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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They do make terrifying noises! I deeply appreciate it because we live in a rural area, in a county that has it's share of meth addicts who occasionally roam around looking for easy money when people are away from their homes. People who don't know us walk on the other side of the road when they hear my dog. His crazy voice has added a new layer of security around here.


Had a guy electrocute himself to death a month ago stealing copper out of my neighbors house in a very rural neighborhood. We have one pit and one German Shepard/ black lab mix. I'm not too worried about it.


They don't play that rough. It's the same as smaller dogs but because of their size and deeper "voice" it sounds more violent. Mine sound like two hippos sparring. Chonkers just being chonkers :)


My last land seal would growl very loudly. My mom thought she was getting rough, but she was just very vocal in that way. I miss her, and she was so much fun to play with.


Eggzactly! My pup is 5 years old & 80ish lbs, had been adopted and dropped back at various shelters 3 times until he found me! Was quickly able to make friends with my father in law’s dog (also a rescue) who happens to be a VERY vocal player… So now mine will literally charge other dogs and give that “RUFF RUFF RUFF!!!”, and with no other contextual cues it scares the shit out of other dogs and human so they literally start hauling ass away from him. He then tries to say “WAIT! Want play not chase!”… which still comes out as RUFF RUFF RUFF!!!!”. I’m always telling him he needs to chill out if he wants to make friends otherwise he’s just gonna keep scaring everyone else away




Pits? One of those is a damn cow😂😂😂


I had to get used to this too, it’s just their voices that sound ‘rough’. Your grey girl is a little sloot showing her belly off showing nothing but trust. Not to mention all the sneezes you hear, that’s their way of saying it all play.


Bully breeds are just built different. This seems quite tame to me. I have a little Staffordshire bull terrier and she’s only about 44lbs but she feels like a bowling ball with her little brick head if she runs into you. She loves to rough play so it’s all wrestling and she loves a game of bitey ear. I’ll only let her play with other staffs or bigger dogs as she’s so strong she’ll unintentionally just batter smaller dogs as I’m sure she doesn’t know her own strength. When she is in full play mode the noises and play fighting if you don’t know may seem aggressive but she loves all people and all dogs. In my experience other bully breeds are quite similar. This is her playing with her bestie when she was a little younger https://preview.redd.it/pszqis7l637d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25328de62b6541cf60ff0ff2030f0e7dd896fb0e




Beautiful dogs, that Merle type colored one is thick!!


Yea she's fixed and on seizure meds now so it thicken her up for sure


What a well behaved group. Amazing play.lovely dogs all three of them. I personally really liked the brown and white one


You can’t get me! You can’t get me! Okay, okay, you got me!!! Aahhhhh


I literally stand outside, in my back yard, and announce "If my neighbors can hear this, they're playing; NOT eating each other. I'm watching them." It *sounds* so ferocious, but is quite adorable. 😊


My two dogs trade off the “Top” position, dragging each other around the living room. One drags in on direction, then back they come with the other one dragging. Usually it’s a rope bone they are dragging each other with. Sounds like a serious fight, but without any yelping which usually indicates pain.


My pittie shows he’s bellie to other male dogs to, then when they think he’s being submissive he jumps on their head 😂


Yep, the most dangerous dogs in the world ya know. Nobody is safe...🤪🤣


Doesn’t seem rough at all to me and I’ve always had pitts! They’re beautiful by the way ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️


That blue is such a frikkn dingus🤣. Trying to start shit and then flopping over to show her belly. What wonderful beasties🥰


Right!? My 3yo and 5yo kids have started mimicking the noises when they want our pits to play with them. I don't know how concerned it is, so I always go watch when I hear it. It's usually ends in the dogs yawning or sneezing, then licking the kids til they run away.


If you think this is rough… I almost shat my pants when I saw my counsins Malinois “play”. They sound exactly like a dog that is trying to kill something viciously. It sounds nothing like playing & it’s terrifying.


Yea this is a very mild video of their usual play, I caught it at the end lol


That’s not rough at all. My three dogs sound like I’m hosting legit dog fights. And they are literally happily playing. Just vocally


Little buddy in black kept trying to sleep the legs but he just doesn’t have the technique down yet 😭


Omg! The grey one runs and lays like my Olive who passed away! Makes me know someday I might adopt another grey baby that reminds me of her!!


Glad it’s not just our 4 Staffies/pits who sound like they’re eating each other when they’re playing lmao


My 6 pitts sound like they are killing each other. Then throw the shitzu in the mix they are all gentle giants


My 1 year old is so loud. She barks and growls when she plays. Drives my husband and probably our neighbors crazy. https://preview.redd.it/80rgguc7ge7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e6fe314e887b072f2228befd70c77f8945f4de


I have to say I'm a bit jealous. We have a boxer and a Boston, is pay good money to have them play like that. It normally sounds like a mauling for 2-3 hours a day


Because they can


It's like having pet tigers, my Sophie is a sweet girl and she eats anything that is too slow.


I have a pit boxer who’s bark sounds and feels like a shotgun blast. He runs up and down the stairs jumping in the beds, wiping out and looping around while barking. It sounds like he’s mauling someone from outside. Sometimes, when he barks to go on a walk my watch alerts for a loud environment.


I had a pit/boxer best dog ever, but when he had a rag rope or toy, it would sounded like he's straight out of hell scared so many people but I could take his toy with my teeth no problem very vocal staff/pits. I have a mastiff now and he is worse with his voice


I have a Lil dog ( weiner dog mix) thts been w my bully since both about 10 weeks old. They sound like they are killing each other.


My mom had a non-pit stray who was also a VERY vocal player. Some dogs just are. It would always sound like she was attacking our smaller terrier mutt but if you peeked on them, usually the situation was the vocal one was “stuck” because the terrier mutt was the perfect size to get under her back legs and lift them off the ground 🤣🤣🤣


Lol Oh my gosh, yes. I have a Dachshund and a German Shepherd mix that sound wild when they play but it's nothing compared to what my bullies sounded like. I love it, because they never actually hurt each other though, unlike the dachshund beating up on the bigger dogs. 😂


The leg biting is a universal pittie move 👏


I have a mixed pack of 6 dogs. This is a normal thing when they are in my backyard.


My Petey needs buds like this he can rough house with!


So cute they’re lucky to have eachother


This is such a great play group! I can't even go on vacation on a three-girl human trip without some huge fight and altercation. I need these pitties to show my girlfriends how to properly behave when there's three.


Lol the big one is boy he's just fixed 😂


They are all beautiful!! You have a great crew on your hands.


Thanks, but only the small one is mines. The others are my best friends dogs, they're all besties.


The all grey one is such a little troublemaker hehe she just wants to play soooo bad!


If these dogs were fighting there would be no slow movements or standing around. They would literally be tearing each other limb from limb. Super powerful dogs and it’s crazy to watch them actually go after something.


Nothin wrong with a little ass grabbin with the homies ![gif](giphy|hre8AjDa6Chs6cd1Aq)


Rottweilers Sound like they're fighting too when they're actually playing


My 6 month old female has the loudest, deepest bark I've ever heard. It echos the house. Usually she's just barking for food though.


Better clear out when they have the zoomies.... Might get hit by a freight train😂😂😂


Trust I know, I've been knocked down before by not paying attention


Labs are like that too


Is it just me or that look like the start of a threesome 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lol bro tries to but he's fixed so he's shooting non alcoholic beer 😂


You should see my dogs. This is a pillow fight at best


Sometimes my dogs end up fighting after playing like that.


They are having fun and the black one shows submissive behaviour.


I'm gonna eat you up! I'm coming, well....gimme a minute. Okay, I gotcha! 🤣




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Those poor poor dogs