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early-mid 20th century. Not a very high quality piece. Monetary value nowhere near the emotional


No way is this pre-Independence.


why not?


Because the quality of workmanship seriously is not there.


quality sin't there that's for sure.


For comparison, some antiques: https://p1.liveauctioneers.com/858/111403/57197384_1_x.jpg?quality=80&version=1509036458 https://p1.liveauctioneers.com/858/185595/93334099_1_x.jpg?quality=80&version=1605541032


:) Those are like comparing a mercedes g-wagon to a lada niva


Late 20th century tourist souvenir, decorative value only.


I have this exact-looking thing, although it’s a letter opener/scissor combo. I think mine is from the 60s, but that’s just a rough estimation. They’re all over EBay for about $30-$50. Edit: like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266216275212) Edit X2: For further context, mine was my grandmother’s and she had it for a bit. She’s 100.


To piggyback, I think there were a few different set types sold. I found this carving fork/knife combo, which looks more similar to your knife: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1400871011/ The tip of yours looks odd. Does it look like it was whittled down from a combo?