the price... (And my understanding of Facebook marketplace is that it is primarily for used goods... I would be extremely skeptical about buying a blanket on there since they are difficult to wash and who knows what happened to it to make the owner want to sell it?)


That looks fine. Or what of it you actually show, which isn’t much. A very traditional $700 craft. The real problem is that your not good at taking photos or selling things.


I don't love the colored stripes but it's not hideous. That blanket took forever to knit and wrangle. As in worked on several hours a day for the entire month. You asked someone to donate the cost of yarn plus maybe 100 hours of labor. Your reaction is unhinged.


It looks fine? Worst case scenario, I dunno, dye it black? If the only problem is the color, that's something you can fix.


I love it. As a very tall person it sounds like the perfect size to lay on the couch and still be able to wrap my feet up.


You are unbelievably rude for someone who looks like a broke ass, dollar store Ben Shapiro.


I mean, if you're giving it away, I love it! 😅


Hell give it to me if you don't like it. I think it's beautiful.


I think it's cute. You're very ungrateful. That looks like a ton of work. Dye it if you don't like it, or donate it. You clearly don't appreciate your sister.


Nothing wrong with that blanket, now your sister  need to know not to  make anything  for u  ever again, yta and ungrateful.


If its so gross dont ask for one. you are an absolute Asshole.


It looks great.. but if you care so much then why don’t you just make one yourself


Wow. Wow. I feel so bad for your poor sister. I hope you never receive a hand made gift again. YTA.


It’s beautiful! As a textile artist, your attitude literally brought tears to my eyes at the thought of anyone behaving this way about something I made them.


There is no way on gods green earth that that blanket, using that yarn weight, rolled like that, is 10x5. 3x4, max


Nah, look at the dimensions of the incredibly ugly and poorly covered couch it’s on. Blanket definitely is using chunky yarn.


That’s what I’m saying- it’s extremely chunky yarn. At that yarn weight and those dimensions, rolled, it would be a far bigger roll


Could it be a double roll? It’s hard to tell because of the pattern, but it looks like there might be another similarly sized roll behind it (rolled up halfway from each side like a [volute](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volute)). That’s an unusual way to roll up blankets, but if it makes an impractically thick roll otherwise he could’ve done it that way.


this blanket looks fine. never ask your sister to make you anything ever again. do you know how many hours something like that takes to make? how many weeks? jesus dude.


Bruh I was expecting some uglier green (which that looks like blue green) or something or like horrible patterns but this is really good and I've seen similar color combos in stores. You're just a hater.


Ok... YTA, a lot


I'll take it off your hands


that blanket is beautiful tf are you on about


I’ll buy it. As long as the money goes to your sister.


God you're an ungrateful asshole.




It's not ugly, and that's not Hunter green. It's teal.


I mean, I'll take it 👀 looks fine to me. You're definitely low balling it though.


Quel surprise! An ungrateful chauvinist




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"Here's the blanket" Proceeds to show us not the blanket. The blanket is supposed to be huge. That thing is in a roll and it doesn't look like it'll be that big when spread out. If that's how the pictures look when trying to sell it no wonder nobody has made any offers. Plus from this picture it doesn't look bad. Not entirely sure because we can't fucking see what it looks like all spread out.