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It could also be you’re related to them on bogus sides, but closer to your father. That’s what happened to me


Yeah, technically I’m my own cousin 😂. But these extended cousins don’t show up on both sides filter which is weird.


I have a few cousins that are related on both sides but only come up on “maternal” or “paternal” and sometimes it’s not even whose the closer parent My parents ARENT related though thankfully


Thankfully 🙏


yeah it’s weird i have Dna match on my mums side, fairly distant, but when throughlines displays the common ancestor it follows my dads tree back. I’ve seen issues with throughlines before and now don’t trust them at all. The match doesn’t show as both sides either.


My thrulines totally crashes when I try to use it on ancestors that are shared among my dna people (I manage multiple dna accounts for family) or it tries to hide part of my tree. I think this is an ancestry bug and not on you.


Yeah, I kind of figured that it’s just annoying because I’m trying to actually fix the tree but I can’t because Ancestry makes it disappear 🙄


I agree it’s stupid because I’m paying for a subscription right now (as I do in the winter) and ancestry’s own programs are screwing up my stuff!


Have you seen the additional BS of $10 to fix your tree😂


Yeah you can tell they got bought out 🤦🏻‍♀️ it sucks


I have some endogamy in my family lines which can be tricky and messy but I only have people in my tree once. 3 of my 4 grandparents are distantly related to each other in more than one way.