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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, how else is science supposed to make its way to catgirls?




Goddammit it's men's duty to reach out to cat girls tech. Leave the children out of this


Mistakes are made before reaching perfection is achieved https://preview.redd.it/cnzjn5k0sp2d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c73fb041151b9917cda8eb20fd86c725b706be9




The dog girl was only a proof of concept


Sacrifice the dog, spare the cat…. My man had principles. ^proceeds ^to ^splice ^daughter


![gif](giphy|55lTyAR045RNmtzgbC|downsized) We compromise.


get the spirit not the letter




-Hear me out


You won


Even I can’t argue with that.


Ok I did not expect that but to be fair, there where batter scientists to do that, but they've become a red material I guess


Meme answer: "Your honor, my client was simply trying to bring his daughter closer to her beloved pet dog." Legit legal answer: "your honor, my client was pushed into doing this by the top brass." https://preview.redd.it/vea3hpb9qn2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2677ceb16b5221094b1d9f5344894c37e78704 >!seriously, the guy was messed up but I recall how he was actively getting cornered due to that one guy in the military pushing him!<


He used his wife just to get in the military.....


Oh dear lord, I forgot about the first chimera that made him famous... I retract my defense, your honor. https://preview.redd.it/a8l5weyprn2d1.jpeg?width=253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b89fffc57449270587435805a1e2779abd3b4d


Your sin will be forgiven if you join in the public flogging of the accused with these metal bats.


Oh and to add I believe he did it to his wife cause she was going to take the kid away from him cause he was growing crazy in his failed attempts. So he killed her for rightly trying to protect their child which he did what she feared in the end.


“Your honor, lock him up” -You after the flashback, probably


Nah this defense tracks. To get any sort of funding (i.e. financial support for your family) as an alchemist you need to be a state alchemist. If this trial is taking place post-story, you just blame everything on the fascist state that Bradley ran.


And the higher ups who were pressuring him had no idea that was how he did it the first time.


This seems untrue based on the several military made Chimaera in greeds group.


That's completely unrelated though. Sure, if you go high enough up the chain you'd get people who would have been happy for him to continue, but I don't remember any indication that those people would have been aware of what this guy was up to.


#Objection, hearsay! Your honor, my client was never accused, let alone convicted, for any crimes involving the tragic disappearance of his wife. There’s no evidence to support the prosecution’s unsubstantiated claims. Are we a court of facts and evidence? Or are we a court of rumors?


>Legit legal answer: "your honor, my client was pushed into doing this by the top brass." There exist international laws about any soldier having the right to refuse an immoral order specifically to avoid this being a valid defense


Aye, and to add to it, when those laws were created it was assumed that the men refusing those unlawful orders would be killed by their superior officers. Tucker (if I remember correctly, I haven't seen the show in nearly 10 years) wasn't under threat of death, just the threat of losing his job.


im pretty sure if you comply with orders the one who ordered which is your superior takes the blame


Your Honor this is what my client tried to make, he just made mistake. https://preview.redd.it/6c31tqedzn2d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a45879ddb88783d936c093660f6912577ede7


He deserves that for making ai dog girls into reality


Shit if that's ai we're all doomed it's adorable


What is that chess board😭😭


That's an AI drawn image. The chessboard, pieces, hands, wrists, background, whatever they're sitting on, all of it is just nonsense.




I understood that reference, and it makes me feel old.




Mf i'm still waiting for S2, the fact that they didn't even complete the first season still triggers me


I think they cut out some important characters from the manga. Those characters ended up being important later in the manga, so they could no longer follow the manga and have it make sense I hope they give it a reboot, it definitely deserves one




Many of you look at my client, Shou Tucker, and see him as a monster. How could a man of such high standing and great renown drop to such a low as mutating his wife and daughter? Well... I will inform the jury that Mr. Tucker and his family were at their lowest point BEFORE he began experimenting with Chimeric Alchemy! Living in poverty, struggling to survive, every day was a trial. Becoming a State Alchemist was the only assured salvation for the Tucker family, but with the difficult criteria to become and remain a State Alchemist, he was forced to think outside the box to save himself and his family from this life. I know what you might be thinking. "So he mutated and killed his family? How is that better?" Well, for starters, Mr. Tucker did NOT kill his family. His wife ended her own life while his daughter was murdered by a third party. But more to the point, Mr. Tucker only changed the physical form of his wife, some might say evolved his wife. And she very well could've lived comfortably and happily in this new form, perhaps been even happier than before, had she not ended her life of her own volition. As far as his daughter, the late Nina Tucker, bless her soul, not only does my former point apply here as well, Mr. Tucker was extremely reluctant to replicate his experiment after his wife extreme reaction. But his arms were twisted in every way imaginable. He was at risk of being thrown back into the streets, only more alone this time, having no wife and no mother for his daughter. And everyone he spoke with kept pressuring him, including the infamous Elric Brothers, to simply replicate the Chimera experiment as if they knew what it was, ultimately giving him no other choice. Only for those same people to demonize my client for doing exactly what they pushed him to do; again, the Elric Brothers in particular, who as many of us well aware, are in no place to throw stones when it comes to Human Transmutation! So I ask you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, who is the real monster? The one who pulled the trigger? Or the ones who forced him to pull the trigger?


* Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defense is trying to prop up the defendant in a ludicrous fashion. Do not be swayed by his sly words and tricks. The defendant maliciously and violently, forever altered the state of two humans, his very own wife, daughter, and dog, for his own personal gain/benefit. Some of you may ask, what other options did he have?... This defendant could have left with his research, and family. He could have stopped his inhumane research and went a different route. Choose another career path, there no mistake that he was an intelligent scientist. Victim blaming and implying that he did not pull the trigger himself is disturbing, disgusting, and a outright insult to our justice system. He without consent, forever altered his wife, and forced her to end her own suffering. This defendant, without consent, forever altered his daughter, and forced someone else to end her suffering. Just because he didn't "pull the trigger" does not mean he is not copable in his family's demise. There is clear case law on this, you don't have to pull the trigger, but you are just as much at fault. In closing, there are NO mitigating factors for this defendant. He clearly is guilty of all the charges being charged in this case. He willfully and maliciously ended his families life with his own hands. This case will be a precedent case in to tell our society of alchemist that this type of disturbing, tortuous, and inhumane experiments will NOT be tolerated. Make sure that this... defendant... pays for what he did to his wife... daughter... and dog. Thank you all for your service.






Your honor their are currently no laws against making human dog chimera abominations. but he did affirm that he is also a serial killer, yep just straight up admitted it, my client is guilty of murdering at least 97 people and has requested death by Roy Mustang snapping. Please carry out the sentence immediately while my client is sitting here gagged, never mind that he’s struggling against the gag and trying to say anything, it’s just him trying to attest to all the murder.


The Prosecution: There is a law against that. That counts as human transmutation.


objection; clearly if that was human transmutation my client would have suffered the loss of an arm or a leg like the Elric boy. as it stands he just has to suffer being burned alive


damn thats actually a good argument


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Chewbacca (points at a picture of Chewbacca). Chewbacca is a Wookie from the planet Kashyyyk but he lives on the pllanet of Endor. Now think about it. That does not make sense. Why would an 8-foot tall Wookie want to live with 2-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense. But more importantly, you have to ask yourself. What does this have to do with this case ? Nothing. And this does not make sense. So whhen you are thinking about my client being guilty, just ask yourself. Does it make sense ? No. If Chewbacca lives on Endor you must acquit.


Can you represent me in my civil suit against the loch Ness monster? Gat damn loch Ness monster owe me tree fiddy




A good father and a responsible pet owner only ensuring that he has even more time for both of them...


Your honor my client is 100% guilty and should be given the maximum sentence


No, I don't think I will


Fuck my law license, I'm stitching this guy up.


I demand a trial by combat...




Your honor, this bastard is guilty. Deadass. Take him out back and shoot him. Matter of fact, someone gimme a pistol. I'll do it myself.


your honor my client pleads insanity, he wanted to say nuh huh to defend his case thats a clear case of being mentally ill


"your honor my client has been deemed clinically insane and is not mentally capable of comprehending his actions let alone the consequences for such actions. This man is yet another victim of the system over stressing it's workers and scientists to the point of genocide"


Insanity plea


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is Chewbacca: ![gif](giphy|5tRGwBkWx8Vt6)


“Motherfucker, you are *not* taking this in front of a jury. I don’t care if the plea deal is a firing squad. *You take that deal.*”


https://preview.redd.it/6kphkc48io2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69dd989706705b5493b58e53a440898765e6bfcb Your honor death penalty I shall do it


Just arrest this man


His work was sanctioned by the fuerer, all his work is legal and essential. The dog was his property and a similar case can be made about the child.


Your Honor, this is an open and shut case. My client has not committed any crimes and there is no legal precedent for punitive measures. As you can clearly see, his daughter is very much alive and healthy. As is their family pet. Is this meant to be a murder trial? manslaughter? Medical Malpractice perhaps but her legal guardian would have to sue and I suspect he won't be raising any charges against himself. No, ladies and gentleman this was an accident. One he is working to rectify. In the long run, no one will have come to any harm least of all his precious daughter. If the prosecution can cite even one legal precedent for the crime my client is supposed to have committed, I will be astounded. The defense rests its case, for the prosecution had none! (typing this physically hurt me. like watching the episode does.)


your honor first off shut the fuck up you wasn’t even there second how can he be guilty when he pleaded unguilty and finally who will pay the rent if he got fired from his job


We all make mistakes as human beings, but what else can this human being do in order to get out of paying child support !


Your honor, it was totally for science, promise swearzies, it’s just a fact.


Dogs are loyal than daughters


haven't we all gotten a bit too silly from time to time?


he has glasses, your honour.


Your honor, I would like to submit my motion to have myself disbarred as I am clearly not of sound mind to take this man on as a client. That is all.


As you can see, his daughter is with him right now, so we are most likely living in an alternate universe where it didn't happen, at least not yet


My clients work was supported and funded by the state alchemist. I believe this gives him immunity from any crimes committed during this research that directly involves said research. Everything my client did and planned to do was outlined and approved.


I would make the insanity plea. The insane stress he was feeling because of his higher ups pressured him to do the unthinkable


My client pleads “nuh uh”


Your Honor, my client experienced a moment of temporary insanity brought about by the tremendous stress and pressure applied to him by the Amestris government for him to produce results for his chimera experiments. Scientific breakthroughs cannot be rushed and had my client been provided ample time and resources he could have produced results without having to resort to such extreme measures. My client is a victim. A victim of a system ill designed for scientific discovery.


Your honour I have not been informed of the charges against my client nor given time to create a defence! I have also never seen him before in my life! I would like to call a mistrial and given the sheer incompetence on display a believe a full on dismissal of the case is in order


Nah, i will let this case lose


I would declare mental insanity. Where I live no competent lawyer would do that since, unlike the prison sentence witch have a specific set time, you can only get out of a mental treatment facility under a doctor appointment if you were send there by a judicial sentence, so your client falls under the risk of dieing of old age there unlike prison witch you can't stay over 30 years for a single sentence. So yeah, I would do whatever I could to screw him over.


![gif](giphy|7wyiB30m9vhuw) My honour You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order! I will kill my client by myself


Nah put him behind bars like my hopes and dreams because this man’s morals are not worthy for the time of humanity!


“He’s guilty your honor”




Your honor, my client is 100% guilty. Give him maximum life sentence https://preview.redd.it/mf77ruelnp2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5372b0df5dbaca7333e56432876e6f8db4c0ac


Your honor, he files for insanity, by trial of catgirls


Your Honor, This Man Is Guilty! He’s Guilty As Fuck!


I would rather give up my "law licence" than defend him.


Your honor, this man is a fkin monster! He deserved to die and I hope he burn in hell!




Your honor, my client asks for the death penalty


Insanity ple


I'm going to lose my license and probably go to jail


If she doesn't know about the concept of consent, we can't say he rap-


Your Honor, my client deserves to be dragged out into the streets and beaten to death with exactly 420 different kinds of blunt objects.




Your honor I give up


Your honor, he deserves a life sentence. Nothing less. STRAIGHT TO THE GUILTONIE




Your honour, my client is guilty!


Your honor, I'm not even gonna try. I recommend capital punishment for my client.


“Your honor, this man..! err… This man…” *Looks down at papers* “Shou Tucker… My client! He’s..? Fuck this shit, he’s guilty, take my job. How am I supposed to prove *this* guy’s innocence?”


Your honor, there is no saving this man he's guilty if you judge him as guilty right now I will put a bullet in his skull myself


Your honor He deserves life sentence at maximum security I rest my case


Plead insanity? Idk


Your honor permission to leave the court and never come back


![gif](giphy|1BQdjXovIqSLS) Nope




Shoot him then myself


Your honour pledge of insanity on myself for even trying this take me away


.... Your honor and members of the jury, I would like to present to you, evidence A through Z of my client's mental health issues and the pressure he faces as a state alchemist. Condoning his actions is out of the question, however please take into account the circumstances involved and- Umm... Sir what are you doing with that gu- OH JEEZ OH GOD OH- \*Gets shot\*


Please deal for insanity is the best you can do




"Your honor, my client pleads whoopsie daisy"


Your honor, I have nothing to say, death sentence to this man


Goodluck buddy.


Your honor, I'd like to kill this mfer myself if that's ok


You know what, this mf guilty as fuck.


For what he's done there's no punishment harsh enough


No, i dont think i will


My client would like the death penalty


I would hold the prosecution accountable to ensure their case was absolutely air-tight so there was no chance of him ever leaving prison. I would challenge them on every single thing to make sure there were no mistrials or loopholes that could allow him out of prison.


She said she liked dogs😇


Your honor he was just trying to provide for his family, plus by combining them there is now less mouths to feed


I... I couldn't even defend him he... HE... WHAT THE ACTUAL SHI-


Nope, I'm not that mature to defend him. "Your Honor, as much as you think he's guilty, I do think likewise."


Well I will go halfway through the job and call out sick.


Ladies and gentlemen of the court, is it animal cruelty if the dog is half human?


“your honor, i propose the death penalty!” “for your client?” “no, your honor, for me.” (please end my suffering)


Your Honor, I would like to formally resign from the case.




Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, judge, today I decide to leave the job of a lawyer


But did she die? Show me the law that says you can't fuse a dog with your daughter. Just because something is immoral doesn't make it illegal. My client was under a lot of stress because of his job the prospect of not being able to provide for his daughter and the loss of his wife made him have a phisicotic break, this man doesn't deserve jail he needs help.


I’d just kill him


If you think I'm defending that bitch your dead wrong


Fanfic crepy moment


Your honor he just got a little too silly








Your honor, cook his ass!


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, my client is guilty, I have hidden a handgun in the courtroom, first to find it can kill him


Your honor my client pleads being a silly goober


He’s guilty!!!!


Fuck that, I will throw the case and leave the court saying,” Fuck You” to every single motherfucker who supports him


This man was doing his job… for the state… to protect YOU!… also the state was well aware of his research and sanctioned it sooooo


Your honor my client is guilty on all accounts.


Your honor, my client here was just taking the first step into bringing cat girls and dog girls to reality




Your honor I don't want to defend this guy take him away


Better take a plea deal… that’s my best offer.


Where’s that video of the lawyer defending Goofy?


Bro, How?💀


Your honor my defender is guilty give him death penalty.


I would like to withdraw from protecting this individual, your honor.


"your honor, my client is very much guilty, please give maximum punishment"


You honor,my client is completely guilty please give him maximum sentences


Your honor, my client did it


Your honour my client was only doing what was necessary in order to further science after all many major scientific discoveries were made through unconventional means


Your honor, life sentence seems a bit much. Just skip to the end and drop his ass we ain't gonna wait for time to do it for us


Walk out of court


I kill him myself and leave.


Your honor... *Dramatic pause* i rule guilty as fuck


It is only natural to combine two cute things to make something even cuter.


“Your honor, clearly my client is not innocent. However you cannot hold a giant sack of shit accountable for laws of men. He is not a man. Not a human. He is but an actual sack of excrement therefore he cannot be found guilty of murder. Shit can’t murder. Only be shit. I recommend the state drop the charges and we just go ahead and discard of this bag of actual shit. I rest my case.”


Just like my neighbors


My client was in essence under contract with the government to create a chimera and he fulfilled his end of the contract. How can the government punish him for doing what they paid him to do? Is he really the one at fault or is it the fault of those who demanded so much of him?


[The Chewbacca Defense is Used in Court - SOUTH PARK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV6NoNkDGsU)


The courts being corrupt and controlled by father and Bradley Your honor you all know what going on how bout we move this case along we both know u gonna stage his execution just so u can use him behind the scenes. Let’s just try to get those Elric boys behind bars before they fuck shit up 🐱


I’ll reenact the Boston Legal scene where Captain Kirk just shoots his client


Kill him. That's all.


Guilty, insanity plea


Depend on the country, it might be really easy.


My client pleads guilty and requests to be beat to death with bricks.


My lord, he is the one who did it. Kill this pieceofshitmofo


Your honor my client was forced into doing this by his superiors


"Your honor, my client is guilty. I side with the plaintiff."


Your honor, my client requests the death penalty


I withdraw from this case


Your honor: where in the rulebook does it say a dog can't be a little girl?


Your honor, my client said pause before his actions


Your honour Iam is lawyer please give this man 12 years brutal prison life and if he is alive after that kill him then


Your honor, I'm auto balancing myself. Send him to merasmus


Doesn’t need it my client did nothing wrong your honor


No. My client deserves straight to prison. He guilty. I Am an ally of justice


"I Quit*.


I've seen enough Phoenix Wright to pretend I want to defend this guy, but I'm actually just going to incriminate him even more by the end of it.


he was supposed to make a kitty woman for the lewdd costumers but somehow ended up making dog girl , it’s not his fault , science has multiple possibilities


He did no illegal activity, your honor. He was merely giving his best attempt to retain his alchemy license


Your honor, I didn’t get enough sleep this morning, can we please just call it here?