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i don't work any different . it's just another day at work .


Same !


Happy cake day


Couldn’t agree more.




To add a positive spin for once, the VET is helping me save for vacation. The money helps, it really does. I don't deny the burn out and excessive MET taking its toll, if you got the time to leave early you should use it.


Def I worked all of my days off and I put in PTO for today I’m atleast having a day to myself


I noticed this mid-peak last year and just started chillin. Don’t forget ur getting paid just as much as ur coworker that doesn’t do shit 😎


This is true.. buuuut the workers that don’t do shit, it catches up to them believe it or not. I know of 14 people within the last 4 months be let go due to productivity, TNL, quality, safety. I was very surprised because I know others that really don’t do shit and they’re still there. There was a guy in our FC that would clock in and go sleep in the break room. He was dock trained so the dock always coded him. Once someone saw, reported it and he was let go. There’s also the flip side to this. There was a girl that powered down a SmartPac machine which is a cat1.. was fired that same night. A few weeks later an AMB powered it down after an AA was coaxing her to do it and she did, she was not fired.


I work at Amazon air and we don’t have rates, you can only imagine how hard it is for them to track employees without rates… these 2 kids would clock in and go straight to the breakroom for 8 hours and then clock out it took Amazon 3 months to catch on to them. So naturally people got smarter and they clock in work for 30 mins make sure they are seen disappear for 2 hours pop back up work for 30 mins disappear for another 2 hours and so on. None of them have been caught. When they labor share us at the end when our department is done everyone disappears instead of going to the other department for the last 2 hours. No one has been fired.


Which one? I'm at KCVG and it's the same.


Ayyyyy I’m KCVG inbound dock back half night shift what’s up my dude! 😎


CVG9 here!!!




I'm BHD ramp PA. We have to go in one day a week for transport, and you're 100 percent right. People hiding in the bathrooms for HOURS.


I love our building everything is so new and great but some of the people I just can’t. So lazy. People taking hour and a half long breaks disappearing throughout the entire night I just can’t. I’ve always been a hard worker I can’t just do nothing I get bored idk how people can just do nothing. I was the first group of people when they started night shift to come from CVG1 and ive seen so many people come and go and they were all lazy.


That's one good thing on the ramp. They're in the van with me so they can't hide or get out of working.


Where are the AMs? That wouldn't fly at my building, coded or not as soon as I knew what was up I'd be at PXT & LP having the cameras checked & an investigation opened. It isn't fair to everyone else who shows up and actually works for their money. Especially since all it does is increase everyone else's workload.


I'm pretty sure they don't have metrics on outbound fingers.


Hey, man, your outbound dock sucks ass. I’m at DKY5, and we’re constantly having to deal with your site's unmanifested bullshit. Don’t even get me started on CVG5, hahaha


Oh please Mr. DKY5 I wouldn’t if I was you lol we for 3 years haven’t been reporting the terrible things coming from all other buildings in the Kindle we just sucked it up and fixed it however we just started reporting all the accidents and not so accidents in the kindle you may be getting a call lmao I’m just teasing but also kinda serious DKY8 and IND4 and a few others as well lol


Also our outbound dock does suck thankfully I don’t ever have to go there, they can’t even scan successfully so they just don’t they have tried multiple times (mostly during peak idk why) and it fails everytime because people are dumb. Severely understaffed our outbound is not to defend them but mainly understaffed because 50% of outbound is who I’m talking about disappearing in the break rooms I see all of them lol so I believe you when you say they’re trash idk about CVG5 never been.


I’m at KAFW and you’re so right! I’ve also witnessed associates doing this! One of our dispatchers for the Tugs on the Ramp would disappear every so often. When it was really cold outside, they had him run dispatch inside and he would end up going to his car. Come to find out, dude was taking naps in his car when everyone else was working! He finally got fired. There are so many stories of associates skipping work.


Just transferred out of KCVG and when I starred there we had a guy that clocked in - got labor tracked then went to the cafeteria and slept until break time, clock out for 30 clock back in get labor tracked and right back to the cafeteria


imo its easier to track & discipline people who arent working if there is no rate


How so? I’m not arguing I’m genuinely curious because our building is brand new, it’s massive 4 floors like 1/4 a mile long maybe even longer and we have a good amount of people in each department. How would you track someone you can’t see TOT for? Not to mention that a manager can’t simply see someone in a break room and write them up or fire them they have to “establish a pattern” meaning it takes a while for a manager to be able to fire a person and it’s hard to establish a pattern with no TOT for proof.


Whoever is in charge of a specific area just keeps track of who is assigned to their area. If they leave an ambassador, pa, manager, process guide whomever will notice. If someone gets sent to another area they take note of who they sent over and let whomever is in charge of said area about it. Then them sitting on a toilet for an hour becomes more noticeable and not based on last scan every 5 or 10 minutes to keep themselves from accruing ToT its way easier to apply ToT


There are a lot more AAs than PAs the PAs also have their own jobs to do. I PG for inbound dock the area I get assigned is literally half of the dock, I don’t know every single individual working because there are a lot of them. I can’t keep track of when someone leaves and how long they’re gone because I’m tracking trailers, opening trailers, helping water spider, answering chimes, moving trailers from inbound to outbound. There is a lot to do I can’t babysit everyone I also can’t keep track of everyone that’s ridiculous. How is that easier than having rates and being able to see without tracking people that they have TOT.


LP can pull cameras.


Yeah if they realize they’re gone. They don’t know every individual that works there. Plus they have to establish a pattern so they have to notice every single time they leave. So I don’t see how it’s easier to track without rates than with rates. Definitely easier to establish patterns with rates and they know every time a person with rates disappears


I know literally every person who works in my department and is labor shared to me and I am regularly walking the floor. Trust me, we know when they are gone.


What is powering down a SmartPac machine?


There’s a switch that only RME can power it down on a SmartPac or SmartPacPoly machine. They do something before it if it is needing to be powered down. RME have certain clothes that protect them from any electric shocks or something. An RME lead explained it to me. It can be fatal sometimes apparently.


At my warehouse, they’re starting to get onto ship dock employee’s rates. Fine for me, awful for the ones hiding in the corners texting all day or just fucking off and chatting, making blue lights go off.


another thing catches up w them too the physical toll doing nothing does to your body there is a reason you rarely if ever see old people sitting around doing absolutely nothing it destroys your body if you arent doing anything you need to be sitting down or laying down standing doing nothing is horrible for you, sitting doing nothing is bad too but nowhere near as bad eventually these young bums realize they cant work for an hour even if they wanted to since they did nothing for so long gotta be working bare minimum at least


We were given a speech yesterday about being careful with our rates and how low they can get. Idk what they were implying but it sounds like a crack down is in the future 😳


Good. One of my previous OM’s at sync mentioned that people weed themselves out. Amazon isn’t for everyone and if they get fired, they get fired. They want to use their own time and go negative and they know the policy, let them go negative. I’m a PA and he pulled me aside and said I’m a workhorse but I do more than what I get paid to do when bending over backwards for AA’s that don’t deserve it. He was very straight to the point and looked out for his team. I was running myself to the ground and getting burnt out. I get where he was coming from but I can see those that want to improve vs. not even caring. I still do my best and take his advice with a grain of salt but he was right in some aspects. Amazon is easy. The time policy is great, health benefits are amazing, VET is chill.. tiring but you choose to pick up shifts and it’s time and a half after 40 hours, MET can be brutal but it’s more money in our banks. I feel like some people forget it’s a warehouse job that they do not want to do warehouse work.


What does powered down the smartpac mean? We don't have that at my building but I'm interested What effect does powering it down have?


There’s a switch that only RME can power it down on a SmartPac or SmartPacPoly machine. They do something before it if it is needing to be powered down. RME have certain clothes that protect them from any electric shocks or something. An RME lead explained it to me. It can be fatal sometimes apparently.


Yea finally getting that. Was focused on my rate cuz I wanna be hired as blue badge. Been here 8 months and still seasonal and I'm top 10 in whatever department in the building each day besides pack. Now it's hot af and no blue badge so fck it just staying outta the bottom 5%


also, you are getting paid the same as someone on surge pay or holiday hiring bonuses


You can get away with doing even less when it's busy ironically


There’s been so many stand downs and just sitting that like honestly I’m over it on top of that. There’s so many things from this company that they could do to make things a little bit easier that I just I don’t know. I’ve worked at target or metrics are easily accessible. This job that puts emphasis packing I should say on metrics does not display it and I will never understand that I will never understand that if I can’t get down to what pace is the right rate then I don’t know anymore😭😭😢 sorry about the random rant, but it just tickles me to death


Always do the bare minimum during prime and peak or even regular days 💪🏻


Especially when they send out that power hour bullshit message on your screen and top 2 pickers get “a reward!!!” I know myself and a few others will purposely chill out because we know it means the other guys who desperately want that extra 5 minute break or 2 swag bucks will start double to triple timing it.


Tf is a power hour?


It's a way to get AAs to increase their rates temporarily for a reward. (Physical or virtual or none)


Lmao yeah sometimes they’ll be backed in rates or something and send out a messsge along the lines of “hey guys great work so far, power hour from 8:25-9:25. Top 5AAs with most units picked will receive a reward at end of shift!” Sometimes they specify the reward, most of the times it’s a mystery.


Just what I wanted. I peccy pin


They don't even give out anything worth it so I stop doing power hour 😂.


Bro, I haven’t seen a winner yet


Whattt they don’t do that at mine 😭😭


Hey that’s me everyday 😀


AM's DO NOT get bonuses for this.


Nah, but it does effect the prospects for promotion. Which in turn effects their money, so of course they're going to be asking for more out of us for them to look good. Just another day at work for me, in fact I usually leave early since Ive banked my UPT for this exact reason. Prime Week. Lol


Prime week has no effect on promotions




Promotions are based on the prior 12-18 months performance. One week is a drop in the bucket


Definitely not a drop in the bucket it shows how well they can handle stress and large numbers if they rank peak and prime day good luck getting promoted


I’m L7 Sr. Ops, I have been promoted twice and I have promoted over 30 people the last 5 years. It’s a drop in the bucket. At best, it’s a fun fact at the end of a promo doc but it won’t be the story that gets anyone a promotion. Prime day is so thoroughly planned that it’s tough to screw up. Most stressful days are random normal volume Tuesdays when 2 sev1’s hit at the same time.


Completely agree with last paragraph, prime is also less impactful for most buildings that just becomes a normal week with extra activities for the associates


L6 Ops here. Absolutely right - If you crush it it ends up as a fun fact in your promo doc but other than that it's really not treated any differently from the rest of the year. In my opinion Prime & Peak are a lot less stressful than regular times. Sure you work much more hours, but there's so many leaders around due to MET & all you care about is pushing as much volume as you can rather than having to balance cost & backlog at the same time.


Maybe in your building it’s that way and that’s how you get garbage managers in ours our volume over doubles on prime and peak and if a manager can’t handle that and we roll freight every night at peak or prime they aren’t going anywhere… what building are you so I know to avoid that one forever and always lol


Every org has the same issue on prime, if you miss your first windows you roll through the week until there is a window with available capacity. No need to be confrontational, but think through the caliber of management you get for giving promotions based on 1 week of performance vs. looking at a holistic picture of prior 12 months performance. I will 100% take the leader who has shown up to work, consistently engaged their team, and hit most of their goals and helps others solve problems vs someone who just showed up and knocked it out of the park for 1 week.


Tbh they probably don't want you there either




I use it as a gauge for general sentiment, sometimes give advice to people who are looking how to move up, or in this case jump in to explain when someone may have received incorrect information. I’ve used reddit for years and stumbled across this page a few months ago, saw some info on my own site at one point and used that to make some changes in my own organization. I have found it helpful to see what AAs and PAs think in a semi anonymous forum.


You can keep pretending dude but you have your anonymous forum on the VOA board. Still not buying your bull. Also no correction was made, that may be how you pretend as an L7 to look at numbers but that’s not how our real L7 looks at it. Weird as an L7 you have used this for years and still haven’t done anything better for the associates. You’re also completely missing the mark on the OP point.


Prime week and peak days do not affect* our promotion prospects my guy. This is the weird thinking that causes rifts between management and associates. Just to let you know, I started as a seasonal L1, working my way up to be a manager. I haven’t lost sight of what it’s like to be an L1 and that’s why I’m good at what I do. I truly detest the associates that hate managers simply because of the fact that we are managers. Judge us on the work we do individually and how we treat yall. When I got promoted a saved a coworker from getting termed TWICE, only to find out that she was jealous of me getting promoted and started sending in a bunch of fake HR complaints about me in an attempt to get me fired. It’s sad.


Associates and management I think should get p4p


Wrong. They dont raise rates. Just work extra hours


What days are prime week this year?




Is this for real?


We have blackout dates the week of the 14th. We also had a slide on the screens stating 16-17 for Prime last month before it got taken down.


Find more indirect roles so you don't have to worry about rates or just don't be the bottom 5% performance wise. Simple.


I love there’s this false idea management gets bonuses… LOL there’s never been such a thing. Prime week and peak is seen as a base requirement for their role. They get no pats on the back or bonuses, no overtime pay either sooo


Stop with the bullshit. Wanna union? Cool. Need to outright lie to do it? One reason people don't trust union chills any more than Amazon ones. Managers get no such bonuses. There is negative correlation between holidays and attendance. It also has zero correlation to productivity (holidays or holiday pay). Rates also do not change per worker. Expectations overall are higher as there is MET.


If they made prime day a holiday, that would be so amazing


I’ll say for the millionth time. Managers do NOT get extra money or bonuses no matter how well the associates working with us do. We don’t. All we get is MET for managers and no extra pay since we are salary.


Once upon a time we did used to get a lot of fringe benefits. Few years back salaried leaders got a couple hundred dollars of vbucks, gifts, dinners out with the team, catered meals, etc. All that dried up very quick when Jassy stepped into CEO. Last year for 6 weeks of 70 hours we got Monsters and microwave macNcheese. T_T


That was too much to give for 70 hours.


>I'm sure the managers will receive something for breaking records (done by YOU). I have 3 Primes as an AM under my belt. We do not get any overtime or surge pay, we do not get prizes, we do not get raffles, we not not get bonuses or other comp.


I once heard a PA say that he/she wanted their bonus as associates were not performing as the PA desired.


I've heard people saying they can't sleep because they're worried they won't perform well during prime week


That’s sad.


It's the mentally weak that can't survive.


Haha 😂


Wow. Amazon rules someone's life like that?  I'm convinced that Amazon receives government incentives to hire criminal and crazies.


Managers are the ones being taken advantage of. They don't get paid any extra for being there extra. We at least get that.


They stand around and do Jack shit


Some AMs yea. It's also the ones who job hop and leave within 6 months before talent review. Theres nothing more stressful then being an AM on a focus, thrown into a new area someone else quit, and attempt to clean up their mess.


Management should get a better deal. 


They are also paid 115,000 annually on average according to indeed while workers get 38,000 best according to zip recruiter. A worker's job is also more physically demanding and exhausting compared to a manager


Most L4's make $62.5k yearly. No holiday pay and they work min 12 hour shifts. You are looking at an experienced L6 salary.


With all my vet, my am said I made the same as her last year. (She was salary and had to be there 60-70hrs a week…80 during prime)


Yeah maybe management should get a better deal. From what I understand it can potentially be high stress.


Yeah, a friend promoted to AM just before Peak last year and so far this year I'm ahead of him in cash earnings YTD. Yes, he's got RSUs, but given the way it's been barely six months and he's already talking about other companies and talking about looking at other options with better work/life balance, I'm not sure if he'll be around long enough to see those RSUs vest. I hope he does stick around because he works hard and is good at what he does, but I have my doubts.


> Most L4's make $62.5k yearly. And 2 years ago it used to be 49k. Most people used OPS AM as a foot in the door to get a corporate role. But that largely stopped when they fired 40000 of them last year.


All of your information is wrong lmao


Then provide some better info and cite your sources


You provide info since you’re the one making claims. I’m an actual L4 AM and I’m external so I’m paid more than most regular L4 AMs who get onboarded and my salary is $62.5k/yr, not whatever six figure amount you made up. Also, a manager is supposed to be more mental and less physical even though it can be physical a lot of times. This job is mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting.


I did provide info but you claimed I was wrong, hence why I'm asking for the info you have that makes you so sure you're right. I also didn't "make up" any numbers, I was directly citing where I found my data but let me link them too: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Amazon.com/salaries/Manager#:\~:text=that%20it%20was.-,Learn%20more%20about%20paid%20time%20off%2C%20parental%20leave%20and%20work,purpose%20of%20generalized%20comparison%20only. [https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Amazon.com/salaries/Team-Member?from=acme-salaries-v2](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Amazon.com/salaries/Team-Member?from=acme-salaries-v2) I will admit my mistake in that I cited zip recruiter when I meant to cite indeed for both salaries. For the sake of your workers I hope you're less insulting in real life, or at the very least a decent AM. Your first response to someone's mistake should not be insulting them "lmao"


Wasn’t trying to insult or belittle. Just a bit stressed and seeing the comment about the pay being as high as it is when it’s really not, and seeing you imply that a Manager’s job isn’t as exhausting as a T1s just ticked me off. Look. Even in the job description for L4 Area Manager’s it says that $62,500 is the base pay for the lowest geographic area and $68,000 is the pay for the highest. A T3 PA can get paid more than us with enough overtime. They give us stocks but they only vest after 4 years, so they aren’t really worth shit until then. We don’t get annual bonuses either, but externals get a one time taxed sign on bonus which is really a contract which states that you have to pay it all back (in full with the taxes) if you don’t stay at Amazon for a year or two. We come in an hour before AAs and stay at least an hour after and come in on our off days at times, all while not getting paid overtime because we are salary. We are constantly shit on by our Ops and our AAs while being given extremely tough deadlines and expectations day after day. Honestly if I wasn’t literally tied to this place contractually I’d most likely get a different job.


I didnt realize that, I apologize for my mistake. I hope you eventually recieve the appropriate pay raise and benefits. Or at the very least find a more fulfilling job


I work at a Sort center and for ANY Prime week or Peak, they have NEVER called it MET. They inform us that we are required to pick up VET so that you work 10 shifts in a week. If you do not have 10 shifts scheduled, they will assign extra shift(s) for you, (most likely you will get stuck with the worst shifts available) still not calling it MET.


I work in a trailer yard. My boss tried to get us a few minutes of downtime from making moves because it's 97 degrees out here and the truck ac is...not good. He was told NO by OPS.


Yeah, I don't want to be unionized and be stuck with the world's shitiest workers....


I'm sure they feel the same about you.


Lmao, nice try at a diss.. I'll take this as a joke because it is. 😂


Slow down people we get paid by the hour![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Sadly managers receive nothing during prime or peak. Also please stop being so weird about productivity. I legitimately don’t understand it it seems to me you think if you unionize that will solve all your problems but in reality it won’t help you if you still don’t want to do the job.


Dude they're giving bonuses to new hire migrants and trying to keep it on the low. Lol yeah it's time for a union. 


A union sounds nice, but it's not going to do shit for the majority of amazon workers who are lazy as fuck. I'm not coming from a viewpoint of "oh these young kids don't want to work no more!" More than half of these fucks only want to be sitting down, on there phone, and have a stank face when someone tells them to do something. Young and old.


Yeah that's because amazon has a weak employment strategy. They get what they incentivize. 


You will never get more for less work it just doesn’t work that way ups is unionized for the delivery drivers but they still put in hella work nothing really changed just able to make more. The problem with the workers is that they think they will work harder if there paid more but habits don’t change usually for most once in the routine of not doing something


Uhhh yeah it does when you don't pay for performance. By doing less I save 1500 calories that's about 7 bucks in savings. So yeah at amazon employees make more by doing less.


Amazon will never get better work by giving ppl garbage like eswag junk 


Your job maybe worth 20 bucks you’re not a construction worker you pick stow floor load it really doesn’t require much to do the job. It’s also why there’s a revolving door of people


The most efficient way to run employment is to incentivize the employee to tap their ability and produce this is how you increase wages while simultaneously lowering labor costs


They use to give you guys stock but you voted it away in favor of more pay while the stocks were the better thing


It's simple really. You just pay ppl to produce!


Dude, I had a new hire process about 3 units in 4 hours because she “was confused” then she left before her shift ended didn’t clock in or out and said nothing to people. I said I know she’s trying to see how little work she can get done while still getting paid, before we term her, but she couldn’t even be bothered to clock in. Which means no pay lol


i took your rant seriously until you said unionize 😂


![gif](giphy|l1ug3xGEN1oZBT7qw) Lmao. People honestly think unions are going to be a real thing at work 😂😂😂


they act like you can’t get fired from a union job 😂😂


They act like Reps who don't care about you are going to be better than managers who don't care about you.




I’m already taking off. Doing my part.


I have so much vacation saved up mainly because I get a boat load of it from being there so long. I'm going to take off every Wednesday and also come in late every day by 2 hours just so I can get put doing the easier jobs 😂. I already know they are going to use the fuck out of me if I don't. They did it last year because I was expecting people from other shifts to work (my fault), but not this year. Induct, PS, AFM, or driving PIT for 5 days here I come lol


They're giving out vet with surge pay a lot lately


Gave out surge because no one would take the VET.  And most of it didn't get filled 


VET with surge pay? Can you explain, as far as I know only FLEX AAs can get surge pay


i received surge pay often last fall and winter...usually 5$ extra per hour , when I was reduced time - 30 hours - regular employee. not flex. 


It's just a Flex thing. Full time hasn't had anything good like that since they went from $12 to $15. The good ol days of monthly bonuses based off of building productivity and 3 free shares of stock for amazon.


no- it's flex , part time, and reduced time that can receive surge pay. just not full time people, apparently. 


Full time gets surge if no one's responding to VET at a FC I know about. Gave it out a few days ago.


If I use UPT/don't come in one of the days during prime or during the time period where they say you can't be using your vacation, will I get in trouble? I've had my tattoo appointment booked for a month now and I already put the deposit down, I just need to know if I should try moving my appointment up sooner.


No, as long as you have enough UPT/PTO to cover the time off, you'll be fine.


Okay, thank you!!!😊


Just don't go negative with your UPT, and you can do vacation. You just have to submit it before the blackout period starts (mid November).


If you had it scheduled then you should be able to be excused from the day


we need to unionize!! i hope this years the year


When is prime week anyways 😞


mid July 


I’m laughing at the 30 minute vto while also over here taking the VET. I like starting half hour late because then shits already rollin and don’t gotta wait for packages(delivery station)


Words from a veteran do just enough to not get wrote up


I noticed that


L6 here. No bonuses, we just get to stay off the pink slip/pivot lists.


pivot list? 


Pivot = Under performance program where you either take a payment to leave Amazon or you try to perform up to standard and possibly not get anything


I am getting lots of VET with surge pay right now. How are they going to stop offering it during prime? They also had it for Christmas too.


A workers network outside of the Amazon ecosystem is needed. A prime walkout would wake em up a bit..


From what I understand (at least at my fc) managers don't really get anything, in fact we make more money with thw met than they make because they're salary. Might not be everywhere but that's what I found out about mine


If you work for amazon, its already too late


I don't work any different than I do now so I am happy to even have a job at this point.


Anyone heard any rumors about what we’ll be getting during Prime week, if anything?


Usually a tshirt


I work at a fair pace, it’s in my most common leisure


Why do people think managers get bonuses. Amazon way too cheap for that.


We don’t receive anything just a spoiler alert. The only person who looks good if we make rates is the Site Leader. Anyone below them doesn’t get jack all for doing well.


I worked multiple prime days we are busy like 2 days then no work


When is prime week??


I get surge pay all the time. No one wants to work the 2nd half of night shift so it's almost always +5


This is the dumbest post I’ve ever read


Eat the corn out of my rectum


I’m taking the first week of July off lol


Yeah, I just had a manager over the weekend talking about tak times trying to tell us we should be meeting a ridiculously low rate. I’m just gonna keep doing what I do. I can’t help it if we get shitty pallets that you’re having to deal with boxes that are hard to find space to stow items. I will keep doing my normal rate, not trying to injure myself.


AM here; we don’t get shit such as bonus for anything. A good job and increased rate. I get your frustration but business needs is business needs 🤷‍♂️


It is always funny to read people assuming AMs get any benefits from peak or prime time. In reality they just get more work hours for the same pay they’d receive either way.


I could be wrong, but I’ve heard that managers get an added 2 hour break during peak/prime so technically even when the shift is 11.5hr it’s basically like any other night for them. 


It's because managers won't manage employees. They rely on rate so they don't have conversation unless your one of the favorites. Been 5.5 years seen it all


my fc isn’t even hiring anybody for prime despite how ridiculously understaffed we are. 90% of the people in my department everyday are being labor shared over there🙃 going on 9 months as seasonal too. looks like they’re gonna make the remaining white badges at my building run through to the end of our contract and then convert us. so fucked up


If I'm stowing I'm doing the minimum 260-300 rate anything over that That's not my problem cuz working three different stations prime week is a war zone


My warehouse does this without it even being prime week lol idk if it’s for everyone but once i start working the slightest amount out of the regular a manager comes up and makes me do some harder shit 💀 just work at average rate and lower their expectations and you’ll be all good


I recently resigned from nights due to some drama and reapplied for days. They took me right back and I'll be starting in the middle of prime. Pros: No MET for new ppl or retreads Cons: Starting over as a seasonal with no benefits for a while


Out of the 4 days I'll be working MET, I took two as a holiday, the latter two, and I am not planning on impressing my supervisor in the first two either


I go back n forth mentally. When I work hard and speak up about my efforts being rewarded with higher tier or higher pay, I’ve had two managers they both were the fast tracing best numbers in the building. They both have been on hot seat for lack of proper leadership and low employee relations numbers on surveys. I.e. Does your manager treat you as a number or a person? Killer for Ops with teams with high turnover low attendance rates and complaints. They say the same”  I got best numbers “ n they start personal managing rather than needs of the buisness. My first one after being top rated manager for three years . Was forced to switch shifts position or  locations . 


I personally over work employees when I am a new employee. Too lower their load as intended. But people always try to train me to do what they do . U know the half amiversary tricks u learn that can’t be tracked or u can get away with. I refuse to fall for it. The pa and ops manager take liking to me . Then expect me to train the others who have been here longer and do way less. Come to work to not work. But I get kudos shout outs lots of favors , vto first picks , vacation overrides , n a get out of jail free card with my manager 😂. But when u are so good at taking loads off of the higher ups and solving problems that are out of my pay grade and department, the bad ones  want to hold u there , the selfish ones will even take your credit. And they expect us to fix all the shit the lazy people didn’t do. Not ask they make it ur priority. I am no snitch ever . But if u work with me , water spider or prep work process guides , are too important and strenuous when people don’t work or have different methods . Your doing ur part .If my energy and short responses don’t make u step it up,   I’ll give u a chance to ask to be moved n if not I’m going on a station. Me being a top helper to the process the manager will know what’s going on. It’s not our job to snitch when they see it. N not my job to do two jobs when the manager can’t do their one job. Holding everyone accountable ! Like their scared of lazy people and come to me like i gotta do it . 


I learned 90 days work hard. Then learn to work smart . Stay accountable and trustworthy . If ur manager isn’t training you for a bump up. Pick up a shift on the other half . Show off. Talk to that manager and go over their head . They ll want u on their shift and get it done for u . and use ur apps a good resume gets u in the interview could change your life. Speak up on ways you impact and better the buisness. Any accomplishments or changes that affected the department. Ur rates . And most important ur public relations skills need be uplifting during MET and more strict during off seasons . Hire and fire and actions need to protect the buisness. Not to nice not too mean treat everyone accordingly. But u have to   adapt to headcount changes .  It gets kind of morally tough so u choose ur morals or needs of the buisness. People going in snitching or saying what one manager does is wrong Or the process here is wrong Or their way is the right way. Is an immediate overlook for lack of problem solve and people relations. They don’t want a star they want a team that adapts at drop of a hat n tweak the process together or all follow the set process. Too lazy is too much attention. Overworking and outshining is too much attention . Just do ur job and be accountable. Step up if u want or don’t but don’t knock the people trying to move up. This really is a good company to move up move away collect bonuses and build ur name. But if u just want a job or focus on what’s not right you’ll be stuck there. We all burn out but honestly , warehouse field , it doesn’t get no better than Amazon. It literally is what u make it . N on you to get out of a bad situation or department 


You speak like you’re an external hire. 


As a manager, I can’t say I disagree agree with you. Our site is raffling out 80 inch TVs, kindles, and other things at least though, I’m going to try to get upper management to make the rules such that the best performers get more raffle tickets. If it makes you feel better I’m also 100% sure that management won’t get anything other than pizza or a dinner that’ll be cold by the time we get to step off the floor for any records we break though. But this probably varies site by site.


Yeah, you can try and make sure the best performers get more raffle tickets but somehow the PAs always win something…


I’ve honestly been racking in the UPT I have truck driving school at 6 in the morning snd I can’t miss any days of school I leave at 4:00 I might get fired during peak


This Prime week truly marks the apex of my resentment towards Amazon. I’ve been working as a T1 for roughly 2.5 years and since day one have always been a top performer. Not because I want to suck Amazon’s dick but because I’m genuinely just a hard worker who isn’t really looking for recognition. Yeah, right. Please don’t recognize me for doing this bullshit ass work every damn day. I barely want to recognize it myself.  Anyways, I have done everything in my power to try and stand out to leadership. I can’t be LA because I’m flex and they don’t want ambassadors that could just up and leave half way through the shift. So I joined ASC thinking I could get some safety training and come to find out they have a L4 role of Environmental, Health, & Safety Specialist which I thought aligned perfectly because I just finished up a bachelors degree in Environmental Science (which Amazon paid for). I quite literally started shadowing the Safety Specialists thinking if I had the training already, it would be a cakewalk to get the job. He recommended me multiple times on the internal job board, and I applied to all the roles that were within a reasonable distance.  Nothing.  Rejection after rejection after rejection. So I think “maybe I’m missing some qualifications” and decide to go for a T3 Safety role doing HazWaste and applied to three different listings. Has said under consideration for three months now. Amazon’s internal promotion process is absolute dog shit.  Meanwhile, they just hired an external into safety at my sight who, granted, has like 10 years experience with federal DOT. But I’m just like COME ON. I expressed interest to one of the senior ops managers about the hazwaste position and asked if he could set up an informational interview with the hazwaste coordinator at our site just to learn more about it. She was on leave at the time, but he never even got back to me about it and it’s been a few weeks now. Not to mention, I also tried to start a recycling initiative for the plastic straps the come on the pallets of boxes we use in pack. If you’ve ever water spidered u know exactly what I’m talking about. Tried to get data to show how much we’ve been wasting this whole time but obvi since I’m T1 and they have this twisted hierarchy system, they don’t want me to have that knowledge. Asked the senior ops about getting data from the non-inventory manager. Never got back to me.  And now here comes prime week. Where you’re supposed to forget about all the bullshit because they hand out raffle tickets that ultimately never win u anything and are a waste of time. Thank fuck I’m FLEX because our warehouse has been on MET bullshit for the past few weeks even before prime day. If I had to work MET or a regular schedule at this point I think I’d off myself. I’m so fucking fed up with Amazon and their bullshit inefficiencies and wild inconsistencies. Like why is this 40lbs box of litter not SIOC and why doesn’t the computer prompt me to put fucking heavy labels on it, hmmmm??? I’ve been calling out all the stupid things that I just can’t stand anymore on the VOA board because I’m fed the fuck up.  Edit: Btw my job experience before Amazon includes warehouse management for a community food bank and a year service as an AmeriCorps VISTA prior to that. So, aside from maybe first aid training WHICH AMAZON SHOULD PAY FOR ANYWAYS, I don’t really understand how I’m not a good candidate. Tbh, safety is bullshit anyways and most of the time you’re having to “coach” people on shit they already know is wrong but they fucking do it anyway. So I came to the realization that it’s all beneath me anyways. The only roles senior ops wants to fill are within ops (AM, PA, etc.) itself because of the turn and burn revolving door culture at that level. Can never hire enough because the whole thing is predicated on infinite growth which truly makes Amazon wholly unsustainable despite their bullshit zero carbon goal. I’m trying to make the world a better place and keep it from burning to a crisp. Working for Amazon is like feeding the monster I’m trying to fight. I need to get out ASAP and have been applying to external roles like crazy but haven’t had much luck yet. Pray for me. 


Finally understanding how a corporation works?


Yeah highly inefficient where everyone involved makes less money


Oh trust me nun of us aren’t going to meet their expectations of higher rates simply due to the fact is about 90 degrees in the damn building and all HR been doing nothing but handing out warm water bottles and keeping the AC off. If you work fast in this heat we got you will definitely have a heat stroke!


It must be at 89° because they have to close the building down if it reaches 90°


Yes, and they’ll have t1s walking around all shift with laptops that will come up to you and talk to you about your rate if you’re not at 8 takt time or less so you can worry about it and go faster. Don’t listen to them, keep a pace that’s right for you as long as you’re not in the bottom 5 percent. Had a lady with a laptop come up to me last prime and say “All the other people in your tenure have an average 7tkt time.” Nope, continued with my 10tkt time.


They gave us a 15 dollar meal card which can only be used in the break room at Amazon. 15 dollars? That’s what my increased productivity and killing my body is worth? Girl bye I’ll work slow like everyone else and stay in the bathrooms for hours at a time.


Yup and let them pay 40 an hour instead of just paying you 25 lol foolish company 


If only everyone would save their PTO to use for Prime week we could actually stick it to them.


Managers get bonuses when they get promoted, they are signed with more company stock as a sign on bonus. That's why the push higher rates because if they show they're able to increase rates then they get promoted...