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And if there’s only ONE thing we should be able to craft in bulk..... it’s bait.






Hi, I’m Daisy




WARNING! That sub is NSFW, like insta no-no stuff pops up when ya click it. Viewer discretion is advised, thank you.


Why... why do they not have arms?


My guess is that the artist spent more time learning to draw genitals than learning to draw hands.


You are too naive my friend. Look at the necks too. That stuff is a fetish for some people.


Holy shit i didnt even see the necks


You know why... it is because [REDACTED] fetish


Look at their necks too. The fetish is strong with that one.






what the hell is wrong with you two? seriously, why'd you have to do that?


That sub was made after the comment.




Superintendent! I was just, uh, stretching my calves, on the windowsill! Isometric exercise. Care to join me?


Why is there smoking coming out of your oven Seymour?


lol what a awful click i just did






I honestly don’t get why people do it. It takes so long that you might as well be running along your beach/river. Even for the tournaments, it’s more cost/time effective to do more rounds and get more 2+ bonuses


i thought people do it to attract rare fish like tuna. maybe i've been thinking of this all wrong lol


That’s all it’s been good for in my experience. Just sit at the pier and throw bait.


that's predominantly why I use it




it's honestly nice for me to just park it on the end of the pier and just do bait after bait


I remember getting the stringfish at my 80th bait... I had never been so proud


I can't seem to get anything decent from rivers or ponds :(


Fish till ya’ get em’ and if you want something specific, make a checklist of them and write the time they’ll be spawning




You sound like a master!


That’s the only reason I do it haha


Does it actually make it more likely you'll get those though? The last couple of days of April I dumped a ton of fish bait off my pier trying to get Tuna before it disappeared and all I got was garbage like sea bass and zebra turkeyfish.


It doesn't. It rerolls the spawned fish instead. Think of it like a loot box. One new bait brings out one new box. There's a different set of boxes (fish) that can be obtained in different areas (fish that spawn in Clifftops, Pier, River Mount, etc.). So when you use bait in the Pier, you're rolling for a specific fish that only spawns there, and it's much easier to use bait as opposed to hoping one spawns there as fish rarely do.


do they ever? i swear i've never seen on there without bait


I’ve gotten really lucky with pier fish on mystery islands. They spawn by the dock where the plane sits! I periodically check for big shadows and that’s how I got a tuna and a marlin.


+1 to this because that’s how I got mine too!


They do sometimes. I've caught a few tuna without bait. Just rare.


Honestly I feel like animal crossing just taunts us with the bait. When I caught the sturgeon none of my bait worked and I had given up hope. On the last day of March I find a sturgeon on my first try... Similar thing with string fish. I used around 80 bait and only caught one on like my 78th try.


I've been playing every day for a month and I've \_never\_ seen a fish spawn at the pier without bait. Not. One. I can't imagine how long it would take to catch pier fish in this game without bait.


They do. The Marlin and Tuna I got lucky enough to catch on my second day of playing the game. The Marlin @5:33AM right as Blathers gave me a Vaulting Pole and Tuna later at around 6PM when it rained by the Pier.


They do, just less often than other places. And sometimes you'll pass it without noticing because you might have to walk all the way to the end of the pier to see it. I make it a point to walk down the pier every day and I see a fish there regularly.


It doesn’t increase the likelihood of a rare fish spawning, but it makes a fish spawn. If 1 out of 20 fish that spawn on my pier are a Mahi Mahi, and there’s a fish spawned off the pier 1 out of 10 times I run by there, that means that 1 out of 200 times I pass the pier a Mahi Mahi will be there. If I throw 20 bait, then I’m there for 5 minutes.


Or you sit on the pier throwing 30-50+ bait out without a single goddamned Tuna. Or on a clifftop, with nary a Stringfish in sight. Honestly put me off fishing entirely.


Yeah I wish 1 in 20 chance meant precisely 20 bait. Could be 1 bait or could be 120.


It is quite annoying. The cost/benefit of fishing is terrible. I can do a lap around my island and catch 4 butterflies that sell for $2k+, and I KNOW that it’s the butterfly that will sell for that much before I catch it. With fishing, I can spend hours throwing bait in the water before getting on fish that sells for $8k, all the while stocking up on hundreds of D Bass.


It doesn't make it more likely but it makes a fish appear. Especially with the pier fish it's hell trying to get one to spawn normally. Same with cliff river fish.


i honestly have no idea. it's just what i've heard. i caught a coelacanth without bait. i think it just creates more spawns so your chances increase? who knows.


It just causes a fish to spawn at that location. I don’t believe it does anything to impact the chance that rarer fish will appear.


Stuff rarely spawns at my pier and even then rarer still to be the largest size shadow. I use it so I dont have to scare everything and their mothers off and even more so because it isnt the right size shadow. Maybe it is faster to just scare everything away? I dunno. Never paid attention. Havent caught the dang mahi mahi so I mean I guess it doesnt matter either way lol.


It's the best way to catch the pier fish. The odds of having a mahi mahi or giant trevally spawn without bait off the pier is incredibly low.


I have used 130 bait off my pier since Friday. I’ve gotten one Mahi Mahi and 0 trevally.


To be fair it took me over 500 to get 1 mahi mahi, was able to get 3 giant trevally though


Oh dang. I only had 10 bait on me today and normally I don't care too much about fishing but I threw out a few and on the 5th bait I got a mahi mahi!


Shhhhh don't hurt me like that haha (but congrats that's so lucky!)


reason i do is for those $%&\^$%&\^% pier fish, lol


I did it to finish the clam collector rewards card and stockpile it for CJ's next fishing challenge. There are some instances when it's handy to have a spike in spawn rates (fishing off the pier, in a rainstorm, odd hours, etc.)


I probably crafted 200+ baits just to get a goddamn tuna before April ended. My girl caught three on the last night after I gave up 🤦‍♂️


During tournaments you can stand in 1 spot and get up to 10 fish in 3 minutes with bait


I spend a little time each day walking up the beaches collecting clams then crafting them and keep bait in my inventory until I'm ready to fish. I don't really fish and craft bait at the same time.


It's definitely not worth it for general fishing or the tourney but if you're going for a specific fish in a clifftop/pier/pond spot where the spawns are minimal then it can be useful.


Or at least be able to purchase as we have the option in store


I seriously just don’t even fish anymore because of this


It’s the bass and carp that did it for me.


For real. It's part of why I just don't bother 9/10 times i play. Taking 10 minutes to sit through the crafting thing over and over is enough to drive me batty


So would that make this a bait post?


Bait being a single slot isn’t as much of a problem, but crafting one-by-one is the biggest issue imo


I spend like an hour looking for a ton of manilla clams and then about an hour turning them into fish bait lol


Just keep mashing A while you watch something on YouTube. Not an elegant solution, but there you go.


I disconnect the joycon and just hold it in my hand while I do something else


Also, crafting Fish bait is incredibly boring. At first I thought it was possible to dig up other things radomly, like rusted parts or something. But no, it's just clams apparently. There's nothing interesting to it. I wish they would change something to make it less tedious


Rusted parts is only when Gulliver is washed up on your island and you're getting the 5 parts for his broken phone.


You can also get them in the recycle bin in town hall!


Only if you return the 5 to him. If you keep the 5 for yourself you don't get that one.


I seeee... I never made that connection before. I’m slowly saving up for the robot. I don’t even know what half the materials required are.


a lot of rusted parts, a lot of iron, and a lot of gold


There’s also a shirt of some sort that I haven’t come across yet. Just hoarding materials until we cross that bridge.


Gold armor, which unsurprisingly requires more gold... You need 18 total for the completed Robot Hero.


As an FYI, you'll need to save them if you want to build the robot.


You get a rusted part in your recycle bin the day after he comes. And you need to help him 30 times to get the golden shovel recipe (which is the number of rusted parts you need for the robot).


Is there a way to know if Gulliver came? I've only seen him the first time.


You do a lap around the island.Villagers will also mention him when he's washed up. You need to actually complete his quest for the rusted part to show up in the recycle bin the next day.


I'm hoping that the rumored next shop upgrade makes bait buyable.


I would prefer digging up clams to be more fun, but yeah that would be something at least


One of my friends said it makes sense because they are living breathing animals, and like the other animals, they get their own slot.. but I mean.. surely you could chuck 10 of them in a bucket right? 😂 Or craft in bulk would be nice. Or even a separate recipe that requires 5x clams that would give you 5 bait.




I must have some terrible luck. 😂 I still spend an hour crafting bait and have almost no luck at all.




I made bait to catch a coelacanth. Spent several hours in the rain using tons of bait and dozens of spots. No luck. The next time it rained, I was needing a few extra bells to buy something, so I went out of the shop, walked straight right and caught the first fish I saw. It was a coelacanth. Still the only one I've caught to this day, but it sure does look good in the museum next to the Oarfish.


This happens to me all the time! Im convinced the rare fish only show up when youre not specifically looking for them lol


I dont go for em either, I am a failure at catching the rare fish that spawn every day. Golden trout, mahi mahi, etc. Missed out on the tuna last month. 😂






Yeah but stupidly unoften. I've been playing every day for a month and never see anything spawned there, not even tiny shadows.


😂 I sit on the pier forever and then manage to mess up the one time the rare fish comes biting. I suck.




What helped me was turning the volume up and listening with my eyes closed. You can hear the difference when they bite, and it takes less time to realize that it's happened! It also cut down on how often I press A before they actually bite.


This is the best way. I always psyche myself out when I can see the fish about the bite. It's easier to listen


I've got two golden trout. Can't get a bloody char though. I hate clifftop fish cause I feel like I really have to go out of my way to get them. I'm not clear though. Is clifftop any River above the base level, or is it only the top level?


Doesn't even have to be River. You can use a Pond like I did to prevent Dace from spawning.


I completely by accident caught 2 in a row on an island while it was raining. I had no idea they were one of the rarest fish in the game. 😅


Those 100 bait on pier and no Mahi Mahi feels :’D


Why have I caught 3 coelacanths within a week without bait and 0 golden trout since they showed up? Feels like I’ve wasted about 100 clams trying for them alone so far ughhhhh


I got the 1 golden trout for blathers and havent seen one since




They’re only around til the end of this month I believe. May the RNG be ever in your favor.


They come back in September anyways, so what's 3 months lost in a game like Animal Crossing?


I went through 85 bait, and 2.5 hours of fishing (continued fishing long after bait ran out), **at the waterfall island**, and finally caught 1 golden trout. Was absolutely miserable.


it took me 3 or 4 nights of around 40-50 bait each time to get my golden trout. by far the most elusive catch yet for me lol, good luck!


Eh, I still have to go around and find all the clams. The crafting system is just annoying as is. Still waiting to be able to craft from storage at home.


Yeah idk what kinda shit you're smoking but I'm 180 dry on mahimahi and golden Trout. There's always gonna be that guy on Reddit at the 1% of the rng curve. But the rest of us are reeling in 20+ sea bass every load.


It took me over 500 bait to finally get the mahi mahi :(


I’ve had no luck catching rare fish with bait. Idk if my RNG was just bad (very likely the case) but to me it almost seems like you get worse fish with bait lol. Tuna, Marlin, and the Golden Trout I all got through just normal fishing. The bait is so tedious that once I get the achievement I’m literally just going to not catch clams anymore. It’s not fun for me. I’ve also never got a coelacanth and I’ve used a decent amount of bait lol. I also feel like it’s faster to just run around the island for shadows for sea fish.


bait doesn't do anything beyond making a fish spawn, just saves me the trouble of running around and hoping for a spawn when I'm hunting for a cliff top or pier only fish. I just dig em up if I see them I'm running around looking for sea fish so I can have bait later whenever I need it. otherwise it's too annoying lol


An hour of finding and crafting bait is not getting you 10 of any rare fish lmao, you'd be lucky to get one.




Yeah I personally dig for clams as I just walk along the beach picking up normal shells every now and then and I have a good amount of bait saved up over several days. It’s a tedious task done in bulk on its own, but isnt so bad if you just incorporate a little bit of clamming into your daily routine


Well, in Pokemon Nintendo sure has another philosophy with legendaries being just as easy to catch as anything else.


I don't see a point in timegating ANYTHING in this game. Why make me harvest each one by one, only be able to hold 39 individually if I have nothing else on me but a shovel, and then have me spend forever making bait individually? What is the point? If I want to go through a year of content in a month, why stop me? People still play every other AC and it's been years! There isn't much of a point adding an hour or a day in gameplay, when anyone who truly likes the game will still be playing in a month, a year, 5 years?


It doesn't stack because it counts as an animal. You can release it, you don't drop it.


Yeah, even the giant clams and sea snails that wash ashore stack. I don't get why manila claims don't.


Generally gatherers of this type of creature gather 20kg at a time, then load them into a tonne bag off the beach. One at a time would kill the industry... Edit : don’t know why I’m being downvoted this is literally what I do for a living...


If you want to simulate industrial aquaculture, I'm sure there's a game for that. Probably a mod for Factorio or something too. But I don't think Animal Crossing is meant to be that.


Catching one anchovy at a time would kill that industry too though


Want to know the strangest thing? In my country it’s currently illegal to catch more than one sea bass a day.


I mean, sand dollars, giant clams, corral, etc. are all living and breathing and for some reason you're able to stack those in ACNH


Having a bucket item that lets you store shells and fish would actually be super cool


I think also they plan on releasing more "sea creatures" that aren't fish like clams.


Yeah! Stick em all in a bucket! Same for Pond Skaters! Why stop there? Tarantulas! Oarfish! FROG VILLAGERS!


Idc about them not stacking but the dialogue pisses me off, they should instantly be put into your pocket when you dig them up like trees or shrubs. It takes way more time to get multiple clams than it should and demotivates me from playing.


Aww, is manila not your favorite flavor of clam?


No, mint is


This. There is only one type of clam and we know what we’re about to dig up.


>we know what we’re about to dig up. Unless you also have Gulliver quest going.


they should keep the dialogue for the communicator parts but remove it for clams


I think its likely that there will eventually be more "sea creatures" like clams so they are treated in line with fish and bugs. possible future museum expansion?


Diving is likely to come back, there were some kind of references data mined. It's obviously why they behave like other creatures.


I liked in ACNL, the first time you found something, it was a longer fanfare /info, and then all subsequent ones were briefer.


It's annoying but take a diy bench with you on your daily stroll. I have a crafting area near the front of my island with a bench there for picking up. Lol


I keep several placed in convenient spots on the island for easy access.


I keep a bench at the front of my pier.


Nook's Cranny and Pier are the top 2 places to keep a permanent workbench IMO, even more important than your own house.


Why NC specifically?


Probably to craft hot items easily if you don’t need to loot your storage for the materials.


We're really digging into crafting our island the way we like it. Part of our plan is to strategically place DIY benches in places all throughout the island. We hate missing balloons, cool butterflies, whatever because something broke.


Everything about gathering bait is is handcrafted to drive me insane


Or Bell vouchers. I have 100,000+ Nook Miles and I thought I'd convert them to buy a few bridges and ramps.


NM tickets are worth way more than bell!!! Don’t get bell vouchers. You can sell NM tickets online for way more


That takes way more effort


Part of me appreciates the fact that they don’t stack... I can stuff my inventory with Manila clams, craft bait, and as long as I don’t pick up anything else... I can be sure to have enough room for all the fish I’m about to reel in.


Came here to say this!! It’s a perfect system but the crafting in bulk part would be nice




This 100%


Most items should stack in general or, if they already do stack, should stack to higher numbers. It’s ridiculous that weeds can stack to 99 but fish bait only stack to 10. IMO it’d be best if all crafting supplies (wood, clams, iron nuggets, etc.) could stack to 99 whereas everything else (fish bait, Nook Mile Tickets, fruit, etc.) could stack to 30. That would save a lot more space when storing materials.


The fact they don't and the lack of bulk crafting is the main reason I don't use bait.


The reason why they don't stack is because they have their own category (“seafood”), just like fish and bugs. This was reveled by dataminers.




Maybe not automatically, but the option to do so with the press of a button would be ideal.


The house storage inventory does, you would think it wouldn't be too hard to add to pocket inventory.


Just let me use the clams as the bait. The whole "craft into bait" thing just feels like an unnecessary step, considering there's only one ingredient and I'm not doing anything else with that ingredient.


I've often thought that bait should be craftable from your pockets. Just like Minecraft where you have a 2x2 grid in your inventory and need a table to do 3x3 crafting, bait should have the option to be crafted without a table.


Heard this 1000 times. Nintendo ain’t gon do a damn thing bout it


Something fun I recently discovered: if you press A real fast while crafting it’ll craft really quickly.


Only have to tap it twice, save your button.


Oh thank goodness


I exploited that button on Day 1.


The clams are not stackable because they are "seafood." There is an update coming out where they add in the rest of the seafood; clams are basically the only seafood that have came out so far. They're not stackable because think of them like bugs or fish.


Also, you can't drop them, you need to release them like a fish or bug.


Except, unlike bugs or fish, you can't "place" them and you CAN craft with them. Its a really bad analogy. People don't mind that you can't stack fish or bugs that much because you can temporarily drop them to pick something else up AND you have no need or desire to have a bunch of them handy.


Big if true


Why are we still posting this every single day!!


because its still annoying every day


Seriously though, I think we need to either ban these kinds of posts (I'm not claiming there's not a problem, but the constant posts are getting really annoying), or add a complaining function to the weekly Q/A or something.


Also, we should get Chocolate and Carmel flavors too, not everyone's favorite flavor is Manila.


People need to stop using this shitty redrawing of lisa. Fuck, people just need to stop using this meme format period. It doesnt need to be a meme, its just a fucking sentence.


WOW you are the first person to post this congratulations


My favorite flavor of clam.


If you can’t turn them into the museum they are shells and completely should stack.


Im just glad the actual fish bait stacks at this point lmao


If they stacked, I would probably pick them up every time I pass one. Like sticks, I know they're all gonna take up just one slot, so why not pick them up? The way that it is now, I never bother grabbing them unless I'm specifically about to go fishing. Then, after what feels like an hour of clam farming, I don't even want to fish anymore. I think stacking clams would be a game changer for me.


> It should be said that making fish bait is hell ~~on your inventory~~ FTFY


We get it. Shut the fuck up about it


I'm really sick of seeing this meme.


I hate making fish bait.. please make this real Nintendo 🙏


I just want to buy bait.


I think the devs just threw darts to randomly determine which items can stack, which ones can't, which ones stack to 10, to 30, to 99.


Manila? Well that's my favorite flavor!


According to some data mining: Manila clams are actually part of the deep sea diving critterpedia tab. So they are treated as separate items the way fish or bugs are.


You know what is the clam anyway? Like why the hell cant we donate to blathers?


And it's hell my thumb I'm gonna get repetitive strain injury from spamming A


oh boy another lisa simpson post about the same thing everyone has been complaining about since day one thank you for your quality content that sure adds to the sub