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I aint the sharpest tool in the sheeeeddd...


She was looking kinda dumb


With her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead


Well... The years start coming and they don't stop coming


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running


LordNar and the OP SnowWolf99 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/19czd0q/same_old_same_old/kj3ecbi/




Sick6thsense and the OP SnowWolf99 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/19czd0q/same_old_same_old/kj2cnne/


Since the dawn of time, people have found any and all excuses to protect fictional characters while entirely ignoring real peoples feelings


>real peoples Pedophiles?


I mean some people are attracted to fictional unhinged characters, Yanderes, psychopaths, murderers (Ubel from Frieren or Makima from CSM, Esdeath from that one other show), but that doesnt mean they would actually support such things irl (though at times youre almost convinced they are)


I myself like morally twisted and gruesome characters like tokisaki kurumi, esdeath, yuno gasai, makima, loyyd, Lee kiyoung Liking a fiction character is not wrong but sexualizing a child character or child like characters is just wrong


Why is that wrong to you? Is it that you think it will lead to real children being hurt? Is that you believe children even in concept need to be protected? I think the obsession with fictional characters is wrong. Liking them is fine, but sometimes it pushes people to be antisocial, which is very harmful for humans.


>Is it that you think it will lead to real children being hurt? Anti's do not care about real children. They constantly trivialize and destigmatize pedophilia, knowingly increasing the risk of real children being victimized, all so they can protect fictional children from being victims of "wrong look".


I was looking for any reasoning. Trying to find anti’s thought process.


It is fine if you don't agree with my opinion but I will still stand with sexualizing children in any form of media is wrong


Having thoughts about a murderer doesn't make you a murderer. Having thoughts about a child does make you a pedophile. I'm not following your comparison. >that doesnt mean they would actually support such things irl This is actually not true. As this takes the form of escalation. Feeding the thoughts does not "release them in a healthy way" it actually makes them stronger. The same way someone with thoughts of committing violence watching other people commit violence would make them more likely to commit murder.


*And thus the cycle continues*


See they are really close. The misunderstanding is those that like lolis aren’t thinking about children. They are thinking about anime characters they don’t picture real children in their head. It’s the obsession with the cuteness and the artstyle. Almost all those that like loli in a sexual matter aren’t using it as a substitute.


You put what I could never put into words myself rather succintly. Even looking at Blue Archive r34, the thought of irl is the furthest thing excepting ones where it looks like the character has been made far too damn young that Im personally slightly disturbed. But the rest of it is mostly fine for me.


I think the most harmful thing is to shame these people and ban them. Making it harder and harder for them. Being antisocial will bring more harm than good. Allowing them to have a forum or area for them to gather is good cause it then lets them set rules and allows them to keep each other in check. There’s clearly a time and place. Like lolis aren’t mainstream, they should have their own place to be without being harassed. I get why people dislike it. But pushing people who have no interest in children into the same groups as people that do and mixing them all around will make identity actual threats to children harder.


Yeah, say I'm a racist and people 'attempt' to convince me my beliefs are bad by making me feel like a piece of shit/calling me garbage, the works. The reaction? Only go into communities with other racists which can harden ones beliefs into more harmful ways. Instead treat me rightfully as a person and actually attempt to discuss like rational people on why thats wrong instead of shitflinging insults.


I’ve read that guilt can be a motivation for an individual to change. But shaming enforces at their core they are bad and can’t change. I think Brené Brown wrote about it.


Bro consuming fiction does not make people more likely to commit crimes of any sort, this has been debunked over and over again.


It has been proven over and over.


Stop lying. The connection has been proven false over and over again. Stop throwing real children under the bus just so you can protect fictional children from "wrong look".


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10262287/ https://www.apa.org/pi/prevent-violence/resources/tv-violence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relationship_between_child_pornography_and_child_sexual_abuse >teen dating violence (TDV) >Boys exposed to violent pornography were 2–3 times more likely to report sexual TDV perpetration and victimization and physical TDV victimization https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751001/ Seek help from a professional for your pedophilia.


>The same way someone with thoughts of committing violence watching other people commit violence would make them more likely to commit murder. Normally I point out how you guys make the same debunked argument that "violent video games makes people violent in real life", but you basically made the connection for me.


>teen dating violence (TDV) >Boys exposed to violent pornography were 2–3 times more likely to report sexual TDV perpetration and victimization and physical TDV victimization https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751001/ >The results showed that violent movies caused a significant increase in risky decision-making (P<0.05). In addition, these types of movies caused a significant decrease in behavioral inhibition among adolescents (P<0.05). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10262287/


Man said “If you’re gonna be cringe, do it on Twitter where it belongs”




Dingduck and the OP SnowWolf99 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/19czd0q/same_old_same_old/kj42g38/


Why do people have such an issue with young, short, petite **women**, to the point they need to call people pedophiles?


People don't understand the concept that women can be petite and that loli means petite. But the internet is gonna internet about the dumbest things


Some people are just anti-porn in general but they know porn is popular so they try to strengthen their position with "what about the children!?" rhetoric. Three weeks ago someone reported my Leon Kennedy (from resident evil) art as underage, dude is canonically like 26 and has 6 pack abs LOL would be a hilariously jacked child. Anyways he also tagged me in his replies to someone else talking about how sick I am and like 4 other people piled on, alternating between just making up literal lies that I drew other underage characters and saying that even if it wasn't exactly true, I'm still disgusting and deserve to be ridiculed. All just because porn in general makes them personally uncomfortable and they want to punish me for it.


It truly is a concern that when the subject of sex/porn comes up and some people immediately say the classic, "Think of the children!", personally I would prefer not to...


OMG right? Imagine what it's like to live like that. You try to get turned on and KIDS pop up in your head 😫


Idk if this is controversial, but if they’re fictional, it really doesn’t matter so much. We should save it for real p*do’s.


Anime humor never gets old in AnimeMeme!


I'm calling the lolice




the OP SnowWolf99 is a bot Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/19czd0q/same_old_same_old/kj2gkzw/


I saw this same exact meme somewhere else a few months. The comment section was the same. People were defending pedos. What were u expecting to happen when u reposted this meme


Meanwhile Twitter: 😶‍🌫️😶😋😉😏😜


They said cute is fine, but what about cute and funny?








Every anime fight is legendary, though


the OP SnowWolf99 Sick6thsense Dingduck kahin39 and LordNar are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/19czd0q/same_old_same_old/




kahin39 and the OP SnowWolf99 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/19czd0q/same_old_same_old/kj2j7cd/


I mean it's not wrong though. You people talk about protecting a fictional character but you are missing the forest for the trees. That's not the point the point is if you sexualize lolis what's to stop you from realizing you wanna sexualize kids irl? The character isn't the issue it's the collection of people who could be pedos in real life.


>the point is if you sexualize lolis what's to stop you from realizing you wanna sexualize kids irl? Basic human decency? Common sense? A desire to stay out of prison? The fact that anime isn't exactly photo-realistic? Take your pick, really. I'm not defending pedophilia, or even lolis (they make me uncomfortable, honestly) but "If you like it in fiction, you'll do it IRL" is a seriously brain-dead take.


I mean it's not but whatever I'm not going to argue this anymore.


It absolutely is a brain-dead take Mr Jack Thompson.


Video games cause violence mindset


Not even remotely the same


I fail to understand how you can't correlate between the two.


Humans can separate fiction from reality, separate kinks from crime. A rapist, a criminal can’t, but a lolicon using loli content to satisfy their urges with human decency can. But people on the internet just can’t think further than two steps.


And... And do you think people choose to be pedos? It doesn't mean they will assault a child from the get go lol, they may just struggle with those thoughts. I severely doubt lolis are what make them realize they are pedophiles.