• By -


Vinland saga


Black clover


Go watch this too, your welcome. Clear your schedule for black clover though lmao.


the MC yelling and the unreasonably successful despite all odds underdog trope was such a drag for me, really what it is i think is JJK ruining battle shonen for me, because the fights in JJK are BRUTAL and the good guys never fucking win


I hear that, no I can literally hear that damn scream in my head right now reading this... Lmao. But the yelling gets better after the first handful of episodes, just gotta push through them lol. The fighting kinda stays the same, heros beat the bad guys, happy ending, feel good anime, but the show generally just gets better as it goes on.


this sounds superficial but does it get darker? i just can’t handle the generic “good vs. evil” trope and prefer anime with more ambiguous themes, especially when they become dark — like, it’s the only reason i can stomach MHA since on the surface, it’s generic and digestible as hell but it turns out to be not so simple


Yeah it has some good story points outside of goodvs evil. A lot of talk about classism, trusting after betrayal, but it doesn’t go super deep.


MY MAGICAL POWER IS NEVER GIVING UPPPP It's too much. Objectively. Honestly it's the biggest drawback of the anime imo. It's so good but if one considers 12yrs old Naruto to be an obnoxious character, he's presidential compared to Asta's demeanor.


>the fights in JJK are BRUTAL and the good guys never fucking win Ooo interesting. I may need to raise the stakes in the anime I'm watching. I do get some pg/pg-13 vibes every now and then lately with Black Clover


I will say the wins never feel unearned imo. I maybe be misremembering, but if there is a stronger enemy, it’s never a “I am the Mc and I will handle it alone” moment. One thing I love about the fights in black clover is the teamwork is actual strategy and working around each members weaknesses and strengths.


The screaming in black clover is exactly why the hell I turned it off lol. My brother kept pushing me to watch it and I couldn’t do it.


My favorite, def watch


Go watch it, your welcome.


I stand by this


It's so good!


actually same for me




Go watch it bro 🫡


Monster. I love classic anime and complex plots, and I know I'd really sink my teeth into the story based on what I know about it, but the length keeps making me put it off in favor of keeping up with shorter stuff that keeps coming out.


It is sooooooo good! Longer story means better development and more buildup. Do it!


Monster is awesome! You should definitely give it a shot.


Hunter x hunter or FMA it just doesn’t grab my attention but I’ve heard they’re really good still debating maybe one day


Watch hxh. You don't even really have to wait for it to get good, I enjoyed it pretty much the whole time from the beginning


Yea I’m thinking about starting it soon


Not OP but I agree (Long comment why I had prejudice) Because of Hisoka clips and that manga panel with the rising speech bubbles I've seen on anitwt(anime twitter)... And people tweeting they wont watch it because it's "anime with the pedo hisoka" it made me prejudge. I thought the anime shows him as "protagonists fabulous funny friend, he's just a bit horny teehee" guy and I hate that trope. But!! Last week when I saw hxh on netflix I was like, since there is people loving it why not I give it a chance? And it wasn't like I feared, I had judged so bad.. It got me hooked since episode 2! I can't stop watching I'm at 2nd season ep35 right now. I absolutely love the ending by Galneryus too. (I love metal and prog) I loved teacher Wing and everything about the fights but also i can't wait to see what is Kurapika and Leorio doing. And I'm waiting for some explanation to why killua's mom looks robotic like Rosey from The Jetsons lol.. I'm glad I started hxh




I hate that trope too so it's nice they actually frame it as a bad thing rather than 'whoops he's so silly'


Just started it loving it so far


I love Hunter Hunter, but I think my unpopular opinion is I hated the Chimera story arc. Like holy long as hell. I lost interest, and had to make myself finish it.


Yeah I get you. Even when they invaded the palace it dragged on, but the end to it was amazing


. >my unpopular opinion is I hated the Chimera story arc. Like holy long as hell. I watched like 86 or so episodes but the Chinema arc was just so slow so i dropped it like a year ago and forgot about Hxh


I heard people say that about the chimera arc all the time when I was watching it a few years ago.


damn chimera arc was one of the best tho


Ngl people talk about FMAB like it's a perfect 10/10 masterpiece and for me it was like an 8. Still definitely worth the watch but not necessarily life-changing or anything


I personally prefer FMA 03 the darker tone is so much better. I even prefer the ending due to subverting expectation instead of FMAB feeling more like a battle shounen.


Hxh is my favourite anime. Watched it 3 times


right there with FMAB


HxH is so fire


Hunter x hunter is one of those ones I keep watching, thinking is kinda okay, then people tell me “no it’s actually really good you just haven’t gotten to the good part yet”, and this cycle just keeps going I think I got to the part where killua was in a mountain and they were going to save him. I thought the act before that was just standard shonen


FMA is so good. At first I was hesitant to start it before because of the artstyle, but I got hooked because of the plot.


Yea gonna start it soon tbh


HxH is SOOOO good! My favorite anime of all time


I only put off shows when I’m waiting for all the episodes of the season to come out


I like to do the same thing but couldn't wait for frieren and the apothecary.


Frieren and maomao are worth every second of the wait.


I gave in and started watching both a month ago, it has been soooo good.


I still haven't started either. Everyone gushes about them, but I'm legitimately worried I won't like them as much as the hype... I'm not a huge fantasy person... and haremy palace politics? Blegh.


Frieren was one I put off watching until about 23 episodes had been released. The way it was marketed I didn't think I would enjoy it because it was sold as not having action and being more about the character going through internal struggle/growth. Finally watched it and the descriptions of it were wrong. While it certainly doesn't have the action of a battle shonen there is still enough to scratch that itch, as well as good world building, good characters and a deeper theme of learning to rebuild connections with others. It has been great. I am guessing many of the people who said this didn't have experience with source material and were making the statement off of the first few episodes only.


Same, except I'm waiting for the dubs to drop


No way, me too!!


I'll watch subs if I absolutely have to buy id rather understand what they are saying. If I'm going to be reading everything I'd rather Read a book.


* {Carole & Tuesday} * {To Your Eternity} * {Violet Evergarden} * {Wonder Egg Priority} * {Book of Bantorra} * {Emma: A Victorian Romance}


you can save your time on wonder egg priority ​ watch it for the visuals, if anything


I started Wonder Egg Priority but just didn’t finish for some reason back in like early 2021 😭


Probably better that way tbh


**Carole & Tuesday** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101281 "English: Carole & Tuesday"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/carole-and-tuesday), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/carole-and-tuesday), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37435)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Drama, Music, Sci-Fi) **Fumetsu no Anata e** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/114535 "English: To Your Eternity"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/to-your-eternity), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fumetsu-no-anata-e "English: To Your Eternity"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/41025)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 20 | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological, Supernatural) **Violet Evergarden** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21827 "English: Violet Evergarden"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/violet-evergarden), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/violet-evergarden "English: Violet Evergarden"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/33352)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life) **Wonder Egg Priority** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/124845 "English: WONDER EGG PRIORITY"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/wonder-egg-priority), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/wonder-egg-priority "English: Wonder Egg Priority"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/43299)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Thriller) **Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/345 "English: Emma: A Victorian Romance"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/emma-a-victorian-romance), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/eikoku-koi-monogatari-emma "English: Emma: A Victorian Romance"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/345)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1bi9eb0/name_that_anime_you_keep_putting_off/kvj08vg/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (5/6)


I will say that for like 40 episodes To Your Eternity absolutely flew by.


To your eternity is a trip violet ever garden needs a blanket and popcorn and a free day.


Now that season 2 is out. Great time to jump into To Your Eternity.


Mushishi. I’ve been told it’s really good, it’s in my queue, but I keep watching literally everything else


Same lol


Me too. I watched one epi and understood the story was one episodic story. So it won't matter if I watch one episode at a time . 


fr fr, same thing happened with me and Serial Experiments Lain


Highly recommend it, just gotta go in expecting it to be like a collection of short stories of someone’s travels rather than a full story arc


Yes! It's really nice to watch an episode or two once in a while; it's a show that really thrives with not being binged. The pauses in between watches lets me appreciate each short story more, which I feel makes Mushishi an interesting show in that way


I’ve gotten to where I enjoy shows so much more when I watch them slowly. I used to binge and get burned out but I take my time and appreciate the episodes now


I watched a little of it and the mood is the equivalnet of rolling and smoking a blunt in anime form. IDK why it felt super relaxing




I was the same but I pushed, and watched and honestly, it’s one of my favourites now to an extent that I have lost count of the number of times I have rewatched it!


Cowboy bebop. Tried a few times. Kept dropping it.


I fell in love with Cowboy Bebop within the first 5 minutes of watching it. I think if you don't like it early on there's no point on continuing. Pretty much all the episodes have the same vibe/feeling.


I like the vibe of the show but think it's a bit boring. I got halfway through it and there was basically no story if i remember correctly cuz it was episodic i think and i couldn't get into it


One Piece


Join us


Someday soon


Im so scared it’s gonna eat my life away if I start it


Worth it.


Rightt? Same. I just know I'm going to love it and it'll be so great but I keep putting it off because I'm not ready for all the emotions and lore


it will consume you, and you'll beg for more.


I started like, a month ago and I'm like 600 episodes in. Around #400 is where we're starting to put all of these previous storylines together and I can't put it down now. It sounds like a lot but it continues to get more and more interesting. The # of episodes is daunting, but honestly if you don't like something you can just skip through it.. the wiki has arc lists with important plot points. I didn't care for the Skypiea arc, so I skimmed a lot of it. I also haven't watched the filler episodes and I absolutely skip the recaps. If I'm feeling up to it, I'll skip the flashbacks that happen during episodes too. Netflix skips the theme and the recap at the start of the episode (to #517?) up til the episodes with a time skip and then you have to go to crunchy and do it manually. Also you can watch at 1.5x speed on Netflix which IMO was the biggest game changer, but not on crunchy. The animation/art post time skip is much better though so the times we get a still frame it's like a pretty watercolor and not a face on a white background. So each episode is really like, 15-18 mins of content. 3-5 eps an hour depending on speed, 4-8 hours is 12-40 episodes. It goes pretty quick. And ive stopped endlessly scrolling on social media for the time being and replaced it with walking on the treadmill and workouts with Luffy&Choppy time.


bro's speedrunning one piece, you should really slow down, enjoy the journey, not the end


600 episodes in a month is next level binging


My personal favorite anime, no regrets.


I've decided to just read the manga eventually because apparently that doesn't take as long (though it does still take a rather large amount of time), and I genuinely don't think I would ever get through the anime. I don't think I've seen a thousand episodes of anime ever, let alone in one show


Caught up to the most recent episode yesterday dude, it's so worth it. I just put on the dub and would do other stuff as I was watching it and it didn't feel like it was too much of a task.


If you ever choose to watch it, One Pace is a good website to start. It basically skips all the filler for you. I believe the community that cuts the episodes said it saves about 48% of the time by cutting out all the filler. That’s about 500 episodes worth right there


My boyfriend's favorite is one piece, and I was putting it off for so long because I couldn't get over the length or the pacing. We watched the live action together, and right after I started reading the manga. Do not regret it in the slightest, I'm now almost caught up to him (just got to the time skip)


Naruto - long ash


Honestly, I watched abt the first 50-60 eps of Naruto, some of Naruto Shippuden, and then watched like 30 ep of Boruto. I was like 13-14 and couldn’t be bothered to finish all 500+ eps BUT I really enjoyed Naruto and it’s just a great time, fun characters, and the awesome world of the Hidden Leaf Village :)


It’s very long but on multiple streaming services so you can do huge binges. I am currently on episode 94 of Naruto Shippuden and will probably continue watching until I get to the next stopping point according to the watch order.


I put off sad animes... anything that I think would make me cry. Heartache scares me.


if you want a happy anime: Welcome to Demon School Iruma


Dude im near the end of the second season now and I thought it was gonna be generic and boring but its one of the funniest animes ive ever seen. There are a few episodes that feel a little slow that kept it from being a crazy good show but it was still a great time overall. When he turns the emo, bad boy version of himself that was my favorite part by far. It went so hard


To Your Eternity I did watch half of it but don’t exactly have the urge to finish it.


The first few episodes were really unique, and amazing, but it became very generic very fast. Also, very repetitive. But I'm only disappointed because the beginning gave me really high expectations.


first season is goated. second season not as good, but better than filler trash out in the market rn


I had to stop because I was getting depressed


The monogatari series.


[Here’s the watch order](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hwuntw/the_monogatari_series_2020_watch_order/)


My watchlist


i have 145 plan to watch shows lmao, help me!


I started Made in Abyss season 2 in the fall of 2022. I was watching a few at a time to around ep 7ish, can't be sure but it could be the one with >!the water that gives them worms!<. Out loud I said to myself "I'm going to take a month off." It's been a very very long month... I really like the show. Writing and world building are **very** important to me which this series has them in spades, but like most who've seen the show, it's sometimes hard to stomach. I'll finish it....gotta be in the right headspace.


Weird! I was in a similar spot but ended up finishing it. The rest of the season is a fucking hanger for sure but yes classic Made in Abyss trauma also. Still some of the best eps and build up I’ve seen in years though.


Yes it's trauma porn but also high art. Like an Ari Astor horror film. Simultaneously drawn in to the story, mystery and world but also my body is actively trying to reject it as a defense mechanism lol.


If you want a show with amazing world building based on biology I recommend Delicious in Dungeon. It’s not a Isekai. Also all of the main cast are 20+ and there is no romance. It’s such a good series and anime.


This is my answer as well. I adored the first season, but I'm not sure I can handle another. >\_<


It's very good. But God, talk about traumatising. There's parts of it that are going to stick in my head rent free for years.


As of now I’ve put off four shows. • Hunter x Hunter • My Hero Academia • Black Clover • Yu Yu Hakusho All of them have one thing in common: There are sooo many episodes I have to watch


Honestly MHA was a great anime in the beginning! I watched it when it first came out so I was like around 12-13 and kept up with it until S5 came out and I couldn’t be bothered. I was rly into the anime, as many young teens were during the time, but I just grew out of it. I still really love the world and just how entertaining the anime was but overall just grew out of it now being 18 and in college.


Lol I would not consider all of those long personally


Bruh they have > 100 episodes


Which is medium in anime terms. 100 episodes is about 5 seasons with about 20 minutes of content each episode.


Lol I grew up in the 90s and 2000s so 100 episodes seems like a breeze to me too. I mean, my favourite of all time is Yu Yu Hakusho which, at 112 eps, I consider somewhat short 😂 


The remaining Kyoto Animations projects I haven't watched.


Jojo and Gintama, tried a few times but couldn't get into the anime style for some reason. :|


had the same experience and returned to them a few years later, and now both are in my top 5 of all time. the experience is different for everyone, so maybe one day they’ll click :)


Penguidrum. I love Revolutionary Girl Utena and I’m sure I’ll love Penguindrum, I’m just waiting for the perfect time to watch it.


Monster and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. They each stare at me on my watchlist waiting for me. I know I 110% would enjoy them. I just don’t want to start it and feel grief that I know I’ll probably have. On the other hand I had my friend watch Banana Fish with me, I knew how it ends, they didn’t, and I couldn’t bear to watch it on my own so I got them interested and then we watched it together and I cried myself to sleep the night we finished it at like 3am. I might have to do that again.


Neon Genesis Evanloin


Same!! I’m not into Mecha since the only one I watched was DITF and I was not interested in the Mecha side of that anime AT ALL. But I’ve heard great things abt NGE so I might watch it eventually.


Black Clover. Watched the 1st season, it grew on me a bit, but there’s so many interesting ones I keep watching other stuff instead…


I put off FMAB for a while but watched it eventually. I still haven't watched Death Note though... And yeah I plan to, and I know I will like it. I just haven't gotten around to it lol


Same for me but in reverse. After putting it off for 3 years I watched Death Note on a whim bc it was Halloween & I wanted to get into the darker animes. I know I’ll probably like FMAB but can’t bring myself to press play


Death Note was one of the first anime I watched and LOVED but I have been putting off the FMA/FMAB for years even tho I know FMAB especially is really good!


I did the same thing with death note, finally watched it and now I've mostly forgotten it. It wasn't worth a second viewing.


Danganronpa 3. I loved 1 but still need to watch 3.


Manga and anime, it was hxh and then I just read it all and I was so wrong. I knew nothing about it I thought it was something without story and just fights and I was so wrong so so wrong


Pokemon... since I didn't watched all the episodes...also I want to watch "Pokemon Horizons" even I completed Pokemon Scarlet and its DLC.


I’ve watched 30+ episodes of Horizons (will catch up on the rest eventually just so busy with work and finishing some of my post grad papers). It’s extremely good. Like I haven’t watched Pokémon for a long time and it got me interested since it’s following new characters. Its pretty old now but I’d recommend Digimon Tamers (it’s the third season but it’s more of its own thing). It’s a lot darker and moody compared to other Digimon (and Pokémon series for that matter). Not to mention Steve Blum is not only the voice actor for one of the main antagonists, I’m pretty sure he’s the VA for Guilmon which is absolutely crazy to think about 😂


I’m putting off “monster” so bad, I know I’ll love it but I have the worst attention span and watching a subbed anime with like 50+ episodes takes a lot of effort for my brain.


Spy x Family. The wife and I had a good routine of watching an episode every night, but something threw it off one time, and we haven’t gotten back to it since. We actually really like it! Equally funny, wholesome, and action-y.


It’s wild that I put off watching steins;gate at first because I was busy with things at the time, a few months later I bit the bullet and it’s become my favorite anime until now.


ive seen about 300 to 400 anime and steins;gate is still easily my favorite show. I don't think anything has come close. Im super into science and love the character so it's almost impossible to find anything I enjoy as much. Now I just watch isekai and fantasy garbage. IDK what has happened to me lol, I'm beyond saving at this point


lain, looks rough to get through even though im sure i'll like it.


Psycho pass Ive tried it multiple times now but i cant get over 2 episodes. And i guess 100 GFs or any harem for that matter. I watched alot of it back then but looking back at it now, its kinda cringe. I dont like the MC having multiple heroines especially if my favorite loses Ive heard 100 GFs is sorta a parody like how Eminence in shadow is for Isekai but i still cant bring myself to watch it


one piece


Join us


I put off JJK, and I just finished holy shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiitttt. My wife doesn't even really like many animes at all. She enjoyed it.


I put off Golden Kamuy for years, thought it was some very serious dramatic world war era action anime, and from what little I saw/read it didn't appeal to me Then I saw the most absurd clip from it and started watching a few weeks ago and man it's great. Everything about it is great. Doesn't take itself seriously at all. An odd one I'm putting off is Oshi no Ko, watched ep 1 and liked it, but it kind of weirded me out and I've just been putting off watching the rest of it ever since release. Maybe an even weirder reason... I've been putting off naruto since it released, all my friends and neighbors absolutely loved and talked about it nonstop, but I just hated their sandals. Their sandals made me irrationally angry. Like they were all closed but the toes stuck out idk it just repulsed me for some odd reason. Nowadays I want to watch it but it's like "meh one day I'll get around to it"


I dead ass started golden kamuy last night because crunchyroll no longer has the title I wanted to watch available-


Mob psycho, I don't like the animation style.


Gurren laggan for some reason I stopped at episode 24 I have this urge to not finish it


All of them


Attack on titan


One Piece. There is waaay too much of it


When I finally watched gintama years ago id been putting it off for a good while before that. Mostly due to how long it was and the commitment for it. After watching it? I highly doubt an anime will *ever* be able to surpass it as my GOAT. It's just too incredible, too unique and too long running for a show to really have a chance. In today's age it's very hard to have a show stick around that long. Gintamas one flaw if you could call it that, is the slow-ish beginning of the first dozen episodes due to learning the characters and getting to know them. Such a diverse wild cast lol, but when you start getting into some of the more serious arcs and get some of the stories main plot line and backstories? Like it makes you question if it's the same silly characters you know and love :) One of the most epic anime, def the funniest, with every other genre packed in to it. You never know what type of tears will come. My suggestion to anyone wanting to start it but is worried about the commitment, start off with a couple episodes a day, or a few. I did that and after several days my episode count increased until the point where I wanted to do nothing but stay home and binge, all day. Pretty sure I was watching at least 20+ episodes a day at one point, and yes I had a job lol.


this is exactly what i needed to hear, it’s such an undertaking but for big box series seemingly impossible to get into (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece), Gintama seems to be the one most worthwhile


No English dub Im too lazy to read


Me too. I watch anime at the end of the day when I'm tired. I also feel like even though sometimes the translation is slightly better and with older anime the voice actors tends to be better as well, I can't focus as much on the action when I have to read.


Your lie in april. Been putting it off for 2-3 years now


Well, it's almost April... Perfect time to watch a truly great show! For the people who say things Like FMA, AoT, Haikyu!! So Jealous, would love to watch them for the first time again! For me, I don't know... I would have to say Patlabor. I have loved anything Mamoru Oshii touches, and his style attaches to my soul.


Cowboy Bebop. I just haven’t got around to an older series when new ones just keep coming.


AOT for sure. I have not had the courage to watch the ending. Or maybe I want the titan world to never be ending so I keep delaying everyone’s deaths.


Rn its ninja kamui I feel like it will ultimately lack substance. But my coworker wants me to watch it real bad. I will tho.


Bungou Stray Dogs. I just can't bring myself to properly sit down and start it lol.


One piece


Spy x Family.


One Piece. I know, off to the gulag for me.


It was One Piece until I started it last week so currently it’s World Trigger and Vinland Saga since I added them to my queue around the same time.


Dorohedoro. I've seen and heard nothing but people raving about it but it doesn't look all that interesting to me. My friends keep telling me to just watch it already lol


i’d imagine if it doesn’t interest you then it probably doesn’t fit into the types of anime’s that you typically watch. season 2 was announced recently, so maybe when that comes out you should take a proper look to see if it’ll be worth it. i went in with no expectations at all and watched it weekly as it released, then binged the entire manga in a week. unfortunately the trailers don’t do a good job of selling it, the first episode will give you a better taste of what to expect than any of those.


Violet Evergarden


Attack on Titan. Was gonna jump in, but then they announced the final season so I figured I’d wait. We all know the unmitigated tomfoolery and shenanigans that transpired with the release and naming conventions of the franchise. On principle I’m just being stubborn at this point.


AOT is my favorite anime of all time and Isayama is an incredible storyteller imo. That said, it’s definitely not for everyone but I definitely recommend watching the first ten eps and see how u feel then to decide to continue or not. S1 and S2 are completely different from S3-4/the extra parts and it’s crazy to me how drastic the storyline changed from the first ep to the finale. I started it right before S4 came out and I wish I could watch it for the first time again.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I already know I will love it as it’s right up my wheelhouse. And I know I will watch it. But not until they announce it has been finished 6 times.


LMAOOO I TOTALLY GET THAT. Well, it’s officially over (finally hahaha) and I cried during the finale. I went to Anime NYC in November and I cosplayed as Mikasa, I met Bryce Papenbrooke (dub VA for Eren), and I also saw so many other AOT cosplayers whom I took pictures with. It’s a great anime, great fandom, and just overall one of the best series I’ve ever watched. So definitely when you are ready, I wholeheartedly recommend the anime! :))


Both the manga and anime is over since some time now so nothing will ever be announced anymore


I consider it finally finished. Even though the last two episodes are movie length, and they are going to break them up into seasons of who knows how many episodes, it's still a full story with a proper ending, as it is now. It didn't seem rushed or incomplete.


You should definitely try watching it. It's my favorite piece of media to ever exist I'm kinda obsessed with it I've watched it 15 times but that just shows how good it is




This is literally amazing I wish I could forget and watch it all over again


{Violet Evergarden} finished the series but I just can't bring myself to watch the movies to see how it ends




Stein’s gate, Monster


Porco Rosso for me. I've seen every Miyazaki films and most of his short films that is available to the public online, but Porco Rosso. I don't want to live in a world where I've seen all of his work and there's nothing else left. I'll watch it eventually, but I can't say when or the conditions that will get me to watch it. On a similar note, I've been putting off on watching Paranoia Agent from Satoshi Kon, for the same reason.


I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. I know it's very good. I know what happens, I just don't think I can put myself through it. And I'm someone whose favourite series includes Clannad After Story and Insomniacs After School. >!Even though both have happy endings!<


one piece


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I have a bag full of DVDs I got cheap off Sentai sales. Most of them are sub-only, and I just don't have time to sit and stare at the screen non-stop these days.


Bleach and stiens gate


Violet Evergarden, I just haven’t had to the time to really sit down and immerse myself like I want.


Beat the Vandel Buster. Need will to finish this. At 10 episodes and it's been a year n a half I think


Death Note, Vivy (that ai sci fi one), the second season of 86 and the last few episodes of Undead Unluck. Especially loved the latter but for some reason my brains decided to want to finish of the old Blue Exorcist haha


Tokyo Ghoul. Finally watching and past episode 3. Seems alright so far.


after s1 of the anime the adaptation falls off the cliff so be wary. went through all 4 seasons, wasn’t a fan, read the manga and now it’s one of my all time favs. so if you do read manga i’d highly recommend switching after the end of the first season


frieren bochi the rock apothecary diaryies skip and loafer oshi no ko heard they are good but I'm not in the mood for slice of life


I’d recommend apothecary diaries, most episodes are focused on mysteries rather than just day to day things


Lkakegurui S2 The Devil is a part timer S2 Violet evergarden movie Reincarnated as a slime A silent voice




I have a couple of shows that I have watched but never finished. And I always end up putting it on hold😭 Here's the list: -Kaze no Stigma 17/24 Episodes -Konosuba 5/10 Episodes -One Piece 75/1000+ continuing 💀Episodes -Kenichi 14/50 Episodes -Tomo-Chan 8/13 Episodes -Tsurune 11/13 Episodes -Zom100 9/12 Episodes -Hell's Paradise 7/13 Episodes -Aggretsuko 7/10 Episodes -Sakamoto desu ka 10/12 Episodes -Kaguya-sama: Love is war S2 10/12 Episodes -Bleach 11/366 Episodes (I haven't watched the new one yet)


If ya actually want to start one piece I’d highly recommend watching the fan edit on onepace.net till you get caught up. It doesn’t change dialogue or anything like that just cuts out the bullshit and filler


Bungou. On the most recent season. Was loving it, but literally have no reason to tell you as to why I didn't finish it.


Your lie in April. Anohana was tough for me


I haven't made time to finish Bocchi the Rock. I've only watched the first episode, which I liked.


Jjk Chainsaw man One piece All of the stuff that are going mainstream nowadays. Don't come after me yall, I'm just not a fan of shounen that's all. I do want to try giving it a watch but the fandoms just make me not want to do it at all


My friend recommended it like 2 years ago, but I still can't bring myself to watch Vinland Saga


monster, i've heard its a masterpiece but its way too dark for me


one piece


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