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Dive tanks are the obvious counters to widowmaker, but ultimately, I'd say it's not your job. If there are snipers, your friend should adapt and play accordingly. Always predict where the widow is gonna be, and never step in her line of sight, or when he does he gotta be 100% sure she isn't looking in his direction. As for the synergies, I think Ana works with any tank really, but I like Reinhardt the most. He's a very good nano target, and Ana's nades will really help in Rein vs Rein matchups


Also, Rein Big, Easy to Hit = Happy Grandma


Agree with this. Rein and Ana synergy is amazing, but ultimately your friend is gonna have to learn positioning. Healers with no movement abilities really get punished if not paying attention to positioning. Also make sure they can spot health packs for themselves so they can utilize nades for enemies and teammates not just themselves.


You can play any of them assuming you're wary of Line of Sight. A lot of people complain that the healer should adapt to them, but if you wanna help your friend get used to a character that has no movement buffs, stay in LOS until they get more comfortable running into situations with limited movement. I've been playing Ana for YEARS and I still struggle with the low movement.


I purposely am avoiding playing Ana is the Arcade mode right now due to that movement jump from Bap because I'd want it for real T\_T


Lol same I hit so many antis and sleeps I would have never been able to reach in time normally that I finished the challenge and stopped playing it so I wouldn't miss it when it's gone


I've purposely avoided as well. Idk if i could handle not having that.


Id say winton. Tanking really isn't about "helping" Ana directly tho. I hope you aren't standing in front of your friend holding shield and waiting for something to happen. Winton can jump really far tho so he can be pressuring the enemy or set up in a position to do so, hear/see ana getting jumped then he can jump back to protect her. Bubble is an expensive cooldown to use for this tho so I mostly mean jump in, do dmg to scare them off or kill them before they get ana, not necessarily dump bubble shield over your ana every time.


My duo queue is a Dva main. I know a lot of people shit on Dva but she's insanely flexible. We joke that we basically play Pokemon battles where I mark targets with my anti nade and then send my Dva to kill them. It's very consistent and very fun. (For us) When I play tank with other anas, I play Winton and I just kinda chill out nearby and wait for her to get dove. Then I jump in, kill DPS and then go for their support. If they aren't diving, I just let ana mark targets and kill her antis. If ana isn't going for kills, I ignore her. She's worth nothing to me. Easy game plan but Winton can require a lot of self control and understanding of the game to manage if you're playing him consistently against many different comps. Rein, Ram and junkerqueen also really good.


Personally I've always liked having a Hog, Ramattra or Junkerqueen the most, they put on the most pressure if they see you going back to peel for you Ana if it is range you want to help them with then Sigma is your best bet. Though a large part of the Ana surviving is also positioning, or the dps dealing with the widow.


Pick any tank and use your ping on the widow, and call when she repositions. This lets your friend see the widow’s position through walls without putting themself in danger and they can learn the lines of sight that are safe.


Rein and Sigma are actually great starting targets because for the most part they are big and stay near - Hog too. Throwing your Sigma shield specifically towards a Widow, like right in front forcing her to move, is a good option. But playing Ana, it sounds like your friend needs better positioning depending on the map; I understand some maps it's hard to have a good position. Another option, that isn't per say common or probably suggested, I do it and it doesn't always pay off...is stay NEXT to your tank and both heal and DPS as Ana. Healing is great but Ana has her Anti-heal Nade and also her damage over time if a shot is hit and it's a great way to help your team as well.


Ana has more sinergy with dive tanks,mainly Winston,but its not your job to protect her at all times,but DVA is the best tank to peel for the backline,and she is a Dive tank herself.


It's not your job to babysit your supports. If you're using your shield for Ana in the back line you aren't doing your job properly with securing space in the front line. Your shield is for you, if it happens to help your teammates that's fine, but you should be using it selfishly to protect yourself.  Your supports getting 1 hit KO'd is their problem, not yours