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This will pass. Tomorrow or next time you'll prevail!


My anxiety runs my life during the summer mostly. I have an AWFUL fear of bees. I’ve faked sick to get out of some outdoor activities with friends and I hate it. If I’m at said activity and it’s outside I cannot relax and am looking every which way for bees and running screaming hiding. I’m 31, I get so embarrassed. Haven’t found out how the hell to overcome it


Is it the fear of being stung? My brother was terrified of bees & wasps, but he did a bee keeping course where he had the ability to be in a bee keepers suit protected and to handle the bees, he did this a few times and got over his fear of bees to such and extent he’s thinking about getting his own honey bees.


yes I’ve never been stuck & don’t know if I’m allergic 😅 I also fear if I do finally get stung I’m going to pass out from the panic. I’ve fainted from my panic attacks before :/ But I swear if a bee is like 5 feet away and buzzing I can hear the buzzing so loud in my ear because of my anxiety. And I can never stay still like they say to do I freak out heart races I feel light headed and just need to run away.


Maybe exposure therapy like that might help you, being with bees and getting used to them but being protected from being stung in a protective bee keeping suit - just a thought. I can’t preach though I’m not fond of bees, when one comes near I’ll close my eyes and stand still and pretend it can’t see me… maybe I should do some exposure therapy 😂


🤣 I hope I can figure it out soon it ruins summer for me every year


If it helps, there are bee repellent sprays.


No way……does it work?!


I can't remember which one I tried but it had citrus oil in it. I used it on my patio table because we would get bees whenever we tried eating outside. I do not know of any topical sprays that are exclusively for bees but seeing as they don't like citrus or lavender you could probably use a citranella spray same as you would use for mosquitos. There's citranella candles and even better giant incense sticks you can spike into the ground.


I just ordered some spray for skin that has cedar wood, citronella, lemongrass, & DEET. I pray this works THANK YOU


Hope it helps!!


Sorry, to answer your question the oil spray worked.


I had to cancel my dream vacation because of anxiety and instead of taking time off, I had to work to at least recoup some of the money I spent on. So I know how it feels.


I sympathize - I never want to go on vacations or be gone from home for too long because I imagine all kinds of horrible things happening to my dog while I'm gone. I went to Ireland two years ago and what should've been the most fantastic time was spent with me having panic attacks because I was so worried about my dog. Anxiety sucks.


I know exactly how you're feeling. The constant battle and struggle you're dealing with. I'm suffering from it as well. I force myself to push boundaries. Sometimes when anxiety wins you feel like a loser and it's a big mental setback. You always need to remind yourself that tomorrow is another day, another chance to defeat anxiety "that day". In all honesty, that's my personal problem and question. Will this ever stop, or will every day be a battle... I'm 34, I'm 10 years give or take suffering from this. I miss the life where anxiety and panic attack were just an abstract term for me... I think the key is that you need to relativize as much as you can, wondering what could go wrong, see nothing happens and gain trust back that way, step by step. I know easier said than done, but still, I don't want to be pessimistic, I really believe times will change eventually.


You will go to another concert. Anxiety put pay to a lot of gigs I was planning to go to. I have also run out of gigs when it has become too much, but I have also got to go to some as well, even though I was terrified beforehand. Don't be too hard on yourself, and just try again next time.


I have backed out of my fair share of concerts. Do not beat yourself up. Not everybody understands what we go through. For me, getting my feet wet really helped. Going to a show with someone who is supportive and will be cool with just trying, no judgement only encouragement even if we don't stay. Going to the venue a few days before the show and surveying it to get familiar with it and looking at pics online etc. While I enjoy them now, I still struggle with mega venues & music fest especially if its stacked parking or a shuttle is involved. There will always be concerts/opportunities. I am proud of you for trying and I believe in you. When the time is right you'll be swaying to one of your favorite songs by an artist you're super into.


Concerts are scary!.. The drive the crowds the parking. Dont be hard on yourself. Next time


Shit dude that’s rough. I’ve missed out on things in past life, more due to depression than anxiety of something bad happening. But that’s nuts. I hope you’re able to get past it at some point. Ang I mostly also hope your friend understands. Make sure you communicate to them. Idk how your relationship is with this person. But maybe they’ll try and help you. You just need someone to do things with you a few times till you can do it all again. It’ll be fine. I promise