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You’re either going to have the best shave of your life or die in a pool of your own blood


That’s a risk I’m willing to take to help cut down on plastic consumption and save the Planet.


Please don't die OP. We need you!


That would probably be better for the planet tbh




Bro discovered that utilitarianism is immoral


And thus the seeds of genocide have been planted.


Single blade safety razor?


Yup. Much easier, much safer, probably costs about the same to set up, and the blades are dirt cheap, last ages, and they’re recyclable. 10/10 choice for shaving. Add a shaving cream that you foam with a brush and a bowl and you have a setup that takes very little purchasing. I’m just about to the end of my blades and my shaving cream, I haven’t bought new cream in over a year, and I haven’t bought razors in 3-4 years.


There's a strong reason they were invented and a strong reason they were named *safety* razors.


Actually that was just marketing; the genius of the Gilette "safety" razor was the disposable blades that made it an ongoing source of profit, and that Gilette sold the razor handles themselves at a loss to get customers locked in to the racket. There are (or were), in fact, safety razors you could get which used a permanent blade that you could hone and strop just like a straight razor (the Rolls razor is one example), if you're too squeamish about using a straight razor but also don't want to keep buying blades. One also used to be able to buy stropping machines (Twinplex is the most famous make, there used to be gazillions of 'em still floating around on Ebay) for disposable double-edged blades to make them last longer.


I use an electric beard trimmer and it gets me a pretty close shave that's probably akin to the length of a day or so after shaving with a razor. If baby smooth isn't something you want I'd recommend just using an electric trimmer and forgoing the razors altogether


Yeah, switching to electric has been a godsend for me. And it even gets close enough for military standards


That’s highly dependent on what color your facial hair is, how fast it grows, how your skin is, and how much of a dick your supervisor is




If you live and spend your entire life planting trees though, you'd probably take more carbon out of the atmosphere than if you were to be dead


Listen, do what you need to. But let's be clear...nothing you personally can do will ever affect the planet based on consumption. Not ever. You're just far too small. Personal responsibility has a zero net change. You want to change the world? Help end capitalism. Demand and work towards change by people who can do something. Corporations, billionaires, politicians. I'm not saying go out and start consuming away and driving a semi truck everywhere. And I'm not trying to be nihilist. Daily, active, direct action. Not "I'm not using razors" Also, no one historically shaved themselves with these. They went to a barber. It's not for self care.


Yeah, one individual choice will not help. The PROBLEM is majority of people think like this. It’s like the whole “my vote won’t count! i’m only one person!” narrative. One person trying to make a change vs millions is a completely different story. I’d argue the whole point of this sub is to connect with others w/ similar mindsets, share individual experiences on combating consumerism, and completely cancelling out the whole “i’m only an individual” mindset. If everyone gives up- we’ll NEVER make it. If more people tried- we probably still wouldn’t, but at least we’d have a chance unlike the latter.


It's not true that people didn't use these to shave.


Maybe the goal is not to affect planet level consumption with individual choices.


I'm sorry? Can you elaborate?


What you do becomes your lifestyle People literally make joke of us,have you watched the Sigma Male Grindset videos,they criticise Minimalism Saying you should live life to Your Fullest cuz they don't know other stuff than Consuming


There are safety razors that aren't plastic and have re-usable blades.


If its strictly plastic you’re worried about, DE safety razors don’t use any. And less death chance


You can use mechanical safety razors for the same purposes and and an increased life expectancy 


This is an absolutely legendary response from OP 😂


Safety Razors are easier to use and you only have to replace the blades. Tbh, I’m too scared myself to use one of those knives




Why not just use an electric one? Those last a loooooong time.


Either way, saving the planet


So, technically yes. Those take a lot of care and practice. Watch videos, learn the upkeep and proper form. They are *dangerous*. Take it slow and be very, very careful. I use a single blade safety razor. The thin blades last me a ~month each. I can sharpen them and they last a while. The pack of blades I bought when I bought the razor body will most likely last for another 5 years, easily. I would recommend the single blade safety razor over the straight razor.


If you find good quality blades for a safety razor it can make such a smooth shave. I’ll never use disposables again.


I used to use disposables when I was young because I didn't know any better. I hated shaving because with Gillette, and new heads, they yanked on my hair. I had to use their "sensitive skin" shaving cream. It basically numbed the skin and it was shit. It took me longer than I like to admit to make the switch but now I use good quality safety blades and literally body wash. It's a smooth shave every time. I'll never go back


I don’t shave anymore but I have a good safety razor and a bunch of blades. I tried to get my gf to use it but she cut her leg like 20 times. She refuses to use it after that, understandably. Disposables it is…


My GF also cut herself a bunch at first, but she’s good now. She had to slow down compared to with a disposable, and she has to take much more care around the knee. But it does a better job and leaves her less irritated and less ingrown afterwards


When I was shaving (I've been growing a beard for almost a decade now) I still used sensitive skin shave soap, specifically by Proraso. The lather had excellent slip, and it didn't dry my skin out. I *almost* miss the ritual of shaving with my double edge, but at least with a beard, I don't look like I'm 14.


I recommend a bar of shaving soap. It makes a huge difference. The difference between shaving soap and body wash is similar to the difference between body wash and shaving dry with no water.


This is the way, I did 12 years with a straight razor and it’s an insane amount of work for a hit and miss results. And there is a ton of accoutrement you need for the upkeep. It got to the point where I needed to pack a strop and whetstone when I traveled just so I could reliably shave. Then, all the major pharmacies started stocking single blade safety razors in order to capitalize on hipsterism, so I bought one. The shave was 80% as good as the best straight razor shave and significantly better than the worst, while still blowing cartridge razors out of the water. This is rare case where very early consumerism actually got things right. Shaving tech was perfected by the 1920. Now days, it is hard to find blades in pharmacies again but you can get them easy online. A pack of blades is $7-$12 and last me two months. The amount of steel involved is truly minuscule, and steel is pseudo-biodegradable anyway. Or, if you are like me, you can use spent safety razors as general utility blades around the house.


The blades do tend to have PTFE/PFA coating on them, but that's more of a long term concern.


Well shit, what doesn't these days? It's in all our blood already.


I agree that safety razors are the best compromise, but straight razors are not *that* dangerous. Just be careful while using it, as I'm sure you will be. One thing though: if someone is calling you while you're shaving, *do not turn your head*. That's how the really bad accidents happen.




Exactly 😄


Shave with a straight razor - they really aren't that bad. Like could you kill yourself with one? Sure. I bet you're a lot more likely to kill yourself driving, though. Well, probably you're not, since you may not use one? I use one daily and I drive daily and my money is still on the car causing my death over my shaving habits.


I sneezed while shaving with a straight razor. It cut a pocket in my cheek that would hide a dime.


Maybe this was a little bit short sighted of me but I like the idea of just having one I can reuse for decades to come with proper care instead of having to replace the blade periodically. Maybe I’m just looking a little *too* far at anitconsumption but regardless I have it now and I’ve been practicing and getting the technique down.


Honestly, if you can be safe with it then straight razors are a better choice. There's a good chance that it could last you decades with proper care and maintenance on it. We live in a time that being anti-consumption can be rather difficult so don't feel the need to do every choice perfectly. Not everyone can accommodate the "most sustainable" options, but every bit of effort helps.


Yeah, this is tough. There is a reason that before the safety razor came out, most men simply went to a barber for a shave. These are a lot of maintenance. But I applaud your attempt. Many men do enjoy the whole process. I use a double edged safety razor, and have for over 20 years.




Those aren't straight razors, those are shavettes. Though admittedly the terminology has blurred since straight razors have fallen out of style.


Man, I wish my blades lasted a month. Coarse hair is a curse lol.


I have beard hair like copper wire, and a safety-razor blade lasts me four shaves on average — one per side, front and back. Sometimes I get a dud and get only three shaves out of it: sometimes I get five or six. But it’s so much cheaper than cartridge razors; I’ll never go back.




A month? How often do you shave? Mine get pretty dull and start pulling hairs after like 4-5 uses


Yea you're supposed to change the blade every 3 shaves


Really? I toss mine when I remember I have others


Do you keep track of which side of the blade you've been shaving with? If you divide the wear between each side of the safety razor blade you could probably make it last longer. Shave one side of your face with one side of the blade, and shave the other side with the other side, or just switch sides once the side you've been using gets too dull.


How do you recommend sharpening the used blades?


You can buy special made sharpeners for them


I've tried those I don't know if I used it wrong or what but it took for ever


Merkur is a great brand, not cheap though, paired with Feather single blade razors. Killer combo.


I used to shave my balls with one those. Lol. They are pretty safe if you know what you were doing.


Safety razors are... safer. No plastic if you get a good one. And the blades can be sharpened a couple of times if you *really* want to. Since you already have this one, go ahead and give it a try. But I would urge you to switch to a safety razor if you can't get the hang of it within a couple of weeks.


I was too scared to use one so I grew a beard


that's the way (i hate my facial hair)


I have a straight razor I use for tidying up around the edges of my beard, nothing beats it for those wandering moustache hairs. It works great but other folks in here are right with recommendations to be cautious. Go slowly and you should be fine, but it’s practically a guarantee you’ll catch yourself a time or two before you really get the hang of it. Be prepared to go without a shave if you have a hangover. Not much scarier than a straight razor in trembling hands haha


Yeah, I love my straight razor for tidying the edges of my beard, but the idea of a complete shave with it is out of the question. For clean shaven, I'd use a safety razor.


Best case, you succeed, worst case, your ecological footprint goes to zero. What's the problem with safety razors?


The choice of the straight razor was motivated in part by hobby and genuine curiosity


Can you send me a link to the razor you got? If it’s not allowed in comments could you dm it to me? Thanks


The website is called Griffith shaving goods. They sell refurbished antique razors


Thank you :)


I agree with other comments on using disposable blade straight razors. If you have an interest in the art of keeping a blade and how it interacts with your body and routines (much like how coffee aficionados spend inordinate amounts of time on the craft) then that’s a different story altogether


Actually yeah that was part of it too. I just didn’t bother to mention it because I was focused on the anti consumption part lol


Not going to lie, this looks absolutely terrifying.


The first 30 bloody shaves are the hardest. Then it becomes easier.


Yeah, there's less face to cut.


Yeah, but the first cut is the deepest


I got my straight razor as an act of anticonsumption. I absolutely love it! It takes a while to learn how to sharpen it and requires purchasing some honing stuff. But I think honing is quite a useful skill. Definitely go slow while shaving. If it's sharp enough, you do not need to push down at all. It's only a little dangerous. People are overreacting


Yeah, isn’t this how literally all men used to shave before the safety razor was invented?


Effectively, yes, although it was common to be shaved by a barber instead of doing it yourself. Regardless, you get more exfoliation from a straight razor and healthier skin. Its the only shaving method that leaves my face clear and I've tried ALL of them.


WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP SAYING THAT THEY NEED TO PUCHASE HONING STUFF?! DOES NO ONE SHARPEN THEIR KNIVES?! Sorry, not directed at you, just... I am. Baffled. I am legitimately having the experience of realizing I am the freak here. This is a total poop knife moment for me. Edit: I've been looking at knife sharpening kits online, and yeah, apperantly I just got finer grit stones that most kits have. I have no idea how this happened, but it's cool to know.


Razors are sharpened at a much finer grit. And you have to be really careful with the angle at which it is sharpened, the flat stone is necessary for this. And the stones last forever, as far as I can tell. So it's still a very anticonsumer purchase


You need finer stones and pastes for a straight. Also you need a very soft strop.


My finishing stone is somewhere around 12-15k grit wise and they go much higher. So most people would have to buy a hone, not your normal knife grits.




Also I know exactly one other person who had a set of sharpening stones. Everyone else I know either has a pull through knife sharpener, or indeed just doesn’t sharpen their knives. 


Huh. I know 3 people I am not related to that have sharpening stones. About half the people I am related to do, the ones that don't give them to one nm of the ones that does. I kinda assumed that most of the people who I don't know have sharpening stones I just didn't know becuase it didn't come up or becuase their sister/brother/parent/etc sharpened their knives for them. I am the poop knife here. Thank you for answering this.


Just a quick straight razor story. I had a squad leader in the Marines, that was a complete sociopath, He always had his shit together, he was perfect. A great tactician, his nickname was "war crime" for various reasons I won't get into. Every morning before everyone awoke he would fill his canteen cup and shave with a straight razor. It didn't matter if it was -20 below or 110 degrees. He always shaved with a straight razor and a broken piece of a Humvee side mirror. When I asked about it, he replied "there's no need to be savages' which was funny because of the juxtaposition of his nickname. Anyways, yea.


Shave your balls with it once and you’ll never cut your face again!


Okay, this made me laugh. Thank you.


r/wicked_edge taught me so much


Yes. But a double edge is also quite sustainable and cheap. Get a good shaving cream, Proraso is good but I'm not that experienced with others.


I love my straight razor!


Love my str8 razor!




Bro! JUST BUY A MERKUR SAFETY RAZOR. I cannot tell you how many thousands of dollars I have saved by doing that since I was 21. Probably thousands (not exaggerating the least bit). They’re absolutely fantastic with minimal waste. Idk why guys ever stopped using safety razors besides marketing schemes. There is no skill involved with safety razors and you will save a fucking ton of money. You just put some stuff on your face and then shave away.


As someone who uses a straight razor, I'd be a bit concerned about the square front edge on that for a first time straight razor user. Its super easy to cut yourself with the corner of the blade, specifically around the ears, and under the jaw, especially under the corner of your jaw. I'd recommend something with a blade shape more like this: [https://www.cutthroatclub.com/products/giesen-forsthoff-hollow-ground-beginners-straight-razor-5-8](https://www.cutthroatclub.com/products/giesen-forsthoff-hollow-ground-beginners-straight-razor-5-8) I'm not in any way suggesting that razor, its just a good example of a better blade profile for a beginner. That one also seems to be carbon steel, which isn't necessarily bad, but you'll have to be a lot more careful to prevent rust than you would with a stainless steel razor. You will need to make sure the blade is completely dry, and either store it in a dry environment (i.e. not in the bathroom) or oil the blade after every use. With a stainless blade, wiping dry with a towel has been enough to keep the blade from rusting in my experience. My recommendation would be a good vintage stainless steel razor with a different blade profile. Something a bit like this: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/176364491588?itmmeta=01HXXAXQC5GEJKZ4CKESYY9Z07&hash=item2910249344:g:aHEAAOSwVDNmNzAH](https://www.ebay.com/itm/176364491588?itmmeta=01HXXAXQC5GEJKZ4CKESYY9Z07&hash=item2910249344:g:aHEAAOSwVDNmNzAH) Also be sure to strop your razor regularly, if you don't the edge can round over and the blade can dull prematurely. With regular stropping the edge can last for months of shaving every day without sharpening. Not only does it save you the hassle of a proper sharpening, it also extends the life of the razor because you aren't removing a significant amount of material like you would when sharpening.


I made some razor wax that I use to coat the blade after every use. Just beeswax with sunflower oil and a little bit of fragrance. Seems to do a good enough job.


Using an instinctive action called Heliotropism. Also known as ‘Solar Tracking’, the sunflower head moves in synchronicity with the sun’s movement across the sky each day. From East to West, returning each evening to start the process again the next day. Find out more about how this works, and what happens at the end of this phase.


Good call. How was the learning curve with a blade like that? I'd have been terrified to put that thing anywhere near my throat as a beginner?


Keep the razor in a tin with a rag. Dab the rag back in the wax once or twice a week. Less is more here, the pressure and friction polishes and drives the wax into the pores of the steel. You only need a micron thick coating to keep the oxygen from touching the bare steel. This isnt necessary if youre using it daily and you dont mind patina, but you should be able to maintain that level of polish indefinitely this way. I imagine the wax or oil stains the handle after long term, and i dont know how you get the wax into the crevice at the hinge enough that it doesnt patina right around there. Ive decided to embrace the patina and handle staining and keep museum pieces in the museum


I’ve used a straight razor for about 9 years now. Granted, I use them with replaceable blades and nowadays only use it to trim the edges of my beard, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. It gets you a very clean shave. However, it does take some practice. My advice is to start with the cheek at the side of your dominant hand. Expand the area you shave with your straight razor once you get more comfortable using it. In the meantime, use ‘regular’ razors for the rest of your face.




This. You may not even have to buy the handle. I was given an old adjustable double blade safety razor handle about 25 years ago. I buy a box of 100 blades for about $10 every few years. Toss the dulls in a steel can (I use an old coffee can) under your sink and take them to recycle when it gets full.


You should ditch that and just get a metal razor that’s uses the same blades


I keep my disposable blade in a jar of alcohol 90% it keeps the blade from rusting. They last me 6 months to a year.


I shave with a straight razor, but typically only every few days. The keys include keeping the blade insanely sharp, and technique. Sharpening them is a job for professionals in most cases.


Not an ad, just a recommendation: Henson Shaving. Bought two (one for me, one for wife) and 1000 replacement blades for it. Abso-fuckin-lutely impeccable value.


I shave my legs with a safety razor and it has changed my life (used to break out all the time after shaving but no more). I took a class on leg shaving with a straight razor and it was so fun, but it isnt something i can do quickly in the shower so I didnt stick with it. I wish I had the patience to make it a daily therapeutic experience, because I really think it could be. It is a rad option if you have the time and drive!


Sure but just be really careful.


Easier to just not shave, use scissors to trim instead of power-hungry trimmers, and if people have a problem with my grooming, well tough. The world is burning. My slightly asymmetrical beard shouldn't be the reason for your day being ruined.


I wound stop shaving if I could. Unfortunately as I mentioned in another comment, my particular line of work requires me to have a close shave every day…..


Sorry, I didn't see that. What line of work is this? Does it need interacting with the public or being in front of a camera?


No but I’d rather not say because I’m not particularly proud of it.


Ahh, that's okay, sorry for prying.


All good:)


Power hungry trimmers? How much electricity could a small trimmer possibly use? Surely no more than your phone uses in a month


If you struggle using this kind you could try the Leaf razor, which was designed to mimic the disposable razors most people are used to using, except for a heck of a lot less and no plastic


It's really not 'dangerous'. The most 'dangerous' thing we risk, is to cut, but really not deeply. Once it enter the skin, we feel it immediately, and we have the reflex to put away the blade. It hurts, because the blade is very sharp, but it's not deep and not dangerous. Just have to put the blade at around 30 degrees.


The real sustainable solution is not shaving at all ;)


I use a Wilkinson sword DE safety razor, it's great. I get about 10 uses out of each blade, shaving my head and face. And you only have to throw the blade away, not a whole cartridge.


I prefer the safety razor, though I don't have an old fashioned blade sharpener or a source of carbon steel blades. Keeping this sharpened and honed will require some study and investment into stones and how they are used. "Dragonscale" stone seems to be the popular option, but they are pricey. The value isn't in the diamond abrasive, but in the process of sorting the fines. Keep in mind that a visit to urgent care will generate a lot of plastic waste.


I'm beginning to remember I have hideously steady hands reading through these comments. OP, do be careful, but know that I, personally, have nicked myself a grand total of... Zero times with my straight razor. In the same time I nicked myself with my dollar shave club razor enough (three times) that I now use my straight razor to shave my legs and stomach, too. *If* you don't feel safe, do change to something that isn't a continuous blade, but some of the folks here sound like they've only seen straight razors in Sweeney Todd and are letting that color their feedback.


it anti consumption because cutting your throat will reduce your personal purchases significantly


It's sustainable af. One of the best decisions one can make. Next step: toothbrush with interchangeable heads.


You impress me. Well done.


Definitely the most sustainable option, as long as you learn the proper technique* to use it and take good care of it. Get a good strop and hone, learn how to use them, strop it regularly, hone it as necessary (a blunt straight razor is more likely to cut you than a sharp one), store it somewhere it won't rust (or get a stainless one). Use quality shaving soap/cream with a high glycerine content and a brush, not that goo that comes in a spray can. And whatever you do, don't drop it. Never take so much as a single step whilst holding an open straight razor. *Rule 1: no pressure, shallow angle (ignore every movie you've ever seen that has a straight razor shaving scene in it, they *all* do it wrong for some reason, and hold it at a right-angle to the skin!), and no lateral movement whatsoever or it *will* slice you. You have to press down quite hard with a cartridge razor, but the trick to a good shave with a straight or DE razor is multiple passes, using the proper hold, carefully following the contour of the face with no pressure at all, whilst stretching the skin taut with your free hand - first pass with the grain, second across the grain, optional third pass against the grain for a close shave (most traditional barbering textbooks actually discourage close shaving) *except under the nose, if you want to keep it!!* Take it slow, never shave in a hurry with a straight razor, make it a calm ritual.


I mean do you have a friend with a failing meat pie shop? cuz if so I think its the best decision you could have made


There are metal reusable razors which take razor blades you can sharpen that *can’t* accidentally slice open your throat…..


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I am not brave enough to do so.


Yes it is, but be careful. I use a safety razor, less risk of slicing myself, and you could be sharpen razors to make them last longer, I usually get a month per blade. I bought a pack of 100 razors for 5 bucks, so I'm good for the next 2 years. The safety razor was also 5, but you could spend more for design or more weight.


I thought I was in r/wickededge and was shocked by the negative comments


I use a Philips One Blade and honestly haven’t even exchanged the blade in a year… :)


I think it's a good choice, it's also really cool


I use a single razor blade to shave w no handle. I like living life on the edge


Ehhhhh. Straight razors are notorious for being... less than safe. I wouldn't.


Maybe I’m crazy, and I also shave rather infrequently, but I bought a $20-30 electric trimmer at walmart a handful of years ago and that thing is still going strong! I also typically just trim and not clean-shave so the application seems to be different for my case. If I get into the habit of shaving more frequently or more clean, I would love to try a single blade safety razor. My dad had an all-metal one when I was a kid and I thought it was badass!


Don’t shave if you are hungover!


I personally went with a Wahl electric razor. They are supposed to last decades, don't need shaving cream, & only need a blade replaced a year. Straight razor would be similar, but I personally don't trust my own delicate eye-hand coordination enough for that.


They’re good for making you need stitches if you use it on yourself. You’re supposed to have someone skilled use it on you. Better off with a reusable handle and twin edge blades from somewhere like Duluth or barbers depot. Much safer, and all you dispose of is a paper thin piece of metal every few shaves.


Kinda unrelated but those cheap plastic disposable razors that are good for “2-3 uses” typically last me 15-20 uses. I usually don’t stop using them until they literally are too blunt to work or if I see rust on them. I recently switched to a handle with disposable heads, but I didn’t even think of something like this. Good on you!


Been using a straight razor wa disposable edge for years. Let me know if you like that one, what brand is it?


I’m fairly certain there’s a brand that uses regular razors that can be bought in bulk at a hardware store for cheap…. The name evades me.


They’re great! Not as dangerous as everyone says, just take your time and know very well that your first five shaves or so won’t be smooth, too enjoyable, and you’ll def knick yourself. But after that you’ll eventually know the technique and you’re gonna kill it.


I made this exact change about five years ago. People who say it's dangerous have seen too much media lol. With that said, I have had some growing pains (literally), but I don't regret it one bit. When you do make a mistake at least cuts don't get infected or razor burn heals overnight & most importantly, once you relearn how to shave with a straight razor... It's way more comfortable, accurate, and creates sharper lines. I don't dread shaving anymore. You also don't get ingrown hairs! Which was my biggest reason for switching... Not consuming my paychecks on cartridges, or filling up some landfill with waste is just icing on the cake.


honestly, they look scary, but I have used one for years, and only cut myself a few times. Make sure to also get shaving soap or whatever the name of it is, and a good brush so you don't need shaving cream anymore either. Also I am not sure if it is necessary, but I always pull the knive over a leather strap after use, it's supposed to keep it sharp longer. And make sure to dry it, these things rust like heck


As long as it's quality made it should last


I would use a safety razor, but you do you. 


Safety razors are good, you don't have to relearn to use them either.


Probably, but I'm guessing there is a steep learning curve. I considered it myself, but decided to get a safety razor instead. The next step in the evolutionary line. Amazon has cheap blades but the hundreds. Still a learning curve, but scared me away less.


Do you have shaky hands? That's your real issue. Otherwise, you're gonna end up looking like Heath Ledger's Joker.


Bandages are not recyclable but steel is! But if you master how to use it then you are all set!


Sustainable, yes, but as every other commenter is pointing out, they’re dangerous as all hell. Seriously, ever notice how the slightest drag of a regular disposable blade can result in a cut you may not even feel immediately? Straight razors are even sharper and concentrate the pressure (which is what cuts you up) across one blade, which exacerbates all that. Be careful.


Don’t cut yourself or you’ll get gangrene


even combining razor advice with feet pics to cut down on bandwidth


I personally use a safety razor because I'm clumsy as fuck and I'm prolly gonna slice something off if I try to use a straight razor, but yes it is a good choice for sustainability.


Safety Razer


More sustainable? Yes. But a huge pain. I've tried one, and they need to be kept SHARP. Like you absolutely must keep it sharp, sharpen it before and after every shave, or you'll shred your face.


Totally worth it, I have had a dovo solingen (I am unsure of the way it is spelled) for 8 years, it never failed me, maintenance is minimal and I feel good to myself when using it. 0 downside


Is there a sub for bad ideas? This needs to be cross posted.


I just gave up being clean shaven haha. One set of beard trimmers do me


If you can make it work for you, sure!


If you don't want to use a straight razor you can a henson razor (easily will last a lifetime) and replace/sharpen the blades and to recycle the blades, bring them to a processing plant.


I am scared to death by those things


Where can I buy one? I’ve never seen them in any drugstore.


Usually just buy them online


Sure, if you're extremely careful. I recently saw a video where a barber was teaching his employees how to use those, and they had to be able to skim the surface of a balloon without popping it. That's an incredible level of precision. For a daily/frequent shave that may be too tedious of an effort. Have you tried a safety razor? I bought a 50 pack box of blades and they lasted me 7 years. Each razor is good for 3-4 shaves if you're just rinsing them in water, and many more shaves if you rinse them in alcohol after your finish (someone on this sub testified to that, IDRK).




As far as I know, the blade sharpening is done by brushing it on leather. If it's the case I'm not okay with it, but if there a animal friendly method I'm willing to make a change. Do you have any info on that?


Yes, you can get strops made of fabric such as denim. As for synthetic leather I’m not quite sure because I think animal leather as certain properties that make it more suitable for stropping Edit: synthetic leather strops do exist.


You are close but not quite correct. They are sharpened on whet stones like all other blades. What you are talking about is a strop which is used to de-burr a blade. When you sharpen a blade, the edge can become incredibly thin which means that the edge will likely have some kind of curve. The point of stropping a blade is to effectively remove any pieces of metal that might have been bent in an undesirable fashion. This is why when you strop you hold the blade in the opposite direction and pull it across the strop. The strop will catch and remove/straighten the jagged parts of the blade.


... Old style safety razors exist? It's not cartridge razors or straight razors. There's a middle-ground. I spend pennies on 100% recyclable blades wrapped in paper and boxed in cardboard. Lower skill requirement, safer to have with kids in the house.


I use a metal safety razor. I love it. Never going back to disposable. This lools dangerous though


Used a straight razor for years. If you haven’t honed it or didn’t buy it shave ready you need to get it to someone to make it so before you use it. (you will not enjoy the experience). Badger and Blade is a forum is used to frequent and there were people who would hone it for a small fee. A straight razor can give the best shave you have ever experienced but it takes some research and practice. Using a straight razor takes maintenance also by stropping on leather before and after every use. You might know all this already but there it is just in case. Nearly any vintage straight razor will give a good shave if properly honed, that one is a beauty, just make sure to dry it will after every use also. You don’t want water spots.


I use 1 straight razor. It's significantly cut down on my stress of buying and finding razors and spending. Watch some videos of people shaving/shaving technique. Make sure you have a badger brush for lathering shaving cream, a strop, and after a year you'll have to use whetstones to sharpen it. There's resources for all of this. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information. Just do the bare minimum which is strop before shave, and sharpen once a year. So many people are very hardcore but for personal use its pretty simple. Go slow, you will probably cut yourself a little it's not so bad, and as time goes on you'll be more confident and get better at it. Enjoy!


I've used a straight razor for a good number of years now. Never use shaving cream, use water, a blunt razor is honestly better than a new razor (less cuts), and always go against the grain but this applies to all shaving. Anyway, be safe, don't drink coffee before using it, and enjoy! (It's not as dangerous as people make it out to be)


Scary. Every time I watch a movie or show where someone uses one of these, I have to close my eyes. Good luck and Godspeed!


Nope. Risk benefit ratio


[Henson Razors](https://hensonshaving.com/collections/henson-razors) All metal, blades are a specialized razor blade that can be replaced and easily recycled


Have you tried Leaf? So much safer!


You will need to sharpen it, but it is a great choice I changed myself to a single blade razor, I just need to buy the blades, which are dirt cheap, every so often I’ve heard it’s optimal around 10 shaves each side, so since I shave once a week, that’s like 2-3 blades per year


If you want something more permanent you can laser it and not have to bother shaving any more.


Is it a good choice? Not particularly - they take a lot of skill to use without wounding yourself (potentially seriously)


Dude, just get a Henson and some Astra blades. Excellent shave, lasts forever, and ends up being pretty cheap. You can get at least 4 shaves per blade, and they come in packs of 100 for less than $10.


I use the Leaf 3 blade razor and buy razors online in bulk. It ends up being very little metal waste and uses no plastic. Best result for me so far. I cant believe Leaf is still in business. The product is too good. I need the 3 blades to distribute force/tension because i use it for shaving my head from time to time and can't be that precise.


I would go with a safety razor, the type that comes apart and you put a double edged blade in. With the straight razor, I was tired of the occasional nicks and cuts, and don't get me started on the ingrown hairs, it's too close of a shave.


Depends what we're shaving here....


Dont leave it at a crime scene


I’ve used straight razors in the past, I had 3. You’ll need a strop to keep the edge and this is why I stopped using straight razors. The stropping process takes time to get used to and time was something I found that I had less and less of. I use a safety razor, no plastic waste.


If that doesn’t work for you, old school safety razors work great and are super cheap and not wasteful.


Good choice there. The old steels need a little more maintenance than the newer steels- but after you get the hang of it I think youll realize that its less time and money in the long run, just more frequent. And maintenance free is just a code word for more time shopping. And I dont understand how a sub full of people who supposedly subscribe to this sort of philosophy are baffled that you might have to go buy a sharpening stone


If you find (like I did) that this does not work for you. Try the Leaf Razor. It is a metal safety razor with three replaceable blades that use the tiniest amount out metal possible. It shaves better than a high end disposable razor, the blades are crazy cheap, and it’s very easy to switch them out. I have been using it for three years and have never cut myself. Edit: to not be wasteful I now use my straight razor to open packages.