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I don't see anything that suggests healthy, I see something that suggests this is cheap, and in a chip bag, and probably junk food


butter ghost joke smile strong sulky placid ossified chubby political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re trying to distract us


Any chance you misread Butter as Better? I doubt people buying “butter something” think it is healthy. I can see that the color green can mislead people into thinking something is healthy though.


This seems like an OP problem rather than a marketing problem. Wait till OP sees the pack of Lays Chile Limon.


thought it said "bat fats" for a second. What a costly rendering that would be


It has "butter" in the name and 600kcal/100g. Who in their right mind would assume this is healthy?!


What marketing? The 60% off? Something being over 1/2 off doesn’t automatically make it healthy. Where on earth did you get the idea these are healthy?


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I literally saw this yesterday. I was about to order it.


Buy from other brand price is same only




Are y'all too dense? Can't even detect sarcasm 🤡


You're exactly right. Anyone doubting that, search on *green color marketing* to see what people who design packaging, logos, and other advertising use it for.


You've got to be illiterate to see this and think you're consuming a healthy product. The first word in the largest font on the product literally says BUTTER


Many doctors recommended butter over palm oil because butter doesn't go through such a process hydrolysis


But doctors will not recommend butter crisps as a healthy option. This is not meant to deceive you.


Butter isn't palm oil; and more on point, a lot of people are (literally!) illiterate, and even more are either overwhelmed and distracted or lacking the critical thinking skills to question their kneejerk reactions to marketing ploys like this. There has been an obscene amount of time and money devoted to psychological research in the service of marketing, and marketers keep using them because they've been proven to work.


This is not a marketing ploy lmfao the crisps packet is just green. Walkers (Lay's) have green for their crisps. So do loads of others. This is not malicious at all.


You know this sub is largely about learning to recognize marketing when you see it? If you don't care or don't understand, either don't comment like a dumbass or don't be here in the first place.


>If you don't care or don't understand, either don't comment like a dumbass or don't be here in the first place. Good advice for yourself there mate. Seeing green packaging on a packet of block capitals BUTTER crisps and calling it a marketing ploy is dumb; this packet has absolutely nothing misleading about it. Green is a common primary colour used for many flavours of crisps, few of which claim to be healthy. If you see this and think 'healthy', the problem is consumer illiteracy - not evil marketing.


Palm oil usually isn't sustainable but it is leagues healthier than the PUFA oils most packaged health foods are laden with (and this snack isn't even marketed as a health food.) Weirdly uninformed post that doesn't seem auper relevant to anticonsumption.