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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Spay is always the answer. Can't answer time frame. But thank you for being responsible human.


Hi no myself personally own an xl bully and and with most breeds it's best to leave it until they are fully grown as spaying or neutering effects the dogs growth and hormones.




Spaying will prevent cancers relating directly to the dogs sexual organs, but it actually increases the risk of many other cancers, like osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and other health conditions. Early spay is also putting the dog at increased risk of incontinence and improperly formed growth places, which can lead to hip dysplasia down the road. I feel like the risk of pyrometra is greater than these risks, but it’s really more about WHEN to spay. This puppy is WAY too young to be spayed! Medium to large breed dogs should ideally always be spayed around 1-2 years old at minimum.


Yes but it's unlikely she'll get them before 11 months of age.


It’s unlikely she’d get the cancers but the more heat cycles she has the higher chances of getting certain cancers in the future


Not to mention the very real problem of unwanted pit puppies... People vastly over estimate their ability to keep their dogs or their kids from having sex.


Preventing cancers means down the line. When she’s older. The sooner you spay the lower the chance of cancer later in life


my female pitbull had to be put to sleep yesterday because she wasn’t spayed. We never knew the consequences of not getting her fixed, she ended up with pyometra. The vet said to help her the surgery would cost 6-9k, every financial aid we tried wouldn’t help the cost because shes turning 9 years old so we had to put her to sleep. I have 2 other female dogs and i’m gonna make sure they get fixed asap.


I almost lost a dog to pyometra. She was just 5 years old. I will always vote spay.


i have 2 other female dogs that are 4, were rushing to find a vet to spay them. it’s so scary how fast you could lose them.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I feel your pain.


So very sorry!! 😢 it's so hard!!


I’m so so sorry for your loss!


thank you, it’s definitely a learning experience in how serious it can be


Get her spayed. It will simplify life for you AND for her.


Spaying is always the answer.


Our girl is 85-90 lbs, vet recommended to wait until she was 1.5-2. However, we are incredibly neurotic pet owners. 😂 We never had her near an intact male, we have a fully fenced in yard, we don’t do dog parks, we don’t walk unleashed. There are so many good bullies sitting in cages needing homes, I don’t want to add to the problem. So our advice is, everyone knows their individual situation. Do what works best for your situation 🥰


This is how I feel. So many puppies are mistreated and abused, and I can't add to that problem.


Exactly, same here. I'm waiting until my girl us 18-24 months.


Fully agree with this- if you can handle being the "neurotic pet owner" 😂 then wait as long as you can. But if there's even an inkling of a CHANCE that she could be unsupervised around an unfixed male, just spay her before her first heat. Alternatively, look into Ovary Sparing Spays- not many vets do them but I think there's less/no risk of pyometra (if done correctly) and she gets to keep her hormones to help her bones/joints. I'm not an expert, just what I've heard!


If you chose to spay her later she will go through at least one heat cycle and likely two or possibly more. Are you prepared to implement the precautions necessary while she is in season? - She will essentially have a period so be drippy for a bit. They make ‘period panties’ for bitches in season that I believe use pads for humans. - Going on long walks will not be possible until she is totally out of season for the same reason she can’t be left unattended in a fenced yard at all. Edited to add the smell of a bitch in season can travel up to 5 miles depending on weather conditions. Note to self a 6 ft privacy fence is nothing for an athletic dog to clear. A determined male will go under, over or through a fence to get to a bitch in season. - Dogs of either sex have been known to go through screens on windows or doors to get to a mate. - The average heat cycle for canines is 2-4 weeks. You should familiarize yourself so you recognize the early signs as well as the possible impact on her personality as some girls can get cranky. So if you are willing to put in the work to keep her safe and unbred while she’s in season you can certainly wait. Otherwise I’d suggest you consider spaying her before the first heat cycle.


She doesn’t go outside without an adult with her, e we have a cheap wooden fence that wouldn’t hold back an angry mosquito let alone a Casanova dog! I can’t be sure she’s pottying if we’re not with her. I’m not looking forward to dealing with her cycle, that’s for sure! But I’m still weighing the pros and cons. Thanks for your detailed reply!


It isn’t horrible to deal with but some people just don’t realize precautions must be taken. Those are the ones who bring a bitch in season to the dog park. SMH I’ve had to do it when a pup came in at 5 months and my vet will not spay a dog in season due to risk of heavier bleeding. So a bit messy and some extra together time especially after I found a lovely intact male German Shepard in my backyard.


Spay early. No accidental litters.


Spay if you’re not going to breed. My girl had pyometra when she was about 2 years old. It’s was really scary, and very expensive for emergency surgery. We wanted to spay her after the second heat when she was 1 y.o., but had some complications. Good luck!


Neither of those dogs looks well-bred enough to purposefully breed. Spay regardless. “But I really want one of his/her kids!!!” Is not an excuse to bring a genetic dumpster fire in and risk the mother’s health.


Not breeding, then spay. It's healthier for her. 🐕🦴🐾


Follow what the very says, not what something you read on the Internet said. Your vet is the expert. If you want another opinion, take her to another vet, not the Internet. But yes, definitely get her spayed as soon as is safe. Spaying has proven to prevent cancers associated with the respective system, including breast cancer. The only way to guarantee not adding to the already overwhelming problem with unwanted bully breeds in shelters/ being killed is to get her spayed!


Most vets advise to spay asap, but dogs do need the hormones etc to fully develop evrything


My girl was spayed as soon as I could. The vet said it would help prevent mammary tumors later in life.  Her parents' owners waited to spay/neuter and, well, my girl came along. 


I did my bully at 9 months. Thats what my vet recommended.


Why would anyone recommend 9 months? She's not fully grown and has already been in heat once.


Yep. My vet would say the same thing. Wait longer.


I do not understand the question. Of course you spay.


I would spay her immediately personally. Spaying early on helps prevent a lot of behavioral issues along with any physical issues that could form from not spaying your puppy early on.


Our pup is now almost a year old she's a pocket bully. We listened to our vet and spayed at 6 months. She did great and I'm glad we did it when we did.


ALWAYS SPAY!!! The risk of pyometra is a serious thing.


According to the internet, boxers are bully breeds, but I'm not sure how much of that is truth, but anywho, I mention boxers because I have 3 of them and here was my wife and Is persoanl experience with waiting to get our smallest of the 3, Bella, spayed. We had heard all this mumbo jumbo how it's good to let them go through their heat cycle or how it's "healthy for them" to breed them at least one time, etc, etc. Anywho, Bella proceeded to bleed for 6 months and my wife absolutely *refused* to bring her in because it would cost a lot of money go have her spayed and she was so sure of herself that it would go away because the internet said so. I called the vet and told them the issue. The vet said either she's gotta do the devils tango or she's gotta fixed. Otherwise, she'll keep bleeding. Took her in asap to get fixed, and about $500+ later, she wasn't bleeding anymore. Poor girls nipples and cooter never did return to normal size because my wife waited so long.... If I were you, I'd get her spayed. You'll have some wannabe veterinarians on here telling you not to because of cancer, and then you'll have others that tell you to do it because of cancer. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't thing. If I were in your shoes, however, I would. The internet is not a reliable source of information. Trust in the people that went to school for 8 years. If you don't trust them either, get a 2nd opinion. Still don't trust them? Well then, idk what to tell ya. I trust the vet clinic I bring my 3 dogs to and they haven't steered me wrong yet!


Listen to your vet, for gods sake. They know best.


There is a wide range of opinions amongst Vets right now regarding best time to spay. Some Vets believe it is healthier to have her full hormonal infusion ...which would be at least a year old.... while other Vets believe it is healthier in the long run to get spayed very young. There is no consensus except... ....it is ALWAYS best to get a girl spayed early if she will be in the presence of an intact male. Keep in mind that dogs can mate through chain link fences and via openings under garage doors. Although they may stay connected for a bit upon completion of the act the impregnation takes less than a minute. Also, it doesn't have to be a male dog on your street or block...they are willing to travel. For a male dog trying to get to a female in heat there is no fence too high to jump or river too wide to swim. During heat take your girl to your own backyard on a leash and never let her loose from the first sign of spotting all the way through the cycle.


she is about the most adorable baby!!❤️


Thank you! And of course a cuddle bug!


One of my boy dogs actually had to be neutered because he started peeing blood sometimes? Idk if spaying can solve certain problems like that because she’s a girl and the anatomy is different but neutering him did stop the problem. I got all of my dogs neutered at 2 years old with no issues


Spay. You cannot guarantee 100% that she will not come into contact with an intact male, even if it's wildly unlikely. She will grow up wonderfully as a spayed female ☺️


Spay spay spay please!


I’m going to, just not sure when.


This is a pretty heavy watch. She was all for spaying early and now questions her choices. https://youtu.be/enPCZA1WFKY?si=PwqmogJe-If1L3ut


Spaying or OSS is fine and responsible. The key issue is not to desex your dog too young as it can predispose your dog to other forms of cancer & issues of dysplasia, especially in large breeds. I prefer to wait till they’re at least a 1.5-2 yrs old before desexing a dog, but also prefer doing OSS or a vasectomy to retain their endocrine function to continue their long term immunity, which often people don’t realize. If behavior issues is a challenge, then spaying & neutering can be very helpful, but again, just not too young.


Spay! Prevent pyometra which can be life threatening!


https://preview.redd.it/h2sx5oeywe8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8830bbbb572b65a30e2d6149feb925184d8be1 I got them both spayed at the same time


Spay. I wish we were able to before my girls first heat cycle. She’s still a great dog but she developed some reactivity and weird reactions to some other dogs. Not sure if that’s common but would have been nice to avoid.


spay is da way


Spay. There are enough unwanted animals in this world.




Spay at 6 months. No reason to wait longer.




I believe strongly that you should spay her. I've spayed both my girl babies. One I know was at 6 months before first heat and my second girl snuck up on me and was done at her first heat. I believe it will prevent her and you a lot of headaches and she doesn't bleed! I bet she's a very lucky girl!


The vet i work with would say to wait a year to over a year. So i will say the same thing too. He says the same about male cats as well


It's generally advised to wait until 11-15 months for American Bullies' spaying.


That’s what I read. Thanks


So many to rescue. Please spay


I think choosing when to spay is based on weight/age, not if they have gone through heat. I know with males, they might have a different demeanor if they are spayed before a certain time, but I haven't heard of any health problems. I am pretty sure, at least with cats, they are normally spayed before they go into heat.


Spay , spay , spay .


Definitely going to, just unsure when. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus!


In all honesty anytime after four / 5 months is recommended or before they go into their first heat . The sooner the better.


I personally would not wait past a year


My blue got neutered at almost 2 years old, he was so upset with us over it but he healed well and that's all I cared about . My dalmatian pibble mix was spayed when she was about a year old and I felt like it really didn't affect her that much but she was much smaller in height, vs how big Odin is and I would have assumed since Dallys are on the taller side she would have gotten a bit taller. Though since idk what her pitty parent looked like her short height could have very well just been from her pibble parent and that's just how her genetics were. Either way, you can push this baby's spay date back so that she is fully grown but if you do you had better make sure she's fully secure and unable to get to by the males around when she does go into heat. They'd dig to China just for the chance of turning that baby into a momma


It’s generally advised to wait until after her first* or second heat* before you get her spayed so her growth isn’t stunted.  *This is if she isn’t around a non-neutered male


My girl was 7mths.


She looks alot like my male. *




What a lover boy! 😍


He definitely is that.


Are you planning to breed her? If not, spay. Different vets will give different recommendations for the time to spay, but spay. The vet we go to, her recommendation is neuter late, spay early. So that's what we did.


They now say to wait until after the first heat so that they have cycled through their growth hormones.


she is sooo cute


There is research to suggest that giant breeds should wait to be spayed or neutered until one and a half two years. This assists with their developmental processes. Being that she is a bully she is not a giant breed, and it is better to get her spayed sooner than later.


Spay. Best way to keep her healthy.


Spay !!


We got our baby spayed at 6 months. There were too many intact male dogs in the area for us to take the chance. Her father lived right next door and could have easily gotten to her if she went in heat. We only have chain link and livestock fences between our yards. Also, many years ago we almost lost our chow mix to pyometra. It was a very sad thing to witness. She was so sick. Vet said her uterus weighed 4 pounds. It was just loaded with infection. She lived another 6 years after that surgery, but we really did almost lose her. I will never have another intact adult female. She's a very pretty puppy !


With bigger breeds they are finding that fixing dogs too early causes issues with growth and bone development. Some vets don’t believe these newer findings, some believe the possibility of an unwanted litter outweighs the risk of possible growth and development issues, and others fully embrace waiting for the dogs to fully mature. I was also recommended to get through at least one heat cycle. She ended up having to be spayed during her first heat because she had a cervical prolapse…. Definitely spay, I would try get through one heat though just to err on the side of caution.


Spay. Be a responsible owner and spay your dog.


There's no question about it have your pet spayed or neutered. It cuts down on the pet population especially 🙃 cats 🐈. It's also healthy for them as you found out with having to put your precious dog 🐕 to sleep 😴.


Spay for sure


Spay please!




Yes, at vet recommended time


I'd wait the year then spay. Better for her to get all the growth hormones she needs and help those growth plates. Also spaying early can fuck up your dog.


Yes, spay. But I'm 50/50 on the timing. I've heard wait 6 to 8 months so that they get the growth hormones they need to grow to their natural size. (Supposedly, pediatric spays can stunt their growth.) I don't know how true that is, though. If it were me? I would schedule the spay immediately. Edit: PS I just read on another thread about backyard breeders constantly asking pretty bully owners if they want to "make some money" and someone said they live in Detroit and an un-altered dog would be stolen. So, I don't see a downside to spaying.


#SPAY ... NO QUESTION !!! Too Many Pups In This World As It Is




Would spay around 3years. Then shell be fullt mature


I think it’s pretty much the xtra large breeds they recommend spaying later. Not sure about average size breeds. I know I’m never getting a puppy again due to them wanting to wait longer with females. I don’t want to deal with the heat mess.


Always Spay!


100% spay if you want to be a good and responsible pet owner. But regarding the age only trust a reputable vet’s opinion. There’s a lot of wackos here that will tell you that butchering the ears is for health reasons…..so..


The big dog doesn't look like he would mind but that little brown one doesn't look too impressed with the idea.


Dogs are either meant to mate every cycle or meant to be spayed. Vets are divided on when it’s the best time to spay. Spaying before the first heat is better when talking about cancer. Waiting for the pup to be a year old is better for body development. If vets are undecided then no wonder that owners are undecided too. Choose what you think is best for your baby. If you decide to wait please be carful when she’s in heat. Don’t go outside when everyone else is there etc. dogs in heat cause dog fights and cause males to run away from home/owners in search of the female. Go to secluded areas and keep her safe. Good luck to you 👍🏻


Unless you're breeding, spay.


She’ll live longer and healthier…at least that’s been my experience.


My vet wouldn’t spay until after my girl had her first season.


All of my dogs have been shelter rescues and have been spayed/neutered before adoption. My now 10 year old boy was neutered at 4 months old, and my girl is almost a year, but was spayed at 3-4 months when she was found as a stray. Spay.


In a place like New York it makes sense to spay once they are fully grown (about 18 months). Male dogs get aggressive to uncut male dogs and female dogs on heat get a lot of attention, it can be overwhelming for the owner and pup.


To young. Wait at least a year.


I've heard it can have negative health effects if spayed before first heat! I had a dog who was spayed before first heat and she suffered a lot of joint problems that started pretty early on (7-8yrs). We have a dog now that was found by a rescue after she had already had her first heat and she is incredibly active, zero health problems. My other dog had to be neutered at a few months (required by the rescue we couldn't say otherwise) and he often limps or walks unevenly. I wish rescues waited a bit too. From my own experience and readings I would suggest you wait! But others seem to know more than me on the topic.


Spaying is best for your dog


Actually you need to spay your puppy, if it's not a rescue, because they do it way too soon. Around 8 to 9 months before they go in to their first heat.


I wouldn’t be quick to spay just because people often pressure that idea. Down the line when she’s about 2 and fully matured it would be okay, but the problem with spaying young dogs is they’re not done hormonally or physically growing until they’re about 2, so spaying before they’re done maturing can cause other issues down the line. Whether it’s mobility, temperament, etc. it runs a risk for numerous things. I also have a young bully (1yr) & my father has been working in vet med 40+ yrs (also has experience ethically breeding akc chihuahuas & akitas) & knows a lot about reproductive health & has explained to me why this is important! Everyone has their own opinion im just giving you some perspective!! She’s beautiful 💓


Thank you! I have every intention of spaying her, just trying to decide when. I’m leaning towards waiting since she doesn’t have contact with intact males and is always with a human. I mean for goodness sake, at only 2 cycles a year I can deal with a little mess. Appreciate your input!


Absolutely! I agree.. having them wear diapers & keeping up w them for a couple of weeks every 6 months is completely worth it! Especially since there’s no risk of her getting accidentally bred (whereas if you had a male dog of course there’s always a risk) there shouldn’t be a rush to get her spayed! Waiting out for her to mature would be the best decision for her health in my opinion. But of course go for what you believe is best for your baby!




Spay, why would you not?


Spay, why would you not?


Ok but also what about the unwanted puppies, when they get to big the people don’t want them anymore and dump them. We have so many dumped dogs in our town that it is sad. And the ones on the county roads are worse. They are starving and nothing but bones. I tried to get one a couple of weeks ago , every bone in her body was showing. We feeding her . But every step I took to get close she would snap, show teeth, growling. Till one day she was gone. I mean dead . So even people say oh yeah I want one can an will they take that puppy a give it a forever home and treat it well?


Yes, spay. Guess what! I’m a vet.. too many reasons why.


OMG cancer thread overload and no one answering questions. Honestly dogs spayed and neutered can still have a mock heat. We’ve owned a number of rescue dogs that still go through the motions so to speak and I’ve often attributed it to being spayed/neutered later in life. But I’m talking wayyyyyyy later in life. You are talking about a dogs puppetry. Puberty in dogs varies by breeds. I’d have to look up bullies but on average it does not begin until they are like 9 months old. My advice though is listen to the vet. If you trust your vet and you feel your vet knows the breed trust em. If you trust an online bully group trust that. It’s hard. We have one female mixed we rescued 10 yrs ago now. Someone threw her out on the street after she had babies. She never seemed to recover enough for us to feel that spaying her made sense. We pay for that every year as she attempts to make love to all of our spayed/neutered crew :)


THANK YOU! I was curious as to the AGE, not actually to or not to spay. It seems very few people actually read my full post. I’ve actually only met the vet once. I moved to a location closer to my home. And now since I got the Banfield plan I’m kinda stuck with whoever is on duty that day. At least she’s getting her shots and check ups. And when the time is right, she’ll be desexed.




Spay spay spay....I will explain my situation. I didn't have my baby spayed when I should have. She ended up with an infection through her whole body and had to have an emergency spray done. Almost $3000 later, I'm lucky very lucky my baby is still here. *


I think some vets are advocating to wait longer than the standard 6 months to spay/neuter as there's been some research into how those hormones impact their growth and long term health. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion or ask for additional information from the vet. I do think neutering my dog at 6 months contributed to him developing hip dysplasia. I wish I had been more patient before making the decision. He was being a horny menace.


My girl was spayed at 3 months. It was a condition of her adoption. I don’t think it’s negatively impacted her in anyway.




Please spay ♥️


She’s beautiful 😍 I have one with similar colors




Spay spay spay spay spay spay. Do NOT be part of the problem


Spay. The only breeds Id hang back on spaying as puppies are giant breeds


I’ve never had a female, but all my males were neutered at under a year. My vet says it’s a big cancer risk if they aren’t going to be bred .


We went through this timeframe game with our bully and decided to split the difference and get her done at 8 months. Lol We did have a dachshund that we didn’t spay get pyometra. That’s a potentially dangerous uterine infection they can get around 4-5 years old. She was really sick and it was horribly expensive. I do not recommend that if it can be avoided.


Spay spay


Spay AFTER first heat.


In Florida Bradenton to be exact, we have a place called the Humane Society and they offer low cost surgery to people who are in need no more than 200 bucks for everything and if you’re on financial assistance like Social Security food stamps or Medicaid they reduce it by like 15 to 20% good luck to you. Hope you figure it out.❤️


Spaying is the responsible thing to do he is very cute and I’m sure he will give you years of love and smiles For his / her life keep him a puppy and spay him


Do not spay. Just watch your dog and do not leave them unattended with others.


DO NOT SPAY. You will cause uneccesary health problems because some bozo on the internet swears that it’s the right thing to do. Those are the same people who call ear trimming mutilation, (they both are.) Just pay attention to your dog.


I would get her spayed. I adopted my baby when she was around a year and a half, and you can tell that she already had a litter of puppies might not be as easy to keep other dogs away from her


A lot of people say wait to two years for larger dogs so they can grow properly, but if they’re in situations where an accidental pregnancy is at all possible, spay regardless. Do not ever contribute to a dog pregnancy that is not purebred and completely health-tested including PENHIP, OFA, etc. if you find any excuse to do so, it’s not good enough.




Spay. Dogs coming into heat can devolop cancer or life threatening infections. The older the dog, the more likely she will develop complications. I lost one of my girls to infection last year because i didnt spay her. I could have had more years with her. Never again.


Always spay. If you are not going to breed them; SPAY THEM. It will solve a lot of issues you’ll likely have if not.




I somewhat understand spaying and neutering. But if you spay and neuter every animal, eventually aren’t we left with no cats/dogs in the future?


spay. One dog of ours already had early signs of hip dysplasia so the vet said it made no difference so we waited till 6 months and did it.


Definitely spay her but personally I would wait until she’s at least a year old


Please spay


I say spay


Spay! Everyone at my house is spayed or neutered!! Dave's from lots of cancers and lot of heartbreak!!


Absolutely spay her. I think waiting for 1-2 heat cycles so they get their full dose of hormones is healthy, particularly on larger breeds.


Spay as soon as possible. A lot of “oops” pregnancies happen during a dog’s first heat, to people who elected to wait.


Spay…it makes for a nicer temperament as the animal goes through heat and mating madness. If there are other animals in heat around you they know it and basically are driven crazy. Also, spay and neuter helps your animal to live a longer and healthier life. How would you like to have an itch you can’t scratch…?


Unless you want the blood and smell everywhere I'd say spay


Spay. Was recommended to have my girl spayed before her first heat cycle. She was already around two older neutered males. They can safely be spayed at 6 months. We got our girl spayed around 8. It also helps with aggression depending on the breed.




Absolutely spay her!!


Had my bully spayed around this same age and it worked out just fine. It was great not having to deal with a heat cycle. She's a very healthy girl and she will be four years old soon :)


Yes please


Convinced some people purposely ignore context/descriptions. It’s clear you’re asking about when to spay, not if. From what I’ve heard, it can be beneficial not to spay before her first heat to allow for necessary growth & hormones to develop. Just make sure you’re ready to handle all that may come with her cycle and keep a vigilant eye on her during it. I’m no expert, but don’t feel pressured by that vet when there are many that disagree. Good luck with your sweet girls!


Letting her experience 1-2 heat cycles is healthy and will let her growth plates fuse at the proper time, and allow her to get a bit bigger, but spay her after that. That’s the general advice for medium to large dogs.


Spay is the answer, but I was told by the vet that you should let them have the first season then spay. I suggest you ask a few vet's


Definetly spay. I can think of 10 reasons right off the top of my head.


Always spay, but in terms of when, the larger the breed the later it should be. Pitbulls aren't very big so earlier than 11 months should be fine. My boy was neutered at 8 months which might be a little early, but not by too much, and was part of the adoption contract


The vet we go to recommended to wait til my pup was full grown before spaying her (apparently it is better for their organs this way, especially for big dogs). There are many reasons to spay, but the biggest one is the chance for a cyst to form in their ovaries and there isn’t really a way to know (according to my vet) if there is a cyst other than the dog getting very unwell and needing an emergency surgery. According to my vet, if a dog is unspayed and very unwell they will perform the spay then to rule out cysts. I couldn’t risk that unknown, so for my peace of mind I am glad that she got to become a big girl before she was spayed but also I am so glad I never need to worry about her ovaries forming cysts or an emergency surgery to spay if she ever felt unwell.


Spay. Cover your ass. Prevent cancer and other horrible diseases. Pup is too cute to not be able to live a full life.


I always suggest waiting at least one year, two if possible. It is much better to let the dog develop with all the proper intact hormones, and let the growth plates fuse before altering them.


I would call around to a lot of different experts and try not to go off of just one vet’s recommendation. My understanding is that spaying too early can cause developmental issues due to the lack of hormones as they reach maturity. Do your own research as well. Of course I will always recommend people spay (there are enough unwanted dogs to go around) but timing can be important. If you choose to wait to spay, just make sure you are very careful and always able to manage her environment and who she gets to meet so you don’t get an unwanted pregnancy. Good luck!


Also something to consider is household dynamics with the older dog. Since they are both female you may (or may not) encounter some testing as the puppy gets more mature. It might be worth while to talk to a behavior consultant as the puppy gets closer to adolescence if you choose to hold off on the spay. You don’t want any fights breaking out.


Thank you for the warning. Big Sis tolerates her now, sometimes they play chase but mostly the baby just annoys her. She’ll come to me and hide her head in my lap or behind my legs so she’s not tempted to bite her. I do keep a house leash on the baby and rein her in when she starts to annoy Big Sis. I’m looking forward to when she’s an adult, I can tell you that!


I'd spay to be honest. But only after her first cycle


Always spay. Not just to keep away unwanted puppies. But pyometra is one of the saddest things.


It's best to wait until 2-3 years until they're fully grown for big dogs. Look into ovary sparing spaying so she can keep her hormones. I got my chocolate lab mix spayed as a puppy because I didn't know any better. I lost her at 7 to hemangiosarcoma.


Absolutely. Both male and female animals must be fixed or their risk of cancer more than doubles.


So many people giving anecdotal advice on here. Here are objective FACTS- Yes, unspayed females sometimes get pyometra. Some do not. Spaying/neutering does prevent certain problems, but increases the risk for others. Dogs should be not fixed as puppies. They need those hormones to develop, physically and mentally.


There are health benefits in some breeds to wait until the growth plates close and they have benefitted from the hormones, while also still reducing the likelihood of certain cancers. There are behavioral benefits for earlier spay/neuter in dogs that are showing signs of potential aggression/“dominance”. If they are fearful or very shy, waiting can have behavioral benefits- as the adult hormones drive bolder behavior. Most pibbles are plenty bold and unless you have one with a pedigree of some sort, I’d fix sooner than later.


There is no such thing as a responsible dog breeder, if you mate your dog, you’re a breeder. Please spay.


Spay or don’t spay that’s up to you. Just please don’t breed. The shelters are full of dogs that look the same. They get euthanized every day. Me personally, I don’t fix mine unless there’s an issue.


My dad always waited until the bitch had her second heat before spaying. I spay at two years old, but i'm very, very particular about my bitches not getting bred, so we are very careful.


Always spay/neuter


I wouldn't wait too long. I suggest fixing her around 4-5 mo old. Maybe 6


Holy shit, these comments. Spay and neuter people. Come volunteer at the shelter with me if you think otherwise.


Do not spay this young. wait until after the first heat


This is actually pretty late in terms of spaying . Waiting a whole year or older is actually a myth .




i am **not** a vet and therefore **not** qualified to give this advice, it's just my all personal experience. my baby girl had three heats (would've been two but timing didn't work out) before i got her spayed. she was a little over a year and a half old. i definitely recommend waiting until at least the first heat. i read up on common ailments for american bullies and found that joint problems and hip dysplasia are among top culprits. allowing them to fully develop before getting them spayed gives them better odds


This is some of what I read when I was researching. Because bullies sometimes have the same common issues, it was recommended to wait. I’d rather avoid those issues, for both of us. Thanks!


I’ve done delayed spay on all of my puppies. I wait until a minimum of 20 months, based off their heat cycles. From a behavior standpoint, in both my personal and professional experience, waiting until full physical and sexual maturity before desexing creates a more solid temperament, decreases the risk of developing anxiety disorders, increases the retention rate of training and creates a more stable psyche. From a physical standpoint, it dramatically reduces the risk of developing joint issues, tendon ruptures (especially in the knees), creates more solid joints, reduces the risk of bone and cardiac cancers, and reduces the incidence of female urinary problems due to underdevelopment of the genitourinary tract that can lead to bladder and kidney infections. A delayed spay or lack of spay can increase the risk of pyometra, which is a very serious condition, it can also increase the risk of reproductive cancers as well as mammary cancer, but tbh the risk of those isn’t any different from a human’s risk factors and we don’t routinely remove the reproductive organs from humans as prevention. The best way to approach such a major medical decision is to educate yourself about the risks and benefits of either choice, and then decide whether you’re willing to take on the responsibility of managing heat cycles 1-2 times per year to avoid an accidental pregnancy.


I would wait until she's 2 years old and fully mature, that way her growth plates have fully closed, among other reasons. Definitely spay then though.




Don’t do it!


Spay at ten to twelve weeks is average, I’ve had 11 females and 5 males in my lifetime and not one had cancer from being spayed but 2 did from not being spayed ! So thank you for asking and being human ! Love Your Babies !!! They’ll definitely Love you!




Yes, fucking spay. Come on.


Unrelated but do you know what breed your other dog is? My parents dog’s face looks very similar


Spay. Had to put my dog down a month ago (not a bully) due to Pyometra. Her white blood cell count was 99k. The vet said she never saw anything so high. We always talked about it but never said. She was only around 8-10 yrs old.


Why wouldn't you spay your dog ?


if no spay you risk your dog getting pyometra


Spay please so your dogs puppies don't die in shelters


S P A Y ! ! !