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That’s not even a meme. That’s solid facts. The amount of powerful people trying to decriminalize the sexualization of children is blatant.


Yeah that new supreme court pick is just another win for team pedo at this point.


"Do you believe we should protect children?" "What are children? I'm not a biologist."


Let them get more comfortable exposing themselves.... They all have names and addresses.


Wanna know what the difference between the left and right is? When the right puts 2 chuckle fucking evangelicals on the court, INSTANTLY states all across this country start passing laws effectively outlawing abortion. When Brown gets on the court, you WILL NOT see states passing "pro-pedophilia" legislation. Why? Because the right fabricates fake bullshit wholesale to be mad about. The left just points at reality. Cope.




>we don't give a shit I know.


>we don't give a shit I know. That's the issue.


"this isn't a right or left leaning sub" uh huh. That's why this thread starts with a bullshit Qanon talking point.


Who? The right?


It’s not just politics. It’s Hollywood. Wall Street. Media.


Epstein case shoes that a lot of powerful people are involved with pedo, we will never now who they are.


We have plenty of knowledge of who they are. No one does anything about it. Just look at how the feds disappeared epsteins blackmail collection and you heard NOTHING about it. It was just taken and that's all. Same with HB laptop.... the people in power are complicit until this these things are solved.


Define “defend”. If you mean protecting their basic rights like all other humans, I disagree. If you mean defending their actions, then I agree. Everyone has basic rights, even if they’re evil people.


Pedos have the right to a speedy trial.


Speedy bullet*, government run trials, unsurprisingly require the existence of a government


If someone wants to take away the basic rights of a child, especially in a predatory sexual way, then they deserve no rights besides euthanasia if you're feeling charitable.


Anyone accused of doing so still deserves rights until they’ve been proven guilty. Someone should not be denied rights simply because they’ve been accused of pedophilia.


If we are unsure of their guilt, then we are unsure of what they deserve. Identifying a pedo assumes they are already identified as guilty.


This is how pointed fingers turn into lynch squads. Don't let gossip control your behavior.


Pointed fingers is not an identification. Don't misrepresent what I said.


If they do that, they deserve punishment per the NAP. Until they do, they have rights that deserve to be protected as well. Rights are best protected when they are protected for all.


Pretty wild republicans haven't brought any legislation to increase sentencing for pedophiles.


Okay but there has been this bizarre hysteria around pedophiles in the last few years that it's caused some kind of derangement syndrome. Obviously pedophiles are bad, the problem is there are lunatics going around pretending people want to legalize pedophilia, or that everyone is a secret pedophiles, and if you don't agree that pedophiles are harvesting children's adrenochrome under a pizza hut you're also a pedophile. People think bringing up pedophilia is some kind of defense against any crazy theory they think of.


What is this about?


It’s pretty obvious. Only sick disabled people defend sick disabled acts.


I mean duh, I didn’t know if this was in attempt to bring light to an actual situation or just karma whore. It’s just karma whoring


Pay no attention to tyrant behind the curtain.




Sick disabled people? You mean like a blind person with cancer??


Real comedian. I’m sure everyone who reads you comment will roll on the ground with laughter.


I mean I understand the word ‘sick’ being used to define awful behavior but ‘disabled’ is a weird one, my guy.


People who rape are mentally disabled. Are you a sick fuck trying to deceive and divert attention from the topic?


Mentally disabled = autistic, asd, schizophrenia, bipolar, etc Pedo/rapist = evil and fucked up shit bag Know the difference.


It could be argued (as it has been in the past) that pedophilia should be in the DSM 5. There is certainly something "sick" about them


Dude, don't call it a disability. They don't need that extra shield, people stand up for the disabled. They are simply rapists, and wannabe rapists.


Soooo how long until the Great Purge?


Never because no one on the liberty side is willing to organize due to constant infighting and fed accusations.


The whole "If you defend/do not hate X, then you're X" point is a primer for a Great Purge. It was just like this with witches, bourgeoise, the jews, rightists in China... So, how long -'til the Great Purge?


Oh I see what you meant now. Yeah another criticism against the online "liberty" movement. They accuse people of being pedos just as quickly as the "progressives" throw around racist. To clarify, I am politically homeless, but I do agree with ancap the most. Just feel like a lot of our so-called spokespeople don't represent the ideology very well.


You sure they're your spokesmen? After all, anyone can come and post here, and not everyone who identifies as ancap is an ancap.


I don't know what to believe anymore, honestly.


And that is also what the elites want from you, your despair.




I accept that this sub has become a refuge for people that have been banned everywhere else.


So, only murderes defend murderers? So, every defense attorney is a criminal?


So this site is QAnon_Capitalism now?


Most people who publicly talk about hating pedophiles are virtue signaling. Change my mind.


When a pedo is anyone you don’t like


Is pedo the new Nazi?


In this sub, yeah. This is the kinda shit that will implode ancapistan. And honestly, it’s rhetoric designed by conservative elites to turn people against each other. Where was this anti-pedo energy two months ago? “Don’t you agree that pedos are bad?” “Of course. Who doesn’t?” “Good. So you agree that defending pedos is also bad?” “I mean. Yeah.” “Well those people over there are pedos.” “Do you have evidence?” “Stop defending pedos, you pedo.” People acquiesce and bam, you’re taking rights away from people.


Glad someone here gets it


> “Do you have evidence?” What about the active attempts to sexualize children?


By who? Criminal accusations require specificity but y’all want to keep this shit vague so you can apply it to whoever you want.


More like communist


Satanic panic/red scare


>"Wants to speak directly to 5 year old children about sexual topics not approved by the state" - Them > >"wHeN A pEdO iS aNyOnE yOu DoN't lIkE" - You Okay pedo.


I mean they elected a pedo protector to the SCOTUS. We're hosed.


We are not hosed. We're already drenched. The SCOTUS failed in its mission over a hundred years ago. So don't get too stressed about SCOTUS suddenly being compromised.


ITT: people not understanding that the right to legal defense is the underpinning of our liberty


What are you even talking about?


A bunch of attacks on KBJ were based on her having defended pedos and terrorists as a public defender. I'd rather have a public defender on SCOTUS more than anyone else for the simple reason that they are basically the last lines of defense for working class people facing down the behemoth power of the state


It’s the sentencing that people are mad about, not her time as a public defender


Most of the “attacks” were against her sentencing record which was wildly less than the recommended sentences in many cases, and far below the average sentences from other judges made in similar cases. By all available metrics she was giving light sentences to those caught with child pornography.


Her sentencing as a judge against child porn was a huge problem too, she consistently handed out lighter sentencing than even recommended prison time. So there you go, a judge soft on pedos. You got what you wanted.


As a pedantic type, pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children, while molestation is the sexual abuse of.children. There is a subset of pedophiles who do not act on the attraction for moral/ethical reasons, and I will happily defend them. No one should be judged for their desires, only for their actions.


Yeah. A lot of ancaps would have problems if we started thought-policing. As long as the pedos keep it in their pants, their hands to themselves, and their hard-drives clean and seek professional help, then i got no problem.


This seems to be why some genres of anime exist.


Most def. And lolis, weaboos and edgelord politics definitely share a venn diagram. They love the red pill.


I normally don't care at all about Karma, but my comment getting down voted passes me off a little. Why the hate for potential child molesters who are actually doing the right thing and harming no one? What kind of anarchists are these people to believe in thoughtcrime?


To be fair, there’s a lot of fucking MAGAts here too and they’re too stupid to actually argue in good faith so they downvote without comment. They’re garbage people, led by a garbage wannabe-king. The actual ancaps i talk to are at least principled enough to be more on guard for hypocrisy.


Lots of GQP in that boat.


So all trumpers are incestuous pedos. Glad we got that settled. At least trump is actually on record stating that he likes looking at underage girls. Live, undressed, non consenting, underage teenage girls. And that "sex" is something he "has in common" with his daughter who he says is "hot", "voluptuous", a "piece of ass" that he "kisses every time he gets a chance".


Trumpets may not be pedos themselves but it still somehow isn't a deal breaker


They're defending a pedo.


I can't tell if you are saying all of them are actually pedos or if you are sarcastically saying it and I am therefore not sure how to respond


Even if they're not, it's obviously not a deal breaker for them, which doesn't make them much better. They're enablers, and literal apologists. He has evidence in that *he admitted to this creep shit like it was a good thing*, and they all do the Westworld act: blatant alarming facts right in front of them, but "that doesn't look like anything to me". Now the right is claiming anyone fighting for gay rights and equal treatment *in general* is a pedophile with no evidence at all besides that it's easy to stir up mouth breathers and sibling fuckers if they yell the right buzzwords loud enough.


Oh yeah ok so we are pretty much completley in agreement haha


I mean, he is right about one thing.


The only people who pass laws allowing underage marriage are pedos.....but wait in this country those are the same people who supposedly attack who they believe are pedos


I’m going to make a wild guess here and say you probably like trump, right? You know he was on the Lolita, right? Get rid of ALL of them. Make no exceptions for colors of ties.


Have you never heard of lawyers?


So defense attorneys are pedos. Got it.


The anti-pedo rhetoric is getting real sus. Y’all are either pedos or you’re cueing up a purge. How about people get a day in court? Or is the presentation of evidence also pro-pedo? Even Trump’s Epstein exploits deserve a day in court.


So public defenders that defend alleged criminals are criminals. See how stupid that sounds.


Not true but they are just as bad.


I'll just leave this here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwijlM6nh4b3AhWtD0QIHYKPC5MQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2A-P0GCUETmFTOtiarupfU


Unless you defend Matt Gaetz.


That’s why all Catholics are pedos.


So republicans and child brides. Name a more iconic duo


Bill Clinton and underage girls Brandon and his granddaughter / daughter Hunter and his niece Podesta and keeping the pool warm for the " entertainment " [ 7 year olds] Feel free to add ....


Podesta and pizza map related handkerchiefs.


Poolside pasta party


Matt Gaetz, Casablancas, Arif, Nader, Cohn, Epstein… what do these fucking losers have in common?


And you know what, if the people who voted in favor of that bill were nominated to the Supreme Court, I would resist them as well. Stop making this a partisan issue. We should not be allowing pedo apologists and people who cannot define what a woman is (yes it’s relevant for title 9) on to the Supreme Court no matter the politics of the president that nominates them.


These people who called others pedo all the time, are usually the ones.


OK how you will demonstrate that?...


It's dangerous to think that's a logical statement, people defend other groups all the time. I'd defend the human rights of pretty much anyone, providing they aren't advocating removing them from others. That's just my personal line. All that aside though, it's better safe than sorry in this circumstance. Woodchipper, feet first.


People who overuse the label "pedo" are probably also pedos


Busy time for woodchippers


child molester\*


Pedo’s should be executed or at least exiled from society. A Pedophile has to have a mental disorder, or there must actually be demons. It Doesn’t make sense any other way. Being attracted to children is a mental disorder, acting on it is evil but a symptom of this. With many things involving the truly evil(likely mentally disturbed) we need to start addressing this. Bring back sanitariums or kill them. I just don’t feel they are truly in control and think we need to help them.


Yes 1000 times yes. How many pedos has Donald Trump hung around with? Epstein, Arif, Nader.. it’s all about the company you keep