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I read a haydur comment saying it’s only a matter of time before she tries selling prints of it on Etsy 💀 It’s like a throwback to her short-lived earreen Depop shop “suh-mall bizniz”. It would be Ham-coded for her to try selling prints of someone else’s artwork and then claim it’s hers simply because she did the coloureeeeen


Yesss but the prints would come with custom orange chicken sauce smeared all over them! 😍


a sweet treat 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Ofc this is a Tik Tok trend. My mistake assuming she had finally found something original to get into.


i hate that she said she's using 'shading techniques' when she's just outlining in a darker colour. that is not how shadows work hamby


And she’s just shoved highlights absolutely everywhere, even on items that wouldn’t have highlights like towels, blankets/bedding


she is just straight up mimicking what people on tiktok with zero of her own thought going into it. the artist who makes this book is called bobbiegoods so i searched them on tiktok and there are tons of vids where people are coloring these pages in the exact same style with the exact same random white gel pen highlights on everything here's a screenshot of someone on tiktok doing one of these pages and they put the shiny highlights on the dog too. obviously these pages are not hyperrealism and the highlights are a cutesy stylistic choice to go along with the cutesy style but the whole thing is giving tiktok youth/kids following a trend to get views https://preview.redd.it/vjns431psc8d1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=de73f7ad53aaaccffa4f58b20d98b5dc2f792091


Jesus Amber really has no personality of her own.


It really shocks me every time even though I know it about her.


Lol looks like the dog has a latex fetish


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed she made the towels shiny.


I was wondering why the koala looked like it was made of rubber.


I’ll show her a shading technique! *Proceeds to talk shit*


Shade her? Why I hardly know her...(Mariah Carey)


with zero concern for light sources/direction. amber is AI confirmed


https://i.redd.it/lt6mdkqq7d8d1.gif Amberlynns other pages


I love how the koala just has a shadow on his paws(?).


Yeah she has no concept of where to put shadows and highlights 🤦‍♀️


I don't care that she's doing this as a hobby, but I have absolutely no interest in watching content about it.


fair enough


I agree and just wonder why she doesn’t just attempt to learn how to draw anyways? Sure it can be difficult when u first start but she literally has nothing else to do but stuff her face and sit on her shelf. And she can just draw scenes like this anyways she doesn’t need to draw like human faces or anything




Imagine if she attempted a self portrait 😮‍💨


i fear it may take an A1 page




That.. is horrifying


meemah got loose from the house again.


This would be amazeeeeeng 😭😭


I embroidered a self portrait once. It was NOT popular 😅




What am I looking at here I want one of me


Yes! She doesn’t like feeling uncomfortable or going outside of her comfort zone. By her own admission, she quits anything that is hard. She has no discipline and lives only for immediate gratification.


she likes coloring, diamond painting, lego building, etc because they are all things that let her feel like she's accomplishing something while still being a quarter-ton toddler with a food addiction and without using too much brain power


I would be waaay more impressed if she showed original art / her progress, even if it wasn’t objectively good. You’re right, she has all the time in the world to commit to learning, meanwhile I can barely squeeze in time for art on the weekends.


Any hobby she does is just filling the space between eating and instagram questions…she has no desire for any hobby, she just does things to keep herself busy between uber eats deliveries


Learning to draw requires some kind of motivation, ambition and discipline and our gorl is deficient in all of those. No offence at all to people who like to make Lego sets, colouring books, diamond paintings, reading YA etc but all her hobbies are incredibly passive and based around consuming something or methodically following instructions.


sit on her shelf 😭


As an artist I absolutely get were you are coming from and I agree it's such a waste and it's hard for me to wrap my head around her being actually proud of coloring in a childrens book. On the other hand I'm glad she does something with her time instead of scrolling though insta and watching youtube videos.


She's doing this while watching youtube, she needs like 5 forms of entertainment at one time to prevent getting bored


Same exact feelings here. Coloring and figuring out shadows/highlights could be a good place to START, but she’s acting like she’s an accomplished professional or something 🙄


I don't mind the art era. The issue i have is that her life revolves around filling her time with hobbys so she can ignore the bigger issue she's facing. Shes home all day and all she's going is out to eat. She needs to get herself a real driver and get out of that apartment daily. Even if it means volunteering. Being home all day makes mental health issues worse. She's latched onto her mother, but that isn't going to last forever. Mom will eventually not want to be around someone so toxic.


The art era is totally fine. It’s nice to have a relaxing hobby. I’m just saying I think it will go to her head and she’ll think she’s a master artist. Also I agree with your thoughts on her needing to get out and have more interaction.


You mean how she thinks she's an eggspert choreogriffer? Lol


Precisely! She won several competitions you know! 😌


And she coreogriffed for other people who won first place too!


I feel exactly like you. Awesome to have a hobby but literally her entire life revolves around HER, her vlog, her body, her eating, her shopping, her clothes, her jewelry… like damn. She found a way to make money while being completely self obsessed and it’s not good.


And the rest of the time, watching reaction videos about herself. And reading comments about her.


Seeing her gush about how she colored her pictures from a childrens coloring book and how it clearly makes her feel accomplished and proud is just sad to me. Nothing wrong with enjoying coloring and I can understand that it feels satisfying if you’re happy with how you colored something but Amber’s whole life is just this and it’s sad and pathetic tbh


yeah her hobbies are sad. I guess its good she feels good about it rather than shit about it though. She lives a sad life but doesn't really find it that sad.


I can’t think of one thing ALR is especially talented at (positive things) so I just say let her have her coloring books. Gorl does not have a lot going on. I just don’t care to hear about it in videos.


She must have seen my post here from a couple weeks ago where we discussed her lack of creativity and stimulation from the "art" projects she chooses... once again trying to prove us haydurs wrong while proving us right by making the audience believe she wasn't just using a coloring book "technique" ripped straight off tik tok lmao


honestly i don't see anything wrong with it. colouring is a fine and fun activity to do so if someone wants to spend money on nice markers for it and spend a few hours doing it that's cool - it's by far the more minor complaints to have \[imo, no hate tho\]. i'm saying this as someone who used to study art related subjects too i'd spend hours colouring the fuck out of something if i had the time lmao


Totally! If you have the money and don’t think the supplies are precious, that’s your prerogative! But I can feel the smug in her brewing, like “Yeah I did that. I DID THAT” if you know what I mean.


She's got the mental capacity of a toddler. Not sure why you're surprised she's proud of that. She's proud of everything she does.


I didn’t say I was surprised.


I'm so glad people are talking about how she just copied this from TikTok. A lot of comments in one of the reaction channels yesterday were saying they were impressed and she was doing a good job etc. But I've seen these exact pictures, "shading" and all on lives I scroll by. There even used to be (might still be?) a channel that told the exact shades to use and where. It's fine if that's something that soothes her or whatever, but she didn't come up with it. At best it's basically a color by number situation type deal.


Yes! Thank you! Thats all I’m trying to say. Yes, I included my opinion on using pricey materials this way, but that’s whatever. I’m mainly just thinking this isn’t anything impressive and it’s FINE that it’s a relaxing hobby, but I see WAY too many people doing this on tiktok that get so much praise for it and it drives me crazy cus all you’re doing is choosing colors and staying in the lines! So many people misunderstood my post, alluded to me saying she sucks at this and isn’t allowed to do it and that’s not what I was saying.


All I can think of is Strongsad drawing the dragon, using chiaroscuro shading 😆😂😅☠️💀


I'd love to see what she came up with if you told her to draw consummate Vs


I find it relaxing to color with my kids. It’s a nice way to pass the time when you need to calm down or just to keep your hands busy for a bit. I do find it weird to show it off though.


Agreed, it is very relaxing and a great activity with the kids.


no, i agree. when i was watching this video, i literally had to pause to complain to my partner about it. the way she was talking, as if she were completely original, and using super difficult "techniques" to fill in some coloring pages.. like.. gorl, pillow shading takes very little effort! most kids do it when they do "fancy" coloring pages in elementary school!! it honestly made me a little more mad than it should've. for context, i draw and paint a lot, but even i don't pat my ass about my creations as much as she does. compare the way she described these coloring pages to how she described beck's art back when they were dating.. she's so full of it! tl;dr, she REALLY overshoots how much she accomplishes. just like how she talked about soccer to destiny, or how she talks about her "core-ey-uh-graffed" dances. or even her horrible poetry edit: and to clarify, i'm not upset that she spends her money on good art supplies, or coloring books. i just wish that she put some actual effort into something. LITERALLY anything. learning to draw is extremely time-consuming, but very rewarding. i wish she put some of her endless free time into actually learning something


the partner who got complained to: # LOL honestly, i share the same sentiment. everything she does is unoriginal, and an imitation of whatever is popular on her feed at the time. and even then she cant play the al-gorl-ithm. i try to be nice to beginner artists, but it's hard to really consider it a creative project when the best compliment i can give is "it's neatly in the lines"


pretty much. like i said, i'm not upset about her coloring. i do think that the pictures look really nice- she picks good colors, and she adds cute details (even if they make no sense). it's just the way she pats her own ass about things that are, in the end, pretty inconsequential (while also acting like the most important person in the world)


if it were any other person it wouldnt even really be annoying


If someone wants to waste the “good” materials and supplies on a “crappy” hobby, let them. If they want to spend the money on it, fine. It’s really no problem. Amber is probably copying someone from tiktok and got a basic set of off-brand copic markers to waste her endless free time - so what? It’s not like she’s snatching copics, prismas or anything else out of a starving artist’s hand. Beginners that go all in and buy the professional grade version of any art supply, digital or traditional, are also a little delulu and annoying, but if that’s how they wanna start a new hobby/art journey, then by all means. xo a professional artist with a BFA in illustration ETA: It’s so smart for some artist to have made a coloring book, have marker recommendations and share tutorials on how to color it. If it gets people like Amber to buy their book, and they get a kickback from an Amazon link? Hell yeah, that’s a smart way to make some cash.


well amber has bought ohuhu sets before and just thrown them away when she lost interest in coloring the last time. delulu beginners are not the problem here, amber's constant wastefulness is. maybe this time someone can tell her that brand of markers sells replacement tips and ink. and the artist of that coloring book doesn't have any amazon or other affiliate links for markers from what i can see


yeah, Amber’s wastefulness has always been a problem. All we can hope is that some stuff actually ended up on the Goodwill shelves rather than in the trash. I just brought up newbie artists as an example, because it can seem wasteful for someone more advanced to see a newbie buy a $50 copic set when they haven’t even learned to draw yet, but hey, if that’s that they wanna do. Amber’s like, on a dainty branch just barely connected to the idea of “budding artist” lol so I thought the comparison fit


hehehehehehe you said "dainty" hehehehehe


omg matching degree girlie- totally agree with this take <3 i believe ohuhu markers arent the most cheapest either though- the 200 pack she got retail about £80-100 here in the uk, but if it means someone hard working who made that lineart book gets paid, then hell yeah lets rinse hambert for her money




No problem! I wasn’t exactly quoting you, just alluding to some gatekeepy stuff I see in art spaces. You did say that the items are pricey and you wouldn’t waste them on a children’s coloring book, so that’s where it came from. I know we’re all just here to harsh on Amber for being crappy, but stuff like this (and her reading YA) never gets me going like other peeps. I know you took my energy as hostile, but the comment about my comprehension is lame. We’re here to tear each other up, not down 🫶🏻




Don’t tear each other down; tear each other up.


Don’t tear each other down; tear each other up.


Of all the things you can criticize her for, this ain't one of them. First, it looks decent, and second, she doesn't to any harm with it.


I agree with you entirely, I just can’t believe our sub has to be “she’s fat and smelly” or “lets dunk on this bitch for coloring and getting an inflated ego” have you SEEN her? she’s smug without her hobbies lol. I’m here for analyzing the starbucks cup that has 5 items, but Amber only showed 4, dammit! (I’m being silly lol) Honestly, OP seems like they want to fight or bicker with everyone that doesn’t agree. They might just be jealous that Amber could afford to waste her money the good stuff to color her pitchers and they can’t. Who knows?


>I just can’t believe our sub has to be “she’s fat and smelly” or “lets dunk on this bitch for coloring and getting an inflated ego” have you SEEN her? she’s smug without her hobbies lol. I’m here for analyzing the starbucks cup that has 5 items, but Amber only showed 4, dammit! i get this, but i also don't. her content recently hasn't been entertaining at all, so there's not many topics to go over. i mean, what else is there really to talk about that hasn't been covered a million times over at this point? her ego is one of the few consistent things in her life 😭


It’s kind of the way she’s acting all “oh I just did this” as if she thought of it herself. Instead of saying “I saw this thing I really liked on tiktok and wanted to use the same coloring style”. You notice she doesn’t drop any other creators names when she’s copying their shit. She takes an idea that is already popular then acts like it’s just something she does.




>You’re not understanding my issue. There is no issue about it. Nobody would have a problem if somebody who has their Shit together would be proud in having a new hobby. People do this all the time. >You don’t have to interact with every post you see btw Salty, much? Also, i rarely comment here >she’s an expert at something that doesn’t require a lot of effort. Again, she is just showing her coloring books which don't even look that bad (shiny blanket aside) If she takes joy in that, why not. >At least I brought something new to the sub Yeah, Hobby shaming. Because reasons




Don’t tear each other down; tear each other up.


I had the same thought: using a $60 marker set on…..coloring books? what a shame. editing to add: I don’t understand why this isn’t worthy enough to be judged? bc it’s coloring? so, let’s make fun of legos (an expensive creative hobby) but not this? bc some people here share *this* hobby with her, we can’t make fun of it just like every other hobby that Hamber blows a bunch of money on, only for her to end up throwing *everything* away once she’s over it? we know she doesn’t actually donate. I got no problem calling her ENTIRE personality gluttonous and wasteful.


didn’t she buy a set off of amazon a few weeks ago? the Ohuhu markers that were $250???? i will NEVER believe that this woman is financially responsible.


Exactly! Those supplies are not cheap! It’s like handing a Copic marker to your toddler to scribble on the floor with, instead of some Crayola.




I’m not going to lie - I have some of the same hobbies we all make fun of ALR for haha. I just bought coloring books and cheap alcohol markers from Amazon. I’m also obsessed with legos... For me I think it comes from being a mom to two really young kids and working from home and feeling like I don’t do anything fun for myself so I somehow reverted to being a child haha. But to each their own on that - not the point. This is big on tiktok right now and 100000% why she’s doing it. I saw someone post some coloring in a similar (if not the same) coloring book and it’s what piqued my interest. I’m always looking for things to keep me busy that aren’t super time consuming when I finally have some time to myself. My ultimate goal is to get more comfortable/skilled with markers since I haven’t used them since I was like a tween and eventually move onto creating things of my own and not just coloring in coloring books. We all know Amber is just doing it to be like everyone else but also boast how proud she is that she’s doing it soooooooo well and sooooo much better (when literally everyone’s on tiktoks look identical).


I hope you find happiness in doing your hobby! For an affordable marker recommendation, Ohuhu are just as good as Copic! Gen Crafts and Castle are good brands too, if you dip into paint / watercolor!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Yes, I agree with you. It's the coloring book that is cute. She's not lending anything to it except a few highlights. If you look at the right side of the picture, she attempted to shade using an opposite color placement and failed.


Just a reminder that amber stole he girlfriends art and claimed it as her own, so no she's not an artist and never will be. she has no talent or skill in anything. Even here she's only showing off that she doesn't understand how light works, and how appropriate that she's made everything look shiny and fake just like her real life filled with cheap plastic crap. A hobby lie this is great during downtime been week work and other adult stuff. When all you're doing is eating yourself to death and living a delusion fantasy like it's just about the worst way to spend your time.


it is weird to me that the quilt has highlights, cus how would that material be reflective?


Get ready for someone to hate on you on the weekly "What's your unpopular opinion about Hamber" thread lol


I think it looks nice, but it's clearly a book for children. She needs to graduate to adult coloring books that require more dexterity and creativity. I will say that coloring is therapeutic and I enjoy it very much myself, so I can't begrudge her this. It's just the choice of things that are meant for children, in most areas of her life.


i think uve blown this completely out of proportion. amber does a lot of genuinely bad things, saying that using her gel pens in her colouring book is ‘a waste’ takes away from that. Before she said “i did this one” she explained she coloured them, could she be more clear? at least shes not eating


I also have those knockoff copic markers, a different brand here. They get recommended in therapy a lot. It makes filling in small spaces so easy because it's basically like a paint brush, but you can definitely see Amber struggle with the curtains. Didn't Amber already have a mandala era where she had coloring books for that and then made random spirals on a college block? It's frustrating to see someone show an interest in something but never taking any step to acquire a skill and just work on it. She'll just complete like two coloring books and move on to the next kid activity. Diamond painting, Legos, coloring books - what's next? Probably whatever TikTok recommends her, my bet is on rock painting though.


Yes, Copics are kinda a one marker at a time kind of purchase. I usually buy Ohuhu. I vaguely remember the mandala era, I guess that flopped?? Her pet rock would actually be a boulder with winged eyeliner!


The coloring came out well but idk how grown adults have time to do that . No shade if anyone here does it though


i love coloring and she did a nice job. i’m just saying i hope this doesn’t inflate her ego and she thinks she’s an artistic visionary just for picking colors and filling in a page, cus we know how she is


as an artist too it bothers me as well. not that there's anything generally wrong with it, but it's just like... she has all the time in the world. she could learn to draw. she could learn to do real art. she's just so lazy about it and then wants praise


thank you for understanding! some of these gorls tried to cancel me cus they thought i was implying she was stupid for having a simple hobby / wasn’t allowed to do it. yes, i just think she shouldn’t get compliments beyond choosing pretty colors, because that’s all it is and people who do this on tiktok get sooo much praise, which is weird to me.


I wanna praise the original artist who drew these though. Super cute designs


agreed. they’re beyond cute! 🧸


It’s a really small gripe but the way she was pointing with her pinky? Pinky pointing is a real habit that a lot of artists have from pinky lifting to do line art. Like she definitely saw a real artist on TikTok do a sketchbook tour and just downloaded all of their mannerisms straight to her head…


You're not being weird, I'm an artist too and this pisses me off. She can fuck right off pretending to be an artist with her "techniques".


Ngl I think you are being weird. This is harmless.


I didn’t say it isn’t. I respect your hate tho


Where am I hating?


Could have sworn I heard you call me a slur.


damn if they called you "a slur" they are way out of line. No one should be called that.


Is this supposed to be a joke or are you just delusional?


it was indeed a joke. anything else?


I’m an artist and I don’t really care that she’s doing this. She doesn’t have many talents, so if coloring books make her feel better then go for it. I don’t think anyone is taking her seriously as an artist. I just don’t want to hear about it in videos.


Me too girly pop! I just don’t want her to get a ton of praise for it, like all the people on tiktok who do it, because there isn’t anything impressive going on here. But I definitely think it’s fine she does it to relax. I hope that makes sense.