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I don’t think there’s a way to move her. But if she started her own island you could spend some time going back and forth between islands to get her all her stuff and hopefully wouldn’t lose out on much.


Is here a way to delete another account from my switch? I created an account for my BF, out of love (still love him) and he never plays this game (very happy with that), but his house is ruining my aesthetic. I want his account and his house gone from my island. 😞😞😞


I’m pretty sure if you press the - button while on the load screen it brings up Tom Nook and he can help you delete a resident


No, it doesn’t. I have tried everything 😭😭😭😭


Use the resident you want to delete. Press the - button while on the load screen. This pulls up Nook. Select the one about save data. Then it’ll ask if you want to delete.


alright, thank you


I don’t think you can move her, she would just have to start over from scratch I think on another switch


got it, thank you


Also OP, let me know if your baby sister needs help with bells or anything under Tom, I’ll be happy to visit and donate. ♥️♥️🫶🫶🫶


alright, thank you <3 we figured it out tho, turns out you can send a transfer request through the check in desk of the new acnh game so she got all her stuff


Looking into I actually think you might be able to move her to another island. Not sure how it works as I’ve never done it, but press the - button the horn screen and it’ll pull up Nook and you can select move to another island and it should walk you through moving.


we figured it out, turns out you can send a transfer request through the check in desk of the new acnh game so she got all her stuff