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Looks more like cubensis, definitely not amanita.


That's not amanita muscaria.


Look like cubes. Likely using "Amanita" to avoid attracting legal attention, while still attracting people who want to trip. It's an unfortunate thing for the very small portion of the market that is actually looking for amanita... but for the vast majority of the market that is actively seeking a classical psychedelic experience, I totally understand why this is becoming common.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking due to legality. AMs would have been nice but happy with some cubes


Def not AM - most likely cubes


Cut the stems and look for blue. If so, it’s p cubensis most likely


If there’s no blue, I wouldn’t assume they’re cubes


Definitely not AM.


When I pick cubes they show bruising even after drying. The thin stem and large top almost look like paneolus antilarium which also grow in same substrate and are commonly found near cubes in Texas. They are not active however but safe to eat. Just not great eating.


These were grown in Costa Rica where cubes are pretty common so I’m leaning towards that


No but I'm down for an even trade lol


Hello, thank you for your post. Here for your convenience are links you may find helpful: * [Beginner's guide/FAQ on isoxazole Amanita mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/s9x07x/psychoactive_amanita_mushrooms_beginners_guide/) * Recipes: [basic water extraction](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/y7u0z5/basic_water_extraction_with_optional/), [decarboxylation via drying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/usqdk8/drying_as_a_means_of_decarboxylation/), [resin recipe 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/d44f11/comment/f07nudh/), [resin recipe 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/ii5451/comment/g34hwbo/) * [Tips for identification requests](https://i.imgur.com/DUQ0t2o.png) (please always include country/state) * [Information on gummies and smoke shop "Amanita" products](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/12shfbw/psilomart_products_test_positive_for_psilocybin/) (these usually do not contain Amanita alkaloids at all, but rather illegal psychoactive compounds) * [Trusted vendor list](https://ko-fi.com/post/Vendor-list-H2H8HF7ZT), [Amanita Science & Magick Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/amanitascienceandmagic) There are also other interesting links at the bottom of the beginner's guide and on the right-hand sidebar of the subreddit (click 'See community info' if on mobile) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmanitaMuscaria) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not amanita for sure. Probably normal magic mushrooms. Amanita is nearly impossible to grow from what I've heard. Traditional Cubes are pretty easy


Don’t eat those, def not cubes or muscarias…


Why do you say they’re not cubes