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Can you clarify what you mean when you say it can't track filament?


So it does not extrude. The whole extruder has been replaced.


have you removed the PTFE tube to make sure your filament is getting fed through to the extruder gears? Some times you have to do that, feed it through the hole until it doesn't go further and then hold the lever down and feed a little more until it doesn't go further


Does the all metal hot end have ptfe tube? I thought it didn't.


It’s the one you feed the filament through to get to the hot end.


Doesn't the all metal hot end have the tube built into it? Because the ptfe will melt at temps you need the all metal for. That was my assumption. We are talking about the little blue one that anker sent an extra of in the tool kit?


There are good vids on YouTube to load filament


Yes I have.


My question is: What temp is your nozzle at? If you hold a piece of filament up to just the nozzle, does it melt right away? It could be a thermostat issue if your software says it's hot, but it isn't actually hot enough to melt it quick enough.


Yes it melts instantly and drips right out. I don’t get it


Is it loading filament? When you feed it into the top of the extruder and hit "extrude" does it advance into the extruder or just stop?


This is the second extruder I’m using and it won’t mechanically extrude. No clogs


In your video, the extruder motor isn't moving. Have you ever gotten it to move via the app or desktop software?


No never. If there a way to get it to move manually from the computer?? Not the app extrude button that doesn’t seem to work. Ps. This is my second brand new extruder


Ok, so this isn't an extruder issue. Go back to the initial setup videos online for the M5c. If it's like my M5, you should be able to set it up using bluetooth, and if you have wifi, you should be able to connect your printer up to your home wifi, and print directly from that. It's just a matter of getting the app or desktop software to connect to your printer. It's important that you watch the online videos of initial setup. It's a great printer, we just need to get you set up. Watch the following video carefully, and refer to the other videos on the Anker website. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJP423RAH0Q&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJP423RAH0Q&t=1s) Let us know.


Also, are you pressing the release tab on the top of the extruder when you load filament? It's the black, spring loaded tab that you're supposed to press when loading filament.


Dude, if you’ve never gotten a print with two extruders, it’s either something crazy simple or some software or connection voodoo. If you’re a noob, refer to the awesome support vids. Don’t be afraid to say, “dadgum, I wasn’t loading the filament right.” Let us know either way.”


Bro!! I’ve tried everything for hours. I feel like I’m just missing something. Idk. Ima keep trying


Check the usb c connections. Undo them and retighten them if you need to, I suspect mine is going bad personally,


Im having the same issue with my m5. Have not been able to print or extrude any filament properly, only manual extruding. My motor also does not seem to move ever, its either software or I got a bad extruder, waiting to hear back from support.


They sent me a new extruder. Same problem. No fix


I got mine to work, after I reinstalled the usb-c’s under the printer. I guess I screwed them too tight so this time I stopped as soon as I felt tension.


Under the printer?? I’ll have to try that.


Yea, hopefully it’s the same issue for you. it was driving me nuts 😂


Yoooooooooo!!! It’s started extruding!! Finally! Thank you. Was so simple ! Just disconnected underneath and connected again but inspected everything and now it works. Can’t wait to get busy printing !


Let us know if you got it going. Whatever your issue, reporting it could help others down the line. Otherwise, I'm sure somebody would be willing to buy your machine as it's a solid piece of equipment.