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The newly-built massive home features 17 bedrooms, 30 bathrooms and parking for 80 vehicles.


Rich folks. Newly-built. They get a divorce, sell it, new owner tears it down and builds for his new wife. They get a divorce...


17 bedrooms would probably enough to make a boutique luxury hotel. Provided the licensing approved.


That’s what I was thinking. And who gets to clean all those bathrooms?


or the alt. foreign billionaire buys it for a summer vacation then it gets abandoned with 8 Bugatti's in the garage.


try using a house like this in a conservative suburb as multi-family low-cost housing... they'll sue you out of existence. affordable housing to them = they gerrymander you into a powerless electoral district and put you under the thumb of a slumlord


You can just frame it as a new agey-cult. Have all your tenants wear loose white clothing. Install lots of water features. Host community yoga on the lawn. Maybe have a cleanse/juice bar by the pool. The neighboring housewives will eat it up.


Ummm, NIMBYs have historically been Liberal area home owners. Not sure why you are trying to make this a political punching bag point. Nobody would think to make a house like this, in this kind of area, into subsidized housing


liberals are pretty much conservatives nowadays. they're actively defending multiple genocides our tax dollars are paying for.


Liberalism has always been a conservative ideology.


let's not conflate "liberal" with neoliberal or libertarian-conservative. I'm on the anti-conservative side regardless if it's a "D" or an "R" that supports those policies. Very anti genocide btw (specifically what Bibi is doing to the Palestinians)... sure there might be a couple of hard right libertarian neo-nazis who agree with me on this (because they hate jewish people, along with pretty much everyone else outside their klan) but that doesn't mean I share their ideology.


Actually, most Neo-Nazi these days would not share your ideology on this issue, because now they are more anti-Muslim than anti-Jews (look at Germany and Italy). It doesn't matter which race/ethinic group/religion they are 'anti' against, they just need to pick one to be Nazi about...


you're not wrong- nazis go where the wind blows when it comes to hating various groups. They oppose funding Israel purely out of anti-semitism not b/c Netanyahu is (hilariously) just as big a fascist as their... founder.


Contractors rejoice


At least the construction crews can pay for their kids college.


Rinse repeat


Ok 30 bathrooms - how much do these people need to poop?!


That’s pooping in one bathroom per day for the whole month and then the rotation starts again


In all honesty my autistic ass would love that.


My autistic ass finds it impossible to do things even slightly different from my norm, to the point there’s a hole worn in the only chair I will sit in from my foot being placed in the same spot on the seat every time. I think I would forget the other 29 bathrooms even existed.


I get it, I feel like I’m cheating on my clothes when I change outfits. It’s just that the notion of having one for each day is super satisfying.


What if you poop more than once a day?


It's for all the cocaine


If all 17 bedrooms are suites, there are still 13 "independent" bathrooms. This is overkill.




5000 SF is purportedly some kind of sports complex or exercise clubhouse. Maybe there’s a bunch of them there….


Honestly it is astounding! I was listening to a podcast with a realtor being interviewed and I believe her statistic was…1.5 bathrooms for every bedroom (guessing the 0.5 accounts for shared bathrooms between two rooms, powder rooms, etc.) Anyway, that translates into - for 10+ bedroom mansions - a fuck ton of poppers! Like, it’s literally insane. I cleaned houses for awhile in college so I genuinely can’t picture the scale of weekly cleaning that must go on in those homes… such excess!!!! Who needs all that?!


Hahaha obvi I meant poopers


I don’t understand the appeal of this. You’re just going to spend all your time managing the people who maintain and clean your home. And they’re going to be there all the fucking time. It would be like living at your middle manager job.


Nah, they have people that manage those people. They don’t have to talk to any of them. 


And you’re going to have to manage that person. And manage someone who is managing that person. and have someone else keeping tabs on them both because these people are in your house all the time. They have access to everything, they know everything about you.


Haha I don’t think you understand how it works with F You money. They have a personal assistant who manages all of that for them and most likely a head of security who works with the personal assistant to make sure you’re not bothered by any of the things you talked about above. This is one of many residences/boats/planes/farms/lodges you own and you most likely spend less than a couple of months a year at any one of them, and rarely more than a week or two at a time. Other than your financial planner/chef/lawyer and the two individuals listed above, you don’t have to deal with the management of the army of underlings that make sure that your every need is met before you even think you need it.


I’ve often wondered if these people have multiple sets of clothing stored at each of their homes rather than schlep luggage around with them all of the time. Of course, I guess this is one of the jobs of their personal assistants….


Dude what the fuck are you on about? Nothing you’re saying makes any sense. “Man having two personal assistants would be so hard!!!”


Eat the rich (but not these sour-ass grapes)


We need to blow up the fantasy that being rich makes you free, when all it really does is move you up a hierarchy. Sure, it’s better to be a guard than an inmate, but you’re still in prison.


I was making a joke comment. I said nothing about wealth being a magic bullet. That’s a weird thing to assume I don’t understand.


Sorry, I read your comment all wrong.


No worries, happens to the best of us.


Two complete strangers who have access to your bank account, who wander around your home freely, who know everything you say and do, who have the same rights and protections as anyone else at work (because your home is now a workplace). If you’re not actively managing that you’re going to get robbed blind, sued and blackmailed into the ground. (Which wealthy people often are). All so you can lord it around your mansion to impress other assholes.


I worked at a yacht club on a private island. The real estate agency for the island was also in our office so I learned a lot about managing multi million dollar homes. It is INSANE the amount of labor that goes into homes that are barely used. The cleaning, the landscaping, the decorating, the assistants that purchase food ahead of the residents’ visits and open up the home. I have zero interest in ever owning a home that requires this kind of maintenance. Even thinking about managing the staff is exhausting. But yeah, they have people that oversee the other people, but it still is s lot to manage.


You probably saw some crazy stuff working there lol


Mostly I saw a lot of very expensive summer homes sitting empty and cleaning crews and landscaping teams running around to keep these huge homes maintained to the community standards. Then people would come for a week or 2, buy tons of stuff, then leave. It was the most insane waste of resources. But it was a very beautiful place to work. Every day I’d drive over the bridge and my burdens were eased by the stunning beauty of the water and the island.


Yeah I like coming home to be alone


I ask the same questions myself ahahahh Also like, why you need so many stuff, why????? Ahahahaha I mean, you can buy a mansion, nice, what’s next? A yatch? Awesome, now what? Oh, a jet? Perfect, there it is, satisfied? No? What now, then? You want another mansion but bigger… sure Oh geez, you got it, and now? Car of the year, sure Then? Another boat, good… So? Oh, more jets!!! Ad infinitum… Seriously, I can’t really see the appeal… I like luxury in terms of quality… being able to access good food, good materials for home, a good location and good reasonable space and stuff like that, but overdosing everything to an absurd limit is ridiculous ahahaha like, brands, why people buy those extremely expensive white t’s with just the brands name? They’re basically promoting them 😂😂😂 and paying for that, highly! 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 I totally understand high couture, on the other hand, cause many pieces are unique or very limited, most of them handmade by specific people and using extreme high quality material and complex technique… this I can respect to a certain extent even though I still don’t like those brands ahahaha but I respect and appreciate the craft, but the rest… no thanks


It’s because we live in a society that promotes showing off. When all of your friends have similar houses and throw big parties so they can be the talk of the town, you have to outdo them so people are talking about you. To these people, the biggest fear is that nobody will be talking about them.


It could be that this is the typical house in the kinds of gated communities with high security that celebrities feel comfortable living in. 3-4 bedroom bungalows are probably rare….


Yes, exactly. While our people still live out of tents and cardboard boxes on the street, these randomly delegated, talentless and completely undeserving members need to have a (disposable) mansion with 30 toilets and 17+ beds. These two "people".


Hey, hey…and their 80 parked guests!










I don’t see how you can say that they are talentless and undeserving. Obviously they are talented — because people pay them a lot of money for what they do. If it didn’t take any talent, a heck of a lot more people would be doing the same things. And to say that someone isn’t undeserving? That just sounds like a lot of sour grapes to me….


I thought you were exaggerating


That’s outrageous.


it's one of the ugliest "houses" I've ever seen


I thought this was a joke at first. Damn.


Who could use that?


>30 bathrooms and parking for 80 vehicles I'm sorry, what now?


Really not a fan of these people.


Affleck was really pathetic at the Brady Roast.


This sub always tells me your value is not defined by what you can produce


But he was the bomb in Phantoms yo!


Word, bitch, Phantoms like a mofucker!


What did he do?


Whined about how mean everyone is to him on social media for almost his whole time.


The Brady Roast was pretty pathetic all the way around. I mean, to be a producer of your own roast….




The current record holder has been married 23 times, divorced 22 times and widowed once.  


Among celebrities, I think Liz Taylor is still the current record holder with 8.


She can’t be alone for a fucking week. It’s like the biggest red flag there is!


She has a way to go to catch up with Liz Taylor.


Seems like it


I don't know how many times she got divorced, but she seems to be insufferable if she got so many.


I think that she just can’t stand to be alone….


Who gets the Rivian?!?!


Eat the rich or they’ll eat you. And they’re keto


Don’t eat the rich!!! They’re root, you’ll just be sick and malnutritioned


Damn. They bought that house almost exactly two years ago. That’s gotta hurt.


I thought it was just last June….


It was.


Look at me, unable to subtract 2023 from 2024! Whoops!


Affleck you idiot. Couldn't have seen this one coming?


I mean, he’s no summer picnic either, if the tabloids are to be believed.


They built a commercial property at that point. Why not just sell it to Marriot?


Because the neighbors would never allow commoners(who don’t work for them at very low wages) anywhere near them.


Yeah look at what Martha’s Vineyard did


what did they do?


Sent away all of the immigrants that showed up. Meanwhile they’re rich people and could’ve easily helped them


They did help them. They provided housing, food, healthcare, and educational resources, among other things. Remember … this was a political stunt and these migrants were transported to Martha’s Vineyard under false pretenses. And the local government and residents received no notification that these migrants would be dumped on their island. However, they rose to the occasion admirably….


Probably because of zoning….


Out of all of the celebrities I despise, Jennifer Lopez is the one I despise the most, if we’re only talking about non-political reasons to despise them.


I honestly don’t understand what they see in each other—can’t these people just take things slow before jumping into marriage again? Is this what money does to people?


To be fair … it’s not like they just met. They were engaged 20 years ago and, with their recent reunion, they did date for over a year before getting married….


A Pez Dispenser of husbands


hahaha what do you meannn


So random. Nobody could have seen this coming with the announcement of the cancellation of her tour


Also if I zoom in on that aerial photo, am I counting 9 plus ac units??




Honestly it’s good to hate on this but imo the bigger problem is the millions of people here in Texas who need to live in (and air condition) 4000 sq for houses with vaulted ceilings. Literally millions of oversized and overtaxed AC units running all summer which here is like 4 months of peak heat


Aren’t they already divorced? What year is it?


Is it 1981? Sorry, had to say the quote.


I didn’t know they were married.


Its LA. Doesn’t matter if the new buyer wants the structure or not. If it’s not right, it’ll be demolished and something else will go up. It’s what it is. If the location is right, the price doesn’t really matter


These people should be in prison. This kind of lavish lifestyle is what's killing the entire planet.




That is one ugly house. Guess they didn’t have enough money to hire an architect.


Or money doesn't buy taste.


I give them 3 years and they are going to try for a third time




Right? What is the rich Americans’ obsession with bathrooms? Almost two for every bedroom is insane. Is it just a status symbol because it’s so obviously excessive and unnecessary?


I’ve seen better looking credit unions. That house is butt ugly. And is it possible for Ben to look even worse than he’s been looking since he got hitched to J.Lo???


He’s obviously pretty miserable. He should never have let Jennifer Garner get away….


the grass is always greener, huh.


If anyone thought that they would STAY married....cmon it's JLO....she's not the stick around type. She's never been and never will be.


I think she’d stick around this time if she could. Affleck’s the one putting the kibosh on the marriage….


How many times they gonna ruin each others lives? We all JLO is a toxic piece of work & so is he.


Screw it I’ll marry jlo next


In her documentary she spoke about funding her project. Did it make her have to sell her house since it flopped?




Ben doesn't like her taco-flavored kisses anymore?


Is this comment super racist or am I missing a joke?


It's from Southpark and yeah, it was pretty racist because Cartman was saying it.


Yeah. As far as I know, J-Lo was a New Yorker of Puerto Rican ancestry.


South Park: https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/q2i0gl/south-park-taco-flavored-kisses-for-my-ben


Well that was… ahem… hmm… I’m… I don’t know what that was. Holy hell.


And that was from 20 years ago. Crazy.


If they need someone to house sit while they wait, I guess I can do it. Just taking one for the team y’all


Who DIDN’T see this coming?


I wish him well.


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