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B-But that time I got reincarnated as the toenail of my villainess little sister is better looking ⁉️


Probably looks better yeah.


Well that just sounds awesome


Little do they know that anime from the 80s had massive budgets and far better animation quality.


Dem ova budgets.


I miss OVAs. I wish we got more like in the 80s and 90s.


the older a series or anime gets will look dated no matter the passion gets put in it. so ya know my first anime i loved was the og pokemon. still looks amazing to me but from a Gen z er it might look old as fuck. kinda like when i watch the OG Ghost in the shell. hell i would say Nassica and porco rosso are masterpieces but they look dated when i watch them again.


One of my favorite anime of all is the 90's version of trigun (if you couldn't tell from my pfp), and I'm from Gen z. I really don't think your generation dictates your taste.


That is also one of my favorites. It’s a very well done anime. Great animation and story.


If only I could upvote multiple times, for me it’s probably one of my favourite overall and none of my friend even know what it is, absolute masterpiece.


I can't imagine anyone saying 1995 Ghost in the Shell looks dated. That level of animation was astounding them and it's still astounding now. It wasnt until really Violet Evergarden that we got a non movie that reached the level immaculate animation in Ghost in the Shell. Part of it being the art style, part of it being the insanely high quality painting and impeccable artwork and inking done. Ghost in the Shell makes Akira look meh, that's how good GITS was. I can't agree with the idea that GITS looks dated. Sure SAC and 2nd GIG do, but 1995 Koukaku Kidoutai? Nah, that movie still looks fucking amazing. Sound design? no it's very much stuck in the 90s. But the artwork and quality of the animation? Hell no. It's still god tier.


when I watched it as a kid (13, this would be around 2010) I thought it looked super dated and dropped it because of that.


The movie ? You dropped it at 13 ? Interesting


Dropping any anime due to “dated” animation never makes much sense to me. If I let the animation style and design alone dictate my viewing habits I would have missed out on many very good anime. I could see some anime have dated looks that don’t hold up well, such as Clannad. Let’s be honest, that era of anime was not great in its design. But, the story is borderline masterpiece. That alone makes it worth watching it. If I judged things by how they look alone I never would have gotten past episode one of “The Duke of death and his maid” for example. I rather enjoy the story though.


You have a point. I will say though I found clannad less dated. The clannad looking ones (konan i think? Air, muv luv etc) were as bad as I was willing to go. Clannad (and that era) suffers way more from character design Evangelion and ghost in the shell were behind one notch for me.


And that’s fair. Ultimately, everyone has their own tastes of what they will tolerate and not. We all have styles we like more than others.


It's more the back glow and whitewashed colors that are inherent in hand drawn cells. Digital anime has much more vibrant colors because you aren't limited by pigment mixing.


I would not call GITS "White Washed colors" Have you ever seen it? GITS also had quite a fair amount of Digital Elements and effects. And im not talking about 2.0. I cant understand where you got the idea of whitewashed colors? That's... what?


Yes, all of the colors are low chroma compared to modern full digital animation. This is irrefutable. Just compare these two images: [GITS](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JBnpznm83kzL0gqbnvc3vL_99gs=/0x0:1920x1080/1400x1050/filters:focal(679x230:985x536):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/54069959/Ghost_in_the_shell_anime_Feb.0.jpg) And [kny](https://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tanjiro-Nezuko-Inouske-and-zenitsu-in-demon-slayer.jpg) Both night shots, so both darker, but the cell with more color is clear. It's very obvious that GITS has better animation, it's clear, but at the same time, coloration was expensive when you were limited by physical pigments or very costly software for minor improvements. I'm not claiming anything against old anime, my favorite anime of all time is Planetes and gits is in my top 10, but people associate the more muted color with old and bright colors with new, which is why they associate relatively new anime with "old" rather than new. Now look at this and it will be more clear: [original Urusei Yatsura](https://ancdn.fancaps.net/5524531.jpg) [Remake](https://i0.wp.com/www.animefeminist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/UY_Screenshot1a.jpg)


Using Urusei as an example is a terrible choice because Urusei was distinctly low quality and quickly produced. Old 80s stuff had its problems which is why the 80s to 90s went through a huge renaissance of styling and color. And the difference in color intensity in GITS and that Demon Slayer screenshot is not chroma, it's color pallet. They deliberately chose a brighter color pallet for Demon Slayer, and that plays into the darkness being more vibrant. GITS is Cyberpunk, which deliberately used darker color pallets because Cyberpunk styling calls for these deliberately darker color schemes. You can see this similar muting of colors due to darker pallets in Edgerunners. You've moved the goalpost from White washed to Low Chroma. I think word you're looking for is saturation. There are absolutely old anime that has high vibrancy in it's colors like Magic Knight Rayearth, which looks a lot more like your Demon Slayer screenshot in the dark, than it does GITS. There is more complexity and diversity of colors in modern anime for sure, but I don't think you really know what you're talking about here.


Now stop conflating my explanation to you as to why people consider the old anime GITS to be an old anime, as an insult towards a work of art.


So you agree that there is lack of vibrancy in GITS, wonderful we are on the same page. And sure you just made an even better example in cyberpunk. I'm relating chroma to saturation directly because in traditional inking there's no such thing as "saturation". Only digital art uses the term saturation. Chroma is the purity of a pigment minus added white or black, thus white washed is low chroma, and I'm not even bringing up the other original point I brought up which is straight up white washing which is the back glow. A common anime technique in hand drawn and inked cels is increasing the backlighting during cel capture but since the backgrounds and foregrounds are on different sheets, the light gets captured but the sheets causing a backglow captured within the transparent cel itself. This gets used to the extreme in older anime (responsible for the white "explosion" effect where they just increase brightness on the same shot) but it ends up hurting some shots that would have been much more colorful.


pokemon is not that bad my limit for watching anime is anime made before the original dragon ball anime.


High budget hand drawn animation is still the best animation.


Better plots too


Clearly they’ve never seen Cowboy Bebop


Cowboy Bebop rocks.


DUDE, I was trying to tell someone they have to watch it, especially in dub because Steve Blum as Spike and Beau as Jet are just ICONIC, and Ed in dub is AMAZING. "Fuck no that's old with shitty art, and dubs are always trash." I've been often disappointed in anime fans... but that's a new low :(


Bebop is one of the few anime where I'll choose to watch Dub over Sub, it's such a classic


I say the same for bleach. The dub is top tier




Anyone who says any art is shitty is a mouth breather and doesn't really deserve to have their opinions considered. You can say that you don't like a particular piece of art. You can even explain why. But the moment you just flat out call something bad is the moment I know that your opinion is going to be shallow af.


Idk man, have you seen what I made in preschool? Yeesh


Yes I have. And your mother thought them to be masterful.


Eh, I think "it's bad" is obvious shorthand for "I don't like it."


No it's not. It may be intended shorthand for that. But it's anything but obvious if that is the case. There's a reason these are two different phrases... not recognizing that reason just reinforces my sense that the utterer is a mouth breather.


I find it hilarious people still parrot dubs are trash. Anime dubs have become so good in the past 10 years. Like having a preference is fine but to blanket that dubs are bad is just... ludicrous now a days


Anime Dubs have been great since forever tbh. Anime from the 2000s often has so many great dubs including many where the dub ends up being better than the original a lot of times. Back in the 2000s so many people who were getting into dubbing anime LOVED anime themselves and offered their heart and soul to these characters, and onto of that, they wanted to make a name for themselves so they brought the talent with them. Like Mariko's Plea from Elfen Lied is hands down the most emotionally devastating moment in anime for me in dub, and HOLYSHIT Luci Christian absolutely fucking knocked out out of the park. That performance is stunning and absolutely heartbreakering. I wouldnt be surprised if that was like a 2nd or 3rd take and that Luci was like, probaby crying because that scene is devastating watching it... I cant imagine how hard it would be to handle it trying to BE that character. It's one of the best dubbed anime moments in history. It's awe inspiringly good.


Idk man, dubs are just hard to watch to for me personally cause I’ve been conditioned to expect a certain language when a certain style of animation is on the screen. Stuff like panty and stocking looks completely different so I didn’t have any problems with the dub, but whenever I watch anime or anything with that art style it just be sounding out of place.




My favorite show, to this day, is _Revolutionary Girl Utena_ which was released in 1997.


Whenever someone makes a list like this, I like to try to think of how many other things there are in the same period, that didn't make the list.


Ergo Proxy, Beck, Rah Xephon, Trigun, Ghost in the Shell: SAC and 2nd Gig, FLCL, Noein, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika, Genshiken, Millennium Actress, Last Exile, Ah! My Goddess, Geneshaft, Escaflowne, Scrapped Princess, Azumanga Daioh...you mean like that?


A fantastic classic.


Literally anything by Studio Ghibli. Or check out the backgrounds, there's a reason many of the slowed+reverb videos on YT use older anime


Or yu yu hakusho


Hmm, tried to watch, but neither the characters nor the plot developed in the first 10 episodes, so droped it =(


That is, in general, the point of cowboy bebop. The people are stuck in the past, and the show is learning about that past and showing why they might have reasons to move on, and how they refuse to anyway. The climax of each characters stories are moving on from the past, except Spike, who never can. However, i like slow stuff, and I can get how that would just be frustrating for someone who wants louder and faster arcs.


If I wanted to watch a story about not changing in the face of adversity I'd look in a mirror. CB is a good anime in general (probably) but it bored me to tears. I had 0 investment in the characters except the dog. But yeah I do like fast paced action, so that's probably why.


weirdly, if you wanted to ever watch a part of it I would suggest to just pick up the movie and watch like 90 minutes of spike kicking people to jazz music? Might hit closer to your likes lol, but I can get that vibe cause as much as I like me some ghost in the shell, sometimes i wanna see people beat the shit out of each other in jujitsukaisen without too much talking about it


Ballad of Fallen Angels which I believe is episode 6 is the first one that has a major revelations about Spike's past. Jupiter Jazz is up shortly after where you stopped. And the final two episodes, it goes out with a bang. Cowboy Bebop has a very very strong ending. If you're not going to watch the rest of the series anyway, watch the last three episodes. It's episodic anyway and each episode tends to focus on a different character, so apart from the beginning and ending, it doesn't really matter if you watch it out of order.


Dropped it, I don't like episodic shows


Not saying it's bad as I quite enjoyed it but it's not the masterpiece everyone made it out to be. Strictly speaking it's good and way above the average for that time but I didn't really like how it was episodic but they also tried to make a linear story and honestly some parts are plain stupid. Don't get me wrong it's really good and I still recommend it tho it's not my favourite and I do respect anyone who sees otherwise.


i am in that picture i dont like it. ​ Record of Lodoss War Opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kagzOJsHBg4&ab\_channel=Cthulhu2027


I'm fairly sure that Record of Lodoss War was a big inspiration for the anime styling in Dota Dragon's Blood.(The anime in the OP). That nose style I've only ever seen between those 2 anime, and the whole fantasy realm aspects. It's pretty fantastic.


That was the first time i saw a cleric blessing his allies inna very old fashioned way and not casting 20 spells in 5 seconds. One of my favorit scenes. I still have dota on my list to watch. Looking forward to it


It's one of my all-time favorite animes! So much that I bought an actual cel that was used in making episode four!


On the list it goes as well!


I've recently started watching gundam from the very first series. It's over 44 years old


Yep! It originally aired on December 5 1979. Just a day after I was born.


I'm really enjoying it but I'm only mid way through zeta


Has it really been 44 years... Why do my joints hurt suddenly? 👴


your ~~soul~~ joints have been weighed down by gravity.


Bro, Sunrise peaked in the late 90s with Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, and 08th MS team and I will DIE ON THIS HILL.


I'll upvote an Outlaw Star mention. I still remember getting the DVDs so I could see the Hot Springs Planet Tenrei episode.


First time seeing Dota Anime meme. You have my upvote till the day you shit post here


> First time seeing Dota Anime meme. I made another with this template a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/16gfnf8/my_spicy_af_take_edgerunners_is_based_on_a/ And Included Filomena in this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/16ai4jz/ok_so_i_maybe_i_do_have_a_type_maybe_source_list/ Not enough Dota Anime fans in the anime community.


Upvoted all.


people with the mentality that old anime art is bad will never get to experience akira, galaxy express 999, dallos, bubble gum crisis, macross, or anything that studio ghibli released. ...how tragic for them. the art styles are something to be appreciated just as much as the story line. i've watched as far back as speed racer, devilman, astro boy...


As someone who's been watching anime since the 90s (and stuff from the 70s and 80s included), it's been cool to watch the aesthetics and designs change over time. But even to this day I'll never really enjoy moe blob designs or the Clannad 'eyes set four area codes apart' look.


Macross Plus and Stardust Memory are gorgeous. I haven't seen DYRL but clips from it also look stunning.




On the list it goes.


The journey is so good, nothing has come close


I can't stand how she simps for him. So over the emotionally unavailable protagonist. Themes like that just aren't relateable


Source: Dota Dragon's Blood / Dota anime. Filomena Repulsed Blank Template: https://i.imgur.com/Z0KcGgM.png Yall be missing out on some of the best anime ever made with that attitude. Also that's not how artworks. Art of the past doesnt degrade or bet bad because ufotable made something really nice looking in the past 5 years.


Dragon’s Blood is on my anime list.


It's so good. I had low expectations, and was blown away.


You know a lot of great anime my friend.


If you play dota its even better. I still hate myself that I haven't finished it yet!


I watched season 1… Haven’t found a time for season 2 yet.


I can deal with older Anime art styles but my personal favorite is from the mid 2000's to the early 2010's. That was peak Anime art IMO


Uncultured swine


I'm fine with art, but all the terrible artifacts of re-encoded low quality source material... can't stand these


**Laughs In Gurren Lagann**


I can understand 60s and 70s But 80s 90s have so much good stuff better than a good chunk of 00s stuff


2000s is one of my favorite stretches, specifically 1995 to 2007 because there was sooo many experimental and wildly off the wall shows greenlit and aired, AND completed too, from 95 to 2007. It was a wild time for anime, and it gave us some of the most incredibly unique anime ever made. Now everything is like... Isekai and CGDCT.


You have to be experimental to find out what works. Once they realized that what genre sold the most, they leaned heavily into that and stopped investing in other less lucrative projects.


Oh I'm completely with you there I was just talking of a purely visual point. 2000s the begin using new tech and more CG and barely hand drawn stuff anymore and the transition didn't look good often


I disgree. Some of my favorite anime art styles came from the 2000s, like Elfen Lied, Gunslinger Girl, Black Lagoon, Strawberry Panic! and Fullmetal Panic!.


That why I said not often. Of course that includes outstanding exceptions , and except gunslinger girls inlik all the shows you mentioned


GSG season 1 is profound and beautiful. GSG Season 2...uh..yeah we dont ever recommend people watch the season 2 because its basically not even the same show as the original, except for ep8.


That period also had a huge explosion in Moe bait and bishojou pandering series. While there are many series we know think of as modern classics in that era, there was a lot of trash too.


Wow, I didn't expect to see Dota: Dragon's Blood on r/Animemes. Filomena <3


Filomena is my favorite character In the anime. Marci is best girl, But Filomena is Best Character. She's so awesome. I rewatched the entire series once just because I wanted to see her part of the story again.


Decided to watch Magic Knight Rayearth for the first time a few months back as I wanted to watch something I haven't seen. Immediately fell in love with it everything about it especially the animation style and music. Older anime hits different in a good nostalgic way that brings me back to why I love it so much.


My motorcycle is named Rayearth, named after the runegod mecha in the anime. That show I watched before getting my bike and im a woman, and my bike was a dream come true. So I named my bike after the rune god because it was so fitting.


I’ve read the manga and I enjoyed it. I’m planning on watching the Magic Knight Rayearth anime and I think it’ll be better than the manga.


I plan to read the manga as I just love the artwork and want to see how the story differs from the anime. The anime will give you those amazing nostalgia feels which I think would be better than the manga but overall everything is still so phenomenal.


I’m also planning reading other Clamp manga and watching Clamp anime. I watched CCS already but I’m planning on reading the manga to see the differences between it and the anime.


Imagine missing out on Satoshi Kon


I have respect for the older shows and understand that they are amazing stories, but the animation/artstyle, at least in some anime, is straight up unbearable to me. I dislike old bleach for that reason. Pretty much Every non main fight In the start of the show just had some character yelling and doing a pose with a colored background when it came to attacks. Chad's fights were literally him running in place with his fist up lmfao


Chad was actually a read Chad. I wished that they showed him a bit more. But hey I want to watch TYBW s2 so badly tho!


2000's anime style isnt even that different from current ones. Honestly, people that only care about the new stuff dont want to go deeper than surface level on the media. They want to talk about the last trend that everyone is talking and then be done as soon as another pops up. And that goes for *all* media. People that wont watch older movies, read older books, listen older songs... I mean, not that one must, but dont call yourself a cinephile if you wont watch anything prior to 2015.


Ugh, the amount of people who I've talked too who say "I wont watch anything made before 2012/2011/2014!" is saddening. It's such an arbitrary date. Doesn't make any sense. The biggest change was between 99 to 2002 because of tech changes, but even then 90s anime had so much character all it's own.


I watch a disturbing amount of anime op collections on YouTube and they rarely go back beyond 2010 except for a few big titles and I always wonder if the person just hasn't watched anything that old or are very young.


Pain of a full metal panic fan. I hope they animate the last season soon.


I've been wanting to see that for a long time, I love it's art style in everything I've seen of it. It looks really fun.


I may not be as much of a fan of the older animation styles but I won’t turn down a suggestion because of it. 90% of the older anime I’ve seen is better than 90% of the new stuff. I like trash isekai as much as the next guy but I also really good stories with good characters and actual character development. Very few modern anime have such good character development. It’s not too hard to find an anime with great world building and a terrible story. But world building is the least important crucial aspect of a story. World building can make or break a story but only if the characters and story are good enough. If they aren’t then it doesn’t matter how good the world building is.


Blasphemy. Honestly depending on the series some of the stuff from the 1990s or 2000s are better animation wise than today


OP, next time make your meme using an 80s/90s anime.


But the dota one was so fitting D:


90 and 2000 art styles are really good


I'm not going to lie, I do struggle with older animation.


>Makes a meme about 90's-00's anime being good. >Uses images from a show made in 2021.


side note, what’s the anime in that screenshot 🥹


Dota Dragon's Blood.


NGL You are the real MVP in this post


I go full Kanye on them. "Ima let you finish but Yu Yu Hakusho has the best torny arc of all time."


I didn’t like the old art very much


Literally no one mentioning Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Satoshi Kon, Otomo, Rintarou, Masamune Shirow, not to mention the plethora of dedicated 'basement studio' made OVAs, all had incredible animation and cinematography that still beats anything releasing today. I mean there were also of of cheaper passion projects too but almost everything oozed with style and though there were tropes and trends like today, there was a large variety of crazy different stuff and source material for adaptations. even the majority of the more celebrated ghibli films are from the 90s. The only issue is that even though the good stuff was really really good, the average was a bit lower than today's if you're comparing all the anime of the era imo.


> Literally no one mentioning Someone earlier said "Imagine missing out on Satoshi Kon" https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/16jiyny/i_see_this_way_way_too_often_these_days_yall_are/k0rb3hg/?context=3


One Piece has crap art


I love old anime, but I am also old.


I know this will get many downvotes, but I honestly don’t care. Old Anime is not my style. It doesn’t really appeal to me (with a few exceptions). But I see why people like it so much.


"4:3 ratio?! EW" -some idiot probably


Anime artstyle and animation from the 90s and early 2000's had a lot of heart and soul put into it.


People who skip on dragon ball, dbz, db gt and just watch dbs then complain that the characters have no depth to them--->🤡


It is strange. They are spoiled by these digital animations and don't realize the quality was better in many back then. Personally, for me, the 90's to early 2000's were the best. With the mid 2000's till about 2014 being the golden age of anime.


I agree , some 80s and 90s anime are just so damn good , like gundam , vandread .


Their art maybe bad at some points but their animation has more "life" imo


I’ve met a few people like this. “Demon slayer is the best anime ever because of the animation.” God I hate them with ever ounce of my being.


For me, its like whenever someone says one Piece has too many episodes, and I simply say, "Stop everything youe doing and get the fuck out!!"


Animes from 2010 and before counts as old to me. I don't say they are bad, because there are actual masterpieces amongst them, but it takes more time to convince me to watch one of them. The art style changed a lot since then. And even though I could have watched most of them back in the day, I didn't because I wasn't into anime very much back then. And there are too many good shows nowadays, so I can't keep up with the old goodies too. Especially when I see they have 300+ episodes and such. I won't even start. And before you start throwing rocks at me, one of my favourite anime is Tenshi no Tamago.


Anime look cheap these days except companies like trigger, back then it was hand drawn and had better detail


Studio TRIGGER keeping that 90s and 2000s anime absurdity styling alive. I love TRIGGER. KLK, BNA, Edgerunners, Luluco, Little Witch, ugh they're just awesome. Oh oh and we're getting a season 2 of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, fuckyes. Imaishi is the GOAT.


Other than the aesthetics, I also prefer how the old anime fights were storyboarded, you could follow every movement, nowadays most action animes have abandoned well choreographed fight scenes for animation fluidity, like you can't follow what's going on most of the times


Translation: Not enough underage sex and incest.


Been an anime fan for 3 years now (did watch some as a kid furuba initial d) And there is truth in this. Ive tried to watch some old anime and y’all got some rose tinted glasses on for sure. Yu yu hakusho Hajime no ippo cowboy bebop. The arts passable but pacing and characters lack so hard for me. 2000s anime still looks great especially in the later half. Redline and code geass for surrrre


I don't think it's rose tinted glasses at all. I think rather new anime fans are not willing to be open to anything different. Where as many old anime fans have been around to experience dramatically different styles all over the time frames, and there for are very open to all kinds of styles. I find it hilarious that I can go from RG VEDA to Violet Evergarden, back to Nausicaa, to Dragons Blood, to Edgerunners, to Spirited Away, to Citrus, to Dragon Half, to back to Yuru Camp, and the artstyle doesnt even remotely blip on my radar as something that can determine a show's watchability, but a new anime fan seemingly cant go back and watch something like Toradora, or Cowboy Bebop? That's honestly hilarious.


![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11525) This is it guys. That's the opinion we all should cherish a bit more. Just because they look different doesn't make them bad.


But if it's ugly...


I don’t hate the art style, but I have trouble watching things in 4x3. Something about the black bars on the sides just kinda ruins it


I'm also really used to HD, that 480p just doesn't do it for me anymore


Me who downloads 90% of my anime in 480p because my country's economy leaves me without the luxury of spending as much cash on internet traffic as I want


Don't care, still ugly lol




One my weeb friends wont watch anything before 2010. its so sad


Yeah I convinced one of my friend to watch Code Geass, he had a fucking blast and told that it's the best anime ever!


Reading ops comments and they can't seem to accept people have varying tastes that differ from theirs


Refusing to watch anime from before 10 years ago isn’t taste. Story types aren’t limited to decade. Art styles vary and have the same amount of selection no matter what decade you’re in. Animation quality in the 80s OVA era is objectively better than than any decade since, since it was before Japanese economic bubble burst and they still had fuck you money. None of the reasons these people give for why they think older anime is worse hold up. Most of them just want to watch whatever is trending on social media now for the sake of it.




I am guilty of this.Whenever anyone recommend me old anime that are not famous and hyped,I will not watch it because I think it has boring art design.


This is how you end up missing out on some of the wildly interesting and unique niche anime that are so good. Like Manabi Straight! no one talks about because it got overshadowed by Lucky Star since LS released only a few months later. But Manabi is AMAZING and I absolutely loved it. Totally niche anime from ufotable. One of their first real original projects. I am a huge fan of finding niche and unique short anime from the past that had weird places.


There are some amazing stuff from the 2000s and prior. Fancy Lala is pretty old, but sweet Let's see: Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan D Gray Man History's Strongest Desciple Kenichi Moon Phase Tsubasa (even though the manga is better the anime does pretty well) Destiny of the Shrine Maiden Soul Eater The Wallflower Kaleido Star My lost could go on.


That's how it should be. A lot of it is trash. Exactly like how a lot of the media that comes out today is trash. Just watch the ones that stand the test of time (usually the ones that continue to generate hype)


Sorry to break it to you, but you're getting old my dude. Just like most people won't watch a 1970's movie, people won't watch a 1990's anime


Then they're ignorant. And it's not YOUNG anime fans its ***NEW*** anime fans. There are plenty of new anime fans all over the age range, all expressing the same "its too old" commentary. There is nothing about 90s anime in general that makes it bad or have bad art. That's not how art and media work. People including younger fans regularly go back and rave about how great the star wars OT is, and its much older than 90s anime like Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and TRIGUN. It's not about getting old, it's about an ignorant attitude that's being spread around.


> People including younger fans regularly go back and rave about how great the star wars OT is They actually don't, very few people these days have watched the original trilogy at all, majority of new fans got into the star wars universe either by the animations or the sequels, that's why Hayden have so many fangirls despite original fans hating him. All the animes you listed look old and are not charming anymore, the story can be as incredible as it is, if it's not aesthetically pleasing, casual fans won't even bother watching. It's not ignorant attitude or "unculture", it's natural. As time passes, the old things become unpleasant and out of date


> They actually don't, very few people these days have watched the original trilogy at all I have been in the Star Wars fandom for a very long time. I have absolutely seen and talked to fans even half my age who rave about how great the OT was. Many like it more than I do. I'm actually not that big of a fan of the OT, I became a huge star wars fan because of the prequels. The prequels made the OT better for me. I'm the odd one here. >All the animes you listed look old and are not charming anymore This doesnt mean anything, Charming? What does that even mean? >It's not ignorant attitude or "unculture", it's natural. No it's not. But it is absolutely ignorant. If your commentary is like that of the meme, you wont watch something because of some random arbitrary date, that's just being ignorant. That's not a personal preference or anything like that, it's a baked in reasoning to hold onto an ignorant stand point and legitimize it. And no something doesn't automatically become unpleasant because it's old. That's why there's so many young gear heads who still LOVE old muscle cars and harleys from the 60s and 70s. There are things that are timeless, and art doesn't become "Out of date" These are just reasoning points to avoid changing one's perspective away from ignorance. I personally uphold the idea that many new anime have a very lack luster form of writing, and there is much less appeal to most of these new anime. But do I sit there and REFUSE to watch things newear than 2011? Fuck no. I watch new shit all the time because I know damn well there's still great things out there, I just have to find them. If I had beholden my stance, I would have never seen Violet Evergarden, Dota, Edgerunners, A Silent Voice, MFKZ, Kill La Kill, and many other awesome anime that came out after that time frame. Old does not mean outdated, old does not mean bad. Old just means old. Nothing more.


Got news for you brother, young fans often complain how bad the lightsaber duels are in the OT. the uncultured will always complain about lack of spectacle and miss the true art






>Then they're ignorant >It's not about getting old, it's about an ignorant attitude that's being spread around. >There is nothing about 90s anime in general that makes it bad or have bad art. That's not how art and media work. Can you not accept that people have different opinions? "Oh no, people dont want to watch my thirty year old favorites because they dont like the way it looks, I'm going to call them ignorant for not having the same tastes as me..." Its great if you enjoy older anime, good for you, but you have to realize that there's nothing wrong with prefering new anime over the old ones. The art styles have completely changed (in my opinion for the better).




>But refusing to watch an anime after a certain date that has no solid veritable reason as for not doing so, that's just ignorance. That solid reason is that they dont like the ART STYLE. That's it. The visuals in anime are a massive part of it. The story could be great, the worldbuilding could be masterful, but if the art style is terrible, it can ruin everything. Also, since when do you need a solid reason to have an opinion about a show? If something feels 'off' or doesn't click with you, thats fine. Not wanting to watch an anime because of bad artstyle isn't ignorance, its preference. >Someone can say Purple is the best color, but when they turn around and say that purple is the best and that Red is just a terrible color and they cant watch anything with red in it. That's ignorance. No, thats still preference. If there actually was a person who hated the colour red so much that they didn't want to watch stuff with a lot of red, that would be their preference. Of course, that wouldn't happen because your example is just too unrealistic. >PREFERING new anime is fine, refusing to watch and saying that it's ALL bad, that's ignorance. If someone doesn't want to watch old anime because of the art style, that's still preference... Honestly, you just need to get over being so pissed off that people exist that disagree with you. What does it matter what other people think about your favorites?


This sounds like you're pissed off, TBH. That is some top grade projection. You're awfully pissed off by this call out of people's ignorant comments. You need to also learn the difference between preference and a choice motivated by ignorance. Refusing to watch an anime because "Uh it was made before 2010" is aribrary, based on nothing, and the reasonings made are to support that, not because it was influenced. That's ignorance. Not preference. It's best if you learn the difference.


honestly, most anime from before like 2010 are just hard to watch due to the style for me


Don't listen to these guys, watch what you enjoy. You don't see them talking about how revolutionary Atom Boy is or how your missing out on Robotan. They are talking about the stuff that was fresh when they were new to anime. It makes sense you are interested in the fresh ideas of today. Unless you're a film student or anime historian, there's really no point going back that far to watch mediocre sci fi and fantasy shows.


This line is arbitrary. There was nothing happening before 2010 and immediately after that changed anything about styling. Large Moe eye styles are still common today, and thin line digital clean anime was common back then too. So why 2010? That doesnt make any sense. 99 to 2002 there was a big shift in styling because of adoption of digital across the industry but even then there are modern anime that expressly replicate the 90s style with the intend of looking like that era as part of their artistic direction. So it doesnt make any sense as to why out of nowhere you stick a pin in 2010 and think anything before that doesnt look right. Hell Ghibli's major in house style began with Nausicaa and still applies to this very day. Miyazaki san is using the same artstyle developed in Nausicaa in his lastest movie, We can see it in the Promo screens that were released.


you're right, it is arbitrary, but that's the line where I find it happens. There are things before that I can watch, and things after that I can't. But that's the rough line. Stuff like Toradora was fine, but looking at a quick glance quite a bit of animes from that period I'd skip just based on style, as we move past 2010 it happens less and less. It just so happens to be where it happens. ​ Ghibli's style doesn't look good to me. I've never watched any of their stuff nor do I plan to.


This mentality makes zero sense to me, what so ever. It doesn't compute.


the mentality is, I don't like the art style, it hurts my head to look at


Sounds like a self serving nocebo to me. I can go from RG VEDA to Violet Evergarden, back to Nausicaa, to Dragons Blood, to Edgerunners, to Spirited Away, to Citrus, to Dragon Half, back to Yuru Camp, and back to Evangelion, and the artstyle difference doesnt even remotely both me in the slightest.


almost as if that's how personal preference works ​ I don't like the style of older stuff and I won't pretend to. It's around 2010 were I see that start to change


No, That's not how personal preference works. Personal preference is me thinking anime like Elfen Lied, Outlaw Star, Ghost in the Shell, and Black Lagoon have the best art styles. But getting a headache from an older anime STYLE?! That's just giving yourself a nocebo. That's not personal preference. >. It's around 2010 were I see that start to change Not it's not. 2010 is when WRITING changes were shifting, but the major artstyle change came during 99 to 2002. So no, that's not even remotely accurate. That's just a random shot in the dark that has no awareness of the history of anime. The biggest change in anime style since 2000 was the introduction of extremely high vivid digital lighting and object coloring(sometimes referred to as Hypercoloring), which first made its appearance in 2007, and probably has examples before then. It's not even that common in modern anime, it's used sparingly because its expensive and takes a long time to render.


that's EXACTLY how it works I don't like it, I find it hurts my head, therefore I choose not to watch it. That's literally what personal preference is. ​ Get over yourself, you're just whining that someone else doesn't agree with you. ​ That's all there is to it, I do not like the art styles from around that period, I find it's around 2010 where that starts to change, 2015 is when it becomes rare for me. End of story. It doesn't matter what you say or do. I DO NOT LIKE IT.


No that's not how it works. If you are getting pain problems from something that shouldnt.... Thats a mental nocebo YOU'RE causiung. Or you might have a seizure condition that you need to talk to a doctor about. Seriously if old anime is giving you an actual headache that may be an indication of a photosensitivity issue.


As someone who’s been a fan and watching anime since the early 90s, a lot of anime from back then is actually hard to rewatch. There’s a few that hold up and doesn’t give me a headache from the complete lack of resolution and the really bad voice acting, but most I can’t do anymore. I loved them back then and still do remember them fondly, just can’t sit through them anymore.


Exactly. There's a reason they keep updating and re-releasing the classics (Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Hunter x Hunter, Fullmetal, etc.) Most of the story and characters hold up but the visuals not so much...


Modern anime art styles seem to be eggheads with pointy chins a lot of the time


Typical close minded approach.. but that’s okay they can watch every trash isekai that comes out instead since it isn’t 4:3 480P ahahah


Had this happen with my little cousin I introduced them to anime with Rosen Maiden a much older show but now it’s all the ‘animation look nice I’ll give it a try’ I show you anime for a different type of storytelling not something that look pretty


It varies. The art style can help some anime. But it's like watching 1000+ episodes of one piece sub, and then hearing the dub. It just... sounds wrong. The art style can vary, but certain era's of art styles just don't work with certain people. Kind of like art progresses and takes on new styles. We can respect old styles and how they brought about the art of today, but that doesn't mean we'll like them.


new anime lacks soul


Not all of them. Violet Evergarden, Dota, Edgerunners, and BNA are all pretty great. Spy x Family was also super creative and out there.


I fucking cried so bad while watching Violet Evergarden. Still hating myself that I didn't watch dota, had a blast (and depression) while watching Edgerunners. Idk what BNA is. Spy x Family is just too cute!


BNA=Brand New Animal, Studio TRIGGER's VaporWave Furries anime.


ok, u right 👍


"Edgerunners" lol Most overrated anime. Thanks to a sad song.


Most overrated anime is one-piece.


If I had one more life to watch it and agree or ague with you I would, lol But I'll better wait couple of years to watch another 8 episodes of liveaction series)


In my opinion, those who criticize the older cel animated animes are not truly anime fans. They also prove that fact because many don't know anything about who created or animated them. Nor anything about the voice actors. Just people on a trend bandwagon. Not true fans.

