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With one good payday, he won't be wanting for bells ever again.


Hopefully yes!


May fortune shine in his favor


Omg, if my twins have good price, I’m gonna text you because I’m scared for your bf lol


Aw thank you!


I just had a big payday (1.3m) off of 200k worth of Turnips. I woke up to check prices and almost had a heart attack when I realized they were buying them at 459 each


Very true. But it can have bad effects. I played ACNH at release and absolutely loved it, what a gem of a game especially at the start of the pandemic. But I only made it through the end of spring. I was obsessed with it and got 3m bells from selling turnips via the discord channel on someone's island. I think I logged on two more times after I had 3m bells. Never paid off the house, never did any terraforming or got my island the way I wanted it to look. I also never saw all the season. :3


This. We loved it till we got into trading turnips, never played since.


What did he buy for? My twins never have a good price, but just in case they do this week I can send a dodo code for him to sell


He’s brave! I can never let myself spend more than 100k on turnips a week 😂


with turnip exchange it’s pretty much no gamble at all


Could you explain turnip exchange to me? I just tried looking into it but it’s a bit confusing what I need to do 😅


there is a couple of subreddits for it as well as a website where people will post their prices, on the subreddits u will have to be relatively quick and pm the person, if they get back to you they will give you their dodo code so you can visit their island and sell your turnips there for their price, with the website it’s easier because you can just look at the posted islands and then join a queue and wait for the dodo code so you can join their island


Can you drop the subs? I don’t need bells but I’m trying to hit that last milestone in my Nook Miles for turnips.


Not specifically for turnips, but you can ask around r/nofeeAC Someone there is sure to have good prices Go to the pinned post and look through the comments, or make a comment yourself asking if anyone has good turnip prices


r/turnipexchange and r/acturnips


Interesting, thanks for the info!


Turn on notifications for those subreddits so you get notified of a new post.


Same here! Originally he wanted to store them on my island but heck no; it would give me wayy too much anxiety😂


I keep it under 60K, lol and I made my bells with produce and duplicate fossils 😞😞😞😞 I’m not that brave 💔💔🫶🫶🫶


How much do duplicate fossils sell for?


If you don’t get them accessed they are cheap but if you get accessed then sell you make better money


Good to know! I assume you mean assessed, not accessed!


I bought 700k worth of turnips and sold them at 519 each. Such a good pay day


oh my god?????


This is how I became a “bellionaire”. You both need to check your price twice a day and sell when one of you has an up price. You can hold out some in case you have a big spike but making 50% more is $1M so that’s good. Having someone to teamwork with on this for a few months is fun.


Out of curiosity, why check twice a day? Does the price they offer in the shop change during the same day?


Yes. There’s the AM price and PM. The changeover happens at noon.


How am I just now finding this out🥲 thank you for the info though.


My price changed twice before 12 noon once. 💔💔💔


Did you time travel? That's the only way this could happen.


No, I got a buying price that was over 500, invited bunch of people from the sub, then after sometimes, I went to check again and it was a different price (like under 140 bells).


Yeah. I have lost bells every single time I bought turnips in the year or so I played the game. (Probably tried about five times.) I know they have online predictors and such but I could never figure out the math and just went fishing/farming instead.


He needs TA. Turnips anonymous.


Does he have online subscription? r/turnipexchange is ideal for this


I’m not sure if he does. But I will ask! And thank you! We are both also in a discord group a friend recommended where there is turnip exchange too:)


I hope you update us!


Honestly boyfriend goals 🥹✨✨


This was me when I first started playing and learned about turnips. I would take my switch EVERY WHERE with me and check the turnip pages on Facebook and reddit and make those bells. My friends all thought I was nuts but I almost maxed my bank out


There’s plenty of animal crossing related subreddits to help sell turnips. Just make sure he knows to not time travel backwards. r/dodocodes, r/buddycrossing, r/turnipexchange, and r/animalcrossingnewhor all have turnips posted pretty often, and don’t require a user flair to comment. r/nofeeac, and r/acturnips are also great, but you have to set a user flair in order for your comments to be seen.


Thank you so much!!


Ahhhh I would be too scared to lose it 😂 I never have good luck


Me who has a 2nd switch and 2nd copy of the game: ​ Yeah no big deal.


Hahaha - same.


I got burned so badly last week. May the odds be ever in his favor.


Oh he'll be set once that turnip per bell number hits the 2 or 3 hundreds.


Tell him to also check /r/NoFeeAC. People generally post when they have high purchase prices on there. And as the name suggests, fees aren’t allowed. I generally still drop off a tip after selling. I’ll try to remember to check my prices this week well, and DM you if Timmy and Tommy are feeling generous. Good luck to him! Also, I’m guessing he’s aware not to time travel. You can go into the future up to the following Saturday without issue. However, if you go into the next Sunday, or try to travel to the past at all, they’ll all be rotten. I generally don’t time travel at all when I have turnips. The only time I time travel is if I’m helping someone get a villager that they want from my amiibos. I guess I also did when I was trying to finish my rock garden. 🤷‍♂️


I got Ankha for him from when i was looking for a new villager because he really wants her on his island, but we are waiting with moving her till next week because we’d have to time travel. So we are well aware haha!


r/acturnips was so helpful when I started playing again. Here’s hoping he doesn’t lose out on his bells!


Ajhahahahaha my wife did that too! The worst part was throw all that in the garbage


Oh no!!


Please tell me what the payout is 🙏 And goodluck


I will try to remember to give an update!


Make sure he knows that turnips don’t appreciate time travel, or don’t and let him learn the hard way…


Yeah, we’ve discussed it a bunch as i am giving him Ankha (one of his personal favourites), but I’m not kicking her till next week because he’d need to time travel to kick a villager😅


Time traveling forward is okay as long as you don't pass 5 AM Sunday. You just can't go backwards at all.


Courtesy of turnips, I have a net worth of 35 million Bells. He is well on his way to greatness. Bravo.


Dang. I’m impressed


You can basically track patterns online which will guarantee a profit.


For the people wondering, you can check it here: https://turnipprophet.io


Thanks for the advice!


Have him ask around online, some sell prices can get up to 500-600 each. That’s how I struck gold.


We are keeping an eye out!:)


The turnip game stresses me out. Then one day I met a beautiful kind angelic soul in this subreddit that was handing out free money. Collected 20 million in a day.


i did the same thing and then the game started to feel kinda boring - i always had money and never had to grind


Last week the offer price for turnips on my island never went even as high as what I bought for. I sold at a loss. Previously I made about 20% profit but not last week.


I thought I was splurging buying 100 turnips 😳 I'm so excited for your followup post with the results!


Typical gamer moment


Here I am crying at 22k like I am a big time spender.


*I love gambling!!* 🔥🔥🇺🇸🔥


Remind me to never take him out gambling irl😅


https://preview.redd.it/wvvof6xzdr9b1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1018791c5cd3ba28142aae8e76f5a7684b109093 Show him this image


He’s saying it’s inspiring him!😂


Statistics show that 80% of all gamblers quit right before hitting it big. 🇺🇸💪Never quit, keep hustling🔥😎


I taught him well (i have a gamling addiction)


As someone who refuses to sell turnips to other people’s towns when I invest in the stalk market, this is pretty insane!


I've never bought more than 10k of turnips. And I've never made any bells from it. I've never seen a purchase price less than 100. And never had buy price higher than 110.


Once I stared tracking it on TurnipProfits.com I stared making a killing! Last week I made 1.3 million bells.


[I made a guide for making bells with turnips on your own island, in case anyone is interested.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StalkMarket/comments/tb3sfb/when_to_lean_in_the_stalk_market_strategy_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) OP, you or your bf might know already, but you can look at the newspaper in the app and figure out last week’s pattern and plug it into the prediction sites. If he’s coming off a big win.. not a good sign. Good luck!


I did not know about the newspaper! Neither of us have the app (or at least i do not think so), but from what i have heard it is worth getting, so i think i will be doing that. Thank you for linking the guide wow!!!


Omg. This seems like pretty typical early play. 😆 my husband did the stalk market consistently when he started. Now, his (veg) garden is as big as this area. Maybe bigger. 🙄 yes, on our shared island. I think he makes over 100k every time he harvests & sells which is a few times a wk. We've found farming to be a much better strategy for accumulating bells quickly. 🙃


Those are rookie numbers, gotta have at least 5-10 mil in turnips


I did it once or twice and now I’ve saved 6 million bells. I haven’t done it in a while but the turnip exchange is fantastic. I put my island up there a few days ago cause I had good prices, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen my turnips hit over 200


I once spent 2 million bells on turnips and made the rookie mistake of time travelling backwards in the middle of the week. A field of rotten turnips was binned.


I mean you could just got to a treasure island on discord and make 100x that in an hour


It’s a better bet to get materials and wait for god Irene if the day in my opinion. But good luck.


I did that last week. Paid 1,500,000 and got 800,000 in return because I didn’t think double was good enough 😢 turns out double was as good as it got that week and then they only bought for less than 52. My top is: don’t get greedy


two words Treasure Island 🤣


if not that. when i used to play legitimately for the first 3 years, there are turnip predicting applications. just google it. you keep track of your amount you sold the turnips for, your AM price, and your PM price each day all week and input them into the predictor. by around wednesday-thursday you should see a pretty good prediction.


I can pull 600k from my farm when needed. Turnips are pointless 😀


I’ll check my prices this week in case that helps him sell them!


Wait how did you get the screenshot at this angle?


It’s photo mode!


It’s not a gamble if you create a speadsheet with a group up friends and travel to each others islands


DON'T TIME TRAVEL! I made that mistake and came back to rotten turnips! 😳😫


It's not as much fun if you have soooo much money.


I invested 5 million bells once. Even got a big spike pattern although it was the smallest big spike I’ve ever seen. Haven’t had a problem with bells since.




I spend 5mil weekly. I’m at the point where that is a small investment! Wish I could turn it into real money haha.


Girl, I advise him 96br, he'll be a millionaire

