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The island is not ugly. You're in the beginning stages of your island design. As you get access to terraform, you can add sidewalls, paths, and waterfalls. We all started where you are. There are so many possibilities how your island will look in a few months. Have patience.


Edit: Plant trees, shrubs, and flowers. Add fences around the houses to fill in the empty spaces.


This is exactly what my island looked like in the beginning. This is a totally real start to the game, and we've all been there. A lot of the photos you see online don't show this stage. You only really see the 500+ hour, 5-star, terraformed to all heck islands. You're going to end up moving most of your buildings. Probably more than once. You're going to move the whole island around more than once; mountains, rivers, and all. Don't put too much value on judging your island in the very beginning by what you see online. Give yourself time to get there.


At least you chose better island than mine. I picked the first one I saw and I regret it but don’t have the heart to restart because I love my villagers and I got too many stuff in my storage πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” Just keep working on your island, the layout is good and I know you will come to love it.