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I’d tell her to be prepared for some bullying, kids like to make reference to school shootings and also make crappy jokes about McDonald’s and Americans being fat.


Ahhh yeah the school shootings is true. Tbf adults make fun of me for it. I just don’t think they understand how traumatic it is for us.


That's just our humour. We tend to make jokes about traumatic/awful shit for us and the world.


Yeah must be easy to joke about stuff like that when your country is irrelevant.


Also because all it took was one school shooting and then we just banned guns so it didn’t happen again because why wouldn’t you


Hey I agree with that 100% but making jokes about dead kids isn’t and never will be funny.


No one said it was funny. Dark humour is just a big thing in the UK/EU.


I've given an explanation about it being our sort of humour and you come back with such a lame reply. If our country is so irrelevant, why are you here?


Can’t help who I fall in love with unfortunately.


True, but you might as well leave given we're so irrelevant. I can't imagine it would be hard to convince your partner given we suck so much?


My lord, just chill lol it was just a joke.


I'm chill dw, just taking it to the extreme. For what it's worth, the UK actually \*is\* trying to speedrun sliding into irrelevancy thanks to our incredible politicians. From world superpower to sick man of Europe in a few short steps!


I’d get her dysgraphia diagnosed and needs assessed before you go if at all possible. Getting the necessary attention and adjustments is so so much easier with a formal diagnosis. It’s still a pain and depending on the school it will vary the quality of support they’ll get but you’d have this as ammo (excuse the stereotypical pun). I have a friend who is American here and she spoke to her daughter about her self worth and exam scores and ensuring her kid knew that even though exam scores feel like life or death over here - they aren’t. It causes immense anxiety in school children here and the pressure is kind of overwhelming (from my experience of watching students go through it). I’d just make sure there are lots of discussions and clarity on what exams are and what they’re for (to some extent they are really really high stakes but not much you can do about that).


Unfortunately there's a decent chance they'd make her be re-diagnosed anyway, but it could help make the re-diagnosis easier when the NHS opportunity came around.


The NHS is indeed lovely in some ways, but for something like that, there could be a big delay so having a provisional diagnosis would be advisable.


My wife is a US teacher in the UK, in secondary. I can generalize the West Midlands area. They are still primarily paperwork based, go to computer lab to print, things like that. There are equivalent to IEP and it’s inclusive. Hope that helps! I’m sure it varies depending on the school.


year nine is the end of key stage three i think, then she would move into GCSEs. Curriculum content for both can be found here https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize It will give you a good overview. She will know a bunch of stuff other students dont but she’ll also have some gaps she’ll need to fill in before gcses.




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I would focus a lot more on preparing her for the cultural differences and also structural differences of the way of learning rather than academically. UK schools are much less participation / extracurricular focussed and the real shock for her is going to be being surrounded by people who grown up with totally different values. Unless she’s going to a school with a lot of other international students, it would help to prepare for this 


Hi CGP revision books are helpful. So is BBC Byte size and Seneca . My child had similar challenges with writing and was given a laptop for all schoolwork and extra time for exams including GCSE and A Level after being assessed at school. This was at a state school which was a Grammar school. Biggest difference I find between American and British school kids are that the British kids seem more independent and self sufficient . We are dual US/UK and I am originally from US .


My kids are years 8 and 9–they are wrapping their first year in the UK schools. The biggest issues have been learning to write on paper instead of computers—it takes much more time and they had to really change the approach to writing/editing in a shortened time frame. But more importantly, it was really difficult to adjust to the end of year exams having such massive import. That pressure was tough.






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