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Welp the mont you clocked back in workers comp won. They are not your friend. If you got hurt at work get a lawyer next time.


What state?


They are in New Jersey. I actually applied to that dsp before getting hired at my current one and they never got back to me. Looks like a dodged a bullet lol


I don’t think he is talking about New Jersey. I think he is speaking of Michigan. But the one you are talking about is that south Jersey? Where is the one you are at now ? And how is it?


The one I’m talking about is in swedesboro and my current dsp is in Edgewood, MD. We have mostly all electric vans and management is usually pretty chill


I thought that was the one you were talking about lol. But I think he’s speaking of different road runner. The one in swedesboro I never worked for but was in that same warehouse. The dispatch and owner seem pretty chill there that’s why I don’t think it same one. Why did you not go with them ? Do you get 40 hours at the one you are at now and what is the difficulty of the routes ?


I had no idea there was more than one. When I applied they never reached out to me idk maybe they never saw my application. I usually get around 35 hours a week at my current dsp and routes for me have consistently been 170-180 stops since finishing my nursery routes


As soon as i saw the company, i was like theres no way thats my warehouse.


TX, I believe it’s in round rock but not 100% sure


I haven’t heard too much negative about the one in DAU7(that’s where my dsp is located)


I work out of DAU1 but I read some reviews for it and seemed sketchy


If I’m being real, after I caught wind of things in my DSP, I started digging around and a LOT if not most of them seem sketchy af so I’m inclined to believe you.


My guess is DAU7 near Austin TX


It is out of Grand Rapids Michigan dgr6


All DSPs make you clock out for lunch, even if you choose to work through it.


Not the one I work for


I am a operations manager for a dsp and I’ve never had someone clock out for 30.


Flex app makes it impossible to work through lunch, unless you spent time before you clock out, writing down your route and screenshotting TBAs, but that seems like a lot of extra effort for no reward


Really? There must be different versions of flex depending on where you live, because I’ve never been forced to take a lunch.


Tbh, I'm jealous. I'd prefer to have that so I could get home 30 minutes earlier for the same pay. I don't even rly eat when I have a big workload, few granola bars, some trail mix or jerky n I'm good. Chug water like a mf tho. I think Colorado forces lunch 4.5 hours into a shift bc my old construction company used to do it too. And they wanted exactly 30, just like my DSP.


All depends on your state. My state doesn’t require employees to take their lunch but the employer is required to provide a meal break.


Just different rules flex has to follow based on what state your in


Nah. That's because your DSP chose to not opt out of that feature in the flex app. My boss missed the deadline and contacted them and the next day and it didn't make us clock out anymore. If your DSP is blaming Amazon and saying there's no way around it, you got yourself a manipulative liar as a boss. Yay.


In most cases it has to do with state labor laws, in Oregon we are required to take a lunch so there is no “opting out”


It was something Amazon rolled out into their app and offered it in all states. Obviously, the states that are required to have employees take lunch, the update only made it easier for the employers & maybe the employees. I mean the one day we had it, it locked me out while I was trying to get the gate code for my 10th to last stop. So that was hella annoying. In states that are required to take a lunch is an obvious exception. They could still probably opt out of the delivery app forcing specific times though. Either way, the point is DSP owners had other options. All too often I see people post on here that say things like "Amazon requires it" when in fact they don't and it's their DSP owners just trying to deflect blame for something they made the decision to go along with. And if I were them that'd piss me off.


Also, only 3 states have lunch break requirements. 2 more have required 10 minute breaks per 4 hour work increments. So it's not in most cases.


No they don’t, Texas doesn’t require it


It’s a state thing. Some states require a lunch break some don’t




I have never heard of this until today.


Depends on your state


You probably shouldn't be posting this if the case is pending and not finished. Might not look good for you, but hey I'm not an attorney idk.


Yeah they not trying to pay you at all they know the expenses for your broken foot is too much for them so they rather just brush you off and make the problem seem like it’s not that serious typical move . I would say you can try and sue your DSP and show them the x-rays and that they still trying to make you work with broken foot going to be a long process but hope for the best .


Sue them


Road runners in ny?? Dxy4?


Yooo we work(worked) out of the SAME fucking delivery station….wild. I know exactly who you’re talking about and that’s some fucked up shit that you’re in this position dude…sorry you’re going through an incredibly rough time right now. Trust the process, and I hope the lawyer situation gets figured out. Best of luck.


I remember reading reviews about them on Indeed


The dsp I used to work for clocked everyone out at noon


Do you get paid for a 30min break?


So, all DSPs are not the same. Some good some bad. I like mine but it's hit and miss. So I was involved in an accident yesterday, not my fault, but basically was hit by a car that was t-boned, did a 360, and smashed into the front of the van. At the time, maybe from a little adrenaline I have left, I was fine. About an hour later. Neck started getting a little tight. No biggie, go home. Have a few adult beverages go to bed. Wake up today, and my neck is really tight. I didn't really think of it until I got a message from dispatch this morning. Are you OK. Thought so until I tried to move my head side to side, and nope, don't feel right. They gave me the day off, obviously no pay. But they at least cared about me.


I worked for this company and in my opinion it is far from the worst DSP. He makes you take a lunch ? Then take a lunch. A lot of jobs do that. I’ve had jobs that make you take an hour lunch. It is what it is. I’m at a different company now at a whole different warehouse and I can tell u for 100% certainty this is far from the worst dsp. Not enough people on Reddit to make a difference for his new hires either if that was your goal. He will still be able to find plenty of drivers. I’m not sure why you would choose to get a lawyer now and not in the beginning but I’m sure it’s a long story. Regardless, I wish you good luck. Just thought I’d put my two cents in on the road runners and Devon. He always treated me right.


ROAD operates out of DSF7 right? Or did they move to DUR3 when it opened? It's been a minute


I was thinking the same thing but I think OP is talking about another DSP out of CA


Did you report it once the injury happened? And why did you go to another specialist if they sent you to concentra?


Yeah I never look at managers or owners as reliable. If you’re a great worker things are great and once they don’t need you, you’re not shit to them anymore.


So you had an initial appt at concentra before you were prescribed the physical therapy There’s missing pieces to this story ……


The owner isn't making you clock out for 30 minutes 🤣🤣it's the law duh..... Anything over 6 hours you HAVE TO TAKE A LUNCH


Yeah make sure lawyer man specializes in injury and probably check and see if he has a recommendation for a lawyer that specializes in wage theft.


It’s a law you have to clock out for 30 minutes. You sound like an idiot.


It’s different depending on state, I work for a dsp in MN and it is not required


Not in Florida if your not a minor actually you don’t have to take any breaks nor are they required


Not in Texas