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This is the colonialism that nobody talks about. Muslim hordes from Central Asia carried out a near-millenia-long Islamification of the subcontinent in four phases each spanning 200 years. They massacred Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, and even the Zoroastrians who thought they'd be safe after fleeing the already Islam-occupied Iran. Some of the world's oldest universities like Nalanda and Takshashila were destroyed and pillaged by the commander in the picture. Islamic terror existed ever since Islam formed. No other religion was ever like Islam. Even the crusades were carried out in response to Muslim hordes coming to Europe and the methods used in the crusades were influenced by Islamic methods that Muslims were using ever since Islam began.


A religion of cruelty. I'd like to add this comment about slavery. After slavery was abolished throughout the entire British empire the Islamists continued to practice slavery with particular cruelty. Stories of Islamic slave traders bashing babies skulls so as to keep them quiet aboard slave ships being borded by British military expeditionary forces sent to quash the Islamic traders are plentiful. Marching enslaved peoples across the Saharan dessert where most died from heat and exhaustion. Slitting the throats of enslaved people as to not be caught by European military....expanding slave expeditions all the way to Ireland and enslaving about 1.5 million American and Icelandic people in the 19th century alone They were particularly cruel to the people they've enslaved, not caring whether they ultimately lived or died for the slave trade amongst the Islamist empire wasn't to achieve any particular economic reasons. Would also like to mention, slavery is still practiced across much of the Islamist empire and in many different forms yet the media refuses to cover this for many reasons. For a religion that permits institutional slavery within the Quran as long as their is an Islam there will always be slavery


Make the term Arab Muslim colonizers go viral. Then ppl will understand the level of threat they are facing. Esp because Muslims deny their history of being colonizers and slave traders.


Islam is an evil death cult. Mohammed bribed his followers with promise of sex slaves in heaven to go kill nonbelievers for him. And the disgusting followers went for it. Evil through and through.


first it has done to turks then they do it on others, everyone just waiting for their turn


The buddhists in Nepal, Siri Lanka and Indonesia are already taking up arms to defend themselves against Muslims


And Thailand and Myanmar


SO WEIRD! I am literally a Buddhist now, former Muslim, of Pakistani Origin. Idk how to feel about this pic in my opinion...


The Thugee death cult is also worth a read. Incredibly horrible [Thuggee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuggee) What happens when Islam mixes with Hindu. There are arguments being made that the current situation in India, the general subjugation of women, and prevalence of gang rape as punishment, is a continuation of Muslim driven Thugee


What do you all think is happening in Falasteen right now? Hypocrites


So...the IDF is out forcing people to convert to Judasim? Damn, that's a new one/