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Who ever wrote the teen characters either hates teens or was furiously asking chat gpt to write angsty teens. Everyone is so cartoony. None of the young characters have any depth.


Cartoony is the perfect term


Throughout SATC and AJLT, all characters who aren’t the main cast are cartoony. Every man and woman they’ve ever dated, every boss, every family member. Everyone lacks depth except the main cast.


Yes, Seinfeld vibe in this regard




That’s pretty true


I think they were cartoony in SATC but still more interesting/dimensional than in AJLT


Especially at 60 when Carrie's not THAT much older husband just dropped dead of a heart attack and she's already had a hip replacement.


Right! This is such good point! She should be living her life to the fullest right now, not putting it on hold for 5 years…


Exactly! No one understands "life is short" better than a recent widow. It's suuuuuuch lazy writing


It would honestly make MORE sense if Carrie was the one to say - I'm not ready for a commitment. I'm still grieving my husband and even though that might not seem rational, because he can't come back, and I am enjoying a little bit of dating, and we have history.... I don't want to move on so significantly just yet. Instead we have Carrie selling her apartment and buying a massive fancy place with extra bedrooms for Aidan's kids to stay in at some time in the future, When the last time she lived with him it was all speed stick and closet space battles.


Maybe she will give him a Rogaine closet. 😉


And a shoe-eating cat?


It also doesn't explain why Carrie can't visit Aiden when the boys are with Kathy. He also mentioned that Kathy has a boyfriend. Why aren't Kathy and the BF making similar sacrifices? I know Aiden says he was the primary parent but it still feels odd to me. Feels like the show wanted to manufacture more needless drama. They gave the situation some wiggle room when Carrie said she might "get time off for good behavior" so I imagine this is the show giving itself permission to retcon this plotline next season.


Exactly. Also... if my kid was running amoc and not listening to his mother on a consistent basis I wouldn't sacrifice everything I had going to just babysit my kid til he ages out. The writers could have had Aiden bring Wyatt to NY and add that dimension to their relationship (which would have been a new and interesting concept for Carrie imo if they didn't write Wyatt to be a cartoon DB like the other kids.)


Yes! Family means embracing the messiness along with filling a beautiful huge house on Gramercy Park with your new partner and his kids. I would have loved to have heard more about Carrie's thoughts on becoming a step-mom figure. It's an interesting challenge for a woman in her 50s who has to date been a bit self-centered and not terribly kid-oriented. I'm single and in my late 40s and I often think what it would look like to date a guy with teens.


And because raising a child automatically ends at 18 years old. 🙄


Especially one who has some serious issues! Is he just going to magically be okay at 18???


And he’s the one with the most normal name. How is poor Homer shaping up? I know it’s the name of a Greek poet, but you know he grew up with endless Homer Simpson references.


Tater also lol!


Happy birthday son! And goodbye 👋




ha, this reminds me of my ex who got a birthday card on his 18th birthday from his biological dad and it said something crass like "I no longer have to pay child support, yay."


Oh wow that's brutal. What a piece of shit


Aren’t most kids not leaving the home until like 30 these days?


my oldest daughter is 23 and is in no way financially able to move out now, and she has a full time, well paying job. So yea, these boys are going to be on the farm with their bed chicken for a while.


I’m the same age as Carrie and I don’t feel I have the luxury of time to be put on ANY kind of back burner for 5 years. It’s not that I think I’ll keel over any time soon but life is past the halfway mark at this age and quality and quantity are at risk the older you get. What if they’re not even interested in each other after 5 years? Stupid storyline and I can’t believe Carrie thought she could or should agree to that. She made a bunch of poor decisions over the years, but I always forgave her because I had made plenty myself for the same reasons she did. I miss the early days of writing for SATC.


I’m only 40 but don’t have the gift of longevity on my dad’s side of the family from which I got all of my genes. I wouldn’t wait 5 years for a man like that. There’s no reason why they can’t still be involved, just not see each other all the time in person for the time being, as long as there is a beginning, middle, and end for this.


Unless you father gave birth to you via immaculate conception. You have 50% of your mother genes you just may not have visual phenotypes from your mother


Assuming they mean the same health conditions that those of her father’s side has died of young.


The most ridiculous thing is Aiden saying nope, we are over for 5 years. No long distance, no contact etc etc oh I’ll only be thinking of you… like what an unbelievable crock of shit that is. It’s just lazy writing. The writers are taking us for fools…..


in this day and age of the internet and zoom and facetime, with carrie's wealth where she can just buy last minute flights at a moment's notice... like WAT


Yeah and the fact she has no job, can take off at the last minute no worries, it’s just so silly


So lame and makes zero sense! Why can’t they still be in a relationship, just not live together? Why can’t Aiden come to New York when the kids are with their mother? Why can’t Carrie go visit him? Isn’t Kathy is another relationship too? What is that not a problem as well? Dumb. Are they bringing Aiden back this season?


Yeah the actor has been seen shooting scenes for the new season


Hopefully break up for good scenes


Amen. I love John Corbett and I do like the character of Aiden but he’s not the one for Carrie IMO


Agreed. Aidan is my dream guy but I’m nothing like Carrie lol. She needs someone who likes to dress up & go out to all of the exciting places on the town, someone who loves Manhattan like she does and someone who keeps her guessing. For me, I love being in nature in the country & I love his funky, eclectic style with his printed shirts & turquoise ring. I love how down to earth & artistic he is. Carrie doesn’t appreciate all of the unique things that make him who he is.


Yes! Exactly! He’s a great guy but it’s not a match. Nothing in common between the two.


Maybe this is why in an interview with John Corbett that just came out he said he regrets having become an actor because “you have no creative control.” For insanely dumb plot lines in AJLT I would see that as being particularly challenging!


His snapping his fingers WAS cringe. Like, a (how old is Carrie supposed to be ) 58 yr old woman needs to be pacified and reassured by his finger snap.


And her husband just died. Life is short.


Yes and they are not 16 like at no age 5 years is THAT easy but being 55+ while saying that makes it even more laughable


Too bad it wasn't the Thanos snap.


They won’t do it of course, but I’d LOVE to see Aidan smugly return after five years and discover Carrie has married someone else! (Evil cackle)


How about the crazy guy that was her first boyfriend... he could be medicated by now right? 


It was written by Chat GBT


Honestly this is what I feel has yet to be revealed about AJLT - that it is the first multimillion dollar TV show written by AI. It’s an experiment. It would explain these bafflingly weird writing choices


Don’t try to make any sense of this dumpster fire fever dream




This bugged me too. His child is acting out but is certainly old enough to understand that his parents may pursue relationships.


The kid is acting out, but also getting his way because of it, which is only validating and encouraging the behavior


Yeah, sort of my thought. If as a parent you rearrange your whole life due to bad behavior, you can expect more bad behavior. I actually dated a guy like this. Felt guilty about the divorce so spoiled the kids absolutely rotten. We couldn't make any plans because he'd drop everything to drive them to Disneyland if they just asked. And we lived in NY. Anyway, I dropped because of the kids. And I like kids, in general!


Right?! At no point was it acknowledged that the characters saw this as a legitimate break up (which I think it was). Aidan kept pushing her away but insisting it would be fine. They slept together. The snap getting into the cab. Then Carrie makes that weird remark about “getting time off for good behavior”. If the characters were actually aware they were breaking up everyone failed here lol.


I like the theory that Aiden is “getting back” at Carrie for wasting his time. I think she will realize this and quickly move on. I know why people don’t like Carrie and I get it but because she did something awful (cheating amongst other things) people forget the little red flags Aiden always had: We first get introduced to Aiden as the laid back guy with only one thing: he doesn’t date smokers. Totally understandable. So Carrie tries to stop smoking and Aiden keeps her to it until she breaks down (when losing Pete) and he lets it go “because he loves her”. Then they break up. The next time we see Aiden… HE IS OUTSIDE STEVE’S BAR SMOKING. Sure it could be a congratulatory cigar… but isn’t it odd he went from not dating a smoker at all to smoking himself recreationally? THEN when they get back together and she decides to quit smoking again he SMACKS a patch on her so it will “stick”. He hits her so hard her body moves forward. Aiden has always used his sometimes “flexible” rules to gauge Carrie’s feelings. It used to be smoking and now it’s parenting. Carrie is never going to be the right person for Aiden but she’s too nostalgic to admit that and he utilized it to get closure. Aiden went in to this knowing he had no long term place for Carrie in his life and it was a matter of time before he gave a polite excuse and ghosted back to the country.


I agree. They wrote him back in as if they were "the ones that got away". The reality is they never worked. They liked the idea of each other and real life was incompatible


Yes that’s why I think parenting is just the smoking this go around that visually shows how incompatible they are. I’m not saying one is better than the other they both have green and red flags but their flags specifically don’t work well together.


Yes that smoking scene bothered me SO MUCH during my last rewatch. What The Hell Someone that anti-smoking WOULD NEVER


That’s when I stopped and went… is this dude full of shit? People who are that against smoking typically do not enjoy cigars so maybe he changed or maybe he was always using smoking as a metric to how much she liked him.


This is the best take. Aiden has always been kinda a stuck up f boy posing as the perfect boyfriend lol. He wouldn't even go to bungalow 8


People hate Big and I get it but I don’t understand how Aiden gets a pass just because he’s the “laid back” boyfriend. He had no business proposing and BUYING HER APARTMENT. On one hand we can say he was just panicking and trying to lock her down… on the other hand we could say he was using his financial position to entangle things. I would never say entrapment because I do think he loved Carrie but man did he turn into a landlord the second they broke up. Miranda is so quick to speak up when Big does this in the movie but where was that advice with Aiden?


Yeah honestly he always came in with extra expectations and standards and I don't think he really loved carrie for who she was- I can see how she would feel more authentic with big, bc even tho he had his... transgressions, he wasn't trying to make her into anything she's not


My worst grudge against Aidan was when he took Carrie back but then was a passive aggressive dick by flirting with the bartender in front of her and generally passive-aggressively punishing her. Be in or be out, dude. It's understandable if he can't forgive her, but don't date her then.


Plus, if Aidan's son is having so much difficulty now, in five years he won't be any better or more independent.


Kid clearly did this to get attention from his father because he didn’t like that he was seeing someone new, and it worked. Does not seem like great parenting to me to let your kid manipulate you, especially if part of that is stealing and totaling your vintage vehicle while drinking underage.


Yeah, it's ridiculous. She literally bought a place with enough rooms that he could bring his son with him whenever. It's also not like parents can prevent all bad events and he should've taken some time away before trying to make a call about his relationship.


Agree! And it’s not like once your troubled kid turns 18, you’re done with them or they’re miraculously better or something.


The children on the show are the worst. They (Miranda, Charlotte, Aiden) did a terrible job raising them to be entitled brats. It's ridiculous that Aiden would give up his relationship instead of punishing his bratty kid.


Oh god, I'd forgotten about the finger snap. That was embarrassing 😭


So cringe enducing


To me it is kinda like a "take the hint lady, I said Wait FIVE YEARS! now beat it" . All other explanations just don't make any sense at all


That whole 5 year thing was dumb and as an Executive Producer for the show, SJP should have questioned it when she read it in her script. The kid is OK with his Mom’s having a BF but not OK with his Dad having a GF? Aidan will leave Carrie “parked” so his son won’t act out and do crazy shit for 5 whole years that neither he nor Carrie are guaranteed to have because he is being manipulated by a child. If Aidan really wanted to be with Carrie, he would figure thing out so that he can be home with his son AND have a relationship with Carrie. And, his not choosing to be with Carrie while honoring his responsibility as a father is yet another reason why I feel that Aidan is not the “right” man for Carrie to end up with going forward. Their time to be together as a couple has passed.


The fact that they even brought him back is redonk. She broke his heart so many times, he’s a chump for getting back with her.


I still think it's hilarious that "magic mushrooms" was the drug addiction they went with


That scene was so triggering for me a single childless person as so many single dads act like Aidan did. My apologies to the awesome single parents out there, but so many use their children to justify their own poor behavior. I saw many posts here that said Carrie is an adult, knew what she was getting into, etc. No - no one knows what they’re truly getting into until they’ve lived it, be it becoming a parent, becoming a stepparent, etc. You have obligations to your romantic partner just as you do your children. Aidan’s request was unfair and disrespectful to Carrie. Whatever. Those two emotionally dysfunctional people deserve each other.


Yes 👏👏👏Aidan’s responsibility is to make it work with his son AND Carrie. If he can’t do that, he needs to just break up completely not dangle this half-assed 5 year thing in her face. Cause he will still be a parent then & will still be balancing. Parents who birth children together & are married to each other never say “honey our teen is troubled, we need to put our relationship second to prioritize them.” Nope they would never!!! It’s a weird idea that a relationship after that marriage is not given the same weight.


Exactly! You can go into martial counseling AND continue to raise your children. Have a job AND raise your children. It’s all about priorities and your willingness to do the work. Maybe Aidan was getting back at Carrie, maybe there’s more going on with son than he’ll admit to…who knows. But as others of you have said this “soft breakup” shit is dumb, not romantic - he’s not going off to war! Be better AJLT, be better Aidan…and people, don’t allow yourself to be a Plan B, in case of emergency break glass, “situationship” to ANYONE.


There are 5 years between seasons so might as well 




Yall. Are yall seriously think that’s what it was ?? It was a soft break up. Get a grip. He didn’t have guts to say straight up he wants to break up so he came up with a 5 year plan


To me it was like “If we’re both still single at 65, let’s do this.” But I can’t imagine he really expects her to be celibate until then. She’ll do her thing and it works out it works out. He’s risking losing her because he can’t multitask.


He wasn’t expecting nothing. He was just too much of a pussy to actually break up and was hoping she’ll take a hint


But I don’t think he wants it permanently done. He wants to break up with her with the option of changing his mind


Sounds very “man” of him


he was working with seema, getting carrie to buy the new place for millions, so his family can stay with him. then he pretty much dumps her.


Came to his senses


Especially at their age. It’s not like they’re 20 and want to wait.


Very cringe. I really hope they don’t pursue that in the coming season. That may be the straw to make me stop watching.


I'm an older person, and I feel like....who would do this?! a young person! we older people know we don't have that kind of ....expansiveness... with time frames


Meh. In 5 years he might still be wearing that godawful buttoned up jacket. No thanks.


I thought asking Carri to wait was cringe but I APPLAUDED Aiden putting his sons welfare first. So many parents get with a new partner and their kids get shafted. Aiden did not do that.


I don’t think the five year thing is necessarily set in stone, and we know both Carrie and Aiden tend to be overly optimistic when they dig in (ie time for good behavior, assuming the kid will get better when the depression is addressed and as he grows up.) And considering that it’s not a long span between Big dying and running into Aiden, and how lost Carrie seems to be in this new dating world of technology/LGBTQ diversity/etc, waiting doesn’t seem as big of a deal because it feels comfortable, she can pretend that they’re predestined after coming together this many years later, and it will get people off of her back “to get back out there” kind of like going to college with a HTH until better opportunities present themselves. But I would be amazed if either she or Aiden have really thought through what that would entail.


I was disappointed. It definitely rung against the "Don't wait for any man" ideals that were so popular in the 90's and 2000's.


So so stupid


I think it’s ridiculous cause Big just died. She knows there’s not time to waste.


It's also dumb to think that he would be done with his kid after 5 years, like a lot of kids stay home longer than that until they are ready to get off their feet. You don't just stop being a parent then and who knows what will happen later on. At the very least he could have reasonably broke up with her and then ask if they could chat in 5 years to how things are. It lets her go to find someone instead of keeping her tied down while also leaving the door open later if they want to try again.


Yes but the whole show is absolutely ridiculous but this storyline was the worst. Who would ask anyone to wait 5 years when they are not even going to date them. And who would agree to that?


Exactly. I expected she would say, I love you but I can't do that.




The entire Aidan plot felt very contrived to me. The meet in one episode, make plans to move in in the next episode and break up in the third. It's like they could only afford John Corbett for a 3 episode arc? If they just wanted a 3 episode arc it might have been better for it to just be less dramatic. They have a short fling and decide it's best to let the past stay the past. It's a good rebound for them both. But why is Carrie ok with waiting five years when he won't even promise her as much as a weekend? Stupid. I'd have been F that. And the rushing to move in just seemed like she learned nothing from disaster of the Russian. I guess she has a fabulous apartment now. And moving her back into her little one-bedroom didn't really seem realistic for a woman who's probably worth millions. I assume Big left her set for life. Might as well enjoy it.


Did anyone else find it hilarious that Aidan’s son had “shrooms” (mushrooms) as his qualifying drug addled teen break down? Obviously written by someone who doesn’t understand or never has had psilocybin… That kid is coming back potentially enlightened and ready to be one with god and nature lol. Give me a story line to truly be convinced that this child needs his father to take a five year hiatus. Hard drugs only please. Lol


Become a parent and then you'll understand. Or a good parent would truly get it. Your kids mean more than any girlfriend of potential wife. Aiden's priority is his children. Nothing else comes close. He wants to ensure his youngest grows into adulthood safely.


I am a parent. He should break up with her then. Not ask a 58 year old woman to put her life on pause for five years for him! Ridiculous.


Maybe he should've.


I don't want to rewatch this show, but I don't remember it being a "plan". It seemed like an offhand thing to say to move on.


It WAS a plan. She was on the beach with Seema after talking about waiting five months for her man and Carrie waiting five years for hers. Insanity