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There should be a YTidiot ruling. The only person you're hurting by your behavior here is you. You're learning less French and Biology than you should be. That puts you in a worse place in the future if you intend to study either of those further. You've also got bad grades, which will lower your GPA, which will mean less college scholarship money, fewer college acceptances and so on. A couple of bad grades in Freshman year isn't the end of the world, but you need to understand that what you're doing isn't somehow paying the teachers back for being bad teachers - it's just hurting you.


My mom used to tell me when I voiced similar criticism about teachers, those teachers are going to get paid no matter what. So what exactly is OP going to accomplish. As you point out, OP is only hurting herself.


Yep the way to hurt these teachers is to become valedictorian, then when you give your speech name them as a hindrance to your success.


I had a geography teacher I loathed in ni th grade. She hated me too, and would often hold up my work in class and tell everyone that anyone whose work looked like mine would have to redo it. (All we ever did was color maps; I was fourteen and getting called out because my coloring was sloppy.) The next year, I was top student in my grade for a subject I actually liked (history) and went down to the awards assembly where she was setting up chairs. She asked me what I was doing there, and I told her I was getting an award. She genuinely sneered at me and said, "Really. YOU???" I told her, "Yes, I have really good teachers this year. It makes a big difference." The look on her face was fantastic. So much more rewarding than just fucking around in her class.


I also imagine that if OP finds a way to complain, edvidence of actual effort from them will make it stick much better.


This. You’re not exactly sticking it to the man here, OP. You’re only screwing yourself here. Do you want to be one of those morons who go viral on the internet because they say something like, “Atlanta?” when they’re asked if they can name three countries? You get out of a class what you put into it, so make sure you’re doing your job even if the teacher isn’t doing theirs. Side note: Three decisions young people can make for themselves to keep from living in poverty as adults are as follows 1. Graduate from high school and get your diploma 2. Don’t have a baby until after you’re married 3. Get a job after you graduate Thought I would mention those because I wish someone had told me that when I was 14 instead of me learning the hard way.


The chance of either of those subjects being meaningfully useful to her in the future are incredibly low, unless she wants to work in healthcare or in some french-speaking country.


"I don't like you teachers so I'm going to tank my own grades in an act of revenge." Why do we let 15 year olds on Reddit?


>Why do we let 15 year olds on Reddit? Really wish theyd up the age limit to atleast 18


Learning is for you, not your teachers.


Let’s see…you hate your teachers, so you deliberate sabotage your own education. YTA.


So, someone is an asshole to you, so you...hurt yourself? What is the point of that?


Nothing makes a point like sabotaging ones future to make it.


Do you think that all bosses and managers of adults are kind and effective? Many of them are *rude and passive aggressive*. Unfortunately many of us have to learn to deal with these people until we find a new job or retire. This isn't fair, of course. It isn't fair that you have two difficult teachers, either. As a former teacher I find their behavior especially reprehensible. You are only hurting yourself by not learning the content, however. You will be surprised how much you learned in HS is useful later in life. Dealing in a civil way with annoying people is an important skill that you learn in HS, whether those individuals are students or teachers.


>You will be surprised how much you learned in HS is useful later in life. It's been 20 years. When is that surprise going to show up?


Yeah, you really showed them... /s You avoided doing well so... you wouldn't have to continue doing well? ESH. You, for not taking full advantage of your educational opportunities, and your teachers for staying in their jobs when they obviously don't want to be there.


YTA 1. You are discarding your free educational opportunity for a better future. AP Courses can help a ton with college tuition. We as a nation pay for your education. You should not just throw it away and create a cycle of uneducated, welfare leeches. 2. You could have swapped classes instead of ruin your GPA. You might have the option to change teachers. 3. This story clearly isn't one-sided here, seeing this is a high school. 4. Unless the classroom was loud and distracting, you don't have an excuse not to do your homework. Turn your future around and stop slacking.


I just graduated. I totally get being unmotivated to do the work. It’s hard when you have crappy teachers. Whenever a teacher is rude and/or doesn’t teach it’s very hard to want to do anything for their class. My only thing is to not let it keep you from graduating. It doesn’t seem like a huge deal now but trust me once you get to senior year it will be. Schools love to find every reason to say you can graduate. I had to change classes a few times cause of similar issues. If you’re in the situation again I’d say to approach that if it’s possible. I feel like a cringy parent saying this but do your best to buckle down and get through it. Once you graduate none of this will matter anymore. But pass the classes or you’ll have to repeat them.


So your solution is to ruin your grades and GPA, thereby limiting your options after college. Yeah, because that makes a whole lot of sense. 🙄 As a teacher, your logic is severely flawed here. YTA.


YTA and you're doing to have a lot of problems in life if you can't sit and do your work despite having a coworker or boss you don't like. Part of school is learning to do what's expected even with personality quibbles.


INFO: Did you do the class reading that the biology teacher assigned? And did it match the material on the tests?


YTA to yourself. The only one you're screwing over is you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Im 15f and though this is kinda useless to post given im done with freshmen year i thought i'd share. i generally always tried my best with assignments in all classes, though i'll admit i slacked off a bit towards the end of the year and sometimes to avoid being scouted for ap/honors classes. though two classes i got c's in and i actively didnt try in due to the teachers. french and biology. my french teacher was a passive aggressive, smug, and somewhat arrogant person. he'd get all smug whenever we'd have tests coming up or anything that would stress us out, and anytime someone was confused and didn't know what to say he'd pull the "guys come on we've already learned this." once a student corrected him on what she believed to be an error in what he said in french and he said the following- "do you know french better than i do? remember your place." and once sent a pair of students to look over slides in the hallway because they didn't know what to say and he claimed they had "got exposed". my biology teacher was passive aggressive, lazy, rude, and never taught. my culinary teacher who's been here since the 90s even said students over the years have said he doesn't teach. he would talk for a bit at the start of the period, then just give us a reading assignment and not talk for the whole period. he then would get upset about us being "slackers" and doing "jack" on tests. obviously my mom pulled the whole "you get all your work done" discussion but im personally not going to do the work of teachers who are going to give students a hard time and not do their jobs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta for not liking the teachers, but I would still try. You might need those grades and I wouldn't let my grades slip just because of a lousy teacher, I'd still try on the exams because it benefits you. Your teachers probably won't really care if you pass or fail but I'd be doing it for myself not for them


A teacher totally makes or breaks the class and I can get being unmotivated/not wanting to do the work when they don't do their jobs. However, as others said, this only impacts you. If you do this in your next years of high school, it'll have an even bigger impact on things like your GPA, college admissions, etc. It's not worth it! Unfortunately, these teachers will still be getting paid regardless of how bad they teach. Learning how to deal with bad teachers and excel despite them shows self-sufficiency. You're NTA but it's better to think of the bigger picture and focus on your future.


I mean, at least they made the information available to you, even if they didn't teach it? My HS Chem class consisted of watching Charlie Chapman movies and my Spanish teacher just let us treat her class like a free period while she bullshitted with the popular kids. That all sounds grand when you're 15, but it kind of sucks going into a college class and know Jack shit about pre-requisite materials. Idk if yta, but it wasn't a brilliant move.


YTA-you are not going to like everyone in your life boss,teacher, co-worker, part of learning isn’t just the book work but the experience of achieving a goal with different personalities. That is a life skill that will take you far in life. The older you get in education, the more you should be doing to learn and the less the teacher should have to facilitate. That does not mean that the teacher shouldn’t help you but it does not mean give you answers because you think it is hard. In the end, you get out what you put in. Considering you are trying to avoid AP class then maybe education is just not something you value, nothing wrong with that but it does seem like you want to do the least amount of work possible and then blame the teacher for not doing their job. That is a life skill learned that will not get you far in the work place later on. Regardless, you do you and own it either way.


YTA. As many others have pointed out, the only person you are hurting is you. Do you really think the teachers care if you do you work or not? They don't. And I say this as someone in education. If a student chooses not to complete their work then they get a zero and we move on.


YTA - this is all an excuse. If you tried your very best and did not go as well as you hoped, that would be on you. By clinging to the excuse that your teachers are not good enough, you can blame your results on them, thus freeing yourself of any responsibility. This is not a strategy to carry into your adult life. You also need to learn to get along with all sorts of people. You do not have to like your teachers or appreciate their style, but it is in your interest to find a way to make the best of it. What will you do if you don’t like your boss in the future? Just quit? Be fired?


NTA, a C isn't even *that* bad. If you're smart, self-motivated, and your teachers are that bad, you should try online school, that's what I did, worked out great for me.


Do you think that you are punishing or somehow getting these teachers back? Failing your class doesn't punish them. It punishes you.


I would be surprised if your English grade was positive, given your lack of punctuation and grammar. You admit you slack off to avoid being ‘scouted for AP/Honours’ classes A fly on the wall in either French or Biology class would probably give a very different version of the scenarios given. Teachers have a hard enough job- I’m sure they very much appreciate that you are not going to do their job, when you can’t fulfil the bare minimum position of being a student. YTA.


OP, your revenge is hurting only you and your grades. Think about it this way, study and do so well in your tests that you don’t have to deal with any criticism or bad attitude from your teachers. Go there to study, and focus on the subject. Remember, you’re just one of their students while they see hundreds during their career. Stay low, do your work, study well. They are going to keep teaching, going to keep getting paid for what they do. You have a long long life ahead, and sorry to break this to you, but you’re going to find bigger AHs in your life ahead. Everyone does.


YTA, but unfortunately, only to yourself in this instance. At best, it could be that some of the material you're being asked to read is an exercise to prepare you for independent study and university. You would normally be expected to consult texts and offer your own thoughts and observations.The staff would be on hand to guide discussions or help answer specific questions but not necessarily to provide instant answers for you. At worst, the teacher is actually lazy. Don't let them ruin your education for you, though. Bring it up with your parents or the head of the school. Tell them you're concerned with the lack of engagement in class and that expectations are not being made clear to you. Don't damage your own future prospects just to make a point. You're only hurting yourself in the long run.


But who are you hurting? The best way to get back at teachers like that is to succeed *despite* them. It doesn’t injure them if you don’t pass their class- and heads up- might mean you’d have to repeat it. I don’t think that’s what you want. Someone once said, “the best revenge is a life well-lived”. I don’t know if you’ve thought what you want to do after graduation. Maybe college? Trade school? A job? Whatever, the habit of doing your best will serve you well in whichever path you take. Doing your best *for* *you*, not them. You're only the AH if you keep shooting yourself in the foot like this.


YTA to yourself.  The only one being affected by this is you.  You missing out on a scholarship due to low GPA won't affect these teachers.  


YTA. The only person you're hurting in any way, shape or form is yourself. The teachers aren't going to care you did shitty. There is a chance that one day you're going to have a boss who is arrogant, lazy or whatever and you won't be able to just slack off because you don't like them.


This feels like kind of a cut your nose to spite your face situation. Yes, you are probably annoying these teachers some, but ultimately this has the biggest effect on you. I had a cousin who had a similar mindset. She really wanted to go to law school and would have really benefited from a scholarship to avoid loans since her parents couldn’t afford to help her. Colleges look at your GPA, they don’t care that you didn’t like your teacher. In the future, you might have a boss who is a jerk and need to deal with it before you can find another job. Boycotting your work will get you fired. I was laid off a few years ago and found out unemployment doesn’t even cover the cost of renting the cheapest apartment in my city. Always need to find a new job before jumping ship. Bills need to be paid. “They were a jerk” doesn’t credit the bank account.


AP classes are one of the things that helped our 3 kids get BS degrees w/o any student loans. They had all knocked out a semester of college while still in HS. Don't be an a-hole to yourself. You are very young, but life comes at you fast. Everything counts from freshman year on.


Well, realistically, it all boils down to, what's your career goal? What do you want to do to make money between the time you move out of your parents' place and the time you retire? How comfortable do you want that retirement to be? At what agea do you wish to stop working? Most Big Bucks careers require not only the standard college degree, but also post grad studies. And while a "good" college is necessary for your Bachelor's, an Ivy League is more important for job placement after post grad. And that means getting the grades so you can compete with the rest of the students your age, most of whom won't have your attitude problem. There are, however, the Trades, which can also make you very comfortable. Some of the more dangerous and difficult ones can allow you to either retire super early after working like a dog for several years (about 10) or basically work part of the year and chill the remaining months. It's all up to you, but you need to weigh your options and choose your future soon. NTA. Yet.


NTA. Less than great grades from a good student should ring alarm bells for the school. It means these teachers are not performing their duties to an expected standard. But instead of refusing to do the work, could you not speak to your parents about this and have them address it with the principal?