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I got Audie without knowing who she was, I like her, so she ain't going nowhere, especially since I have Dobie now so I can pretend she's his niece or something.


Same here, she was my third villager! I was really irritated because I’d asked Maple to come to my island and she didn’t show up, Audie did and I didn’t invite her. But she’s grown on me. Maple is best girl tho


Audie is great, BOOM prezzie


Same. I had to look her up when people kept saying “YOU GOT AUDIE”


Same here with Marshall. He was my first camper and I didn’t even like him at first.


I had no idea Audie was so popular! She was one of my first three villagers and I love her dearly


She's based (edit: named in honor of, for the western localisation) on the 87 (now 88) year old grandmother who had 3000+ hours in New Leaf. Audrey's mayor name was Audie and she's now basically the grandmother of Animal Crossing.


To be clear, she's not "based" on her. Audie's original name is Monica, the localization team renamed her as a nod to the grandmother in question, but it has nothing to do with the creation of the character.


Just Audie


That's so cool! I see why people like her so much then


audie was the first villager i pulled from a nook miles island, i just liked her design and she seemed nice. didn't realize the hype for her until much later. i love her she's never leaving.


hahaha same. i almist left the island without inviting her... but i liked her eyes so i told her to come to my island.. little did i know :D


i got raymond before i knew all the hype around him. he was my first campsite occupant and i almost didnt take him bc i thought he came off as bratty, but in the end i really wanted a cat villager. i still think hes a bit overrhyped, but he is one of my favorite villagers on my island right now.


Since he's your first you had to take him anyway because the first one is tied to the story progression.


I think the wolf is kinda cute mostly because I like her color, but I don’t really care for the other 2.


All the wolf villagers are cute, I don’t think there are any ugly wolves. Ditto the goats honestly.


Agreed!!! I had Dobie and he was the cutest! He seemed to be an older retired detective (house was a library with private eye type of furniture pieces and other things). He always seemed really protective of me (told me to be careful when I run so I don’t fall and would send me encouraging letters in the mail). He would walk around the island and every time he would see a flower or bug, he’d whip out a book and look up what it was, then whip out a magnifying glass and study it, then whip out the book again. None of my other villagers would do that to the extent Dobie would. Sometimes they’ll pull out a book, but then they’ll put it away and just walk off. Dobie always seemed the most intrigued about his surroundings and had a strong desire to study everything.


I got Dobie at my campsite but he said he was too busy to move in :(


If you keep talking to them over and over you can eventually get them to move in if you get lucky with the card game


You gotta keep bugging them and talking to them. Eventually they’ll fold after 20 ish times of pestering them.


Except Velma


No velma the goat is ugly af


Aw I don’t think she’s that bad


Fully agree with the wolves, I think all the deers are superior too!


Audie’s sunglasses are very fashionable


Isnt she a fox? Her catchphrase is foxtrot or something like that. I agree with u tho. I recruited her without knowing she was popular. I just liked how she looked.


The way Tasha is a squirrel but looks like a skunk I’m sure it goes that way with Audie she’s a wolf but... could be a fox. Does that make sense? Haha


Oh I wouldn’t know I never really looked into her I know she’s got the wolf body style, she’s cute tho.


Same lol


You can always tell the people who Villager-traded or used Amiibo cards. They all have a mix of the same dozen villagers.


Used some amiibo cards for Merry, Eugene, and Cherry. The super hyped ones aren’t my cup of tea. Merry and cherry are some of my most favorite at the moment and I’d much rather have the suave koala greaser instead of Raymond or Marshall


I got Marshall and Cherry randomly (Marshall via island visit, cherry just filled in a vacant plot), but I used amiibos for Kiki and Ruby!


I think Cherry is moderately popular.


I got a Lucha amiibo thinking i was going to have to fight people to get him. Surprisingly nobody cared too much for lucha hahaha.


I'm using an Amiibo card to get Purrl because she's cool and one of the underrated cats in my opinion.


I’ve only used amiibo cards for three villagers (which honestly feels like pushing it even at three) because while I just really like all the villagers I put in (just so happened to have an Ankha, Whitney and Rosie cards lol) it feels like “cheating” in a sense because I think AC is good at giving you characters you probably wouldn’t like and then making you slowly over time become their friends. Seems like everyone just cherry picks all the cute ones and instantly hate any villager that isn’t cute. Like what’d Barold ever do to you bro he’s just tryna live his life 😔


Barold is great! Hes a cute cave-man teddy!


I’ll admit I used a couple of amiibo cards. Specifically, I used Julian and Knox, the latter because I already found sterling. I’m tempted to use my Octavian card because I love pulpo, but I also wanna island hop to find Ankha. She’s my favorite villager and I’ve never had her in any AC game. I’ll have an empty lot tomorrow, so my search will begin!


Well, cause I always have the same 4 villager basis since Wild world: Whitney, Lucky, Marshal and Coco. Well, with Marshal joining them on New leaf, but it's about the same.


I prefer the Vivian wolf


Lol Raymond was the first camper in my tent and I didn’t know he was so popular and I actually considered declining him (I couldn’t anyway because you can’t decline your first camper) but I’m glad I didn’t, he’s a great villager, but his fan base is awful... who would spend 400 nook miles tickets for any villager?


I’m just looking for Stitches


I have Audie and Raymond on my island rn. Not sure if I’m keeping Raymond, but I wanted to experience the hype so to speak lol


Lmao ppl are thirsty for Raymond. He's just a smug villager, most ppl are only buying the hype.


I actually really like him. I thought he was too prissy at first but he’s grown on me considerably.


I think it might be the fact he’s the first smug cat? Probably not, thats the only reason why i’d want him personally, his style is not my favorite and I prefer many other cats compared to him. Idk he’s probably popular because he’s the super epic sexy male cat or whatever.


Tbh first hype wave was probably cause of the eyes and that he's brand new and unobtainable thru amiibos like most of the rest


Just let me adopt raymond if ever you let him go tho


i hope i'm the first out of the billions of other people that are gonna say it but if you don't want to keep him lmk


I'll be honest I got Marshal purely to flex, but he grew on me, he sings and dances all the time. I also have Audie and I wanted her because of the grandma.


I'd literally kill for any of those. And Bluebear.


audie is the best one. she's probably named after that old lady who spent i think thousands of hours in new leaf.


She in fact is! The grandmother's name is Audrey but her mayor name was Audie! Hence, Audie the wolf!


Everywhere except Nook Miles islands lol


I have Audie but I would like her to leave. I have 3 peppys on my island and she is my least favourite by far.


How DARE you! Bahhh, Audie is the best! Nah, I got ya, I had three lazy villagers for a time and one of them just had to go. Really, Audie has little more than her newness and reference over other peppy's. She's still my favorite villager, but that's likely due to my current island makeup and the fact I haven't played since the original.


There are a lot of great options for peppy villagers, but I got Ketchup on the very second island that I visited and there's no way I will ever let her go. I also have Bianca, who I will probably let go eventually, but she and Marina are very buddy-buddy and I want to let them be together a while longer. So Audie has got to go.


I'll take her off your hands 😉


That requires her to actually ask to move away at some point!!! still.... waiting...... 😭


If you need guidance on how to get rid of your villagers let me know. I got all mine swapped out to my top tier, except my snooty and peppy, where I got second tier wishes.


I have tried literally everything. Not for Audie specifically, but Norma and Jacques have been in my town more or less since the beginning and neither have asked to move out even once. Time travel is too time consuming and it sucks all the fun out of the game for me. The only thing left really is cheating/amiibo.


I've found time travel the fastest way, it seems whoever asks to leave is completely random, so just be patient and she will ask to leave. It seems about every 15 days a villager asks to leave and every 6 days and beyond, you get a 20 percent chance a villager will visit your campsite. I exclusively use time travel to kick villagers since the design of the game doesn't make it easy at all. When I am done with my villagers I stop time traveling and making sure not to touch or take advantage in other ways. Would love it if you let me know when Audie decides to leave so I can scoop her up. Thanks


I have Audie and Marshal purely by coincidence. They were part of the 3 villagers that you build the houses/furniture for earlier in the game. I love Marshal but I wouldn’t mind if Audie left since she just a wolf version of my bestie, Bunnie


I got Raymond as my first non-starter Villager, I can't complain.


I’d take Melba over any of those three any day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Marshal is my favorite!


I got Audie by chance before I knew the hype around her. She's not leaving my island any time soon.


I have all 3, but I swear it was good ole fashioned dumb noob luck. Audie was my first deserted island invite, and Marshall/Raymond were both found within a handful of NMT uses.


Haha call us out!! I have all 3 but plan to move Audie.


Honestly I like gang better than Audie but I would die for either of those two


I’ve loved Marshal since New Leaf. He moved in naturally and I didn’t know he was so popular until New Horizons. I have Raymond in my town but he’s okay. I don’t care for Audie at all


I really disliked Audie and have no clue why I invited her to my island when I found her Gabe her to my friend not too long ago tho


I got audie today! I have her, Vivian, and chief. My wolf pack is coming along well. I also have Portia so there is also a domesticated pup.


Me and my sister both got Raymond at random.


Audie was one of my first few villagers


Is...is Audie like super popular? She was the first villager to join me and I like her but I didn’t know she was Raymond and Marshall levels of popular


I think currently, she's #4 on the animal crossing portal rankings.


I wish lmao


Audie was my third ever villager (New Horizons is my first game) and I thought she was so cute. I love her so much, because we’re both new to Animal Crossing.


I got Audie today from a nook island. Wasn't really looking for her, but I know that if she ever wants to move out I can make fucking bank off someone who wants her so I gave up my quest for Boomer after 3 islands


Twitter has its own view on Raymond and Marshall. Raymond gets the most hate, Marshall is in between hate and love and then Audie is just there because of the grandma praise and adorable color scheme. too many Raymond stans, a fine amount of Marshall stans and a small community of Audie stans.. stan Audie.


I didn’t even know Audie was a popular villager she was one of my first villagers and I love her personality. plus she’s never asked to leave like the other ungrateful ones. She’s also made a fun game where she hides a present and makes me look for it.


Is liking cute villagers not allowed anymore? Because I’ve seen so much hate directed at Raymond fans/people who want Raymond simply for liking him. I don’t like any of the wolf characters or Apollo, but you don’t see me bullying their fans for liking them.


Guess who the first three characters my sister NATURALLY got into her island when she started selling plots... >!yes she really got those three !<


2 smug villagers? Wow. I got 2 cranky villagers.


it was destiny because my sister is a smug person. MY island is almost all jocks, and I was blessed with Scoot as a starter


connect enter license pot square soft sip modern deranged steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yup i'm sure pal


yea well, its one of those unbelievable things thats impossible to prove so oh well.


you can keep trying to act like you're telling the truth, literally nobody will believe you.


yikes, okay guy


you're the only one who should get the yikes here, lying about something on r/AnimalCrossing for karma lol


your negative energy makes me feel sad and sorry for you.


you're digging way to deep into pixels on a screen lol




what are you even trying to say here




this whole exchange was pretty much done, but you gotta start white knighting. Stop, I'm trying to do something else.


Audie's the only one here that makes this meme true for me. But I've only been to one island