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Dionysius Thrax


I learned Greek from Hardy Hansen (of Hansen & Quinn) at the Latin/Greek Institute at Brooklyn College (CUNY). There may be better scholars of Ancient Greek, but his mastery of the language is phenomenal.


I was reading through the comments on Amazon for their book. I might get a copy. I taught myself Koine using David Allan Black's book, and it was fantastic for a self-learner, as testified by the Amazon comments as well. I'm ready to tackle something a bit more meaty.


Carl Ruck


But you do realize Biblical Greek is Koine Greek and closer to Modern Greek right?


Even if by Koine Greek you mean only the spoken Greek of the time (and not say the literary Koine that Plutarch for example used), in what way is that true?


I mean, many of the changes that would bring it closer to modern Greek had started to happen by that time but I'd say it would still be hard to quantify this closeness, not that this is necessarily wrong.


Yes, I knew that. As a Greek person said in a post, its like the difference between Shakespeare and modern English for them. Wallace also said something similar. Wallace didn't just read Koine's text; he spent 17 years on his book studying Koine and Attic usages.


Not sure about that comparison, I think it is even weirder to read koine... Perhaps akin to trying to read Montaigne as a Frenchman of today


I have no point of reference. I just took their word for it and I've heard the same from 2 Greek persons. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AncientGreek/comments/1dahlwu/comment/l7ocf21/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AncientGreek/comments/1dahlwu/comment/l7ocf21/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I wouldn't say this is the case, as a Greek person you can understand much of the bible without any special training.


Well, I stand corrected!