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I hope there's another update soon. I lost my Scottish communities that seemed very accurate. I had Scottish Highlands: Sutherland & Caithness and South Sutherland, which both tracked with family tree info. Now I have no Scottish communities but kept Nova Scotia settlers.


Hm this morning I randomly checked my results and noticed all my communities have changed and they seem less accurate for me. Before it narrowed it down to the exact counties which were correct and now its more generalised to a few different counties?


Kinda sad I lost my Cornwall community , but my other two have become more accurate to location. The communities of my matches have helped quite a bit in working out which side is feeding into the Canadian and early American communities that some of my matches have and also which side the Aussies match to . and I seem to have more shared matches now, which is weird


I wish I was given some European DNA communities to get a better idea of where in the UK my ancestors came from, but I only have American settler communities. I have slightly more recent immigrant ancestors from Germany but got no German communities either, ah well


I’m in the same boat as you. I didn’t expect any communities from my UK side, but I was hopeful to get at least one in the Netherlands, as I have more recent family from there. All I can do is hope with each update that I might get some sort of match.


Ugh. I didn’t get anything even though my great grandmother was from Edinburgh, my mom and aunt didn’t get anything either which is even weirder.


Bro, how do you get so many communities 😭


European Australians are in that timing where we still are recent enough from Europe to get communities from there but also distinct enough to get Australian settler communities also.


I feel you guys. My great grandparents literally came from the same community in Poland and I just lost the community when I logged in 4 days ago. So disappointed.