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I have a bunch of unfinished projects waiting for me to finally get the... I guess *nerve* to finish them. It'll happen. Probably not this week though. Or the next... Or the next...


Come now. You can do this! Perhaps sewing some of the pieces together will give you the motivation you need. They are unfinished as of yet but they need not remain so.


The thing is I don’t have yarn for it, I have to wait for my order to arrive 🥲 so typically when I’m aaaaalmooooost finished 🤣🤣


I don't use yarn for sewing on, I use normal needle and thread. So maybe it's still possible to make progress!


I have ADHD and I can't even count the amount of unfinished WIPs I have... yet I'll still have the audacity to start a new project, stop 60-85% of the way, mayyyyyybe go back to a different WIP and either finish it or get closer to finishing it before I rinse and repeat. My husband doesn't even give me the side eye when he sees me looking at new patterns or saying ooooooo while working on a project anymore cause he has gotten used to it🤣


My coffee table currently has 4 projects I'm working on, on it. I live the crocheting part, not a fan of all the finishing touches.


I feel this so.... so much. It's craft market season so my living room is just boxes of 'well I just need to sew all the arms onto this guy' or the other basket of 'well I'll just needlefelt the face and it'll be done!' Honestly the best thing that I can do is put on an engaging podcast (not show- too easy to stare at the show and not the WIP!) and get into the podcast of choice while keeping your hands busy with the tedium that can be finishing details!


You can do it! Bite it's fricking head off (the projects head) 🦇 but seriously, it's a hard thing because I'm so similar unless it's for others. Commitment isn't for all of us 😂




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I would love to see your finished work!!


i have a basket of unfinished projects that just require sewing... which I don't want to do.... and lately my cat has taken to sleeping in the basket so now everything is covered in cat fur 😭